304 research outputs found

    The Impact of Expert Knowledge on User Behavior in Recommender Systems

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    Using experts in recommender systems can improve the accuracy of recommendations as well as other quality aspects of recommendations. Most studies have tested the impact of expert knowledge in offline tests. However, it is still unclear how user behavior changes when experts are used for recommendation in an online scenario. We therefore deploy a live recommender system based on rules built by employed experts on the video-on-demand platform of a large television network. We find that expert-built rules lead to a similar amount of clip views and platform visits as a standard recommender. However, experts have an influence on the consumed content, focusing users on a few popular categories

    Gender Stereotyping’s Influence on the Perceived Competence of Siri and Co.

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    Some users express frustration with regard to virtual assistants due to their lack of perceived competence. To address this negative perception, we believe that technology companies should be aware of gender stereotypes. More specifically, it has been shown that males are attributed with rational competence more often than females. Drawing from the CASA paradigm, which states that people regularly assign human traits to computers, we expect that this stereotype might also be present for virtual assistants, i.e., male-voice virtual assistants are perceived as being more competent than female-voice virtual assistants. We test this hypothesis by conducting a controlled experiment which simulates a realistic interaction with differently voiced virtual assistants. The results indicate that gender stereotypes indeed play a role in the perception of the interaction. Male-voiced assistants are perceived more competent than their female-voiced counterpart which has practical implications in the design and development of devices that utilize these assistants

    Pastoral care and counselling as a reciprocal gift between counsellor and counsellee

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    Youth Centres such as Faure Youth Centre provide a challenge to questions such as violence and crime. This qualitative research journey started at Faure Youth Centre using narrative pastoral care and counselling and participatory action research to assist the young people there to find alternative ways of standing against violence and crime. Changing circumstances at Faure however, paved the way for the research to follow another direction. This resulted in different voices to emerge and for my family to receive an unexpected `gift' in the process. The `gift' that my pastoral care and counselling at Faure gave to my family initiated a process of change in us and transformed it into a spiralling journey of challenging patriarchal practices and finding alternative ways of living.Philosophy, Practical and Systematic TheologyM.Th. (Practical Theology

