124 research outputs found

    The phylogenetic distribution and ecological role of carbon monoxide oxidation in the genus Burkholderia

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    Burkholderia is a physiologically and ecologically diverse genus that occurs commonly in assemblages of soil and rhizosphere bacteria. Although Burkholderia is known for its heterotrophic versatility, we demonstrate that 14 distinct environmental isolates oxidized carbon monoxide (CO) and possessed the gene encoding the catalytic subunit of form I CO dehydrogenase (coxL). DNA from a Burkholderia isolate obtained from a passalid beetle also contained coxL as do the genomic sequences of species H160 and Ch1-1. Isolates were able to consume CO at concentrations ranging from 100 ppm (vol/vol) to sub-ambient (\u3c 60 ppb (vol/vol)). High concentrations of pyruvate inhibited CO uptake (\u3e 2.5 mM), but mixotrophic consumption of CO and pyruvate occurred when initial pyruvate concentrations were lower (c. 400 μM). With the exception of an isolate most closely related to Burkholderia cepacia, all CO-oxidizing isolates examined were members of a nonpathogenic clade and were most closely related to Burkholderia species, B. caledonica, B. fungorum, B. oxiphila, B. mimosarum, B. nodosa, B. sacchari, B. bryophila, B. ferrariae, B. ginsengesoli, and B. unamae. However, none of these type strains oxidized CO or contained coxL based on results from PCR analyses. Collectively, these results demonstrate that the presence of CO oxidation within members of the Burkholderia genus is variable but it is most commonly found among rhizosphere inhabitants that are not closely related to B. cepacia. © 2011 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved 79 1 January 2012 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2011.01206.x Research Article Research Articles © 2011 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved

    Volcanic soils as sources of novel CO-oxidizing Paraburkholderia and Burkholderia: Paraburkholderia hiiakae sp. nov., Paraburkholderia metrosideri sp. nov., Paraburkholderia paradisi sp. nov., Paraburkholderia peleae sp. nov., and Burkholderia alpina sp. nov. a member of the Burkholderia cepacia complex

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    © 2017 Weber and King. Previous studies showed that members of the Burkholderiales were important in the succession of aerobic, molybdenum-dependent CO oxidizing-bacteria on volcanic soils. During these studies, four isolates were obtained from Kilauea Volcano (Hawai\u27i, USA); one strain was isolated from Pico de Orizaba (Mexico) during a separate study. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities, the Pico de Orizaba isolate and the isolates from Kilauea Volcano were provisionally assigned to the genera Burkholderia and Paraburkholderia, respectively. Each of the isolates possessed a form I coxL gene that encoded the catalytic subunit of carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (CODH); none of the most closely related type strains possessed coxL or oxidized CO. Genome sequences for Paraburkholderia type strains facilitated an analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities and average nucleotide identities (ANI). ANI did not exceed 95% (the recommended cutoff for species differentiation) for any of the pairwise comparisons among 27 reference strains related to the new isolates. However, since the highest 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity among this set of reference strains was 98.93%, DNA-DNA hybridizations (DDH) were performed for two isolates whose 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities with their nearest phylogenetic neighbors were 98.96 and 99.11%. In both cases DDH values were \u3c 16%. Based on multiple variables, four of the isolates represent novel species within the Paraburkholderia: Paraburkholderia hiiakae sp. nov. (type strain I2T = DSM 28029T = LMG 27952T); Paraburkholderia paradisi sp. nov. (type strain WAT = DSM 28027T = LMG 27949T); Paraburkholderia peleae sp. nov. (type strain PP52-1T = DSM 28028T = LMG 27950T); and Paraburkholderia metrosideri sp. nov. (type strain DNBP6-1T = DSM 28030T = LMG 28140T). The remaining isolate represents the first CO-oxidizing member of the Burkholderia cepacia complex: Burkholderia alpina sp. nov. (type strain PO-04-17-38T = DSM 28031T = LMG 28138T)

