75 research outputs found

    Daily monitoring of the regular journey and teleworking

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    Dentro de la jornada laboral, es necesario su registro y control. En el presente trabajo, nos centramos en cómo ha ido evolucionando y transformándose a lo largo del tiempo la jornada laboral. Igualmente, tratamos la importancia y la obligación por parte del empleador del registro diario del trabajo realizado por cada trabajador. Anteriormente, únicamente era necesario el registro de las horas extraordinarias y complementarias, pero debido al RDL 8/2019, también es preciso un control diario de la jornada. Por otro lado, tratamos la importancia del trabajo a distancia y su registro, que ha tomado especial relevancia debido a la situación actual en la que nos encontramos por la Covid-19.Abstract: Within the working journey, its registration and control are necessary. In this work, we focus on how the working journey has evolved and transformed over the years. Likewise, we address the importance and the obligation on the part of the employer on the daily registration of the work carried out by each worker. Previously, only the registration of extraordinary and supplementary hours was necessary, but due to RDL 8/2019, a daily control of the daily journey is also required. On the other hand, we discuss the importance of remote work and its registration, which has taken on special relevance due to the current situation in which we find ourselves because of Covid-19.Grado en Derech

    Plant bugs (Heteroptera: Miridae) associated with roadside habitats in Argentina and Paraguay: Host plant, temporal, and geographic range effects

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    Between November 1999 and September 2001, mirid nymphs (Hemiptera: Miridae) were collected on wild and cultivated plants in central and northern Argentina and southeastern Paraguay. In the laboratory, nymphs were reared until adult emergence. Four (Bryocorinae, Deraeocorinae, Mirinae, and Orthotylinae) of the eight mirid subfamilies were collected during the study. Twenty-two mirid species on 43 putative host plant species were collected in Argentina, and five species of mirids on eight plant species were collected in Paraguay. Eighty-five new mirid-plant associations were recorded (only 112 mirid-plant associations had been reported previously for Argentina). Most of the mirids were in the subfamily Mirinae, tribe Mirini, and most of the host plants belonged to Asteraceae. Almost all mirids were collected on plants with flower buds present. In addition to host plant records, the phenology and pattern of plant use for the most abundant mirids are reported. Mirid richness and abundance varied according to the host plant species; the highest diversity and richness of mirids occurred in the western region of Argentina (Salta, Jujuy, and Tucumán provinces). The most frequently collected mirid, Taylorilygus apicalis (Fieber) (≈87% of the 35,970 collected mirids), was usually collected on Asteraceae. This exotic species could have affected the native mirid fauna in the study area. More research on the possible interactions between T. apicalis and the native mirids of Argentina and Paraguay is needed. Our results suggest that T. apicalis exhibits regional polyphagy, i.e., uses numerous hosts throughout its geographic range.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Plant bugs (Heteroptera: Miridae) associated with roadside habitats in Argentina and Paraguay: Host plant, temporal, and geographic range effects

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    Between November 1999 and September 2001, mirid nymphs (Hemiptera: Miridae) were collected on wild and cultivated plants in central and northern Argentina and southeastern Paraguay. In the laboratory, nymphs were reared until adult emergence. Four (Bryocorinae, Deraeocorinae, Mirinae, and Orthotylinae) of the eight mirid subfamilies were collected during the study. Twenty-two mirid species on 43 putative host plant species were collected in Argentina, and five species of mirids on eight plant species were collected in Paraguay. Eighty-five new mirid-plant associations were recorded (only 112 mirid-plant associations had been reported previously for Argentina). Most of the mirids were in the subfamily Mirinae, tribe Mirini, and most of the host plants belonged to Asteraceae. Almost all mirids were collected on plants with flower buds present. In addition to host plant records, the phenology and pattern of plant use for the most abundant mirids are reported. Mirid richness and abundance varied according to the host plant species; the highest diversity and richness of mirids occurred in the western region of Argentina (Salta, Jujuy, and Tucumán provinces). The most frequently collected mirid, Taylorilygus apicalis (Fieber) (≈87% of the 35,970 collected mirids), was usually collected on Asteraceae. This exotic species could have affected the native mirid fauna in the study area. More research on the possible interactions between T. apicalis and the native mirids of Argentina and Paraguay is needed. Our results suggest that T. apicalis exhibits regional polyphagy, i.e., uses numerous hosts throughout its geographic range.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Millimeter-wave multiplexed wideband wireless link using rectangular-coordinate orthogonal multiplexing (ROM) antennas

