16 research outputs found

    Anti- Sporothrix spp. activity of medicinal plants

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    ABSTRACT Cases of sporotrichosis in humans and animals without satisfactory clinical response have increased, a warning sign of strains resistant to conventional antifungal agents. The urgent search for alternative therapies was an incentive for research on medicinal plants with anti-Sporothrix spp. properties. A bibliographic survey was performed based on scientific papers about in vitro and in vivo antifungal activity of essential oils and extracts of plants in differents solvents against the fungal of the Sporothrix schenckii complex. The study methodology consisted of a literature review in Google Scholar, Science Direct, Pubmed, Bireme and Springer link with papers from 1986 to 2015. We found 141 species of plants that were investigated, of which 100 species were concentrated in 39 botanical families that had confirmed anti-Sporothrix activity. Combretaceae, Asteraceae and Lamiaceae represented the botanical families with the greatest number of plants species with antifungal potential, using different methodologies. However, there are few studies with medicinal plants in experimental infection in animals that prove their activity in the treatment of sporotrichosis. It reinforces the need for further research related to standardization of in vitro methodologies and in vivo studies related to safety and to toxicity potential of these plants with anti-Sporothrix spp. activity

    ELISA test for the diagnosis of cysticercosis in pigs using antigens of Taenia solium and Taenia crassiceps cysticerci Teste ELISA para diagnóstico da cisticercose suína usando antígenos de larvas de Taenia solium e Taenia crassiceps

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    In the present study ELISA was standardized for the diagnosis of swine cysticercosis based on necropsy parameters and confirmed positive and negative control sera. Serum samples from pigs with other infections were also assayed to determine possible cross-reactions. Four antigens were assayed: from Taenia crassiceps vesicular fluid (VF-Tcra) and crude larvae extract (T-Tcra), and from Taenia solium extracts of scolex (S-Ts) and of larvae (T-Ts). A checkerboard evaluation of antigen, serum and conjugate dilutions, as well as the use of Tween-20 and skim cow milk in wash and blocking solution had a marked effect on improving ELISA performance. All the antigens showed a good performance, but VF-Tcra was the best, with 96.0% and 80.0% sensitivities for cut-offs respectively at 2sd and 3sd, and corresponding specificities of 97.5% and 100.0%. Cross-reactivity was observed only with hydatidosis and ascaridiosis. In view of the high performance observed, the ELISA test should be recommended for the diagnosis of cysticercosis in suspected swine in slaughterhouses and for the screening of cysticercosis in swine production. These results will support integrated measures of cysticercosis control throughout the chain of swine production, effectively contributing to public health.<br>Foi padronizado o teste ELISA para o diagnóstico da cisticercose suína. Após confirmação por exame post-mortem, os soros dos respectivos animais foram empregados como controles positivos e negativos. Soros de suínos portadores de infecções heterólogas foram ensaiados para determinação de reações cruzadas. Os quatro antígenos testados na fase de padronização foram líquido vesicular (VF) e extrato total (T) de larvas de Taenia crassiceps (Tcra) e de extrato de escólex (S) e de cisticercos (T) de Taenia solium (Tso). A titulação em bloco das ótimas concentrações de antígenos e diluições de soros e de conjugado, bem como o emprego de Tween-20 e de leite desnatado nas soluções bloqueadora e de lavagem exerceram nítida influência no desempenho do teste ELISA. Todos os antígenos revelaram bom desempenho na diferenciação entre soros positivos e negativos para cisticercose. O antígeno VF-Tcra apresentou as mais altas taxas de desempenho, seguido do T-Tcra. As taxas de desempenho para o antígeno VF-Tcra foram, respectivamente, para pontos de corte com 2sd e 3sd, de 96,0% e 80,0% para sensibilidade e de 97,5% e 100,0% para especificidade. Foi detectada reação cruzada com soros de hidatidose e de ascaridiose. Considerando o bom desempenho observado, o teste padronizado pode ser recomendado em matadouros no diagnóstico de animais suspeitos e no levantamento da ocorrência da doença nos segmentos de criação, sobretudo nos clandestinos, dando suporte às medidas de controle da cisticercose, integradas em toda a cadeia de produção da carne suína, exercendo efetiva contribuição à Saúde Pública

    Factores geográficos en la epidemiología de la intoxicación por Karwinskia (tullidora) en México Geographical factors in the epidemiology of intoxication by Karwinskia (tullidora) in Mexico

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    Las Parálisis Flácidas causadas por el consumo de los frutos de las plantas del género Karwinskia (tullidora) han emergido como un problema de salud pública en ciertas regiones de México. El objeto de este trabajo fue investigar los factores geográficos asociados a esta patología, en 72 casos reportados en México de 1990 a 1994. La distribución geográfica de casos coincide con las 11 especies reportadas de Karwinskia en México. La mayoría se relacionaron con la K. humboldtiana y, en menor medida, con K. mollis, K. parvifolia, K. johnstonii y K. rzedowskii. La presencia de casos es mayor en regiones con climas secos (79,2%), vegetación de Matorrales Aridos (41,7%) y altitudes menores de mil metros (54,1%). Se determinaron tres diferentes zonas de riesgo: la zona del río Balsas, la región norte del país, así como las zonas áridas y secas centrales de los estados de Puebla, Hidalgo, San Luis Potosí y Querétaro. Las comunidades menores de 2.500 habitantes y con niveles de bienestar y de educación bajos son las más afectadas<br>Consumption of fruits from the genus Karwinskia may cause a flaccid paralysis that can be confused with the Guillan-Barré syndrome or poliomyelitis. Paralysis resulting from consumption of such fruit has emerged as a public health problem in certain regions of Mexico. The purpose of this study was to investigate geographical factors associated with this intoxication in the 72 cases reported in Mexico from 1990 to 1994. Location of cases coincides with the distribution of the 11 reported species of Karwinskia in the country. The majority of reported cases were related to the consumption of K. humboldtiana, with a smaller number involving K. mollis, K. parvifolia, K. johnstonii, and K. rzedowskii. Most cases were located in regions with dry climates (79.2%), arid vegetation (41.7%), and altitudes under 1,000 meters above sea level (54.1%). The study establishes three different risk areas: the Balsas river region in the southwestern central part of the country; the arid northern area; and the arid and dry central area. Cases were from rural communities with low levels of schooling and poor socioeconomic condition