87 research outputs found

    Site-selective oxidative dearomatization of phenols and naphthols into ortho-quinols or epoxy ortho-quinols using oxone as the source of dimethyldioxirane

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    "This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis 361.19 (2019): 4468-4473, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/adsc.201900660. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions"A novel reactivity of dimethyldioxirane, generated in situ from Oxone and acetone, with substituted phenols and naphthols is reported. This methodology allowed the synthesis of ortho-quinols or epoxy ortho-quinols from a site-selective oxidative dearomatization process, with good yields under very mild conditions. A short total synthesis of natural product lacinilene C methyl ether is also described using this process as the key stepThe authors thank Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Grant CTQ2017-83309-P) for financial suppor

    Caracterización de cepas nativas de Azospirillum spp. y su efecto en el desarrollo de Oryza sativa L. “arroz” en Lambayeque

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    This research was conducted to characterize and determine the effect of native strains of Azospirillum spp. on growth of Oryza sativa L. "rice" as an alternative for the reduction of chemical fertilizers. The bacteria were isolated from roots of rice in Lambayeque. Fragments of previously disinfected roots were planted in Nfb semisolid medium, were nitrogen-fixing bacteria were recognized by a whitish film on the surface and turn from green to blue. The genus Azospirillum was identified in Congo red agar medium, obtained 96 isolates with production of 2.69 to 38.02 ppm indoleacetic acid and 7.95 to 29.09 ppm of fixed nitrogen. The four strains with the highest values were inoculated independently and in combination with 50 and 100 % urea in Tinajones INIA508 rice. It used a completely randomized design and including witnesses’ 50 and 100 % urea and absolute control. All native strains increased height and dry matter of shoot and roots, with effectiveness index of up to 21.77, 102.06 and 126.11 % compared to untreated control. Azospirillum sp. GM-86 selected by the highest value of indoleacetic acid, reached the highest level of effectiveness in height and root dry biomass. The application of 50 % úrea with Azospirillum spp. increased rates of effectiveness. It demonstrated the potential of native strains of Azospirillum spp. to increase the growth of rice as well as the possibility to use associate with low doses of urea.La presente investigación se realizó para caracterizar y determinar el efecto de cepas nativas de Azospirillum spp. en el desarrollo de Oryza sativa L “arroz”, como una alternativa para la disminución de fertilizantes químicos. Las bacterias se aislaron de raíces de arroz en Lambayeque. Fragmentos de raíces previamente desinfectadas se sembraron en medio Nfb semisólido, donde las bacterias fijadoras de nitrógeno se reconocieron por una película blanquecina bajo la superficie y el viraje del verde al azul. El género Azospirillum se identificó en medio agar rojo de Congo, obteniéndose 96 cepas con una producción de 2.69 a 38.02 ppm de ácido indolacético y 7.95 a 29.09 ppm de nitrógeno fijado. Las cuatro cepas con los mayores valores se inocularon independientemente así como en combinación con 50 y 100 % de úrea, en arroz INIA508-Tinajones. Se utilizó un diseño experimental completamente aleatorio, incluyendo testigos 50 y 100 % de úrea y testigo absoluto, Todas las cepas nativas incrementaron la altura y materia seca de la parte aérea y raíces, con índices de efectividad de hasta 21.77, 102.06 y 126.11% en relación al testigo absoluto. Azospirillum sp. GM-86 seleccionado por el mayor valor de ácido indolacético, alcanzó el mayor índice de efectividad en altura y biomasa seca de raíz. La aplicación de 50 % de úrea con Azospirillum spp. incrementó los índices de efectividad. Se demostró el potencial de cepas nativas de Azospirillum spp. para incrementar el desarrollo de arroz, así como la posibilidad de utilizarlas asociadas con dosis mínimas de úrea

    Conciliación trabajo-familia, percepción de equidad, satisfacción y bienestar en trabajadores de una empresa del Maule

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    63 p.La presente investigación aborda el ámbito familiar como laboral y tiene por objetivo indagar si existe relación significativa en la Percepción de Equidad de Género, Equilibrio Trabajo-Familia, Bienestar Subjetivo y Satisfacción Laboral en una muestra de 67 trabajadores de una empresa de terciados de la madera de la Región del Maule. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: Cuestionario Interacción Trabajo-Familia SWING (Moreno, Sanz, Rodríguez y Geurts, 2009), el Cuestionario Percepción de Equidad de Género (Gómez y Jiménez, 2015), la Escala de Satisfacción Laboral S10/12 (Meliá y Peiró, 1989), la Escala de Felicidad Subjetiva de Lyubomirsky & Lepper (1999) versión chilena validada por Vera, Celis y Córdova (2011) y la Escala de Satisfacción Vital (Moyano y Ramos, 2007). Los resultados evidenciaron que no existen relaciones estadísticamente significativas entre Satisfacción Laboral y Bienestar Subjetivo, compuesto por Satisfacción Vital (r=,227; p>0,05) y Felicidad Subjetiva (r=,141; p>0,05). También se observó que no existe una relación estadísticamente significativa entre Equilibrio Trabajo-Familia y Bienestar Subjetivo, compuesto por Satisfacción Vital (r=,121; p>0,05) y Felicidad Subjetiva (r=,029; p>0,05). Además, se identificó diferencias significativas en la variable Percepción de Equidad de Género entre hombres y mujeres. Donde el sexo masculino presenta una mayor percepción de equidad. Se concluye que como este sector se ha convertido en un importante factor de crecimiento económico nacional, se hace relevante la incorporación de nuevas investigaciones que permitan fomentar la aplicación de políticas en pro del Equilibrio Trabajo-Familia. Palabras claves: Equilibrio Trabajo-Familia, Percepción de Equidad, Satisfacción y Bienesta

