1,201 research outputs found

    Dissimilarity is used as evidence of category membership in multidimensional perceptual categorization: a test of the similarity-dissimilarity generalized context model

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    In exemplar models of categorization, the similarity between an exemplar and category members constitutes evidence that the exemplar belongs to the category. We test the possibility that the dissimilarity to members of competing categories also contributes to this evidence. Data were collected from two 2-dimensional perceptual categorization experiments, one with lines varying in orientation and length and the other with coloured patches varying in saturation and brightness. Model fits of the similarity-dissimilarity generalized context model were used to compare a model where only similarity was used with a model where both similarity and dissimilarity were used. For the majority of participants the similarity-dissimilarity model provided both a significantly better fit and better generalization, suggesting that people do also use dissimilarity as evidence

    The computational structural mechanics testbed procedures manual

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    The purpose of this manual is to document the standard high level command language procedures of the Computational Structural Mechanics (CSM) Testbed software system. A description of each procedure including its function, commands, data interface, and use is presented. This manual is designed to assist users in defining and using command procedures to perform structural analysis in the CSM Testbed User's Manual and the CSM Testbed Data Library Description

    The computational structural mechanics testbed data library description

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    The datasets created and used by the Computational Structural Mechanics Testbed software system are documented by this manual. A description of each dataset including its form, contents, and organization is presented


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    A pilot study was carried out to establish the feasibility and effectiveness of Matrix Reimprinting (MR) in treating post traumatic stress symptoms in civilian survivors of the war in Bosnia. Two Healing Hands Network Centres in Bosnia in Sarajevo and Hadzici. Clients accessing the Healing Hands Network in Bosnia were invited to participate in the pilot study of MR. At the start and end of their treatment, clients were asked to complete a modified version of the PTSD Checklist-Civilian Checklist (PCL-C; Blanchard et al., 1996) at baseline, immediately after the two week MR intervention and then at 4 weeks follow-up. Eighteen clients were included MR pilot study. There was a significant reduction in the mean scores from baseline to immediately post intervention (p = 0.009) and again at the 4 week follow-up (p = 0.005). The size of the immediate effect was sustained at follow-up (p = 0.65). The qualitative analysis (via. an evaluation form at four weeks follow-up) identified the following four themes: Theme 1: Physical and psychological changes Theme 2: The strength to move on and to self-care Theme 3: Rapport with the MR Practitioners Theme 4: Recommending it for others. Despite the limited sample size, significant improvements were shown. The qualitative and quantitative results support the potential of MR as an effective treatment for post traumatic stress symptoms. Further controlled studies are required

    Pharmacological Treatment of Neonatal Opiate Withdrawal: Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

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    Illicit drug use with opiates in pregnancy is a major global health issue with neonatal withdrawal being a common complication. Morphine is the main pharmacological agent administered for the treatment of neonatal withdrawal. In the past, morphine has been considered by and large inert in terms of its long-term effects on the central nervous system. However, recent animal and clinical studies have demonstrated that opiates exhibit significant effects on the growing brain. This includes direct dose-dependent effects on reduction in brain size and weight, protein, DNA, RNA, and neurotransmitters—possibly as a direct consequence of a number of opiate-mediated systems that influence neural cell differentiation, proliferation, and apoptosis. At this stage, we are stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea. There are no real alternatives to pharmacological treatment with opiates and other drugs for neonatal opiate withdrawal and opiate addiction in pregnant women. However, pending further rigorous studies examining the potential harmful effects of opiate exposure in utero and the perinatal period, prolonged use of these agents in the neonatal period should be used judiciously, with caution, and avoided where possible

    Magnitude Judgements Are Influenced by the Relative Positions of Data Points Within Axis Limits

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    When visualising data, chart designers have the freedom to choose the upper and lower limits of numerical axes. Axis limits can determine the physical characteristics of plotted values, such as the physical position of data points in dot plots. In two experiments (total N=300), we demonstrate that axis limits affect viewers' interpretations of the magnitudes of plotted values. Participants did not simply associate values presented at higher vertical positions with greater magnitudes. Instead, participants considered the relative positions of data points within the axis limits. Data points were considered to represent larger values when they were closer to the end of the axis associated with greater values, even when they were presented at the bottom of a chart. This provides further evidence of framing effects in the display of data, and offers insight into the cognitive mechanisms involved in assessing magnitude in data visualisations

    Excavating Adolf Loos's Cultural Criticism

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    Adolf Loos (1870-1933), architect and Kulturkritiker, was a key figure in discussions centring on the nature of modernity in Vienna at the turn of the century. In the last fifteen years, significant progress has been made in the field of Loos scholarship. However, the focus of much of this work has been illumination of Loos's architecture through the medium of architectural history, and Loos's textual works have therefore been interpreted selectively, resulting in an incomplete picture of his oeuvre. The emphasis on Loos as architect obscures other ways of seeing him, such as the theorist of modernity and the Kulturkritiker. This study aims to redress the balance by recognising the multiplicity of language-games of which Loos was a member. This full-length analysis of Loos's textual oeuvre, preceded only by Amanshauser (1985) and Roth (1995), is the first to appear in English and serves to present a 'new' perspective on Loos