384 research outputs found

    Interactive Stroke-Based NPR using Hand Postures on Large Displays

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    NPR Lenses:Interactive Tools for Non-photorealistic Line Drawings

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    Interactive Stroke-Based NPR using Hand Postures on Large Displays

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    Data craft: integrating data into daily practices and shared reflections

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    We explore data craft as a means to create mementos that integrate data about personal and shared experiences into people’s everyday lives. Digital mementos, e.g., in form of visualizations, aim to support personal and joint reminiscing by leveraging personal data archives. However, their digital nature can complicate value construction and integration with social and everyday practices. We propose to consider data craft—the manual crafting of functional objects that incorporate personal visualizations—as an opportunity to create meaningful physical objects. We suggest that the manual creation and habitual use of these objects adds to their perceived value and authenticity and can spark recollection based on digital traces of personal and shared experiences. We illustrate the concept of data craft through examples and reflect on the resulting objects as keepsakes and gifts that strengthen social relationships.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Towards Supporting Interactive Sketch-Based Visualisations

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    The goal of the information visualisation community is to develop interactive visualisations of abstract data to aid in cognition. While most information visualisation research approaches this from a data-driven or a task-driven perspective, our objective is to gain a better understanding of how people already use visuals in their everyday thinking processes and to apply this understanding to create new information visualisations. To this end, we have performed three observational studies: one, looking at the lifecycles of sketches and diagrams used by software developers, another looking at the visual constructs on knowledge workers’ whiteboards, and a third examining how people might interact with a pen-and-touch based system for data exploration using charts. In this paper we group the findings of these three studies to develop a fuller picture of the ways in which people use sketching for visualisation tasks

    The effects of changing projection geometry on perception of 3D objects on and around tabletops

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    Funding: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Networks of Centres of Excellence of Canada.Displaying 3D objects on horizontal displays can cause problems in the way that the virtual scene is presented on the 2D surface; inappropriate choices in how 3D is represented can lead to distorted images and incorrect object interpretations. We present four experiments that test 3D perception. We varied projection geometry in three ways: type of projection (perspective/parallel), separation between the observer’s point of view and the projection’s center (discrepancy), and the presence of motion parallax (with/without parallax). Projection geometry had strong effects different for each task. Reducing discrepancy is desirable for orientation judgments, but not for object recognition or internal angle judgments. Using a fixed center of projection above the table reduces error and improves accuracy in most tasks. The results have far-reaching implications for the design of 3D views on tables, in particular for multi-user applications where projections that appear correct for one person will not be perceived correctly by another.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Integrating 2D Mouse Emulation with 3D Manipulation for Visualizations on a Multi-Touch Table

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    We present the Rizzo, a multi-touch virtual mouse that has been designed to provide the fine grained interaction for information visualization on a multi-touch table. Our solution enables touch interaction for existing mouse-based visualizations. Previously, this transition to a multi-touch environment was difficult because the mouse emulation of touch surfaces is often insufficient to provide full information visualization functionality. We present a unified design, combining many Rizzos that have been designed not only to provide mouse capabilities but also to act as zoomable lenses that make precise information access feasible. The Rizzos and the information visualizations all exist within a touch-enabled 3D window management system. Our approach permits touch interaction with both the 3D windowing environment as well as with the contents of the individual windows contained therein. We describe an implementation of our technique that augments the VisLink 3D visualization environment to demonstrate how to enable multi-touch capabilities on all visualizations written with the popular prefuse visualization toolkit.

    Distributed Synchronous Visualization Design: Challenges and Strategies

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    We reflect on our experiences as designers of COVID-19 data visualizations working in a distributed synchronous design space during the pandemic. This is especially relevant as the pandemic posed new challenges to distributed collaboration amidst civic lockdown measures and an increased dependency on spatially distributed teamwork across almost all sectors. Working from home being 'the new normal', we explored potential solutions for collaborating and prototyping remotely from our own homes using the existing tools at our disposal. Since members of our cross-disciplinary team had different technical skills, we used a range of synchronous remote design tools and methods. We aimed to preserve the richness of co-located collaboration such as face-to-face physical presence, body gestures, facial expressions, and the making and sharing of physical artifacts. While meeting over Zoom, we sketched on paper and used digital collaboration tools, such as Miro and Google Docs. Using an auto-ethnographic approach, we articulate our challenges and strategies throughout the process, providing useful insights about synchronous distributed collaboration.Comment: Final published versio
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