504 research outputs found

    MedienpĂ€dagogik als Chance und Herausforderung fĂŒr die Erwachsenenbildung

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    Digitale Medien durchdringen immer stĂ€rker unseren Alltag, sodass bereits sĂ€mtliche Lebensbereiche davon betroffen sind. Die Erwachsenenbildung ist gefordert, diesem Umstand Rechnung zu tragen, indem sie digitalen Medien eine zentrale Rolle in ihren Bildungsangeboten einrĂ€umt. Zum einen kann dies durch den Einsatz digitaler Medien als pĂ€dagogische Hilfsmittel geschehen (Mediendidaktik), zum anderen aber auch in Form von Bildungsangeboten, welche den Gebrauch von und Umgang mit Medien zum Inhalt haben (Medienerziehung). WĂ€hrend damit einerseits das Potential neuer LerngegenstĂ€nde und Bildungsformate verbunden ist, entstehen andererseits Herausforderungen wie etwa technische Voraussetzungen, der Bedarf an Medienkompetenz auf Seiten der Lehrenden und Lernenden, urheberrechtliche bzw. Datenschutzprobleme und das Erfordernis didaktischer Konzepte. Diesen Herausforderungen muss mit gezielten Maßnahmen entgegengesteuert werden wie etwa der medienpĂ€dagogischen Ausbildung von Lehrenden, der Entwicklung offener Lernmaterialien und verstĂ€rkter Evaluation und Forschung

    Medienkompetenz & Genderkompetenz: Kompetenzen fĂŒr das Web 2.0

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    During the past few years, the Internet has been transformed more and more towards a global participatory network. Facebook, YouTube, Flickr, Wikipedia are outstanding examples of this development. At least theoretically everybody linked to the Internet can participate in the social web. In fact, that offers new possibilities like expanded ways of connecting people. On the other hand there are new challenges, e.g. the handling of private data in the Internet. Another transformation concerns the role of the media recipient. He/she is no longer just consuming, but also producing contents. That is why the recipients in the Web 2.0 are now called ‚prosumers’. These important changes lead not only to the consequence of redefining media literacy. They also modify our view on the contents of the participatory net and on the possibilities of interaction. For example the category ‚gender’ should be reanalyzed under the conditions of the Web 2.0. Gender is in the Internet, indeed, as in any other arena of everyday life, a central category of interpreting our social life. The gender studies define gender as constructed. With the term ‚doing gender’ the ongoing active construction of gender affiliation is emphasized. Exponents of the theory of doing gender criticize gender stereotypes which predefine gender in fixed categories and in the exclusive poles of ‘felinity’ and 'masculinity'. These are assignations which exclude fluid gender identities (transsexuals, transgender 
). Moreover they legitimate a conventional gender-specific division of labour and gender hierarchies. However, what is constructed can also be de-constructed in the sense of an ‘undoing gender’. Stereotypes can be laid open, new subversive constructions and pictures of gender can be promoted. In my assumption, purposeful interactions in the Web 2.0 which follow the principles of media literacy and gender competence can contribute to a liberation of gender conventions. Moreover they can promote emancipational processes and help to advance the users self-esteem

    Training Effects of a Visual Aid on Haptic Sensitivity in a Needle Insertion Task

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    International audienceThis paper describes an experiment conducted to measure human's haptic sensitivity and the effects of haptic training with and without visual aid on a needle insertion task. The haptic training protocol consisted of a needle insertion task using dual-layer silicon samples. A visual aid was provided as a multimodal cue for haptic perception. Results show that for a novices' group, training with a visual aid inhibited haptic perception. Hence, haptic skills must be trained differently from visuo-motor skills

