1,380 research outputs found

    Following the Book: Towards a Pragmatic Sociology of the Book

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    This article offers an outline of a pragmatic sociology of the book. Whilst ubiquitous, books have received relatively little attention from sociologists. I propose to remedy this situation by drawing upon the ideas of GH Mead, namely his neo-Hegelian theory of the subject–object relationship. Mead’s chief insight is that objects such as books are first social and only then physical entities. They have agency not because of their thing-ness, so to speak, but because of their sociality. After reviewing the existing literature on the book, I discuss Mead’s most relevant contributions. In the proposal for a pragmatic sociology of the book that follows, I combine pragmatism’s focus upon the materiality of meaning-production with genealogy’s concern with power and violence. I conclude with an illustration of the approach: the simultaneous decanonization of Tocqueville’s Democracy in America among sociologists today and its canonization in political science.This article has been written with the support of a British Academy-Leverhulme Small Research Grant (SG132730).This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Sage via http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/003803851558765

    Toxicidade Pulmonar Aguda Precoce Associada à Amiodarona

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    Amiodarone is a potent anti-arrhythmic drug with a well-known potential chronic pulmonary toxicity. We describe a case of acute pulmonary toxicity (APT) induced by amiodarone in a 57 year old patient submitted to a perfusion of 900 mg in just 6 hours, to control an auricular flutter with rapid ventricular response. During the administration, the patient developed hemodynamic instability and oxygen dessaturation that led to an electrical cardioversion with return of sinus rhythm. Still, the patient continued in progressive respiratory deterioration with acute bilateral infiltrates on chest x-ray and apparent normal cardiac filling pressures confirmed by echocardiography. Anon-cardiogenic pulmonar edema progressing to clinico-physiological ARDS criteria was diagnosed. Expeditive therapeutic measures were undertaken, namely by initiation of non-invasive positive airway pressure support, that attained a good result.Albeit rare, amiodarone-induced APT might have severe consequences, namely progression to ALI/ARDS with a high mortality index.As it is a frequently prescribed drug, there should be a high clinical suspicion towards this phenomenon, allowing precocious therapeutic measures to be taken in a timely fashion to prevent the associated unfavorable outcome

    Nitric Oxide Regulates Neurogenesis in the Hippocampus following Seizures

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    Hippocampal neurogenesis is changed by brain injury. When neuroinflammation accompanies injury, activation of resident microglial cells promotes the release of inflammatory cytokines and reactive oxygen/nitrogen species like nitric oxide (NO). In these conditions, NO promotes proliferation of neural stem cells (NSC) in the hippocampus. However, little is known about the role of NO in the survival and differentiation of newborn cells in the injured dentate gyrus. Here we investigated the role of NO following seizures in the regulation of proliferation, migration, differentiation, and survival of NSC in the hippocampus using the kainic acid (KA) induced seizuremouse model. We show that NO increased the proliferation of NSC and the number of neuroblasts following seizures but was detrimental to the survival of newborn neurons. NO was also required for the maintenance of long-term neuroinflammation. Taken together, our data show that NO positively contributes to the initial stages of neurogenesis following seizures but compromises survival of newborn neurons.Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal); COMPETE; FEDER [PTDC/SAU-NEU/102612/2008, PTDC/NEU-OSD/0473/2012, PEst-C/SAU/LA0001/2013-2014, PEst-OE/EQB/LA0023/2013-2014]; FCT, Portugal [SFRH/BPD/78901/2011, SFRH/BD/77903/2011

    Books that Matter. The Case of Tocqueville’s Democracy in America

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    This article addresses a puzzle in the history of academic disciplines: Why is Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America, once considered a sociological classic, nowadays mostly praised as a classic in political philosophy? Existing approaches emphasize either aspects internal to the text or to the figure of the author, or external factors such as historical contexts and disciplinary dynamics. Our explanation questions the assumption that texts are stable and explores the pragmatic interplay between text-artifact-metaphor. The result is a pragmatic genealogy of the successive material incarnations of Democracy since 1945. This allows us to account for the various meanings that have been associated with Democracy (and Tocqueville) at key historical moments in terms of the cultural work of collectives of agents around the text and its material form so as to make it the icon of certain political and disciplinary projects

    Sustitución de comunidades y concentración de nutrientes en plantas tras incendios forestales en una cuenca subárida del S.E. de España

