222 research outputs found

    Bebês no coletivo da creche: Encontros e provocações redimensionando o fazer pedagógico

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    Starting from the problem discussion of the (un) place of the babies in the kindergarten, the article has as goal discuss how the presence of a nursery group in the childhood school’s usual spaces in RS can affect pedagogy redirecting. The analysis revealed that the actions and relations of the babies at the different kindergarten’s spaces gives visibility to the pedagogy action and bring provocations about the way how the school is organized. It’s considered that use the kindergarten’s collective environment expand and get complex for the babies learning, increasing pedagogies that hold your specifies.A partir de la problematización del (no) lugar de los bebés en la guardería, el artículo tiene como objetivo discutir cómo la presencia de un grupo de bebés en los espacios de uso común de una escuela infantil del RS puede implicar redimensionamientos pedagógicos. Los análisis revelaron que las acciones y relaciones de los bebés en la guardería dan visibilidad a la acción pedagógica y traen provocaciones acerca del modo en que la escuela está organizada. Se considera que habitar espacios colectivos de la guardería amplía y compleja los aprendizajes de los bebés, fomentando pedagogías que acojan sus especificidades.A partir da problematização do (des)lugar dos bebês na creche, o artigo tem como objetivo discutir como a presença de um grupo de berçário nos espaços de uso comum de uma escola de educação infantil do RS pode implicar redimensionamentos pedagógicos. As análises revelaram que as ações e relações dos bebês nos diferentes espaços da creche dão visibilidade à ação pedagógica e trazem provocações acerca do modo como a escola está organizada. Considera-se que habitar espaços coletivos da creche amplia e complexifica as aprendizagens dos bebês, fomentando pedagogias que acolham as suas especificidades.

    Dental manifestations in bariatric patients: review of literature

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    The rate of bariatric surgery has significantly risen in the past decade as an increasing prevalence of extreme obesity can be observed. Although bariatric surgery is an effective therapeutic modality for extreme obesity, it is associated with risk factors affecting also oral health. Based on an overview of the current literature, this paper presents a summary of dental manifestations in bariatric patients. Bariatric surgeries are associated with an increased risk for gastro-esophageal reflux which in turn might account for the higher amount of carious and erosive lesions observed in bariatric patients. As a result, also dentin hypersensitivity might be observed more frequently. The current data indicate that recommended postsurgical meal patterns and gastric reflux might increase the risk for dental lesions, particularly in the presence of other risk factors, such as consumption of sweet-tasting foods and acidic beverages. Further research is needed to evaluate the correlation of bariatric surgery and the development of dental diseases

    Autonomy, education and social commitment: ontological convergences between Paulo Freire and Radical Behaviorism

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    O conceito de autonomia já foi utilizado para estabelecer interlocuções entre a proposta educacional de Paulo Freire e a Análise do Comportamento. Neste artigo, são examinadas as teses ontológicas subjacentes ao conceito de autonomia de Freire. O objetivo é delinear convergências ontológicas entre as concepções freiriana e comportamentalista radical de autonomia, discutindo suas possíveis articulações éticas e políticas. Para tanto, são analisadas: 1) suposições ontológicas da noção freiriana de autonomia; 2) possíveis pressupostos ontológicos de um conceito comportamentalista radical de autonomia compatível com o conceito de Freire; 3) uma concepção política de autonomia baseada em conceitos e princípios do Comportamentalismo Radical. Uma interpretação ontológica não-determinista dos pressupostos teóricos da Análise do Comportamento mostrou mais afinidades com os compromissos ontológicos do conceito de autonomia de Freire. Esta interpretação ontológica é consistente com um sentido político de autonomia identificado na literatura analítico-comportamental, elucidado pelos repertórios de autocontrole e contracontrole, e pelo estabelecimento de condições que permitam a discriminação de controles sociais tácitos, responsáveis pela manutenção de relações de poder assimétricas entre os indivíduos e entre grupos na sociedade. Uma proposta educacional analítico-comportamental informada pelo conceito político de autonomia poderia nortear o desenvolvimento de uma tecnologia de ensino comprometida com a transformação das condições subjugadoras de povos historicamente oprimidos.Palavras-chave: Paulo Freire, comportamentalismo radical, autonomia, política, ontologia.The concept of autonomy has already been used to establish interlocutions between Paulo Freire’s educational proposal and Behavior Analysis. In this paper, the ontological theses underlying Freire’s concept of autonomy are examined. The aim is to outline ontological convergences between his concept and the radical behaviorist conception of autonomy, discussing their possible ethical and political implications. For that, the following aspects are examined: 1) ontological statements of Freire’s notion of autonomy; 2) possible ontological assumptions of radical behaviorist concept of autonomy compatible with Freire’s concept; 3) a political conception of autonomy based on Radical Behaviorism concepts and principles. A non-deterministic ontological interpretation of Behavior Analysis’s theoretical assumptions showed more affinities with the ontological commitments of Freire’s concept of autonomy. That ontological interpretation is compatible with a political meaning of autonomy on Behavior Analysis, elucidated by the repertoires of self-control and counter-control, and by conditions that allow the identification of tacit social controls, responsible for maintaining asymmetric power relationships between individuals and between groups in society. An analytic-behavioral educational proposal informed by the political concept of autonomy could guide the development of a teaching technology committed to transforming the subjugating conditions of historically oppressed peoples.Keywords: Paulo Freire, radical behaviorism, autonomy, politics, ontology