    Aktiverande landskapsarkitektur

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    Landskapsarkitektens roll att skapa miljöer som frĂ€mjar fysisk aktivitet kan antas vara sjĂ€lvklar, men Ă€r nĂ„got vi sĂ€llan upplevt diskuterats djupare under utbildningen. Att grönomrĂ„den och nĂ€rheten till dessa Ă€r av stor vikt för befolkningens möjligheter att vara fysiskt aktiva Ă€r tydligt, liksom landskapsarkitektens roll i koppling till detta. Kunskapen kring hur byggda miljöer och specifika komponenter pĂ„verkar mĂ€nniskors förmĂ„ga att vara fysiskt aktiva Ă€r dĂ€remot ett sĂ€llan undersökt Ă€mne. Faktiska rekommendationer för hur en aktiverande utomhusdesign kan skapas Ă€r ocksĂ„ fĂ„, liksom byggda exempel dĂ€r huvudfokus i gestaltningen varit fysisk aktivitet. I detta arbete fĂ„r man dĂ€rför följa kunskapsinsamlingen och gestaltningsprocessen mot ett förslag för ökad fysisk aktivitet lĂ€ngs ett 3 kilometer lĂ„ngt aktivitetsstrĂ„k i Falun – ”Tisken runt”. Arbetet tar avstamp i en litteraturstudie som ger en inblick i vad forskning visar gĂ€llande den byggda miljöns pĂ„verkan pĂ„ fysisk aktivitet. Kunskapsinsamlingen presenteras i första kapitlet och Ă€r indelad i tre övergripande faktorer; fysiska, individuella och sociala, vilka alla enligt en social-ekologisk modell Ă€r pĂ„verkande komponenter pĂ„ fysisk aktivitet. Huvudfokus under litteraturdelen Ă€r faktorn fysisk miljö men Ă€ven korrelationen mellan samtliga faktorer lyfts fram. Litteraturstudien sammanfattas slutligen med ett antal gestaltningsprinciper som besvarar en av arbetets frĂ„gestĂ€llningar. I kapitel tre presenteras omrĂ„det som arbetet utgĂ„r frĂ„n och följs av en inventering och analys. Inventeringen och analysen ska fungera som ett medel för att sĂ€kra rĂ€tt aktivitetsval, placering och utformning under gestaltningsprocessen. Kapitlet avslutas med program och programskisser. Förslaget presenteras dĂ€refter i kapitel fyra med en övergripande programplan, och följs dĂ€refter av illustrationer och inzoomade planer pĂ„ sĂ€rskilt intressanta platser i förslaget. Övergripande syftar arbetet till att öppna upp för diskussion och vidareutveckling av aktiverande landskapsarkitektur liksom utveckling av vĂ„r egen kunskapsbank inom Ă€mnet.The role of landscape architecture regarding the creation of environments that promotes physical activity could be assumed to be obvious, but this is a discussion we rarely experienced in more depth. The fact that parks and nature are of great importance for the population’s opportunities to be physically active is unambiguous, as well is the role of the landscape architect in connection to this. However, the knowledge of how built environments and their specific components affect people’s ability to be physically active is a rarely studied topic. In this work, you can read about the information gathering and the design process, which in the end leads to a proposal for increased physical activity along a three kilometres path in Falun; the “Tisken runt”. The work is based on a literature study that provides an insight into what research there is regarding how impact build environment affects physical activity. In the first chapter, the information gathering is presented, which is divided into three overall topics; the physical environment, the individual environment and the social environment, all of which, according to a socio-ecological model, are influential components to physical activity. The information gathering – and with that the first chapter, has focused on the physical environment and its correlation with the other factors. In chapter three, an introduction to Tisken, the site of the thesis, is presented. The introduction is followed by an inventory and analysis that functions as a tool to help decide the correct activities, placement during the design process. The chapter ends with a program and program sketches that are based on the inventory and analysis. The final proposal is presented in chapter four, along with an overall program plan, followed by illustrations and plans on particularly interesting spots within the proposal. The overall aim of the work is to open up for discussion and further development of an activating architecture, as well as the development of our own knowledge regarding this subject

    Crossmedia-IdentitÀten: Ergebnisse einer Aneignungsstudie zur Castingshow Starmania