    Asymmetric Synthesis and Chiroptical Properties of Enantiopure Helical Ferrocenes

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    An enantiopure helical ferrocene (Rp)-5 with five ortho-condensed aromatic rings was synthesized using a PtCl2catalyzed cycloisomerization of planar-chiral 2-ethynyl-1-(4-phenanthrenyl)ferrocene (Rp)-6f, prepared in 3 steps from known enantiopure sulfinyl ferrocenyl boronic acid (SS,Sp)-7, as the source of planar chirality. This pentacyclic helical ferrocene showed a very high optical rotation value and strong CD signalsWe thank Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Grant CTQ2017‐83309‐P) for financial suppor

    Acciones con mayor y menor rentabilidad en colombia basados en el igbc1 entre los años 2009 y 2011

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    Este artículo muestra cuales han sido las acciones con mayor y menor rentabilidad en Colombia desde el año 2009 hasta el 2011 basado en el Índice General de la Bolsa de Valores de Colombia (IGBC), del cual se puede decir: Es el instrumento más representativo, ágil y oportuno para evaluar la evolución y tendencia del mercado accionario. Cualquier variación de su nivel es el fiel sinónimo del comportamiento del segmento de acciones del mercado, explicando con su aumento las tendencias alcistas en los precios de las acciones y, en forma contraria, con su reducción, la tendencia hacia la baja de las mismas. (Bolsa de Valores de Colombia, s.f.3). También se incluyen recomendaciones a tener en cuenta para elaborar un portafolio óptimo de inversión en renta variable, específicamente en acciones, considerando aspectos como la volatilidad del mercado y desempeño de las empresas en las cuales se desea invertir

    Selective Oxidative Dearomatization of Angular Tetracyclic Phenols by Controlled Irradiation under Air: Synthesis of an Angucyclinone-Type Double Peroxide with Anticancer Properties

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    Angular tetracyclic p-peroxyquinols, p-quinols and a pentacyclic double peroxide, showing anticancer properties, were Selective oxidative dearomatization of angular tetracyclic phenols by controlled irradiation under air: synthesis of an angucyclinone‐type double peroxide with anticancer properties María J. Cabrera-Afonso,a Silvia R. Lucena,b Ángeles Juarranz,b Antonio Urbano,*a,c M. Carmen Carreño*a,c aDepartamento de Química Orgánica, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), Cantoblanco, 28049-Madrid, Spain. bDepartamento de Biología, UAM, Cantoblanco, 28049-Madrid, Spain. cInstitute for Advanced Research in Chemical Sciences (IAdChem), UAM, Cantoblanco, 28049-Madrid, Spain. Supporting Information Placeholder synthesized from the corresponding phenols by an environmentally friendly solvent- and wavelength-controlled irradiation under air in the absence of an external photosensitizerWe thank MINECO (Grants CTQ2017-83309-P, CTQ2014-53894R and FIS PI15/00974) for financial suppor

    Influence of Craniosacral Therapy on Anxiety, Depression and Quality of Life in Patients with Fibromyalgia

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    Fibromyalgia is considered as a combination of physical, psychological and social disabilities. The causes of pathologic mechanism underlying fibromyalgia are unknown, but fibromyalgia may lead to reduced quality of life. The objective of this study was to analyze the repercussions of craniosacral therapy on depression, anxiety and quality of life in fibromyalgia patients with painful symptoms. An experimental, double-blind longitudinal clinical trial design was undertaken. Eighty-four patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia were randomly assigned to an intervention group (craniosacral therapy) or placebo group (simulated treatment with disconnected ultrasound). The treatment period was 25 weeks. Anxiety, pain, sleep quality, depression and quality of life were determined at baseline and at 10 minutes, 6 months and 1-year post-treatment. State anxiety and trait anxiety, pain, quality of life and Pittsburgh sleep quality index were significantly higher in the intervention versus placebo group after the treatment period and at the 6-month follow-up. However, at the 1-year follow-up, the groups only differed in the Pittsburgh sleep quality index. Approaching fibromyalgia by means of craniosacral therapy contributes to improving anxiety and quality of life levels in these patients

