85 research outputs found

    Candidate genes for disease, reproduction and meat quality traits in Portuguese native breeds.

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    Native Portuguese cattle breeds are a ?biodiversity deposit? resulting from genetic and environmental effects accumulated over the years. We assessed two cattle breeds representative of Portuguese native cattle (Barrosã - BAR and Brava de Lide ? BRA) aiming the evaluation of ROH across populations, identification of ROH islands and functional analysis of the identified genes. The pattern of ROH differed across breeds mainly from short to median range. Based on ROH islands analysis, three regions were observed to be shared by more than 35% of the individuals in the two breeds. Besides, gene networks highlighted biological associations based on genes found on ROH islands with biological processes related with reproductive traits (RBM19) and immune systems (DTX1) in BAR breed, and immune systems and adipogenesesprocesses (ZBTB16) in BRA breed

    Supply Chain Analysis for the Philippine Abalone

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    Philippine abalone (Haliotis asinina) is the most abundant abalone species in the Philippines and is collected from the wild by either gleaning or diving. Abalone has a strong export potential especially to countries in East Asia. The country’s highest volume of export was in 2004 with more than 600,000 kg valued at USD 3 million but the volume has continuously dropped. In 2012, the volume of abalone exports is only 300,000 kg valued at USD 1.5 million. This study examined the Philippine abalone industry using the supply chain analysis framework. This is a pioneering and exploratory research on the industry that surveyed 153 collectors from four major production areas in Iloilo, Palawan, Tawi-tawi, and Eastern Visayas; 41 traders; 29 trader-processors; and 7 exporters. Key informant interviews and focus group discussions were also employed. Results revealed that the abalone industry is solely dependent on supply from the wild and its sustainability is at risk given increased fishing activity due to increased demand in the world market, unregulated collection of brood stock and small-sized abalone, destructive collection practices, occurrence of natural calamities, and absence of policies on the management of abalone fisheries. Other findings are weak chain transparency and coordinative mechanisms, absence of common standards for classification and product processing, insufficiency of capital, and logistical issues. Policy recommendations are put forward to protect and increase the existing abalone stock from the wild alongside the development of abalone aquaculture

    Leucine Zipper-Bearing Kinase Is a Critical Regulator of Astrocyte Reactivity in the Adult Mammalian CNS.

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    Reactive astrocytes influence post-injury recovery, repair, and pathogenesis of the mammalian CNS. Much of the regulation of astrocyte reactivity, however, remains to be understood. Using genetic loss and gain-of-function analyses in vivo, we show that the conserved MAP3K13 (also known as leucine zipper-bearing kinase [LZK]) promotes astrocyte reactivity and glial scar formation after CNS injury. Inducible LZK gene deletion in astrocytes of adult mice reduced astrogliosis and impaired glial scar formation, resulting in increased lesion size after spinal cord injury. Conversely, LZK overexpression in astrocytes enhanced astrogliosis and reduced lesion size. Remarkably, in the absence of injury, LZK overexpression alone induced widespread astrogliosis in the CNS and upregulated astrogliosis activators pSTAT3 and SOX9. The identification of LZK as a critical cell-intrinsic regulator of astrocyte reactivity expands our understanding of the multicellular response to CNS injury and disease, with broad translational implications for neural repair

    Genetic diversity in native and commercial breeds of pigs in Portugal assessed by microsatellites

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    Population structure and genetic diversity in the Portuguese native breeds of pigs Alentejano (AL), Bísaro (BI), and Malhado de Alcobaça (MA) and the exotic breeds Duroc (DU), Landrace (LR), Large White (LW), and Pietrain were analyzed by typing 22 microsatellite markers in 249 individuals. In general, the markers used were greatly polymorphic, with mean total and effective number of alleles per locus of 10.68 and 4.33, respectively, and an expected heterozygosity of 0.667 across loci. The effective number of alleles per locus and expected heterozygosity were greatest in BI, LR, and AL, and least in DU. Private alleles were found in 9 of the 22 markers analyzed, mostly in AL, but also in the other breeds, with the exception of LW. The proportion of loci not in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in each breed analyzed ranged between 0.23 (AL) and 0.41 (BI, LW, and Pietrain), mostly because of a less than expected number of heterozygotes in those loci. With the exception of MA, all breeds showed a significant deficit in heterozygosity (F(IS); P < 0.05), which was more pronounced in BI (F(IS) = 0.175) and AL (F(IS) = 0.139), suggesting that inbreeding is a major concern, especially in these breeds that have gone through a genetic bottleneck in the recent past. The analysis of relationships among breeds, assessed by different methods, indicates that DU and AL are the more distanced breeds relative to the others, with the closest relationship being observed between LR and MA. The degree of differentiation between subpopulations (F(ST)) indicates that 0.184 of the total genetic variability can be attributed to differences among breeds. The analysis of individual distances based on allele sharing indicates that animals of the same breed generally cluster together, but subdivision is observed in the BI and LR breeds. Furthermore, the analysis of population structure indicates there is very little admixture among breeds, with each one being identified with a single ancestral population. The results of this study confirm that native breeds of pigs represent a very interesting reservoir of allelic diversity, even though the current levels of inbreeding raise concerns. Therefore, appropriate conservation efforts should be undertaken, such as adopting strategies aimed at minimizing inbreeding, to avoid further losses of genetic diversity

