135 research outputs found

    Increase of cd4+cd25highfoxp3+ cells impairs in vitro human microbicidal activity against mycobacterium tuberculosis during latent and acute pulmonary tuberculosis

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    50204076]. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 Stringari et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Background Regulatory T cells (Tregs) play a critical role during Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection, modulating host responses while neutralizing excessive inflammation. However, their impact on regulating host protective immunity is not completely understood. Here, we demonstrate that Treg cells abrogate the in vitro microbicidal activity against Mtb. Methods We evaluated the in vitro microbicidal activity of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from patients with active tuberculosis (TB), individuals with latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI, TST+/IGRA+) and healthy control (HC, TST-/IGRA-) volunteers. PBMCs, depleted or not of CD4+CD25+ T-cells, were analyzed to determine frequency and influence on microbicidal activity during in vitro Mtb infection with four clinical isolates (S1, S5, R3, and R6) and one reference strain (H37Rv). Results The frequency of CD4+CD25highFoxP3+ cells were significantly higher in Mtb infected whole blood cultures from both TB patients and LTBI individuals when compared to HC. Data from CD4+CD25+ T-cells depletion demonstrate that increase of CD4+CD25highFoxP3+ is associated with an impairment of Th-1 responses and a diminished in vitro microbicidal activity of LTBI and TB groups. Conclusions Tregs restrict host anti-mycobacterial immunity during active disease and latent infection and thereby may contribute to both disease progression and pathogen persistence.publishersversionpublishe

    Lower insulin-dose adjusted A1c (IDAA1c) is associated with less complications in Individuals with Type 1 Diabetes treated with hematopoetic stem-cell transplantation and conventional therapy

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    Objective: To evaluate the association between insulin-dose adjusted A1C (IDAA1c) and microvascular complications (MC) and hypoglycemia in a representative Brazilian population of Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) patients. Research Design and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study based on a previous study, “Microvascular Complications in Type 1 Diabetes: a comparative analysis of patients treated with autologous nonmyeloablative hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation (AHST) and conventional medical therapy (CT)”. The 168 patients in that study (144 from CT plus 24 from AHST) were re-subdivided into two groups, according to their IDAA1c values (30 patients had IDAA1c ≤ 9; 138 had IDAA1c > 9). Then, the prevalence of MC (diabetic renal disease, neuropathy, and retinopathy), hypoglycemia (blood glucose <60 mg/dL), and severe hypoglycemic (episode of hypoglycemia that required the assistance of another person to treat) events were compared between the groups. The groups were well-matched on these factors: duration of disease, sex, and age at the time of diagnosis of T1DM. Results: After an average of 8 years after diagnosis, only 6.6% (2/30) of the patients from IDAA1c ≤ 9 group developed any MC, whereas 21.0% (29/138) from the IDAA1c > 9 group had at least one complication (p = 0.044). Regarding hypoglycemic events, the proportion of individuals who reported at least 1 episode of hypoglycemia in the last month was 43.3 and 64.7% from the IDAA1c ≤ 9 and IDAA1c > 9 groups, respectively (p = 0.030). Regarding severe hypoglycemia, the proportion of patients presenting at least one episode in the last month and the rate of episode/patient/month were similar between groups (6.7 vs. 13.2%; p = 0.535; and 0.1/patient/month vs. 0.25/patient/month; p = 0.321). Conclusion: In a representative Brazilian population of T1DM patients, those with IDAA1c ≤ 9 presented a lower frequency of MC, as well as fewer episodes of hypoglycemia, in the month prior to the analysis.publishedVersio

    Practices Promoting Changes in the Everyday Life of the Public School: Project ECOAR

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    The daily life of the public school has been a great challenge for teachers, technicians, employees, students and their families on the different forms of violence that mark social relations and impact the development of children. In order for the school environment to be a development promoter, facing the impacts of violence and preventing emotional and social problems, actions must be jointly planned to promote substantial changes in the life of the school. In this article, we seek to present the ECOAR Project (Space for Living, Action and Reflection) as a possibility for Psychology in the School to construct preventive actions facing violence and promote the integral development of children and adolescents. Some main points of the fundamentals that support this proposal will be presented, as well as some actions developed with the objective of promoting the changes evaluated by the project team as necessary. It is intended to present the importance of the professional of Psychology presence with teachers in the daily life of the school acting in an integrated and participatory way, drawing attention to the fact that the school and its dynamics are not separated from the real world of each of its subjects

    Physiological attributes of seeds of leucaena (Leucaena spp.) underwent pre-germination treatmen

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    Todos os textos, informa??es e resultados apresentados s?o de inteira responsabilidade dos autores.O uso da leucena na alimenta??o animal vem se tornado muito expressivo, principalmente em regi?es onde s?o enfrentados problemas com d?ficit h?drico. Contudo, a produ??o de mudas, importante para a dispers?o da planta em ?reas de cultivo, ? dificultada pelo fato das sementes apresentarem dorm?ncia. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar atributos fisiol?gicos de sementes de leucena submetidas a tratamentos pr?-germinativos. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, em arranjo fatorial 2 x 3, sendo os tratamentos constitu?dos pela combina??o de dois locais de coleta das sementes (solo e ?rvore) e tr?s tratamentos pr?-germinativos (imers?o em hipoclorito de s?dio por 0, 10 e 20 minutos), com quatro repeti??es de 50 sementes por tratamento. Os par?metros avaliados foram: germina??o e sementes mortas. A germina??o foi afetada pelos tempos de imers?o em hipoclorito de s?dio, sendo o tempo de 20 minutos o de maior percentual germinativo. Quanto ao n?mero de sementes mortas, verificou-se que sementes coletadas na ?rvore e submetidas a 20 minutos de imers?o em hipoclorito de s?dio, apresentam maiores valores.The use of leucaena as animal feed has become very expressive, especially in regions where they faced problems with water deficit. However, the production of seedlings, it is important for the dispersion of the plant-growing areas, is difficult because of seed dormancy present. This study aimed to evaluate physiological attributes of leucaena seeds subjected to pre-germination treatments. The experimental design was completely randomized in a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement, with the treatments constituted by combining two sites of seed collection (ground and tree) and three pre-germination treatments (immersion in sodium hypochlorite for 0, 10 and 20 minutes), with four replicates of 50 seeds per treatment. The parameters evaluated were: germination and dead seeds. Seed germination is affected by the time of immersion in sodium hypochlorite, and time 20 minutes for the higher germination percentage. As for the number of dead seeds, it was found that seeds collected in the tree and subjected to 20 minutes of immersion in sodium hypochlorite, have higher values

