165 research outputs found

    Special Issue Overview: Advances in Remote Sensing and Mapping for Integrated Studies of Reef Ecosystems in Oceania (Great Barrier Reef and Beyond)

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    The recent widespread and recurrent coral bleaching events over the Great Barrier Reef, the largest coral reef system on Earth and a hotspot of marine biodiversity, are a reminder of the vulnerability of reef ecosystems to human activities and a warming world. Protection of the Great Barrier Reef and similar reef ecosystems across Oceania requires a better understanding of environmental and socio-economic pressures, as well as the development of integrated management strategies. The rapid expansion of Earth Observation technologies and data has greatly advanced our capability to map and monitor reef habitats, ecological processing and exposure risk, providing spatially rich data essential to support and evaluate management and conservation strategies. However, these technologies are proportionally still under-utilized, and it is important to synthesise remote-sensing-derived tools and methods currently available for mapping reef ecosystems in Oceania to facilitate their intake in coral reefs studies. Publications in this Special Issue contribute toward filling this gap and explore recent advances in remote sensing of the Great Barrier Reef and other reef ecosystems in Oceania, from novel methodological approaches (sensors, algorithm development and improved thematic classification) to applications for environmental monitoring and management

    Children's body mass index, participation in school meals, and observed energy intake at school meals

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Data from a dietary-reporting validation study with fourth-grade children were analyzed to investigate a possible relationship of body mass index (BMI) with daily participation in school meals and observed energy intake at school meals, and whether the relationships differed by breakfast location (classroom; cafeteria).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data were collected in 17, 17, and 8 schools during three school years. For the three years, six, six, and seven of the schools had breakfast in the classroom; all other schools had breakfast in the cafeteria. Information about 180 days of school breakfast and school lunch participation during fourth grade for each of 1,571 children (90% Black; 53% girls) was available in electronic administrative records from the school district. Children were weighed and measured, and BMI was calculated. Each of a subset of 465 children (95% Black; 49% girls) was observed eating school breakfast and school lunch on the same day. Mixed-effects regression was conducted with BMI as the dependent variable and school as the random effect; independent variables were breakfast participation, lunch participation, combined participation (breakfast and lunch on the same day), average observed energy intake for breakfast, average observed energy intake for lunch, sex, age, breakfast location, and school year. Analyses were repeated for BMI category (underweight/healthy weight; overweight; obese; severely obese) using pooled ordered logistic regression models that excluded sex and age.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Breakfast participation, lunch participation, and combined participation were not significantly associated with BMI or BMI category irrespective of whether the model included observed energy intake at school meals. Observed energy intake at school meals was significantly and positively associated with BMI and BMI category. For the total sample and subset, breakfast location was significantly associated with BMI; average BMI was larger for children with breakfast in the classroom than in the cafeteria. Significantly more kilocalories were observed eaten at breakfast in the classroom than in the cafeteria.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>For fourth-grade children, results provide evidence of a positive relationship between BMI and observed energy intake at school meals, and between BMI and school breakfast in the classroom; however, BMI and participation in school meals were not significantly associated.</p

    Can Forel–Ule Index Act as a Proxy of Water Quality in Temperate Waters? Application of Plume Mapping in Liverpool Bay, UK

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    The use of ocean colour classification algorithms, linked to water quality gradients, can be a useful tool for mapping river plumes in both tropical and temperate systems. This approach has been applied in operational water quality programs in the Great Barrier Reef to map river plumes and assess trends in marine water composition and ecosystem health during flood periods. In this study, we used the Forel–Ule colour classification algorithm for Sentinel-3 OLCI imagery in an automated process to map monthly, annual and long-term plume movement in the temperate coastal system of Liverpool Bay (UK). We compared monthly river plume extent to the river flow and in situ water quality data between 2017–2020. The results showed a strong positive correlation (Spearman’s rho = 0.68) between the river plume extent and the river flow and a strong link between the FUI defined waterbodies and nutrients, SPM, turbidity and salinity, hence the potential of the Forel–Ule index to act as a proxy for water quality in the temperate Liverpool Bay water. The paper discusses how the Forel–Ule index could be used in operational water quality programs to better understand river plumes and the land-based inputs to the coastal zones in UK waters, drawing parallels with methods that have been developed in the GBR and Citclops project. Overall, this paper provides the first insight into the systematic long-term river plume mapping in UK coastal waters using a fast, cost-effective, and reproducible workflow. The study created a novel water assessment typology based on the common physical, chemical and biological ocean colour properties captured in the Forel–Ule index, which could replace the more traditional eutrophication assessment regions centred around strict geographic and political boundaries. Additionally, the Forel–Ule assessment typology is particularly important since it identifies areas of the greatest impact from the land-based loads into the marine environment, and thus potential risks to vulnerable ecosystems