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    This paper is the first demonstration of multiplexed wideband data transmission in the millimeter-wave range using rectangular-coordinate orthogonal multiplexing (ROM) antennas. This spatial wireless multiplex communication method can be applied at several hundred GHz for further improvements in the data rate because much wider bandwidth is available and this multiplexing method does not require any signal processing. The multiplexing is achieved through the spatial eigenmodes of a novel antenna based on a rectangular coordinate system and magic-T which eliminates the need for computational signal processing efforts. The aperture distributions of these spatial eigenmodes are designed to have different polarities to avoid crosstalk and operate over a wide bandwidth range. We demonstrate their performance with four eigenmodes, achieving crosstalk between modes below -37.8 dB over a 14.6% relative bandwidth (57-66 GHz). We have introduced these antennas on a photonics-enabled real-time wireless data transmission, transmitting over two channels simultaneously, without any signal processing at the transmitter (multiplex) or the receiver (demultiplex). The two multiplexed channels show a total data rate up to 9.0 Gbps at most (5.875 Gbps and 3.125 Gbps for each channel) limited by the bandwidth of the low noise amplifiers at the receiver. The measured bit error rate (BER) is below the forward error correction (FEC) limit.This work was supported in part by SEI Group CSR Foundation and the Murata Science Foundation

    InP femtosecond mode-locked laser in a compound feedback cavity with a switchable repetition rate

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    A monolithically integrated mode-locked semiconductor laser is proposed. The compound ring cavity is composed of a colliding pulse mode-locking (ML) subcavity and a passive Fabry-Perot feedback subcavity. These two 1.6 mm long subcavities are coupled by using on-chip reflectors at both ends, enabling harmonic mode locking. By changing DC-bias conditions, optical mode spacing from 50 to 450 GHz is experimentally demonstrated. Ultrafast pulses shorter than 0.3 ps emitted from this laser diode are shown in autocorrelation traces.European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 642355 FiWiN5G, Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad DiDACTIC project (TEC2013-47753-C3-3-R), and Consejería de Educación, Juventud y Deporte of Comunidad de Madrid DIFRAGEOS project (P2013/ICE-3004)

    Femtosecond pulse and terahertz two-tone generation from facet-free multi-segment laser diode in InP-based generic foundry platform

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    In this paper, a monolithically integrated similar to 1.55 mu m semiconductor laser in the fourth harmonic colliding pulse mode locking configuration is reported. This device was developed within a multi-project wafer run at an InP-based active-passive generic foundry. The 1.66-mm Fabry-Perot cavity is formed with two on-chip reflector building blocks rather than cleaved facets. In the cavity, three absorber sections symmetrically divide the cavity in four gain segments. This laser diode is able to emit 100-GHz pulse trains with 500-fs pulse duration as well as two-tone emissions with a frequency separation of 2.7 THz. The dependence of the spectral behavior on the forward bias current for gain sections and the reverse bias voltage for absorber sections are experimentally demonstrated.European Union’s Horizon 2020 (Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 642355 FiWiN5G), Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad thourgh Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Inovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad thougth grant iTWIT, TEC2016-76997-C3-3-R

    Segurança nacional e estratégias energéticas de Portugal e de Espanha

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    A “Segurança Nacional e as Estratégias Energéticas de Portugal e Espanha” lida com um dos temas de maior relevância para a Segurança de ambos os países ibéricos: a questão da energia. O primeiro capítulo leva o leitor para o quadro internacional da energia e os riscos e as ameaças que afectam a segurança energética em termos globais e europeus. O segundo capítulo lida com as vulnerabilidades e potencialidades da Península Ibérica e com as vantagens que uma relação mais íntima e uma cooperação mais activa com o Magreb podem dar à segurança energética de Portugal e de Espanha. O terceiro capítulo trata do papel das energias alternativas, em especial da energia nuclear, como resposta às questões dos delimitados recursos energéticos e da carbonização do planeta. O último capítulo analisa a relação entre as novas ameaças à segurança e a questão energética, principalmente pela possibilidade de grupos terroristas utilizarem armas de teor químico, biológico ou radioactivo‑nuclear

    Photonic Integrated Circuit Comprising Mode-Locked Laser and Pulse Interleaver for Wavelength Tunable THz Signal Generation

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    We report a photonic chip comprising multiple colliding pulse mode-locked laser and delay line-assisted Mach-Zehnder interleaver to generate 350GHz wave signal. With this mode-locked laser fourth harmonics are obtained. The interleaver quadruples the repetition rate. An integrated phase modulator enables wavelength tuning up to 0.03nm.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 642355 and Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad DiDACTIC project (TEC2013-47753-C3-3-R). The authors would like to thank SMART Photonics for the chip fabrication

    Optical Frequency Comb Generator based on a Monolithically Integrated Ring Laser

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    Abstract of: European Semiconductor Laser Workshop. Madrid, Spain, September 24-25th 2015.We report the demonstration of an optical-frequency comb generator based on a monolithically integrated ring laser. We have designed a device fabricated in a Multi-Project Wafer (MPW) run in an active/passive integration process from a generic building blocks. Chip fabrication has been carried out on the JePPIX technology platform, within the InP technology MPW run. A passive modelocked ring laser architecture is chosen, due to its ease of integration with other components to achieve photonic integrated circuits (PICs). The -10 dB span of the optical comb obtained is 8.75 nm (1.09 THz) with lines spaced by 10.1 GHz.This work was supported by Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad DiDACTIC project (TEC2013-47753-C3-3-R) and Consejería de Educación, Juventud y Deporte of Comunidad de Madrid DIFRAGEOS project (P2013/ICE-3004)Publicad