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    'Der Beitrag fragt nach dem Zusammenhang von Medien und IdentitĂ€t. Als Untersuchungsgegenstand wird eine crossmediale Inszenierung, die ORF-Castingshow Starmania, herangezogen, deren Besonderheit in der VerknĂŒpfung unterschiedlicher Medien innerhalb eines Formats liegt. Es wird untersucht, inwiefern Starmania eine Ressource fĂŒr die individuellen IdentitĂ€tsprojekte von jugendlichen RezipientInnen darstellt. Der Beitrag geht zudem auf die Rolle des crossmedialen Designs fĂŒr die IdentitĂ€tskonstruktionen der Jugendlichen ein. Crossmedia, so das Resultat, fungiert als 'IdentitĂ€ts-Katalysator', der identitĂ€tsbildende Prozesse anstĂ¶ĂŸt und intensiviert. Die Crossmedia-Aneignung wird dabei auch kritisch betrachtet, indem die Risiken einer unreflektierten Mediennutzung am Beispiel der Untersuchung aufgezeigt werden.' (Autorenreferat)'The article explores the relationship between media and identity, examining a cross-media production, the ORF casting show Starmania. This show is unique, because of linking together various media in one format. The study investigates how Starmania constitutes a source for adolescents who are striving to construct an individual identity, and assesses the role of the show's cross-media design for identity formation. We can demonstrate that cross-media operates as an 'identity catalyser' by initiating and intensifying processes of identity construction. Yet a critical evaluation of cross-media adoption is also offered, concerning the risks associated with non-reflective media consumption.' (author's abstract)

    Increasing students' use of outdoor campus areas : a design proposal for a climate adapted outdoor study space

