103 research outputs found

    Protein–alkaloid interaction in larval diet affects fitness in cactophilic Drosophila (Diptera: Drosophilidae)

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    Drosophila koepferae and Drosophila buzzatii are closely related cactophilic species with overlapping distributions in Andean regions. Both species exploit necrotic tissues, and whereas the former breeds and feeds mostly in columnar cacti of Trichocereus and Cereus genera rich in secondary metabolites, the latter primarily exploits a less toxic host of the genus Opuntia. Although secondary metabolites have been related to the pattern of host exploitation, the microbial community associated with necrosis of cacti could also play a key role in the nutrition and/or alkaloid tolerance of the flies. We investigated the interaction between natural alkaloids and a yeast-protein supplement on both fly species raised in each type of cactus separately. We found that alkaloids reduced viability in both species, whereas a diet poor in protein reduced it only in D. buzzatii, especially when raised in Trichocereus. Concerning fitness traits that are related to adulthood, the addition of yeasts had positive effects, whereas the absence of yeasts resulted in strong detrimental effects. We present evidence of antagonistic effects on fitness and an interaction between alkaloids and proteins when these components are present in the diets of the flies.Fil: Vrdoljak, Juan Esteban. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Padro, Julian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: de Panis, Diego Nicolás. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Soto, Ignacio Maria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Carreira, Valeria Paula. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    O desenvolvimento do professor: uma proposta de formação continuada centrada nas tecnologias e ancorada na prática

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    O presente trabalho é embasado em estudos sobre formação continuada de professores para a utilização das tecnologias. A investigação desenvolveu-se com uma professora integrante de um curso de formação continuada para a utilização de tablets nas aulas de Matemática. A proposta do curso, de uma formação ancorada na prática, incluiu não apenas as sessões presenciais, mas também um período considerável de integração do conhecimento teórico à prática de sala de aula da professora. Essa ação apoiou-se no mentoring, apresentado por Amado (2007) como uma relação interpessoal, baseada na confiança e no apoio, que se desenvolveu por meio do acompanhamento da formadora/pesquisadora, tanto nas sessões do curso, quanto no planejamento e nas aulas em que a professora utilizou as tecnologias com os seus alunos. A sequência didática da formação embasou-se no modelo TPACK (Conhecimento Tecnológico e Pedagógico do Conteúdo), apresentado por Koehler e Mishra (2006; 2007; 2009) que consideram fundamental aos professores o desenvolvimento desse conhecimento para que possam integrar de modo eficiente as tecnologias nas suas aulas. Consistiu em uma tentativa de formação mais abrangente, que fosse além da instrução técnica e envolvesse o desenvolvimento individual, profissional e institucional da carreira docente. A pesquisa teve como objetivo verificar a trajetória de desenvolvimento da professora na utilização das tecnologias e se desenvolveu por meio de uma abordagem qualitativa caracterizada como um estudo de caso. Os resultados identificaram que entre a pesquisadora e a pesquisada se desenvolveu uma relação de mentoring. Também apontaram que a proposta contribuiu no desenvolvimento profissional da professora

    Beyond access to medication: the role of SUS and the characteristics of HIV care in Brazil