    Dental manifestations in bariatric patients: review of literature

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    The rate of bariatric surgery has significantly risen in the past decade as an increasing prevalence of extreme obesity can be observed. Although bariatric surgery is an effective therapeutic modality for extreme obesity, it is associated with risk factors affecting also oral health. Based on an overview of the current literature, this paper presents a summary of dental manifestations in bariatric patients. Bariatric surgeries are associated with an increased risk for gastro-esophageal reflux which in turn might account for the higher amount of carious and erosive lesions observed in bariatric patients. As a result, also dentin hypersensitivity might be observed more frequently. The current data indicate that recommended postsurgical meal patterns and gastric reflux might increase the risk for dental lesions, particularly in the presence of other risk factors, such as consumption of sweet-tasting foods and acidic beverages. Further research is needed to evaluate the correlation of bariatric surgery and the development of dental diseases

    Edema Management in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

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    This chapter will discuss the expected edema and intercurrences in maxillofacial surgery, which involves important anatomical structures, such as the upper airways. It will also discuss important issues such as intrinsic and extrinsic enhancers of edema and the main consequences of a severe edema setting according to physiological, functional, and psychosocial points of view. Edema assessment and measurement is still performed subjectively in the clinical routine. However, for the accomplishment of studies, more objective forms are being tested, but still not very successful for clinical applicability. It is known that the best way to deal with edema is prevention; so in elective surgeries, much is discussed about the best management forms. This way, besides edema prevention, it is important not to cause unwanted reactions for the patient or in the performed procedure. Therefore, it will also be debated about preoperative medications and their consequences. Another point discussed involves main treatments for the underdeveloping edema and the one already installed, such as manual lymphatic drainage therapy, a treatment that is well known and used in other specialties, but is still very little widespread among maxillofacial surgeons

    Tudo outra vez: a experimentação de uma webcomic multimídia

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    This is the descriptive memorial of the experimental project "Tudo Outra Vez: an experimental Multimedia Webcomic" which aims to start as the stages of production of the multimedia’s webcomic project, from its conception, passing through the scripting and its processes - which includes all the research to which it is linked -, and reaching the final product, which involves audiovisual pre-production, production and post-production. The experiment carried out for the conclusion of the Radio, TV and Internet course at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, explores the narrative and multimedia possibilities of the comics format in a convergent and participatory culture, mentioning authors who address the theme of stories in comics, multimedia fictional narratives and Convergence Culture. The object was selected after observing that the potential of the comic book format was underexplored on the Internet, containing a gap to be filled. This work has the intent, in addition to experimenting the webcomic format, to rescue stories of women who disappeared during the brazilian Military Dictatorship. For this purpose, we made a bibliographical and documental research were carried out to find real accounts of that period in order to build a collection of letters that blend with the fictional letters of history.Este é o memorial descritivo do projeto experimental “Tudo Outra Vez: a experimentação de uma webcomic multimídia” que tem como objetivo detalhar as etapas de produção do projeto de experimentação da webcomic multimídia, desde a sua concepção, passando pela roteirização e seus processos – que incluem toda pesquisa à qual está atrelada –, chegando ao produto final, que envolve pré-produção, produção e pós-produção audiovisual. O experimento, feito para a conclusão do curso de Rádio, TV e Internet da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, explora as possibilidades narrativas e multimidiáticas do formato história em quadrinhos em uma cultura convergente e participativa, mencionando autores que abordam a temática das histórias em quadrinhos, narrativas ficcionais multimidiáticas e Cultura da Convergência. O objeto foi selecionado após observarmos que o potencial do formato história em quadrinho era pouco explorado na Internet, havendo uma lacuna a ser preenchida. Com o trabalho, pretende-se, para além da experimentação do formato de webcomic, resgatar histórias de mulheres que desapareceram durante a Ditadura Militar brasileira. Para isso, foram feitas pesquisas bibliográficas e documentais para encontrar relatos reais daquele período com o intuito de construir um acervo de cartas que se mesclem com as cartas ficcionais da história