    Impact of a Tropical Cyclone on Terrestrial Inputs and Bio-Optical Properties in Princess Charlotte Bay (Great Barrier Reef Lagoon)

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    In January 2013, tropical cyclone Oswald caused widespread flooding in the North-East coast of Australia, and large and highly episodic inputs into Princess Charlotte Bay (PCB, northern Great Barrier Reef). Freshwater outflows from the Normanby and Kennedy rivers, the two main rivers draining the adjacent catchments, resulted in drastic changes in physical, biogeochemical and optical properties within PCB. On 31 January, 2 days after the peak riverine discharge from the Normanby river, nutrients and dissolved organic matter contents peaked under the influence of large outflows from the Kennedy river into the western section of the bay (5.8 μM for dissolved inorganic nitrogen, 6.9 g m−3 for dissolved organic carbon and 6.1 m−1 for the colored dissolved organic matter absorption coefficient at 412 nm). In the eastern section of the bay, the situation appeared more ‘mixed’, with a suspended solids concentration reaching 23.1 g m−3 close to the Normanby river mouth. The main phytoplankton bloom occurred in the transition zone between the Kennedy and Normanby flood plumes, and was dominated by diatoms with a chlorophyll a concentration reaching 14.6 mg m−3. This study highlights the need to better describe the critical spatial and temporal scales of variability of key biogeochemical and optical properties after a major flood event. The data collected is key to improve the accuracy of ocean color remote sensing algorithms and regional biogeochemical budgets following highly episodic inputs

    Baseline assessment of coastal water quality, in Vanuatu, South Pacific: insights gained from in-situ sampling

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    Nearshore deterioration of water quality in Pacific coastal waters is a growing problem, associated with increasing urban and industrial sewage discharges, and agricultural runoff. Published water quality studies in the Pacific region are limited in both number and scope, making it difficult to resolve the extent of the issue or quantify the variability of water quality across Pacific islands and countries. This study collected water quality measurements over three years in the coastal waters around the Island of Efate (Vanuatu) with majority of work carried out in Port Vila, its capital. Port Vila is the key urban centre for Vanuatu where the increasing population and pollution inputs are placing substantial pressure on the coastal environment. Highest concentrations of dissolved nutrients and suspended sediments were measured adjacent or near the urban drains that enter the coastal areas along the capital's seafront, highlighting many of the issues around anthropogenic inputs are linked to the increasing urbanisation in Port Vila Bay. We provide baseline data that explores variability of coastal water quality and these types of datasets for Pacific islands are a first step towards facilitating development of long-term monitoring programmes and informing coastal zone management decision making

    A seagrass mapping toolbox for South Pacific environments

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    Seagrass beds provide a range of ecosystem services but are at risk from anthropogenic pressures. While recent progress has been made, the distribution and condition of South Pacific seagrass is relatively poorly known and selecting an appropriate approach for mapping it is challenging. A variety of remote sensing tools are available for this purpose and here we develop a mapping toolbox and associated decision tree tailored to the South Pacific context. The decision tree considers the scale at which data are needed, the reason that monitoring is required, the finances available, technical skills of the monitoring team, data resolution, site safety/accessibility and whether seagrass is predominantly intertidal or subtidal. Satellite mapping is recommended for monitoring at the national and regional scale, with associated ground-reference data where possible but without if time and funds are limiting. At the local scale, satellite, remotely piloted aircraft (RPA), kites, underwater camera systems and in situ surveys are all recommended. In the special cases of community-based initiatives and emergency response monitoring, in situ or satellite/RPA are recommended, respectively. For other types of monitoring the primary driver is funding, with in situ, kite and satellite recommended when finances are limited and satellite, underwater camera, RPA or kites otherwise, dependent on specific circumstances. The tools can be used individually or in combination, though caution is recommended when combining tools due to data comparability

    Evaluating the effectiveness of different approaches to home support for people in later stage dementia:A protocol for an observational study

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    Background: Dementia is a major health problem with a growing number of people affected by the condition, both directly and indirectly through caring for someone with dementia. Many live at home but little is known about the range and intensity of the support they receive. Previous studies have mainly reported on discrete services within a single geographical area. This paper presents a protocol for study of different services across several sites in England. The aim is to explore the presence, effects and cost-effectiveness of approaches to home support for people in later stage dementia and their carers. Methods: This is a prospective observational study employing mixed methods. At least 300 participants (people with dementia and their carers) from geographical areas with demonstrably different ranges of services available for people with dementia will be selected. Within each area, participants will be recruited from a range of services. Participants will be interviewed on two occasions and data will be collected on: their characteristics and circumstances; quality of life; carer health and burden; and informal and formal support for the person with dementia. The structured interviews will also collect qualitative data to explore the perceptions of older people and carers. Conclusions: This national study will explore the components of appropriate and effective home support for people with late stage dementia and their carers. It aims to inform commissioners and service providers across health and social care