    The influence of heat stress on the functionality of ovine spermatozoa

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    Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: With the current trend in the global human population growth, the demand for animal production is predicted to increase significantly in the coming years. The increased demand for animal products will coincide with the period in which the world will experience changes in the global climate that will ultimately affect agricultural production. When considering the use of assisted reproductive techniques in the sheep industry, given the expected increase in average global temperatures, it is important to identify rams that produce spermatozoa that are resilient to temperature changes associated with the collection, processing, and preservation. This study aimed to determine the influence of scrotal insulation on sperm sample quality, and the resumption of normal spermatogenic activity in the testes of adult Dohne Merino rams, to potentially classify rams in terms of resilience to heat stress and its related effect on physiological processes such as spermatogenesis. Twelve rams formed part of the scrotal insulation phase, of which 10 rams were subjected to scrotal insulation. Two rams were not subjected to scrotal insulation and represented a Control group. The scrotal insulation devices were fitted after the first semen sampling, and thermographic measurements (Week 0), and remained fitted for 7 consecutive days. Semen samples and thermographic measurements were recorded after removal of the scrotal insulation devices, and thereafter every fortnight at Week 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11. The fitting of scrotal insulation devices in the present study proved to be effective in insulating the testes, as evident in the influence thereof on spermatogenic activity. There were no significant differences between the HR, LR, and Control groups for the percentage of abnormal and live spermatozoa over time during liquid storage (0-48h). There was a difference in the ability of spermatozoa from the rams to offer resilience to heat stress when the entire sampling period of 11 weeks was considered. Sperm morphology took 70 days to achieve pre-insulation values (below 40% for most rams), indicating that early spermatogenesis was most affected by heat stress. Considering the change in ambient temperature at Week 0 and Week 11 of the study as well as the different times of measuring scrotal temperatures during those weeks, scrotal temperatures took approximately 42 days to recover (18.64 ̊C – 24.84 ̊C), which coincides with the time it takes for spermatozoa to be produced from spermatogonia. By assessment of the change in iButton and scrotal temperatures, it was found that there were individual differences between rams, which indicates that certain rams are more efficient in thermoregulating testicular temperature than others. The study also aimed to determine whether a sperm hyperactivation functional test is effective in discriminating between Dohne Merino rams in terms of the resilience of their spermatozoa to heat stress. Semen samples were subjected to incubation at 38.5 ̊C for 30 minutes after the addition of 10mM procaine hydrochloride. Samples were evaluated at 0min, 15min, and 30min of incubation, and sperm viability, sperm morphology, and sperm acrosome integrity were quantified. There was no significant difference between the HR and LR groups for percentage live and abnormal acrosomes at all time intervals. There were significant differences between the HR and LR group for percentage abnormal spermatozoa at all time intervals. Significant individual differences were observed between the rams for sperm viability and morphology, but not for acrosome integrity when considering the entire 30 minutes of incubation. There was a faster rate in the reduction of quality for the LR group for abnormal spermatozoa compared to the HR group. The subpopulation structure of ejaculates should be considered when using induced hyperactivation as a sperm functional test, especially when ejaculation frequency is high. Simulations of the in-vivo environment of the female reproductive tract in an in-vitro environment may assist in more precise determination of fertilizing ability from heat stressed spermatozoa.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Met die huidige tendens in die globale menslike bevolkingsgroei, word voorspel dat die vraag na diereproduksie in die komende jare aansienlik sal toeneem. Die verhoogde vraag na diereprodukte sal ervaar word in die tydperk waarin die wêreld veranderinge in die globale klimaat sal ervaar, wat uiteindelik landbouproduksie sal beïnvloed. Wanneer die gebruik van ondersteunde reproduksietegnieke (ORTe) in die skaapbedryf oorweeg word, gegewe die verwagte toename in gemiddelde globale temperatuur, is dit belangrik om ramme te identifiseer wat sperme produseer wat weerstandbiedend is teen die veranderinge wat met die versameling, verwerking en preservering veroorsaak word. Hierdie studie het ten doel gehad om die invloed van skrotale isolasie op spermmonster kwaliteit, en die hervatting van normale spermatogeniese aktiwiteit in die testes van volwasse Dohne Merino ramme te bepaal, in 'n poging om potensieël ramme te klassifiseer vir veerkragtigheid teen hittestres, en die verwante effek daarvan op fisiologiese prosesse soos spermatogenese. Twaalf ramme het deel gevorm van die skrotale-isolasie-fase, waarvan 10 ramme aan skrotale-isolasie onderworpe was. Twee ramme was nie aan skrotale-isolasie onderworpe nie en het 'n Kontrole groep verteenwoordig. Die skrotale isolasie sakke was op die skrotums geplaas na die eerste semenmonster en termografiese metings (Week 0) geneem was. Die -sakke het in posisie gebly vir 7 opeenvolgende dae. Semenmonsters is versamel en termografiese metings is geneem na verwydering van die skrotale isolasie sakke, en was daarna elke twee weke geneem op Week 3, 5, 7, 9 en 11. Die passing van skrotale isolasie sakke in die huidige studie was doeltreffend om die testes te isoleer, soos blyk uit die invloed daarvan op spermatogeniese aktiwiteit. Daar was geen beduidende verskille tussen die HR-, LR- en Kontrolegroepe vir die persentasie abnormale en lewende sperme oor tyd, vir monsters gestoor by 4°C (0-48h) nie. Daar was 'n verskil in die vermoë van sperme van die ramme om weerstand teen hittestres te bied, wanneer die hele monsternemingsperiode van 11 weke in ag geneem was. Sperm morfologie het 70 dae geneem om waardes soortgelyk aan waaardes voor skrotale isolasie te bereik (onder 40% vir die meeste ramme), wat aandui dat vroeë spermatogenese die meeste deur hittestres beïnvloed was. Met inagneming van die verandering in omgewingstemperatuur by Week 0 en Week 11 van die studie, asook die verskillende tye van meting van skrotumtemperature gedurende daardie weke, het skrotumtemperature ongeveer 42 dae geneem om te herstel (18.64 ̊C – 24.84 ̊C), wat ooreenstem met die tyd wat dit neem vir sperme om geproduseer te word vanaf spermatogonia. Die veranderinge aangeteken in iButton en skrotale temperature tydens die isolasietydperk, het aangetoon dat daar individuele verskille tussen ramme was, wat daarop dui dat sekere ramme meer doeltreffend is in termoregulering van testikulêre temperatuur as ander. Die studie het ook ten doel gehad om vas te stel of 'n sperm hiperaktivering funksionele toets effektief was om tussen Dohne Merino ramme te onderskei in die veerkragtigheid van hul sperme teen hittestres. Semenmonsters was onderworpe aan inkubasie by 38.5 ̊C vir 30 minute na die byvoeging van 10mM prokeinhidrochloried. Monsters is geëvalueer op 0min, 15min en 30min van inkubasie, en lewensvatbaarheid, morfologie en akrosoomintegriteit van sperme was gekwantifiseer. Daar was geen betekenisvolle verskil tussen die HR- en LR-groepe vir onderskeidelik persentasie lewende en abnormale akrosome op alle tydsintervalle nie. Daar was beduidende verskille tussen die HR- en LR-groep vir persentasie abnormale sperme op alle tydsintervalle. Beduidende individuele verskille was waargeneem tussen die ramme vir lewensvatbaarheid en morfologie, maar nie vir akrosoom integriteit van sperme wanneer die hele 30 minute van inkubasie in ag geneem word nie. Daar was 'n vinniger tempo in die vermindering van kwaliteit vir die LR-groep vir abnormale sperme in vergelyking met die HR-groep. Die subpopulasiestruktuur van ejakulate moet in ag geneem word wanneer geïnduseerde hiperaktivering as 'n sperm funksionele toets gebruik word, veral wanneer ejakulasiefrekwensie hoog is. Simulasies van die in vivo omgewing van die vroulike voortplantingskanaal in vitro kan help met meer presiese bepaling van bevrugtingsvermoë van sperme wat hittestres ervaar.Master

