258 research outputs found

    Optimal multiple change-point detection for high-dimensional data

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    This manuscript makes two contributions to the field of change-point detection. In a general change-point setting, we provide a generic algorithm for aggregating local homogeneity tests into an estimator of change-points in a time series. Interestingly, we establish that the error rates of the collection of test directly translate into detection properties of the change-point estimator. This generic scheme is then applied to the problem of possibly sparse multivariate mean change-point detection setting. When the noise is Gaussian, we derive minimax optimal rates that are adaptive to the unknown sparsity and to the distance between change-points. For sub-Gaussian noise, we introduce a variant that is optimal in almost all sparsity regimes

    Optimal Permutation Estimation in Crowd-Sourcing problems

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    Motivated by crowd-sourcing applications, we consider a model where we have partial observations from a bivariate isotonic n x d matrix with an unknown permutation π\pi * acting on its rows. Focusing on the twin problems of recovering the permutation π\pi * and estimating the unknown matrix, we introduce a polynomial-time procedure achieving the minimax risk for these two problems, this for all possible values of n, d, and all possible sampling efforts. Along the way, we establish that, in some regimes, recovering the unknown permutation π\pi * is considerably simpler than estimating the matrix

    Tourville-sur-Odon – Sous Mondrainville

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    En janvier-février 2016, une fouille a été conduite à Tourville-sur-Odon, village situé à la périphérie sud de l’agglomération caennaise, en haut du versant nord de la vallée de l’Odon, sous la responsabilité de Vincent Carpentier assisté d’Emmanuel Ghesquière pour l’étude des vestiges préhistoriques. Le terrain concerné se situe dans l’emprise de la parcelle cadastrale ZA 29p, vers la sortie ouest du village en direction de Mondrainville. La prescription a commandé le décapage d’une fenêtre ..

    Extreme adaptive optics system optimization for high contrast imaging with the high order test bench

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid., Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Física Teórica. Fecha de lectura: 20-06-201

    Optimizing P300-speller sequences by RIP-ping groups apart

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    International audienceSo far P300-speller design has put very little emphasis on the design of optimized flash patterns, a surprising fact given the importance of the sequence of flashes on the selection outcome. Previous work in this domain has consisted in studying consecutive flashes, to prevent the same letter or its neighbors from flashing consecutively. To this effect, the flashing letters form more random groups than the original row-column sequences for the P300 paradigm, but the groups remain fixed across repetitions. This has several important consequences, among which a lack of discrepancy between the scores of the different letters. The new approach proposed in this paper accumulates evidence for individual elements, and optimizes the sequences by relaxing the constraint that letters should belong to fixed groups across repetitions. The method is inspired by the theory of Restricted Isometry Property matrices in Compressed Sensing, and it can be applied to any display grid size, and for any target flash frequency. This leads to P300 sequences which are shown here to perform significantly better than the state of the art, in simulations and online tests

    Optimizing P300-speller sequences by RIP-ping groups apart

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    International audienceSo far P300-speller design has put very little emphasis on the design of optimized flash patterns, a surprising fact given the importance of the sequence of flashes on the selection outcome. Previous work in this domain has consisted in studying consecutive flashes, to prevent the same letter or its neighbors from flashing consecutively. To this effect, the flashing letters form more random groups than the original row-column sequences for the P300 paradigm, but the groups remain fixed across repetitions. This has several important consequences, among which a lack of discrepancy between the scores of the different letters. The new approach proposed in this paper accumulates evidence for individual elements, and optimizes the sequences by relaxing the constraint that letters should belong to fixed groups across repetitions. The method is inspired by the theory of Restricted Isometry Property matrices in Compressed Sensing, and it can be applied to any display grid size, and for any target flash frequency. This leads to P300 sequences which are shown here to perform significantly better than the state of the art, in simulations and online tests

    A method of using the pulmonary trunk to form a trileaflet valve

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    Aspects de la vie domestique et agricole médiévale aux confins de la Normandie et du Maine : Le site d’Arçonnay « Parc Saint-Gilles » (Sarthe) Autour du xiie siècle