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    OBJETIVO: Estimar a composição público-privada da assistência em HIV no Brasil e o perfil organizacional da extensa rede de serviços públicos. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados dados da Coorte Qualiaids-BR, que reúne dados dos sistemas nacionais de informações clínicas e laboratoriais de pessoas com 15 anos ou mais com primeira dispensação de terapia antirretroviral, entre 2015–2018, e informações dos serviços do SUS de acompanhamento clínico-laboratorial do HIV, produzidas pelo inquérito Qualiaids. O sistema de acompanhamento foi definido pelo número de exames de carga viral solicitados por algum serviço do SUS: acompanhamento no sistema privado – nenhum registro; acompanhamento no SUS – dois ou mais registros; acompanhamento indefinido – um registro. Os serviços do SUS foram caracterizados como ambulatórios, atenção básica e sistema prisional, segundo autoclassificação dos respondentes ao inquérito Qualiaids (72,9%); para os não respondentes (27,1%) a classificação baseou-se nos termos presentes nos nomes dos serviços. RESULTADOS: No período, 238.599 pessoas com 15 anos ou mais iniciaram a terapia antirretroviral no Brasil, das quais, 69% receberam acompanhamento no SUS, 21,7% no sistema privado e 9,3% tiveram o sistema indefinido. Entre os acompanhados no SUS, 93,4% foram atendidos em serviços do tipo ambulatório, 5% em serviços de atenção básica e 1% no sistema prisional. CONCLUSÃO: No Brasil o tratamento antirretroviral é fornecido exclusivamente pelo SUS, que também é responsável pelo acompanhamento clínico-laboratorial da terapia da maior parte das pessoas em serviços ambulatoriais. O estudo só foi possível porque o SUS mantêm registros e informações públicas acerca do acompanhamento em HIV. Não há nenhum dado disponível para o sistema privado.OBJECTIVE: To estimate the public-private composition of HIV care in Brazil and the organizational profile of the extensive network of public healthcare facilities. METHODS: Data from the Qualiaids-BR Cohort were used, which gathers data from national systems of clinical and laboratory information on people aged 15 years or older with the first dispensation of antiretroviral therapy between 2015–2018, and information from SUS healthcare facilities for clinical-laboratory follow-up of HIV, produced by the Qualiaids survey. The follow-up system was defined by the number of viral load tests requested by any SUS healthcare facility: follow-up in the private system – no record; follow-up at SUS – two or more records; undefined follow-up – one record. SUS healthcare facilities were characterized as outpatient clinics, primary care and prison system, according to the respondents’ self-classification in the Qualiaids survey (72.9%); for non-respondents (27.1%) the classification was based on the terms present in the names of the healthcare facilities. RESULTS: During the period, 238,599 people aged 15 years or older started antiretroviral therapy in Brazil, of which 69% were followed-up at SUS, 21.7% in the private system and 9.3% had an undefined system. Among those followed-up at SUS, 93.4% received care in outpatient clinics, 5% in primary care facilities and 1% in the prison system. CONCLUSION: In Brazil, antiretroviral treatment is provided exclusively by SUS, which is also responsible for clinical and laboratory follow-up for most people in outpatient clinics. The study was only possible because SUS maintains records and public information about HIV care. There is no data available for the private system

    Impact of gastroplasty on salivary characteristics, dental health status and oral sensory aspects: A controlled clinical study

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    Background: Saliva is a non-invasive source of biomarkers useful in the study of different pathophysiological conditions. The qualitative and quantitative study of saliva, as well as the assessment of oral health, can be particularly useful for a better understanding of obesity due to its importance in the food oral perception and ingestion. Objectives: To evaluate the effect of treatment of morbid obesity (dietary counselling versus gastroplasty) on salivary characteristics, oral sensory perception and dental health in a controlled study. Methods: Seventy-three adults (60 females; 19–59 years) with morbid obesity were divided in: Control group (CG; n = 34) followed-up during a 6-months dietary programme, and Gastroplasty group (GG; n = 39) evaluated immediately before, 3 and 6 months after gastroplasty. Dietary habits, Oral Health Impact Profile and xerostomia complaints were investigated by interview. The clinical examination included anthropometric and caries experience evaluation. Salivary flow rate, buffering capacity, total protein and alpha-amylase levels, and sensitivity for the four basic tastes were assessed. Two-way mixed model and sign test were applied. Results: Physical and clinical aspects did not differ between groups in the beginning of the study, and GG showed a rapid weight loss after surgery (p <.001). An improvement in most of the dietary aspects was observed, especially in the GG. A worsening in the dental health status was observed over time in both groups, with an increase in the number of filled and decayed teeth. CG showed a better oral health-related quality of life, while xerostomia complains increased in GG after gastroplasty. Salivary flow rate remained stable in both groups, but a decrease in buffering capacity, total protein and alpha-amylase activity was observed in GG after 6-months; taste sensitivity increased from baseline to 6-months in GG