    Enamel crystals of mice susceptible or resistant to dental fluorosis: an AFM study

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    Objective: This study aimed to assess the overall apatite crystals profile in the enamel matrix of mice susceptible (A/J strain) or resistant (129P3/J strain) to dental fluorosis through analyses by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Material and Methods: Samples from the enamel matrix in the early stages of secretion and maturation were obtained from the incisors of mice from both strains. All detectable traces of matrix protein were removed from the samples by a sequential extraction procedure. The purified crystals (n=13 per strain) were analyzed qualitatively in the AFM. Surface roughness profile (Ra) was measured. Results: The mean (±SD) Ra of the crystals of A/J strain (0.58±0.15 nm) was lower than the one found for the 129P3/J strain (0.66±0.21 nm) but the difference did not reach statistical significance (t=1.187, p=0.247). Crystals of the 129P3/J strain (70.42±6.79 nm) were found to be significantly narrower (t=4.013, p=0.0013) than the same parameter measured for the A/J strain (90.42±15.86 nm). Conclusion: enamel crystals of the 129P3/J strain are narrower, which is indicative of slower crystal growth and could interfere in the occurrence of dental fluorosis

    Avaliação econômica dos novos anticoagulantes para a prevenção de eventos tromboembólicos: análise de custo-minimização

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    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Randomized clinical trials have shown that the new oral anticoagulants have at least similar impact regarding reduction of thromboembolic events, compared with warfarin, with similar or improved safety profiles. There is little data on real costs within clinical practice. Our aim here was to perform economic analysis on these strategies from the perspective of Brazilian society and the public healthcare system. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cost-minimization analysis; anticoagulation clinic of Hospital Municipal Odilon Behrens, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. METHODS: Patients at the anticoagulation clinic were recruited between August and October 2011, with minimum follow-up of four weeks. Operational and non-operational costs were calculated and corrected to 2015. RESULTS: This study included 633 patients (59% women) of median age 62 years (interquartile range 49- 73). The mean length of follow-up was 64 ± 28 days. The average cost per patient per month was 54.26(USdollars).Directcostsaccountedfor32.5 54.26 (US dollars). Direct costs accounted for 32.5% of the total cost. Of these, 69.5% were related to healthcare professionals. With regards to indirect costs, 52.4% were related to absence from work and 47.6% to transportation. Apixaban, dabigatran and rivaroxaban were being sold to Brazilian public institutions, on average, for 49.87, 51.40and 51.40 and 52.16 per patient per month, respectively, which was lower than the costs relating to warfarin treatment. CONCLUSION: In the Brazilian context, from the perspective of society and the public healthcare system, the cumulative costs per patient using warfarin with follow-up in anticoagulation clinics is currently higher than the strategy of prescribing the new oral anticoagulants.CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: Estudos clínicos randomizados demonstraram que novos anticoagulantes orais têm pelo menos impacto semelhante em reduzir eventos tromboembólicos quando comparados à varfarina, com perfil de segurança similar ou superior. Há pouca evidência acerca de custos reais na prática clínica. Nosso objetivo é realizar análise econômica dessas estratégias, na perspectiva do sistema de saúde pública e da sociedade brasileiros. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Análise de custo-minimização; Clínica de Anticoagulação do Hospital Municipal Odilon Behrens, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil. MÉTODOS: Os pacientes da clínica de anticoagulação foram recrutados de agosto a outubro de 2011, com tempo mínimo de acompanhamento de quatro semanas. Custos operacionais e não operacionais foram computados e corrigidos para 2015. RESULTADOS: Este estudo incluiu 633 pacientes, com idade mediana de 62 (intervalo interquartil 49-73) anos, sendo 59% mulheres. O tempo médio de acompanhamento foi de 64 ± 28 dias. O custo médio por paciente por mês foi de 54.26(doˊlares).Custosdiretosforamresponsaˊveispor32,5 54.26 (dólares). Custos diretos foram responsáveis por 32,5% do custo total. Destes, 69,5% foram relacionados aos profissionais de saúde. Em relação aos custos indiretos, 52,4% estavam relacionados ao absenteísmo ao trabalho e 47,6% ao transporte. Apixaban, dabigatran e rivaroxaban são vendidos a órgãos públicos brasileiros, respectivamente, a um preço médio mensal de 49.87, 51.40e 51.40 e 52.26 por paciente por mês, valores inferiores aos custos relacionados ao tratamento com varfarina. CONCLUSÃO: No contexto brasileiro, na perspectiva do sistema de saúde pública e da sociedade, os custos cumulativos por paciente em uso de varfarina acompanhados em clínica de anticoagulação são atualmente superiores à estratégia de prescrever novos anticoagulantes orais