    Woman-Centered Design through Humanity, Activism, and Inclusion

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    Women account for over half of the global population, however, continue to be subject to systematic and systemic disadvantage, particularly in terms of access to health and education. At every intersection, where systemic inequality accounts for greater loss of life or limitations on full and healthy living, women are more greatly impacted by those inequalities. The design of technologies is no different, the very definition of technology is historically cast in terms of male activities, and advancements in the field are critical to improve women's quality of life. This article views HCI, a relatively new field, as well positioned to act critically in the ways that technology serve, refigure, and redefine women's bodies. Indeed, the female body remains a contested topic, a restriction to the development of women's health. On one hand, the field of women's health has attended to the medicalization of the body and therefore is to be understood through medical language and knowledge. On the other hand, the framing of issues associated with women's health and people's experiences of and within such system(s) remain problematic for many. This is visible today in, e.g., socio-cultural practices in disparate geographies or medical devices within a clinic or the home. Moreover, the biological body is part of a great unmentionable, i.e., the perils of essentialism. We contend that it is necessary, pragmatically and ethically, for HCI to turn its attention toward a woman-centered design approach. While previous research has argued for the dangers of gender-demarcated design work, we advance that designing for and with women should not be regarded as ghettoizing, but instead as critical to improving women's experiences in bodily transactions, choices, rights, and access to and in health and care. In this article, we consider how and why designing with and for woman matters. We use our design-led research as a way to speak to and illustrate alternatives to designing for and with women within HCI.QC 20200930</p

    An Arabidopsis Example of Association Mapping in Structured Samples

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    A potentially serious disadvantage of association mapping is the fact that marker-trait associations may arise from confounding population structure as well as from linkage to causative polymorphisms. Using genome-wide marker data, we have previously demonstrated that the problem can be severe in a global sample of 95 Arabidopsis thaliana accessions, and that established methods for controlling for population structure are generally insufficient. Here, we use the same sample together with a number of flowering-related phenotypes and data-perturbation simulations to evaluate a wider range of methods for controlling for population structure. We find that, in terms of reducing the false-positive rate while maintaining statistical power, a recently introduced mixed-model approach that takes genome-wide differences in relatedness into account via estimated pairwise kinship coefficients generally performs best. By combining the association results with results from linkage mapping in F2 crosses, we identify one previously known true positive and several promising new associations, but also demonstrate the existence of both false positives and false negatives. Our results illustrate the potential of genome-wide association scans as a tool for dissecting the genetics of natural variation, while at the same time highlighting the pitfalls. The importance of study design is clear; our study is severely under-powered both in terms of sample size and marker density. Our results also provide a striking demonstration of confounding by population structure. While statistical methods can be used to ameliorate this problem, they cannot always be effective and are certainly not a substitute for independent evidence, such as that obtained via crosses or transgenic experiments. Ultimately, association mapping is a powerful tool for identifying a list of candidates that is short enough to permit further genetic study

    Marine Ecoregion and Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Affect Recruitment and Population Structure of a Salt Marsh Snail

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    Marine species with planktonic larvae often have high spatial and temporal variation in recruitment that leads to subsequent variation in the ecology of benthic adults. Using a combination of published and unpublished data, we compared the population structure of the salt marsh snail, Littoraria irrorata, between the South Atlantic Bight and the Gulf Coast of the United States to infer geographic differences in recruitment and to test the hypothesis that the Deepwater Horizon oil spill led to widespread recruitment failure of L. irrorata in Louisiana in 2010. Size-frequency distributions in both ecoregions were bimodal, with troughs in the distributions consistent with a transition from sub-adults to adults at ~13 mm in shell length as reported in the literature; however, adult snails reached larger sizes in the Gulf Coast. The ratio of sub-adults to adults was 1.5–2 times greater in the South Atlantic Bight than the Gulf Coast, consistent with higher recruitment rates in the South Atlantic Bight. Higher recruitment rates in the South Atlantic Bight could contribute to higher snail densities and reduced adult growth in this region. The ratio of sub-adults to adults in Louisiana was lower in 2011 than in previous years, and began to recover in 2012–2014, consistent with widespread recruitment failure in 2010, when large expanses of spilled oil were present in coastal waters. Our results reveal an important difference in the ecology of a key salt marsh invertebrate between the two ecoregions, and also suggest that the Deepwater Horizon oil spill may have caused widespread recruitment failure in this species and perhaps others with similar planktonic larval stages
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