34 research outputs found

    Closed flow solar dehydration with the use of silver nanoparticles: Application for the production of Pouteria lucuma flour

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    In this research, a closed-flow solar dehydrator with a refrigeration moisture extraction system was evaluated, likewise, the dehydration temperature time was optimized by evaluating three types of heat transfer fluids. The dehydration equipment included devices to absorb thermal energy from incident sunlight, such as a trombe wall and a parabolic cylindrical collector, and a thermo bank system. In addition, the influence of three types of heat transfer fluids (water, oil and oil nanofluidþsilver nanoparticles) was evaluated. This dehydration system was applied to process the Pouteria lucuma fruit. The results indicate the reduction of the dehydration time by 58.19% using nanofluid. This treatment prevents the modification of the physicochemical properties of the product and helps preserving its organoleptic propertiesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Lettuce Production under Mini-PV Modules Arranged in Patterned Designs

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    The growing need for clean energy and food production are favoring the use of underused spaces, such as rooftops. This study aims to demonstrate the compatibility of the use of rooftops both for the production of photovoltaic energy and for the production of food, despite the fact that both compete for the same resource, sunlight (rooftop agrivoltaic). In the experiment reported in this study, which was carried out in Almería (Spain) during the spring and summer of 2021, three shade treatments were tested for a lettuce crop, produced by photovoltaic modules with different arrangements: concentrated shade (CS), scattered shade (SS) and full sun (FS). This experiment was repeated in two seasons with high radiation levels and temperature. The results show that in these environmental conditions, the cultivation of plants that demand little sunlight, such as lettuce, is compatible with the shading produced by photovoltaic panels. In addition, it is shown that the same percentage of the area covered with shade (22%), but using mini-PV modules arranged in patterns, improves the productivity (fresh weight, dry matter, number of leaves, maximum length and dry matter of roots) of lettuce cultivation, both in spring and summer

    A922 Sequential measurement of 1 hour creatinine clearance (1-CRCL) in critically ill patients at risk of acute kidney injury (AKI)

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    Índices de calidad ergonómica-psicosociológica en invernaderos de Almería (España)

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    This study investigates the use of the Labour Economics and Sociology Laboratory of France (LEST) method to analyse work posts among greenhouse workers in the Almería region of South-Eastern Spain. The aim is to improve the health of the labourers. Data were gathered from 110 greenhouses, 73 of the Almería parral plano type and 37 raspa and amagado. Crops studied were 63 greenhouses of tomatoes, 31 of watermelons, and 16 of courgette, examining the physical environment, physical load, psycho-social aspects, and time worked by the labourers. The main conclusion was that this type of crop protective structure, typical in South-Eastern Spain, does not guarantee a comfortable working environment, as defined by the norm UNE-EN 13031-1 reference. The results also associate the different types of greenhouses and their crops with the ergonomic and psycho-sociological conditions of the workers. Improvements are proposed.Este estudio investigó el uso del método de LEST (Labour Economics and Sociology Laboratory of France) para evaluar los puestos de trabajo en invernaderos de la provincia de Almería (España). Todo ello, con el fin de mejorar la salud de los trabajadores. Los datos se han obtenido de 110 invernaderos, 73 del tipo Almería "parral plano" y 37 "raspa y amagado"; según el tipo de cultivo, 63 de tomate, 31 de sandía y 16 de calabacín, afectándose negativamente al entorno físico, carga física, aspectos psicosociales y tiempo de trabajo de los trabajadores. Como conclusión principal, este tipo de estructuras de protección de cultivos típicas del sudeste español no garantizan el trabajo de las personas de forma cómoda en su interior, no estando dentro de la definición de la norma UNE-EN 13031-1 de referencia, además los resultados asocian directamente los diferentes tipos de invernaderos y sus cultivos con las condiciones ergonómico-psicosociales de los trabajadores, proponiéndose mejoras para ellos

    Effect of active solar heating system on microclimate, development, yield and fruit quality in greenhouse tomato production

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    Heating greenhouses is essential to provide favorable climatic conditions for growing plants under cold periods. In this article, we have studied the performance of an Active Solar Heating System (ASHS) consisting of two solar water heaters equipped with flat solar collectors, two storage tanks and exchanger pipes. During the day, the water is heated in the thermosyphon solar collectors and stored in tanks before being placed into circulation in the exchanger pipes to distribute the heat to the aerial and root zones of plants. To assess the performance of the Active Solar Heating System, climatic and agronomic parameters were monitored in two identical canarian greenhouses, one equipped with ASHS heater and the second without. Experimental results show that the ASHS system improve the nocturnal climatic conditions under greenhouse. The thermal comfort created by the ASHS system in root zone, increases the absorption of nutrients, which improve the external quality (color, size, weight and firmness) and the internal quality (sugar content, acidity and taste) of tomato fruits. This improvement is also reflected by increasing total tomato yield by 55% in winter period. The results of economic analysis indicate that the ASHS system is a cost effective in terms of investment and energy saving

