806 research outputs found

    E2 transitions and quadrupole moments in the E(5) symmetry

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    E2 transitions and quadrupole moments are studied in the recently proposed E~5! symmetry by using the intrinsic state formalism. It is shown that the values of these magnitudes can be obtained for the different bands to higher order in the boson number N by projecting the intrinsic state on g and b variables. The formalism allows to find easily the dependence of those magnitudes on the structure parameter of the quadrupole operator, x.Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica PB98-111

    The level of provision of specialist palliative care services in Scotland: an international benchmarking study

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    Objectives: Comparative benchmarking of specialist palliative care (SPC) services across jurisdictions can be used to assess the adequacy of provision. Published in 2016, the Scottish Atlas of Palliative Care unlocks the possibility of benchmarking Scotland’s provision against other European Union (EU) countries. Our objectives were to describe the provision of SPC services in Scotland and compare this with other EU countries, assessing coverage against European norms. Methods: We conducted a secondary analysis of data collected as part for the Scottish Atlas by structured telephone (n=33) or online (n=3) survey with informants from 14 territorial health boards and 15 hospices who provided information about SPC services in their locality. National-level Scottish data were compared with data from other EU countries allowing ranking for each service type and service coverage as calculated against European Association for Palliative Care norms. Results: Scotland had a total of 23 SPC inpatient units containing 349 beds, 27 SPC hospital support teams and 38 SPC home care teams. Relative to other EU countries, Scotland ranked seventh for provision of SPC inpatient units and hospital support teams, and fifth for home care teams. Coverage for these services was 85%, 100% and 72%, respectively. Conclusion: Scotland is positioned among the top 10 EU countries for the level of provision of SPC services. National policy in Scotland has focused on the delivery of palliative care at home or in a homely setting. These data support a focus on developing services in community settings to meet Scotland’s policy ambitions

    Análisis de las reformas introducidas por la Ley 7/2012, de prevención y lucha contra el fraude fiscal

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    La Ley 7/2012, de 29 de octubre, de modificación de la normativa tributaria y de adecuación de la normativa financiera para la intensificación de las actuaciones en la prevención y lucha contra el fraude fiscal (conocida como la Ley de Prevención del Fraude Fiscal) ha sido publicada en el Boletín Oficial del Estado el pasado 30 de octubre de 2012, con entrada en vigor el día 31 del mismo mes. La Ley 7/2012 entrará en vigor a los 20 días de su publicación (19 de noviembre) y resultará de aplicación a todos los pagos efectuados desde esa fecha, incluso si se refieren a operaciones concertadas con anterioridad al establecimiento de dicha limitación. La ley se estructura en siete artículos, dos disposiciones adicionales y cinco disposiciones finales. En este artículo se analizan las reformas introducidas que afectan a la Ley General Tributaria, al Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas, al Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido, al Impuesto General Indirecto Canario, al Impuesto sobre Sociedades, y en menor medida, al Impuesto sobre Transmisiones Patrimoniales y Actos Jurídicos Documentados, régimen fiscal de las cooperativas y Ley General Presupuestaria. Además, se introduce una norma no estrictamente tributaria relativa a la limitación de los pagos en efectivo

    Core excitation effects in halo nuclei using a transformed oscillator basis

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    A recent generalization of the Transformed Harmonic Oscillator basis, intended to consider core excitations in the structure of one nucleon halo nuclei, is applied to the break up of 11Be. The reaction studied is 11Be+208Pb at 69 MeV/nucleon. The experimental set up is designed to ensure pure dipole Coulomb excitations. Making use of the Equivalent Photon Method and the electromagnetic transition probabilities obtained with the transformed oscillator basis, a relevant contribution of the quadrupole excitations of the core is found. The inclusion of core excitations is, therefore, necessary for the correct extraction of the dipole electromagnetic transition probability of halo nuclei.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación FIS2011-28738-c02-01, FPA2009- 07653, FPA2009-08848, CSD2007-00042Junta de Andalucía FQM160, P07-FQM-0289

    A beyond mean field study of Bose gases in a double-well potential with a Feshbach resonance

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    The Bose-Hubbard model coupled to a Feshbach resonance is studied. Quantum phase transitions are analyzed within a beyond mean field framework in order to get finite size corrections to the simple mean field approach. Analytical results for the ground state energy and the first few energy gaps are presented

