2,196 research outputs found

    Teori integer non negatif dalam logika matematika

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    ABSTRAK Bahasa logika merupakan suatu alat untuk menyatakan maksud program komputer. Maksud program komputer itu dinyatakan dengan algoritma. Salah satu bagian dari logika matematika adalah "teori", dan salah satu teori dalam logika matematika adalah teori integer non negatif yang didefinisikan dengan skema aksioma prinsip induksi matematika dan beberapa aksioma lain. Algoritma dalam teori integer non negatif dinyatakan dengan definisi definisi fungsi atau relasi. Dalam tugas akhir ini Akan diperkenalkan teori integer non negatif dan perluasannya, serta membahas penggunaan prinsip induksi untuk membuktikan kebenaran kalimat dalam teori integer non negati

    Transition region fluxes in A-F Dwarfs: Basal fluxes and dynamo activity

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    The transition region spectra of 87 late A and early F dwarfs and subgiants were analyzed. The emission line fluxes are uniformly strong in the early F stars, and drop off rapidly among the late A stars. The basal flux level in the F stars is consistent with an extrapolation of that observed among the G stars, while the magnetic component displays the same flux-flux relations seen among solar-like stars. Despite the steep decrease in transition region emission flux for B-V less than 0.28, C II emission is detected in alpha Aql (B-V = 0.22). The dropoff in emission is inconsistent with models of the mechanically generated acoustic flux available. It is concluded that, although the nonmagnetic basal heating is an increasingly important source of atmospheric heating among the early F stars, magnetic heating occurs in any star which has a sufficiently thick convective zone to generate acoustic heating

    Dissertatio gradualis de connubio rationis et experientiae, quam, approbante ampliss. facult. philos. in Reg. Acad. Aboënsi, praeside max. reverendo atque ampliss. viro mag. Carolo Mesterton, log. & metaph. prof. reg. & ord. Publico examini sistit stipendiarius regius Mart. Joh. Wallenius J. f. Austro-Finl. In auditorio maj. v. d. die [ ] Aprilis MDCCLI. h. a. m. s.

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    Invokaatio: Q.F.F.Q.S.Dedikaatio: Johannes Browallius, Johan Lostierna, Carolus Fridericus Mennander, Ericus Johannes Tolpo, Paul Müller [ruots. pr.].Arkit: 2 arkintunnuksetonta lehteä, A-B4 C1.Painovuosi nimekkeestä.Kolmas dedikaatio on ruotsinkielinen


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    In her long history, the Churchalways gives special attention to the sick and sufferings, in order to be present in all human condition. Pastoral care is offered for the sick, especially for those who are in the terminal ill. Health Pastoral Care wants to emphasize this point. Health pastoral care is very important in health services, especially in the Catholic healthcare institution. It serves not only the patients and their family but also the entire healthcare personals. Their main role is providing religious and spiritual assistance. In the recent time, their role is even wider, including social and psychological assistance. The Church is very supportive to this pastoral care. Health Pastoral care is an integral part of the Churchs mission to proclaim the Kingdom of God