    An exploration of a narrative pastoral approach to improve the lives of female teachers in the South African context

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    This Qualitative research investigated and explored using a Narrative approach with teachers to find ways to improve the quality of teachers’ lives through the use of stories in Pastoral Counselling. A small group of teachers from a local primary school were invited to share their stories as a means to explore care and support actions for other teachers in the South African context. Statistics seem to point to a crisis in the South African education system, especially regarding the well-being of teachers. Various factors contribute to this including issues of diversity in the teaching context and challenges posed by inclusive education. It is my belief that a Narrative approach can assist Practical Theology to make a significant contribution towards helping struggling teachers nurture resilience and create more meaningful lives. Narrative Inquiry, a relatively new Qualitative methodology, was used to study the teachers’ experiences. This required a “collaboration between researcher and participants” which happened over time, in a particular context (Beaumont Primary School in Somerset West) and in social interactions with the research participants: a small group of teachers from Beaumont Primary School. African and South African views were investigated. Data collection methods included: interviewing; attentive listening; and observation, through which stories (data) was collected from the focus group. After analysing and interpreting the research data, an integrated Narrative Pastoral model was constructed which could assist Practical Theology and Pastoral Counselling to better equip teachers to deal with the challenges they are facing. It is hoped that this model will ultimately help the teachers involved in this research project to grow into integrated, whole (quality) beings who can make a difference where they work and live. The vision is that this model can also be implemented in the rest of South Africa’s teacher population.Practical TheologyD. Th. (Practical Theology