    Stabilization method in two-body systems with core excitations

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    The validity of the stabilization method in core+valence systems including the possibility of exciting the core is studied. A pseudostate method, based on the transformed harmonic oscillator basis, is extended to include the core degrees of freedom. The method is applied to the case of 11Be structure considering the 0+ ground state and the 2+ first excited state of the 10Be core. The stabilization method is defined in terms of one parameter that can be chosen either discrete or continuous. In the application to 11Be, both cases are analyzed.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación FIS2011-28738-c02-01, FPA2009-07653, FPA2009-08848, CSD2007-00042Junta de Andalucía FQM160, P07-FQM-0289

    Configuration localized Morse wave functions: Application to vibrational transitions in anharmonic diatomic molecules

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    The bound states of a Morse potential are described in terms of a basis of states that are characterized for being eigenstates of the Morse variable. These states are strongly localized in configuration space; thus they are called configuration localized Morse (CLM) wave functions. These are shown to provide a powerful tool to calculate analytically, to a good approximation, matrix elements of arbitrary functions of the interatomic separation between vibrational states of anharmonic diatomic molecules. Applications of CLM wave functions to the calculation of vibrational transitions in HF and DF diatomic molecules are presented.Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica PB95-0533European Commission CI1*-CT94-007

    Analytic evaluation of Franck-Condon integrals for anharmonic vibrational wave functions

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    The problem of calculating Franck-Condon overlap integrals in molecular transitions between vibrational states in different electronic configurations is addressed. An exact and easily applicable analytical expression is obtained when the vibrational states can be approximated by eigenstates of Morse potentials with different strengths and locations but identical ranges. An approximate analytical expression is obtained for the general case. The method is applied to the stretching S-S mode corresponding to [Formula Presented] transitions in the [Formula Presented] molecule.Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica PB95-053

    Number conserving particle-hole RPA for superfluid nuclei

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    TheAuthor(s) - .Published by Elsevier B.V. "This is an open access article under the CCBY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Funded by SCOAP"We present a number conserving particle-hole RPA theory for collective excitations in the transition from normal to superfluid nuclei. The method derives from an RPA theory developed long ago in quantum chemistry using antisymmetric geminal powers, or equivalently number projected HFB states, as reference states. We show within a minimal model of pairing plus monopole interactions that the number conserving particle-hole RPA excitations evolve smoothly across the superfluid phase transition close to the exact results, contrary to particle-hole RPA in the normal phase and quasiparticle RPA in the superfluid phase that require a change of basis at the broken symmetry point. The new formalism can be applied in a straightforward manner to study particle-hole excitations on top of a number projected HFB state.Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad de la Junta de Andalucía (Spain) FQM-160 and FQM-370Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (ERDF), ref. SOMM17/6105/UGRMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades and the ERDF under Projects No. FIS2015-63770-P, FIS2017-88410-P and PGC2018-094180-B-I00CEAFMC and Universidad de Huelva High Performance Computer (HPC@UHU) funded by FEDER/MINECO project UNHU-15CE-284

    Number conserving particle-hole RPA for superfluid nuclei

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    TheAuthor(s) - .Published by Elsevier B.V. "This is an open access article under the CCBY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Funded by SCOAP"We present a number conserving particle-hole RPA theory for collective excitations in the transition from normal to superfluid nuclei. The method derives from an RPA theory developed long ago in quantum chemistry using antisymmetric geminal powers, or equivalently number projected HFB states, as reference states. We show within a minimal model of pairing plus monopole interactions that the number conserving particle-hole RPA excitations evolve smoothly across the superfluid phase transition close to the exact results, contrary to particle-hole RPA in the normal phase and quasiparticle RPA in the superfluid phase that require a change of basis at the broken symmetry point. The new formalism can be applied in a straightforward manner to study particle-hole excitations on top of a number projected HFB state.Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad de la Junta de Andalucía (Spain) FQM-160 and FQM-370Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (ERDF), ref. SOMM17/6105/UGRMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades and the ERDF under Projects No. FIS2015-63770-P, FIS2017-88410-P and PGC2018-094180-B-I00CEAFMC and Universidad de Huelva High Performance Computer (HPC@UHU) funded by FEDER/MINECO project UNHU-15CE-284