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    Situés à 3km au sud d’Alençon, sur la pente d’un vallon tributaire du bassin-versant de la Sarthe, les vestiges médiévaux d’Arçonnay appartiennent à une occupation plus vaste, desservie par un chemin qui fut vraisemblablement à l’origine d’un hameau aujourd’hui connu sous le nom de «Vieux Bourg», à quelque 200m seulement au sud-est de la fouille. Ils succèdent à des témoins de fréquentation préhistoriques et gallo-romains, et attestent l’existence d’une installation domestique illustrée par un puits, une cour empierrée sans doute établie en rive d’une ou plusieurs habitations, ainsi que deux aires d’ensilage. L’ensemble a livré un lot céramique inscrit dans le cours du xiiesiècle, ainsi qu’un mobilier varié reflétant l’éventail des activités quotidiennes (objets en fer et en os, pièces lithiques, torchis, faune, etc.). À quelque distance de l’habitat, au pied du vallon, ont été identifiées des traces de plantations rangées, délimitées par deux fossés, dont la chronologie s’inscrit entre les fossés antiques et contemporains. Il s’agit selon toute vraisemblance de vigne complantée d’arbres, à l’intérieur d’une parcelle qui s’apparente à un «clos». Ces vestiges de cultures sont potentiellement synchrones de l’habitat médiéval, ou plus tardifs. Quoi qu’il en soit, ces nouvelles données peuvent être mises en relation avec les publications récentes concernant le peuplement rural de la Normandie et en particulier du département de l’Orne au cours des xie-xiiesiècles, contribuant à faire sortir ces «invisibles de l’histoire» de leur anonymat.Located 3km South of Alençon, on the slope of a small valley tributary of the river Sarthe watershed, the medieaval features of Arçonnay presented here belong to a larger settlement, served by a pat and probably at the origin of the hamlet now known as “Le Vieux Bourg” (Old Borough), only some 200m South-east of the excavation. On the site, after prehistoric and Gallo-Roman features, the main remains attest the existence of a domestic settlement illustrated by a well, a metalled yard undoubtedly close to one or more dwellings, and two sillaging areas. Uncovered ceramics can be dated 12thcentury, as well as a varied assemblage reflecting the range of daily activities (iron and bone objects, stone artefacts, daub fragments, faunal remains, etc). Some distance from the habitat, in the bottom of the small valley, were identified traces of organized plantations, delimited by two ditches chronologically spanning Antique and Modern times. They correspond very likely to a tree-planted vineyard in what looks like a “clos”. These remains are potentially synchronous with the mediaeval settlement or later but they can be related to recently published data concerning the rural settlement of Normandy (especially in the Orne) during the 10th-12th centuries

    IL-6 Deficiency Attenuates Murine Diet-Induced Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis

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    BACKGROUND:The role of inflammation in the pathogenesis of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), a common cause of liver disease, is still poorly understood. This study aimed at assessing the involvement of a major inflammatory cytokine, IL-6, in NASH. MATERIALS AND METHODS:Steatohepatitis was induced by feeding wild-type or IL-6(-/-) mice for 5 weeks with a methionine and choline-deficient (MCD) diet. RESULTS:Whereas MCD diet-induced weight loss and decreases in serum glucose, cholesterol and triglyceride levels were similar in both genotypes, serum alanine aminotransferase was less elevated in IL-6(-/-) mice than in wild-type animals. Despite having a comparable liver steatosis score, IL-6-deficient mice exhibited less lobular inflammation than their wild-type littermates. Liver gene expression of TGF-beta and MCP-1 was also strongly attenuated in mutant mice; a more modest reduction was observed for PPAR-gamma and F4/80 transcripts as well as proteins. Chromatographic analysis of liver lipids demonstrated that MCD diet induced in normal and mutant mice a similar decrease in the ratio of phosphatidylcholine to phosphatidylethanolamine. However, the diet-induced increase in the levels of sphingomyelin and ceramide was less important in IL-6(-/-) mice. CONCLUSION:Altogether, these results indicate that IL-6 deficiency does not block the development of NASH; yet, IL-6 plays a critical role in the accompanying liver inflammation

    Fleury-sur-Orne – Rue Louise-Michel, centre de maintenance du tramway

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    La fouille a permis de mettre en évidence les fossés correspondant à deux monuments funéraires néolithiques partiels et un monument double entier de type Passy. Ils s’inscrivent dans la continuité de la nécropole de Fleury-sur-Orne « Les Hauts de l’Orne », avec un des monuments du diagnostic déjà partiellement fouillé en 2014 (mon. 24). L’autre monument partiel, no 7, est inscrit dans la partie nord de l’emprise. Il mesure plus de 118 m de long pour 15 de large Ses fossés sont sub-parallèles...