404 research outputs found

    Rules of Engagement: The Intersection of Art History and Christian Scholarship

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    Messiah College faculty scholarship papers : submitted by faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for promotion to the rank of professo

    Percorsi attraverso i confini: un'etnografia delle esperienze delle donne richiedenti protezione internazionale e asilo tra Bolzano e il Brennero

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    This research aims to describe and monitor migration of women seeking international protection and asylum to show the forms of mobility they involve across the border area and the effects of time lived in contact with the asylum and reception devices . The context in which the observation is located is that of the Brenner border and the Autonomous Province of Bolzano: these places are affected by "secondary movements" both from the countries of northern Europe and from the regions within Italy. The reading keys that support the analysis will be foreseen: the first is the one that reads in the peculiar configuration of the recognition system present in Bolzano a category device towards women particularly excluded and ambiguous. The second is that which considers the dimension of time - individual, relational and institutional - as a productive element of surveillance in the experience of research subjects

    Utilizzo delle nuove tecnologie nella didattica LIM, Skype, Piattaforma e-learning e Geometria dinamica: una possibile interazione

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    The experience, built up with the students of the I M, the II M and the III M classes of the ex- "Scuola Media Antonelli - Croce", located at via Cerulli, during the Professor Caroselli’s Math and Science lessons is a direct consequence of training activities held during the earlier school years by the Professor Manuppella in the "Scuola Media B. Croce", located in Pescara, in compliance with the norms that regulated the participation of the School to the "Innovascuola" Ministerial Project

    Pioneer settlement of the cold-water coral Desmophyllum dianthus (Esper, 1794) on plastic

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    Larval settlement is a critical step for sessile benthic species such as corals, whose ability to thrive on diverse natural and anthropogenic substrates may lead to a competitive advantage in the colonization of new environments with respect to a narrow tolerance for a specific kind of substratum. Plastic debris, widespread in marine waters, provides a large, motile, and solid substratum supporting a highly diverse biological community. Here we present the first observation of a floating plastic bottle colonized by the deep-sea coral Desmophyllum dianthus. The density pattern and co-occurring species composition suggest a pioneer behavior of this coral species, whose peculiar morphologic plasticity response when interacting with the plastic substrate (i.e., low density polyethylene) has not been observed before. The tolerance of D. dianthus for such plastic substrate may affect ecological processes in deep water environments, disrupting interspecific substrate competition in the benthic community

    Sexual reproduction and biometry of the nonzooxanthellate papillose cup coral Paracyathus pulchellus

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    Basic information on the reproductive biology of many scleractinian corals species is limited or entirely lacking, particularly from temperate zones, though it is essential for a better understanding of their ecology. This study describes the morphological aspects and the annual cycle of gametogenesis and biometric parameters of the papillose cup coral Paracyathus pulchellus collected at Palinuro (Italy, Southern Tyrrhenian Sea), filling a knowledge gap about the reproductive biology of a widespread Mediterranean and Northern Atlantic coral. Samples of P. pulchellus were collected by SCUBA diving between 5- and 10-meters depth during 18 monthly collections from June 2010 to December 2011. Sexually active polyps displayed either oocytes or spermaries, indicating that P. pulchellus was gonochoric. The sex ratio of sexually active polyps was 1:1. Gametogenesis began with undifferentiated germ cells arose in the gastrodermis that migrated towards the mesoglea of the mesentery where they completed the development. During spermatogenesis, spermary diameter increased from 25 to 83 µm. Oocyte diameter ranged from 9 to 146 µm and during oogenesis the nucleus/cytoplasm ratio decreased due to the accumulation of yolk. The nucleus migrated to the periphery of the oocyte adhering closely to the cell membrane. No embryo was observed in the coelenteric cavity of the polyps, suggesting an external development of planktotrophic larvae due to the small-sized mature oocytes and a possible broadcast spawning reproductive mode. Gonadal index of both females and males increased significantly from August until November and fertilization took place from November to January. Only sexually inactive individuals were observed from February to April, suggesting a quiescence period in both males and females. Seasonal variations in water temperature and photoperiod may have a key role in regulating gametogenesis. The analysis of the main biometric parameters (polyp width, height, dry skeletal mass, volume, surface/volume ratio and bulk skeletal density) showed a negative correlation between size and skeletal density, and no sexual dimorphism

    Ocean warming and acidification detrimentally affect coral tissue regeneration at a Mediterranean CO2 vent

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    Among the main phenomena that are causing significant changes in ocean waters are warming and acidification, largely due to anthropogenic activities. Growing evidence suggests that climate change is having more substantial and rapid effects on marine communities than on terrestrial ones, triggering several physiological responses in these organisms, including in corals. Here we investigated, for first time in the field, the combined effect of increasing seawater acidification and warming on tissue regeneration rate of three Mediterranean scleractinian coral species characterized by different trophic strategies and growth modes. Balanophyllia europaea (solitary, zooxanthellate), Leptopsammia pruvoti (solitary, non-zooxanthellate) and Astroides calycularis (colonial, non-zooxanthellate) specimens were transplanted, during a cold, intermediate, and warm period, along a natural pH gradient generated by an underwater volcanic crater at Panarea Island (Mediterranean Sea, Italy), characterized by continuous and localized CO2 emissions at ambient temperature. Our results show a decrease in regenerative capacity, especially in the zooxanthellate species, with increasing seawater temperature and acidification, with demonstrated species-specific differences. This finding suggests that increasing seawater temperature and acidification could have a compounding effect on coral regeneration following injury, potentially hindering the capacity of corals to recover following physical disturbance under predicted climate change

    The ModernMT Project

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    This short presentation introduces ModernMT: an open-source project that integrates real-time adaptive neural machine translation into a single easy-to-use product
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