    Raça suína Large White – avaliação genética 2023

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    Spatial resolution on a small animal RPC-PET prototype operating under magnetic field

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    It has been demonstrated in previous work that the RPC-PET technology is able to deliver radioisotope image resolutions approaching the physical limits of the PET principle. Here we study, by simulation, the effect of the magnetic field on the positron range to evaluate whether the spatial resolution of the RPC-PET could be improved by using an intense magnetic field. Six positron emitters of interest to small animal PET imaging (18F, 11C, 15O, 68G, 62Cu and 86Y) are considered. Results suggest that a three-fold improvement on the spatial resolution may be obtained under a magnetic field of 10 T for the higher energy radioisotopes like 86Y or 62Cu, and by about 20% for the lower energy ones, like 18F or 11C.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TVD-4KV4MR8-15/1/efa4356ba16a85fd7740937bd0e672a

    Gastrointestinal parasites as a possible threat to an endangered autochthonous portuguese sheep breed

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    Helminth and protozoan infections are responsible for important diseases in grazing sheep, which can be especially threatening in an autochthonous breed at risk of extinction like the Churra Galega Mirandesa Portuguese sheep breed. The aim of the present study was to determine the diversity, prevalence and burden of gastrointestinal parasites in these sheep and to assess the effects of deworming practices, cohabiting animals on the farm and feed management. Coprological qualitative and quantitative analysis (flotation, natural sedimentation and McMaster method) were used to identify and quantify gastrointestinal parasites and a questionnaire was designed and applied. A total of 512 faecal samples were collected from 49 flocks, and 49 replies to the questionnaire were received. Parasites were identified in 100% of the flocks, and in 97% of the samples. The genera or species that have been morphologically identified were: strongyle-type, Nematodirus spp., Skrjabinema spp., Moniezia expansa, Moniezia benedeni, Trichuris spp., Capillaria spp., Eimeria spp., Dicrocoelium spp. and Fasciola hepatica. This is the first report in Portugal of Skrjabinema spp. The burden of parasites’ oocysts and eggs per gram in faecal samples ranged, respectively, from 50 to 17,550 for Eimeria spp., and from 50 to 6250 for strongyle-type eggs. Factors affecting parasitic infections were evaluated using a multivariate logistic regression. Grazing time and a lack of anthelmintic treatment were positively associated with Nematodirus spp. infection. This study showed that there is a high prevalence and diversity of gastrointestinal parasites in the Churra Galega Mirandesa sheep breed.A91F-E8B8-FA62 | Teresa Susana Letra MateusN/

    Very high position resolution gamma imaging with resistive plate chambers

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    In this study we present experimental results from a first prototype of a positron emission tomography system based on the resistive plate chamber (RPC) technology. The system is composed of two counting heads, each one containing 16 single-gap RPC detectors capable of detecting the photon interaction point in the transaxial plane. Uniformity studies were performed for image resolution and sensitivity, yielding a rather uniform image resolution close to 0.3 mm FWHM across the field of view. The contribution of the photons noncolinearity effect to the intrinsic spatial resolution was also studied, causing a variation from 0.52 to 0.63 mm when the system diameter ranges from 60 to 120 mm, in agreement with calculations.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TJM-4K5HV7F-9/1/7b655e08199d2b28acc8050106c2271

    Outdoor Field Experience with Autonomous RPC Based Stations

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    In the last two decades Resistive Plate Chambers were employed in the Cosmic Ray Experiments COVER-PLASTEX and ARGO/YBJ. In both experiments the detectors were housed indoors, likely owing to gas distribution requirements and the need to control environment variables that directly affect RPCs operational stability. But in experiments where Extended Air Shower (EAS) sampling is necessary, large area arrays composed by dispersed stations are deployed, rendering this kind of approach impossible. In this situation, it would be mandatory to have detectors that could be deployed in small standalone stations, with very rare opportunities for maintenance, and with good resilience to environmental conditions. Aiming to meet these requirements, we started some years ago the development of RPCs for Autonomous Stations. The results from indoor tests and measurements were very promising, both concerning performance and stability under very low gas flow rate, which is the main requirement for Autonomous Stations. In this work we update the indoor results and show the first ones concerning outdoor stable operation. In particular, a dynamic adjustment of the high voltage is applied to keep gas gain constant.Peer Reviewe