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    Mental ohĂ€lsa bland studenter har blivit allt vanligare. DĂ€rför Ă€r det viktigt att arbeta med universitetsmiljöer för att bidra till studenternas vĂ€lmĂ„ende. De gröna utemiljöer som finns pĂ„ campusomrĂ„den har goda förutsĂ€ttningar att öka vĂ€lmĂ„endet med hjĂ€lp av de positiva hĂ€lsoeffekter naturen har pĂ„ mĂ€nniskan. För att studenter ska vilja anvĂ€nda utemiljöerna krĂ€vs att dessa Ă€r vĂ€lplanerade och anpassade för mĂ„lgruppen. Syftet med den hĂ€r kandidatuppsatsen Ă€r sĂ„ledes att genom gestaltning av en klimatplanerad uteplats skapa bĂ€ttre förutsĂ€ttningar för studenter att vistas och studera utomhus. Uppsatsen utgĂ„r frĂ„n följande frĂ„ga: Hur kan en klimatplanerad uteplats gestaltas för att bidra till ökad utevistelse och dĂ€rmed förbĂ€ttrad mental hĂ€lsa hos studenter pĂ„ olika universitet? För att kunna svara pĂ„ frĂ„gan genomfördes intervjuer med studenter för att fĂ„ kunskap om deras Ă„sikter och önskemĂ„l gĂ€llande utemiljöerna pĂ„ Uppsalas campusomrĂ„den. En annan del i undersökningen var en litteraturgenomgĂ„ng kring klimatplanering, som gav förstĂ„else för hur uteplatsen kan gestaltas för att skapa ett behagligt mikroklimat. Med detta som utgĂ„ngspunkt formulerades ett antal gestaltningsprinciper som i sin tur ligger till grund för platsens utformning. I gestaltningsförslaget presenteras en uteplats med fokus pĂ„ anpassningsbara vind- och solskydd som möjliggör hantering av sol och vind frĂ„n olika vĂ€derstreck. Förslaget redovisas med ett antal skisser som illustrerar arbetsprocessen sĂ„ vĂ€l som den slutliga gestaltningslösningen. Uteplatsen bestĂ„r av en kubisk trĂ€stomme med in- och utdragbara sol- och vindskydd av tyg, fĂ€sta lĂ€ngs kubens sidor. Det var svĂ„rt att finna litteratur som kunde vĂ€gleda oss i gestaltningsarbetet, eftersom den Ă€mnesrelevanta litteraturen frĂ€mst fokuserar pĂ„ ett klimatproblem i taget. SvĂ„righeten lĂ„g dĂ€rför i att kombinera olika klimatrelaterade hĂ€nsynstaganden. Under samtalen med studenter framkom att vindskyddade platser Ă€r det mest avgörande för utevistelse, liksom önskemĂ„len om att sitta i grupp. Dessa synpunkter prioriterades vid utformningen av förslaget. Landskapsarkitektens arbetsmetoder, sĂ„som soldiagram och vĂ€xtgestaltning, utgĂ„r frĂ„n platsbestĂ€mda uppgifter. I denna uppsats diskuteras utmaningen i att gestalta en klimatplanerad uteplats utan att vara platsspecifik.Mental illness among university students is becoming a common issue. Therefore, it’s important to create environments around campus areas that increase the well-being of university students. Green outdoor environments at campuses can bring positive health effects of nature. To encourage students to use outdoor places, the seats have to be well-designed and adapted for this target audience. The aim of this Bachelor’s thesis is to design and portray a climate adapted outdoor space, in order to create better conditions for students to stay and study outdoors. The essay proceeds from the following question: How can a climate adapted outdoor study space be planned to help increase the use of outdoor environments at campus areas, and thus improve mental health among students at different universities? To answer the question, interviews were conducted with students to gather knowledge about their opinions and preferences for outdoor environments in Uppsala's campuses. Another part of the research was a literature review of climate planning, which provided an understanding of how the workspace could be designed to create a comfortable microclimate. With this outset a few design principles were formulated, which in turn is the basis for the design of the workspace. The proposal comprises an outdoor space with focus on customized wind and solar protection that enables the user to take shelter from sun and wind coming from different directions. The design is presented in several sketches that illustrate the working process as well as the final configuration. The outdoor space consists of a cubic framework of wood and withdrawable wind and solar protection on the sides of the cube. It was difficult to find literature to guide us in the configuration work, since the literature of relevance mainly focuses on one climate problem at the time. Therefore, the difficulty was to combine different climate related considerations. During the conversations with students wind protected sites appeared to be the crucial element for outdoor use as well as the requests for seats in groups. These aspects were prioritized during the portraying of the proposal. The working methods of landscape architects, such as sun charts and planting design, are based upon site specific tasks. The thesis discusses the challenge of designing a climate-planned outdoor space without being site specific

    Anticoagulation for radiation-induced neurotoxicity revisited

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    No effective treatment for delayed radiation-induced neurotoxicity has been established. Its natural course is highly variable, but spontaneous recovery has been well documented. Here we report our experience with therapeutic anticoagulation in patients with cerebral lesions (n=3), cranial nerve lesions (n=1) or myelopathy (n=4) attributed to irradiation. Two of three patients with cerebral lesions and the patient with cranial nerve lesions showed a minor improvement of clinical symptoms. In contrast, none of the patients with radiation myelopathy improved. No patient suffered hemorrhage or other adverse effects of anticoagulation. Overall, anticoagulation therapy demonstrates only modest activity for delayed radiation-induced neurotoxicity in this small case serie

    Haptic sensitivity in needle insertion: the effects of training and visual aid

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    International audienceThis paper describes an experiment conducted to measure haptic sensitivity and the effects of haptic training with and without visual aid. The protocol for haptic training consisted of a needle insertion task using dual-layer silicon samples. A visual aid was provided as a multimodal cue for the haptic perception task. Results showed that for a group of novices (subjects with no previous experience in needle insertion), training with a visual aid resulted in a longer time to task completion, and a greater applied force, during post-training tests. This suggests that haptic perception is easily overshadowed, and may be completely replaced, by visual feedback. Therefore, haptic skills must be trained differently from visuomotor skills