    Genotype–phenotype correlation in patients with Usher syndrome and pathogenic variants in MYO7A: implications for future clinical trials

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    Purpose: We aimed to establish correlations between the clinical features of a cohort of Usher syndrome (USH) patients with pathogenic variants in MYO7A, type of pathogenic variant, and location on the protein domain. Methods: Sixty-two USH patients from 46 families with biallelic variants in MYO7A were examined for visual and audiological features. Participants were evaluated based on self-reported ophthalmological history and ophthalmological investigations (computerized visual field testing, best-corrected visual acuity, and ophthalmoscopic and electrophysiological examination). Optical coherence tomography and fundus autofluorescence imaging were performed when possible. Auditory and vestibular functions were evaluated. Patients were classified according to the type of variant and the protein domain where the variants were located. Results: Most patients displayed a typical USH1 phenotype, that is, prelingual severe-profound sensorineural hearing loss, prepubertal retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and vestibular dysfunction. No statistically significant differences were observed for the variables analysed except for the onset of hearing loss due to the existence of two USH2 cases, defined as postlingual sensorineural hearing loss, postpubertal onset of RP, and absence of vestibular dysfunction, and one atypical case of USH. Conclusion: We were unable to find a correlation between genotype and phenotype for MYO7A. However, our findings could prove useful for the assessment of efficacy in clinical trials, since the type of MYO7A variant does not seem to change the onset, severity or course of visual disease.This project was financially supported by the Center for Biomedical Network Research on Rare Diseases (CIBERER), FIS (PI16/00425, PI16/00539 and IIS‐FJD Biobank PT13/0010/0012). LG‐M and IPR were supported by the Río Hortega and predoctoral Programs (CM16/00126 and FI17/00192, respectively) from Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII, Spanish Ministry of the Economy, Industry and Competitiveness), Regional Government of Madrid (CAM, B2017/BMD37), and Regional Government of the Valencian Community (PROMETEU/2018/135), with partial support from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Additional support was received from the Ramon Areces Foundation, the University Chair UAM‐IIS‐FJD of Genomic Medicine, ONCE Foundation and the Spanish National Organization of the Blind (ONCE). Drafting of this manuscript was possible thanks to the UshTher project (Clinical trial of gene therapy with dual AAV vectors for retinitis pigmentosa in patients with Usher syndrome type IB), which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 754848. The authors are grateful to the families that participated in this study and to the colleagues who referred patients to us. We also thank the Genetics and Ophthalmology Departments of Fundación Jimenez Diaz University Hospital (FJD, Madrid) and Asunción Giménez, Cristina Villaverde, and Ignacio Mahillo for their technical assistance

    Assessment of the Risk of Antipsychotics in Patients with Dementia in Actual Clinical Practice in Primary Health Care

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    Behavioral and psychological symptoms are almost universal in elderly patients with dementia. Antipsychotic drugs can be used but only in specific contexts as they can generate severe adverse effects. The main aim of this research was to evaluate the use of antipsychotic drugs in patients with accompanying treatment for dementia in actual clinical practice in primary health care. We further sought to analyze risk variables and factors associated and to acknowledge how sociodemographic and clinical factors weighed on adverse effects’ occurrence. A multicentric cross-sectional descriptive study was performed in three provinces of Spain. Stratified random sampling was performed to select 332 patients. Clinical data from their digital medical records were collected by their family doctors. The Global risk defined if the patients were subjected to risk. Univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analyses were performed. The most used antipsychotics were quetiapine (65.5%), haloperidol (21.75%), and risperidone (15.8%); 93.8% of patients showed risk, and 81.1% of doses and 75.5% of treatment durations were inappropriate. These two last factors increased the global risk 23 and 20 times, respectively. Conclusions: In actual clinical practice conditions, a high use of antipsychotic drugs was found in patients with dementia. Most patients had inappropriate doses and treatment duration, factors that increased the risk of adverse effects considerably

    Medication Errors Detected in Primary Health Care after Hospital Discharge

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    Background: Medication conciliation allows finding discrepancies and medication errors in healthcare transitions, but there are few studies performed after hospital discharge, in the context of primary health care. Therefore, the main aim of this research was to evaluate the process of medication conciliation in primary health care, after hospital discharge. We further sought to analyze some demographic aspects of the patients that could be associated with potential discrepancies. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed using the database which contained the records generated by the medication reconciliations performed by the physicians of the Andalusian Public Health Service, in Spain. Results: A total of 6115 medication conciliations were analyzed, and discrepancies were found in 73.7% of them. A total of 50.6% were medication errors, the most frequent being medication omission. Medication errors were more prevalent in women of 65 years and older. Conclusions: After hospital discharge, most patients show medication discrepancies in their records, particularly older women. To prevent this, primary health care plays an essential role in the conciliation process, therefore more research is needed in this context