629 research outputs found

    The difficult didactic transposition. A comparative study of the construction of social stereotypes from historiography to the classroom (Spain-France)

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la difícil transposición didáctica desde la historiografía al aula a través de una temática concreta: el mundo rural en la Edad Moderna en España y Francia. Para conseguir este objetivo se ha partido del estudio de la construcción historiográfica sobre el campesinado y el mundo rural en las principales revistas de investigación de esta temática. Posteriormente se ha comprobado la transmisión de este conocimiento en las aulas a través de las propuestas curriculares. Finalmente se ha analizado la percepción del alumnado sobre los estereotipos sociales ligados a esta temática. Los resultados muestran un desequilibrio importante entre la representación del mundo urbano y el mundo rural, fruto de la pervivencia de la teoría de la modernización en las explicaciones históricas.The objective of this paper is to analyze the difficult didactic transposition from the historiography to the classroom through a concrete issue: the rural world in the Early Modern Age in Spain and France. To achieve this objective, this paper start with the study of the historiographical construction of the peasantry and the rural world in the most representative journals. Second it has been verified the transmission of this knowledge in the classrooms through the curricular proposals. Finally we have analyzed the student's perception of the social stereotypes related to this subject. The results show a significant imbalance between the representation of the urban world and the rural world, consequence of the survival of the theory of modernization in historical explanations.Este trabajo es resultado del proyecto de investigación "Familia, desigualdad social y cambio generacional en la España centro-meridional, ss. XVI-XIX" (HAR2013-48901-C6-6-R) y EDU2015-65621-C3-2-R “La evaluación de las competencias y el desarrollo de capacidades cognitivas sobre historia en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria”, financiados ambos por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad y los fondos FEDER

    Issues in design, creation and production of distance-learning resources

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    La introducción de las Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación (TIC) como instrumento y contexto de comunicación establece un gran potencial que alcanza a casi cualquier elemento de nuestra sociedad. No obstante, esta irrupción tecnológica introduce varios interrogantes o situaciones problemáticas muy vinculadas al desplazamiento que sufren ciertos individuos en su rol profesional debido al empuje de las nuevas tecnologías. Este artículo se centra en la reconsideración de iniciativas para el diseño y producción de recursos educativos, los cuales pueden ser usados en diferentes actividades docentes, que combinan tanto la educación a distancia como la educación presencial, a través de los denominados espacios virtuales educativos. Los autores de este trabajo pensamos que para el diseño y producción de recursos educativos de calidad, que puedan ser adecuados para un aprendizaje a distancia, es necesario recuperar la capacidad creativa de los educadores mediante herramientas de autor adecuadas, que les faciliten la tarea de coexistir con la revolución tecnológica que estamos viviendo actualmente. Así, en este artículo se va a presentar una herramienta de autor para la creación de recursos educativos en formato de libros hipermediales, la cual recibe el nombre de Facilitador para la Composición de Hipertextos .Information and Communications Technologies have led to a great potential which reaches almost every element in our society. However, this irruption of technology introduces several questions or problematic situations closely connected to the displacement that some people undergo in their professional role due to the pressure of the new technologies. This article focuses on the reconsideration of initiatives for the design and production of educational resources, which can be used in different teaching activities, which expediently combine presential and distance education, through the so-called virtual educational areas. We think the design and production of quality educational resources, which could be suitable for distance learning, it is necessary to recover the creative capability of educators, by means of author tools that enable them to co-exist with this technological revolution without being exiled by it. In this way the paper presents an author tool for the creation of educational resources or hypermedia electronic books, so called Facilitator for the Composition of Hypertexts

    Cánovas Mulero, Juan: Los huertos de Totana, un seductor entorno donde anida el azahar

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    Design of a case management model for people with chronic disease (Heart Failure and COPD). Phase I: modeling and identification of the main components of the intervention through their actors: patients and professionals (DELTA-ICE-PRO Study