    Avaliação da aprendizagem escolar na perspectiva dos alunos

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    O presente estudo buscou aprofundar os conhecimentos sobre avaliação da aprendizagem e conhecer as percepções dos alunos sobre este processo. Procurou-se identificar e analisar as possíveis relações entre as práticas de avaliação e os seus efeitos na vida escolar dos alunos, e também refletir sobre os diversos instrumentos avaliativos que possibilitam efetividade nos processos de ensino e de aprendizagem. Como instrumento de coleta de dados foi utilizado um questionário impresso com a pergunta: “Quando ouve falar de avaliação, qual a primeira ideia que te vem á cabeça?”. Foram abordados alunos de três turmas da mesma série de diferentes Cursos Técnicos Integrados ao Ensino Médio, nas aulas de Matemática. As respostas dos alunos demonstraram uma variedade de sentimentos/posturas e possibilitou a análise dos dados por meio da criação de seis categorias: Sentimentos; Preocupação com a recuperação; Dificuldade em calcular; Cobrança dos pais; Esquecimento e distração; Avaliação da aprendizagem

    Evolution of flavors in extra virgin olive oil shelf-life

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    Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is one of the most distinctive ingredients of the Mediterranean diet. There are many properties related to this golden ingredient, from supreme organoleptic characteristics to benefits for human health. EVOO contains in its composition molecules capable of exerting bioactivities such as cardio protection, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, and anticancer activity, among others, mainly caused by unsaturated fatty acids and certain minor compounds such as tocopherols or phenolic compounds. EVOO is considered the highest quality vegetable oil, which also implies a high sensory quality. The organoleptic properties related to the flavor of this valued product are also due to the presence of a series of compounds in its composition, mainly some carbonyl compounds found in the volatile fraction, although some minor compounds such as phenolic compounds also contribute. However, these properties are greatly affected by the incidence of certain factors, both intrinsic, such as the olive variety, and extrinsic, such as the growing conditions, so that each EVOO has a particular flavor. Furthermore, these flavors are susceptible to change under the influence of other factors throughout the oil's shelf-life, such as oxidation or temperature. This work offers a description of some of the most remarkable compounds responsible for EVOO’s unique flavor and aroma, the factors affecting them, the mechanism that lead to the degradation of EVOO, and how flavors can be altered during the shelf-life of the oil, as well as several strategies suggested for the preservation of this flavor, on which the quality of the product also depends.The research leading to these results was funded by Xunta de Galicia supporting the Axudas Conecta Peme, the IN852A 2018/58 NeuroFood Project and the program EXCELENCIAED431F 2020/12; to Ibero-American Program on Science and Technology (CYTED—AQUA-CIBUS, P317RT0003) and to the Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 888003 UP4HEALTH Project (H2020-BBI-JTI-2019). The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program and the Bio Based Industries Consortium. The project SYSTEMIC Knowledge hub on Nutrition and Food Security, has received funding from national research funding parties in Belgium (FWO), France (INRA), Germany (BLE), Italy (MIPAAF), Latvia (IZM), Norway (RCN), Portugal (FCT), and Spain (AEI) in a joint action of JPI HDHL, JPI-OCEANS and FACCE-JPI launched in 2019 under the ERA-NET ERA-HDHL (nº 696295).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Beyond access to medication: the role of SUS and the characteristics of HIV care in Brazil

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    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate the public-private composition of HIV care in Brazil and the organizational profile of the extensive network of public healthcare facilities. METHODS Data from the Qualiaids-BR Cohort were used, which gathers data from national systems of clinical and laboratory information on people aged 15 years or older with the first dispensation of antiretroviral therapy between 2015–2018, and information from SUS healthcare facilities for clinical-laboratory follow-up of HIV, produced by the Qualiaids survey. The follow-up system was defined by the number of viral load tests requested by any SUS healthcare facility: follow-up in the private system – no record; follow-up at SUS – two or more records; undefined follow-up – one record. SUS healthcare facilities were characterized as outpatient clinics, primary care and prison system, according to the respondents’ self-classification in the Qualiaids survey (72.9%); for non-respondents (27.1%) the classification was based on the terms present in the names of the healthcare facilities. RESULTS During the period, 238,599 people aged 15 years or older started antiretroviral therapy in Brazil, of which 69% were followed-up at SUS, 21.7% in the private system and 9.3% had an undefined system. Among those followed-up at SUS, 93.4% received care in outpatient clinics, 5% in primary care facilities and 1% in the prison system. CONCLUSION In Brazil, antiretroviral treatment is provided exclusively by SUS, which is also responsible for clinical and laboratory follow-up for most people in outpatient clinics. The study was only possible because SUS maintains records and public information about HIV care. There is no data available for the private system