    Efecto del sombreo mediante pantallas aluminizadas sobre la producción y calidad de fruto en tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.) bajo invernadero

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    The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of using aluminised screens offering different degrees of shading on the production and quality of tomato cv Atlético crops grown under greenhouse conditions. The study was performed in an Almería-type "raspa and amagado" commercial greenhouse with an area of 10,000 square m. The covering material was heat-insulating polyethylene (200 microm thick). The passive ventilation area of the greenhouse was 14%. Transplantation of the plantlets into the sandy mulch soil of the greenhouse was performed to leave a density of 1.78 plants/square m. Plants were grown under extendable aluminised screens offering 40% (T40), 50% (T50) and 60% (T60) shading, as well as under traditional whitewashing conditions (control). The screens were used during the middle hours of the day in summer with a view to reducing radiation, and at night in autumn and winter to prevent the loss of heat via outgoing long-wave infrared radiation. Only the T60 treatment returned significantly different results compared to the control: the T60 fruit had a lower deg Brix but were firmer in both growing seasons.El propósito del presente trabajo fue evaluar la posible ventaja del uso de las pantallas aluminizadas con diferentes proporciones de sombreo, sobre los principales atributos de producción y calidad en cultivo de tomate cv Atlético bajo invernadero. El estudio se realizó en un invernadero comercial tipo Almería de "raspa y amagado" de 10.000 m cuadrados. El material de la cubierta fue polietileno termoaislante de 200 microm de grosor y con un 14% de ventilación pasiva. El transplante se realizó en suelo arenado a una densidad de 1,78 plantas/m cuadrado. El estudio comparó el uso de pantallas aluminizadas extensibles del 40% (T40), 50% (T50) y 60% (T60) de sombreo frente al testigo (encalado tradicional). Se utilizaron en los meses de verano durante las horas centrales del día con el objetivo de reducir la radiación y, en otoño e invierno, durante la noche para evitar la pérdida de temperatura por radiación infrarroja de onda larga. Tan sólo con T60 se obtuvieron diferencias significativas respecto del testigo, en ambas campañas, en cuanto a menor grados Brix y mayor firmeza del fruto. Un mayor sombreo produjo mayor firmeza y menor cantidad de sólidos solubles (grados Brix) en frutos

    Toward sustainable nanomaterials: An innovative ecological approach for biogenic synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles with potential photocatalytic activity

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    Biogenic synthesis of nanomaterials represents a promising alternative to traditional chemical synthesis due to its environmentally friendly nature, cost-effectiveness, low toxicity, and high biocompatibility. The primary objective of this study was to develop a novel biogenic synthesis method for titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles using an aqueous extract of Annona muricata L. as a stabilizing and organic reducing agent. Furthermore, our aim included a comprehensive exploration of the structural, morphological, and optical properties of these nanostructures. The methodology employed in this project was grounded in the biogenic synthesis of TiO2, utilizing the aforementioned extract as a key component. We conducted a comprehensive characterization approach to unravel the formation mechanism and validate the morphology and crystalline structure of the nanomaterial. We successfully synthesized nanoparticles with spherical morphology and an average diameter of 13.41 nm, characterized by their remarkable uniformity and high-quality crystalline structure. Additionally, we assessed the applicability of these nanoparticles in photocatalysis processes aimed at the degradation of organic dyes. Our findings indicated efficient initial activity in the kinetics of methylene blue dye degradation, with a reduction of 59.25 % within the first 30 min of exposure

    Closed flow solar dehydration with the use of silver nanoparticles: Application for the production of Pouteria lucuma flour

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    In this research, a closed-flow solar dehydrator with a refrigeration moisture extraction system was evaluated, likewise, the dehydration temperature time was optimized by evaluating three types of heat transfer fluids. The dehydration equipment included devices to absorb thermal energy from incident sunlight, such as a trombe wall and a parabolic cylindrical collector, and a thermo bank system. In addition, the influence of three types of heat transfer fluids (water, oil and oil nanofluidþ silver nanoparticles) was evaluated. This dehydration system was applied to process the Pouteria lucuma fruit. The results indicate the reduction of the dehydration time by 58.19% using nanofluid. This treatment prevents the modification of the physicochemical properties of the product and helps preserving its organoleptic properties