    Physiological, ecological, and phylogenetic characterization of Stappia, a marine CO-oxidizing bacterial genus

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    Bacteria play a major role in marine CO cycling, yet very little is known about the microbes involved. Thirteen CO-oxidizing Stappia isolates obtained from existing cultures, macroalgae, or surf samples representing geographically and ecologically diverse habitats were characterized using biochemical, physiological, and phylogenetic approaches. All isolates were aerobic chemoorganotrophs that oxidized CO at elevated (1,000 ppm) and ambient-to-subambient concentrations (\u3c0.3 ppm). All contained the form I (OMP) coxL gene for aerobic CO dehydrogenase and also the form II (BMS) putative coxL gene. In addition, some strains possessed cbbL, the large subunit gene for ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, suggesting the possibility of lithotrophic or mixotrophic metabolism. All isolates used a wide range of sugars, organic acids, amino acids, and aromatics for growth and grew at salinities from 5 to 45 ppt. All but one isolate denitrified or respired nitrate. Phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA gene sequences indicated that several isolates could not be distinguished from Stappia aggregata and contributed to a widely distributed species complex. Four isolates (of strains GA15, HI, MIO, and M4) were phylogenetically distinct from validly described Stappia species and closely related genera (e.g., Ahrensia, Pannonibacter, Pseudovibrio, and Roseibium). Substrate utilization profiles, enzymatic activity, and membrane lipid composition further distinguished these isolates and supported their designations as new Stappia species. The observed metabolic versatility of Stappia likely accounts for its cosmopolitan distribution and its ability to contribute to CO cycling as well as other important biogeochemical cycles. Copyright © 2007, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved

    Water stress impacts on bacterial carbon monoxide oxidation on recent volcanic deposits

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    Water availability oscillates dramatically on young volcanic deposits, and may control the distribution and activity of microbes during early stages of biological succession. Carbon monoxide (CO)-oxidizing bacteria are among the pioneering colonists on volcanic deposits and are subjected to these water stresses. We report here the effects of water potential on CO-oxidizing bacteria in unvegetated (bare) and vegetated (canopy) sites on a 1959 volcanic deposit on Kilauea Volcano (Hawai\u27i). Time course measurements of water potential showed that average water potentials in the surface layer (0-1 cm) of canopy soil remained between 0.1 and 0 MPa, whereas dramatic diurnal oscillations (for example, between 60 and 0 MPa) occur in bare site surface cinders. During a moderate drying event in situ (1.7 to 0 MPa), atmospheric CO consumption by intact bare site cores decreased 2.7-fold. For bare and canopy surface samples, maximum potential CO oxidation rates decreased 40 and 60%, respectively, when water potentials were lowered from 0 to 1.5 MPa in the laboratory. These observations indicated that CO oxidation is moderately sensitive to changes in water potential. Additional analyses showed that CO oxidation resumes within a few hours of rehydration, even after desiccation at 150 MPa for 63 days. Samples from both sites exposed to multiple cycles of drying and rewetting (80 to 0 MPa), lost significant activity after the first cycle, but not after subsequent cycles. Similar responses of CO oxidation in both sites suggested that active CO-oxidizing communities in bare and canopy sites do not express differential adaptations to water stress. © 2009 International Society for Microbial Ecology All rights reserved

    Interactions between bacterial carbon monoxide and hydrogen consumption and plant development on recent volcanic deposits