    Carotenoids as Natural Colorful Additives for the Food Industry

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    The application of natural colorants is increasing in the food industry because they are considered safer and healthier than some synthetic pigments. Natural colorants can improve the organoleptic properties of foodstuffs, provide additional benefits such as enhance their nutritional value and/or extend shelf-life. Plants, fungi, bacteria or algae naturally produce different natural colorants, including carotenoids. These compounds are classified into two main groups: pure hydrocarbon carotenes (α- and β-carotenes, lycopene) and oxygenated derivatives of xanthophylls (lutein, zeaxanthin, astaxanthin, fucoxanthin, cryptoxanthin, etc.). Carotenoids have been related with beneficial properties like antioxidant, antidiabetic, antitumor or antimicrobial, so they are a natural and healthy alternative to the use of synthetic colorants. Thus, it is critical to optimize their extraction, by utilizing novel and green techniques, and their stability through encapsulation processes. This chapter aims to review natural sources of carotenoids, strategies to efficiently extract and produce them and their potential application as food colorants

    HERA - Environmental Risk Assessment of a contaminated estuarine environment: a case study

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    Sado River estuary is located in the west coast of Portugal. Previous environmental studies identified industrial contamination, non-point anthropogenic sources and contamination coming from the river, all promoting accumulation of polluted sediments with known impacts on the ecological system. Surrounding human populations have intense economic fishery activities. Together with agriculture, estuary fishing products are available to local residents. Food usage previously characterized through ethnographic studies suggests exposure to estuarine products, farming products, and water in daily activities, as potential routes of contamination. It is well established that long term exposure to heavy metals are associated with renal and neurological diseases, most heavy metals are classified as carcinogenic and teratogenic.Instituição Financiadora: FCT; Instituições participantes: IMAR -Instituto do Mar (coord.)e PRÓ-INSA, Associação para a Promoção da Investigação em Saúde, Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorg

    Differences in children and adolescents with SARS-CoV-2 infection: a cohort study in a Brazilian tertiary referral hospital

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    OBJECTIVES: To compare demographic/clinical/laboratory/treatments and outcomes among children and adolescents with laboratory-confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study that included patients diagnosed with pediatric COVID-19 (aged &lt;18 years) between April 11, 2020 and April 22, 2021. During this period, 102/5,951 (1.7%) of all admissions occurred in neonates, children, and adolescents. Furthermore, 3,962 severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) detection samples were processed in patients aged &lt;18 years, and laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 occurred in 155 (4%) inpatients and outpatients. Six/155 pediatric patients were excluded from the study. Therefore, the final group included 149 children and adolescents (n=97 inpatients and 52 outpatients) with positive SARS-CoV-2 results. RESULTS: The frequencies of sore throat, anosmia, dysgeusia, headache, myalgia, nausea, lymphopenia, pre-existing chronic conditions, immunosuppressive conditions, and autoimmune diseases were significantly reduced in children and adolescents (p&lt;0.05). Likewise, the frequencies of enoxaparin use (p=0.037), current immunosuppressant use (p=0.008), vasoactive agents (p=0.045), arterial hypotension (p&lt;0.001), and shock (p=0.024) were significantly lower in children than in adolescents. Logistic regression analysis showed that adolescents with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 had increased odds ratios (ORs) for sore throat (OR 13.054; 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.750-61.977;&nbsp;p=0.001), nausea (OR 8.875; 95% CI 1.660-47.446;&nbsp;p=0.011), and lymphopenia (OR 3.575; 95% CI 1.355-9.430;&nbsp;p=0.010), but also had less hospitalizations (OR 0.355; 95% CI 0.138-0.916;&nbsp;p=0.032). The additional logistic regression analysis on patients with preexisting chronic conditions (n=108) showed that death as an outcome was significantly associated with pediatric severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) (OR 22.300; 95% CI 2.341-212.421;&nbsp;p=0.007) and multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) (OR 11.261; 95% CI 1.189-106. 581;&nbsp;p=0.035). CONCLUSIONS: Half of the laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases occurred in adolescents. Individuals belonging to this age group had an acute systemic involvement of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Pediatric SARS and MIS-C were the most important factors associated with the mortality rate in pediatric chronic conditions with COVID-19