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    Specific plant communities replacement in a subarid basin (Sierra de Almijara, S.E. Spain) is described related with internal concentration of C, N and compartimental P in several post-fire representative and dominant species. Plots were burnt 1, 6, 12 and 30 years before respectively, because fire is a recurrent phenomenon in that mediterranean shrublands. Juniperus oxycedrus is typical of the advanced stages of succession and presents low concentration of P and N, specially in old plants. Genista spartioides minimizes C:N ratio due to its symbiotic activity; and Cistus clusii shows an active cumulative metabolism specially in that concerning the phosphorus retention. In the frame of the general theory of sucession, C . clusii takes advantages of its ability to internalize high concentration of phosphate and Fabaceae of N accumulation. A dilution effect is detected in plants which are characteristic of the vegetation at the end of recolonization.Se describe la sustitución de comunidades tras incendios en una cuenca subárida (Sierra de Almijara, S.E. España), en relación con las concentraciones de carbono, nitrógeno y varios compartimentos de fósforo en tejidos de 5 especies de plantas representativas, en parcelas incendiadas hace 1, 6, 12 y 30 años respectivamente. El fuego se presenta de modo recurrente en estos matorrales mediterráneos. Juniperus oxycedrus, propia de formaciones de monte alto y de etapas avanzadas de la sucesión, presenta bajas concentraciones de P y N, especialmente en plantas viejas. Genista spartioides minimiza el indice C:N debido a su actividad simbiótica; y Cistus clusii muestra un activo metabolismo acumulador especialmente en lo que se refiere a la retención de fósforo. En el marco de la teoria general de la sucesión, C.clusii obtendria ventajas de su habilidad para internalizar altas concentraciones de fosfato y especies de la familia Fabaceae de su capacidad de acumulación de nitrógeno. En plantas caractensticas de las fases finales de la recolonización, se ha detectado un efecto de dilución de 10s nutrientes internos a medida que transcurre el tiempo tras el incendio

    Assessing agriculture pollution in the Beja aquifer using nitrogen isotopes, South Portugal

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    This paper intent to give scientific support for political decisions, considering the sustainable development of rural regions under semiarid conditions exploiting shallow aquifers, and promote appropriate use of nitrogen fertilizers, based on EC Water Framework Directive and EC Groundwater Framework Directive in the context of vulnerable aquifers. Stable nitrogen isotopes (15N/14N ratios) can offer a direct way to identify the pollutant sources in groundwater systems. In the research area two major sources of nitrate were identified, fertilizer and manure, which present different isotopic d15N signatures. The relative contributions of these two sources to groundwater or surface water can be estimated by mass balance. The analysis of nitrate d18O together with d15N improves the ability to trace nitrate sources and cycling. According field practice in the rural area of Beja, major cause of pollution comes from fertilizers. Isotope results are not conclusive about the possibility that major source of nitrate-N in groundwater comes from agriculture as expected. Further work is required regarding seasonality sampling and laboratory techniques with sufficient precision accuracy

    Cateterização venosa central guiada por ultrassom --- abordagem ‘‘Syringe-Free’’

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    Background and objectives Central venous catheterization of the internal jugular vein is a commonly performed invasive procedure associated with a significant morbidity and even mortality. Ultrasound-guided methods have shown to significantly improve the success of the technique and are recommended by various scientific societies, including the American Society of Anesthesiologists. The aim of this report is to describe an innovative ultrasound-guided central line placement of the internal jugular vein. Technique The authors describe an innovative ultrasound-guided central line placement of the internal jugular vein based on an oblique approach – the “Syringe-Free” approach. This technique allows immediate progression of the guide wire in the venous lumen, while maintaining a real-time continuous ultrasound image. Conclusions The described method adds to the traditional oblique technique the possibility of achieving a continuous real-time ultrasound-guided venipuncture and a guide wire insertion that does not need removing the probe from the puncture field, while having a single operator performing the whole procedure

    Using magnetic nanoparticles to probe protein damage in ferritin caused by freeze concentration

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    We demonstrate a method for monitoring the damage caused to a protein during freeze-thawing in the presence of glycerol, a cryo-protectant. For this work we synthesized magnetite nanoparticles doped with 2.5% cobalt inside the protein ferritin (CMF), dissolved them in different concentration glycerol solutions and measured their magnetization after freezing in a high applied field (5 T). As the temperature was raised, a step-like decrease in the sample magnetization was observed, corresponding to the onset of Brownian relaxation as the viscosity of the freeze-concentrated glycerol solution decreased. The position of the step reveals changes to the protein hydrodynamic radius that we attribute to protein unfolding, while its height depends on how much protein is trapped by ice during freeze concentration. Changes to the protein hydrodynamic radius are confirmed by dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurements, but unlike DLS, the magnetic measurements can provide hydrodynamic data while the solution remains mainly frozen

    Co‐existing monophasic teratoma and uterine adenocarcinoma in a female dog

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    Ovarian teratomas are occasionally reported in dogs; the rarest type is the monophasic teratoma,composed of tissues originating from only one germ layer. Canine endometrial adenocarcinomas are also rare in dogs and mainly affect geriatric females. This report describes case of co-existing ovarian teratoma and uterine adenocarcinoma in a 10-year old nulliparous female Boxer presented with lethargy, anorexia and purulent vaginal discharge. Abdominal ultrasonography evidenced pyometra and a mass in the left ovary. This was composed of a uniform whitish tissue with multiple cystic structures. The histology revealed an atrophy of the ovarian parenchyma, compressed by a proliferation of well-differentiated nervous tissue staining positively to vimentin, S100 and neuronal specific enolase (NSE), and negatively to keratin and inhibin. The left uterine horn, whose diameter was markedly increased, showed foci of endometrial cellular atypia, evident nucleoli and mitoses, at light microscopy. To our best knowledge, this is the first report of a coexisting ovarian monophasic teratoma and endometrial adenocarcinoma, two rare reproductive neoplasia in dogs