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    Background Chronic diseases account for nearly 60% of deaths around the world. The extent of this silent epidemic has not met determined responses in governments, policies or professionals in order to transform old Health Care Systems, configured for acute diseases. There is a large list of research about alternative models for people with chronic conditions, many of them with an advanced practice nurse as a key provider, as case management. But some methodological concerns raise, above all, the design of the intervention (intensity, frequency, components, etc). Methods/Design Objectives: General: To develop the first and second phases (theorization and modeling) for designing a multifaceted case-management intervention in people with chronic conditions (COPD and heart failure) and their caregivers. Specific aims: 1) To identify key events in people living with chronic disease and their relation with the Health Care System, from their point of view. 2) To know the coping mechanisms developed by patients and their caregivers along the story with the disease. 3) To know the information processing and its utilization in their interactions with health care providers. 4) To detect potential unmet needs and the ways deployed by patients and their caregivers to resolve them. 5) To obtain a description from patients and caregivers, about their itineraries along the Health Care System, in terms of continuity, accessibility and comprehensiveness of care. 6) To build up a list of promising case-management interventions in patients with Heart Failure and COPD with this information in order to frame it into theoretical models for its reproducibility and conceptualization. 7) To undergo this list to expert judgment to assess its feasibility and pertinence in the Andalusian Health Care. Design: Qualitative research with two phases: For the first five objectives, a qualitative technique with biographic stories will be developed and, for the remaining objectives, an expert consensus through Delphi technique, on the possible interventions yielded from the first phase. The study will be developed in the provinces of Almería, Málaga and Granada in the Southern Spain, from patients included in the Andalusian Health Care Service database with the diagnosis of COPD or Heart Failure, with the collaboration of case manager nurses and general practitioners for the assessment of their suitability to inclusion criteria. Patients and caregivers will be interviewed in their homes or their Health Centers, with their family or their case manager nurse as mediator. Discussion First of a series of studies intended to design a case-management service for people with heart failure and COPD, in the Andalusian Health Care System, where case management has been implemented since 2002. Accordingly with the steps of a theoretical model for complex interventions, in this study, theorization and intervention modeling phases will be developed.This research was carried out with the support of one research grant, awarded by the Regional Health Ministry of Andalusia (Exp. 0222/2008

    Mushroom Phorid Flies—A Review

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    Diptera are among the most serious arthropod pests affecting mushroom crops. Phorid flies, especially Megaselia halterata, have traditionally been globally considered as a minor pest, although they are a very important problem on Spanish mushroom farms. The concerns with respect to the phorid fly populations have recently increased, notably jumping from being a minor to major pest in India, UK and the USA, where yield losses ranging between 10% and 40% were reported. This review updates and summarizes the available literature regarding mushroom phorid populations, stressing the natural distribution of phorids and their seasonal distribution, their biology within the growing substrates and the initial sources of infestation on mushroom farms. Moreover, the review also highlights the scarce available tools for their control and the current alternatives to chemical products.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Performance Study of Software AER-Based Convolutions on a Parallel Supercomputer

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    This paper is based on the simulation of a convolution model for bioinspired neuromorphic systems using the Address-Event-Representation (AER) philosophy and implemented in the supercomputer CRS of the University of Cadiz (UCA). In this work we improve the runtime of the simulation, by dividing an image into smaller parts before AER convolution and running each operation in a node of the cluster. This research involves a test cases design in which the optimal parameters are set to run the AER convolution in parallel processors. These cases consist on running the convolution taking an image divided in different number of parts, applying to each part a Sobel filter for edge detection, and based on the AER-TOOL simulator. Execution times are compared for all cases and the optimal configuration of the system is discussed. In general, CRS obtain better performances when the image is divided than for the whole image.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2009-10639-C04-0

    Maternal and fetal risks of planned vaginal breech delivery vs planned caesarean section for term breech birth: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background Breech presentation delivery approach is a controversial issue in obstetrics. How to cope with breech delivery (vaginal or C-section) has been discussed to find the safest in terms of morbidity. The aim of this study was to assess the risks of foetal and maternal mortality and perinatal morbidity associated with vaginal delivery against elective caesarean in breech presentations, as reported in observational studies. Methods Studies assessing perinatal morbidity and mortality associated with breech presentations births. Cochrane, Medline, Scopus, Embase, Web of Science, and Cuiden databases were consulted. This protocol was registered in PROSPERO CRD42020197598. Selection criteria were: years between 2010 and 2020, in English language, and full-term gestation (37-42 weeks). The methodological quality of the eligible articles was assessed according to the Newcastle-Ottawa scale. Meta-analyses were performed to study each parameter related to neonatal mortality and maternal morbidity. Results The meta-analysis included 94 285 births with breech presentation. The relative risk of perinatal mortality was 5.48 (95% confidence interval (CI) = 2.61-11.51) times higher in the vaginal delivery group, 4.12 (95% CI = 2.46-6.89) for birth trauma and 3.33 (95% CI = 1.95-5.67) for Apgar results. Maternal morbidity showed a relative risk 0.30 (95% CI = 0.13-0.67) times higher in the planned caesarean group. Conclusions An increment in the risk of perinatal mortality, birth trauma, and Apgar lower than 7 was identified in planned vaginal delivery. However, the risk of severe maternal morbidity because of complications of a planned caesarean was slightly higher