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    Patterns of microbial colonization and interactions between microbial processes and vascular plants on volcanic deposits have received little attention. Previous reports have shown that atmospheric CO and hydrogen contribute significantly to microbial metabolism on Kilauea volcano (Hawaii) deposits with varied ages and successional development. Relationships between CO oxidation and plant communities were not clear, however, since deposit age and vegetation status covaried. To determine plant-microbe interactions in deposits of uniform ages, CO and hydrogen dynamics have been assayed for unvegetated tephra on a 1959 deposit at Puu Puai (PP-bare), at the edge of tree islands within the PP deposit (PP-edge) and within PP tree islands (PP-canopy). Similar assays have been conducted for vegetated and unvegetated sites on a 1969 Mauna Ulu (MU) lava flow. Net in situ atmospheric CO uptake was highest at PP-edge and PP-bare sites (2.2±0.5 and 1.3±0.1mg COm2day 1, respectively), and least for PP-canopy (3.2±0.9mg COm 2day1, net emission). Respiration rates, microbial biomass and maximum CO uptake potential showed an opposing pattern. Comparisons of atmospheric CO uptake and CO 2 production rates indicate that CO contributes significantly to microbial metabolism in PP-bare and MU-unvegetated sites, but negligibly where vegetation is well developed. Nonetheless, maximum potential CO uptake rates indicate that CO oxidizer populations increase with increasing plant biomass and consume CO actively. Some of these CO oxidizers may contribute to elevated nitrogen fixation rates (acetylene reduction) measured within tree islands, and thus, support plant successional development. © 2008 International Society for Microbial Ecology. All rights reserved

    Changes in Fungal Community Composition in Response to Elevated Atmospheric CO2 and Nitrogen Fertilization Varies with Soil Horizon

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    Increasing levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO(2)) and rates of nitrogen (N)-deposition to forest ecosystems are predicted to alter the structure and function of soil fungal communities, but the spatially heterogeneous distribution of soil fungi has hampered investigations aimed at understanding such impacts. We hypothesized that soil physical and chemical properties and fungal community composition would be differentially impacted by elevated atmospheric CO(2) (eCO(2)) and N-fertilization in spatially separated field samples, in the forest floor, 0–2, 2–5, and 5–10 cm depth intervals in a loblolly pine Free-Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment (FACE) experiment. In all soils, quantitative PCR-based estimates of fungal biomass were highest in the forest floor. Fungal richness, based on pyrosequencing of the fungal ribosomal large subunit gene, increased in response to N-fertilization in 0–2 cm and forest floor intervals. Composition shifted in forest floor, 0–2 and 2–5 cm intervals in response to N-fertilization, but the shift was most distinct in the 0–2 cm interval, in which the largest number of statistically significant changes in soil chemical parameters (i.e., phosphorus, organic matter, calcium, pH) was also observed. In the 0–2 cm interval, increased recovery of sequences from the Thelephoraceae, Tricholomataceae, Hypocreaceae, Clavicipitaceae, and Herpotrichiellaceae families and decreased recovery of sequences from the Amanitaceae correlated with N-fertilization. In this same depth interval, Amanitaceae, Tricholomataceae, and Herpotriciellaceae sequences were recovered less frequently from soils exposed to eCO(2) relative to ambient conditions. These results demonstrated that vertical stratification should be taken into consideration in future efforts to elucidate environmental impacts on fungal communities and their feedbacks on ecosystem processes

    Ephemerality of discrete methane vents in lake sediments

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    Methane is a potent greenhouse gas whose emission from sediments in inland waters and shallow oceans may both contribute to global warming and be exacerbated by it. The fraction of methane emitted by sediments that bypasses dissolution in the water column and reaches the atmosphere as bubbles depends on the mode and spatiotemporal characteristics of venting from the sediments. Earlier studies have concluded that hot spots—persistent, high-flux vents—dominate the regional ebullitive flux from submerged sediments. Here the spatial structure, persistence, and variability in the intensity of methane venting are analyzed using a high-resolution multibeam sonar record acquired at the bottom of a lake during multiple deployments over a 9 month period. We confirm that ebullition is strongly episodic, with distinct regimes of high flux and low flux largely controlled by changes in hydrostatic pressure. Our analysis shows that the spatial pattern of ebullition becomes homogeneous at the sonar's resolution over time scales of hours (for high-flux periods) or days (for low-flux periods), demonstrating that vents are ephemeral rather than persistent, and suggesting that long-term, lake-wide ebullition dynamics may be modeled without resolving the fine-scale spatial structure of venting.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (1045193)United States. Department of Energy (DE-FE001399