    Os bisfosfonatos realmente trazem benefícios quanto à redução de fratura óssea? / Are bisphosphonates really beneficial in reducing bone fractures?

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    Os bisfosfonatos estão no ramo reumatológico com o intuito de reduzir as fraturas ósseas vertebrais e não vertebrais a mais de duas décadas. São utilizados mais frequentemente por mulheres na pós-menopausa, as quais apresentam maiores números de população com osteoporoses e consequentes fraturas por essa perda mineral óssea. O tratamento com os bisfosfonatos possuem efeitos adversos principalmente em relações aos efeitos colaterais em tratamentos prolongados, os quais são causas de questionamento sobre sua indicação, isso porque, além dos efeitos colaterais, estudos mostram que essa pode ser uma terapia que não gera resultados no aumento da densitometria óssea dos pacientes em risco e em alguns casos, chegam a trazer malefícios para o paciente como o aumento de fraturas. Portanto, o tratamento com o uso de bisfosfonatos por meio dos estudos apresentados não são justificados devido a possibilidade da maleficência ao paciente que é vetado ao médico de acordo com o código de ética médica

    Naturally Acquired Humoral Immunity against Malaria Parasites in Non-Human Primates from the Brazilian Amazon, Cerrado and Atlantic Forest.

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    Plasmodium - Plasmodium brasilianum - P. malariae - P. malariae - P. falciparum - P. vivax - Plasmodium content: - "Non-human primates (NHPs) have been shown to be infected by parasites of the genus " - ", the etiological agent of malaria in humans, creating potential risks of zoonotic transmission. " - ", a parasite species similar to " - " of humans, have been described in NHPs from Central and South America, including Brazil. The merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP1), besides being a malaria vaccine candidate, is highly immunogenic. Due to such properties, we tested this protein for the diagnosis of parasite infection. We used recombinant proteins of " - " MSP1, as well as of " - " and " - ", for the detection of antibodies anti-MSP1 of these parasite species, in the sera of NHPs collected in different regions of Brazil. About 40% of the NHP sera were confirmed as reactive to the proteins of one or more parasite species. A relatively higher number of reactive sera was found in animals from the Atlantic Forest than those from the Amazon region, possibly reflecting the former more intense parasite circulation among NHPs due to their proximity to humans at a higher populational density. The presence of " - " positive NHPs in the surveyed areas, being therefore potential parasite reservoirs, needs to be considered in any malaria surveillance program.

    Applications of platelet- and leukocyte-rich fibrin (L-PRF) in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

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    Introduction: Oral and maxillofacial surgery plays a crucial role in the reconstruction and restoration of facial structures, seeking to improve both aesthetics and function. The use of platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF) represents a notable advance, accelerating healing and improving surgical outcomes. Materials and Methods: This review covers 710 studies from various electronic databases (PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Science Direct and Google Scholar). The aim is to thoroughly investigate the applications of platelet- and leukocyte-rich fibrin (L-PRF) in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology. Results: The analysis reveals that L-PRF stands out as an effective autologous therapy in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Its application shows remarkable potential for accelerating the healing process, contributing significantly to the effectiveness of procedures. Discussion: L-PRF has emerged as an excellent choice in oral and maxillofacial surgery and traumatology, improving both the aesthetic and functional aspects of facial reconstructions. This highlights the relevance of this autologous therapy and its benefits in surgical practice. Conclusion: The applications of platelet and leukocyte-rich fibrin (L-PRF) in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology are fundamental and promising. This advance represents not only a means of accelerating healing, but also a significant contribution to better aesthetic and functional results in surgical procedures in this area.Introduction: Oral and maxillofacial surgery plays a crucial role in the reconstruction and restoration of facial structures, seeking to improve both aesthetics and function. The use of platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF) represents a notable advance, accelerating healing and improving surgical outcomes. Materials and Methods: This review covers 710 studies from various electronic databases (PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Science Direct and Google Scholar). The aim is to thoroughly investigate the applications of platelet- and leukocyte-rich fibrin (L-PRF) in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology. Results: The analysis reveals that L-PRF stands out as an effective autologous therapy in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Its application shows remarkable potential for accelerating the healing process, contributing significantly to the effectiveness of procedures. Discussion: L-PRF has emerged as an excellent choice in oral and maxillofacial surgery and traumatology, improving both the aesthetic and functional aspects of facial reconstructions. This highlights the relevance of this autologous therapy and its benefits in surgical practice. Conclusion: The applications of platelet and leukocyte-rich fibrin (L-PRF) in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology are fundamental and promising. This advance represents not only a means of accelerating healing, but also a significant contribution to better aesthetic and functional results in surgical procedures in this area

    práticas artísticas no ensino básico e secundário

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    Educação Artística: integrar a inovação. A educação artística apresenta-se como um território a re-cartografar, numa atualização tão rápida quanto aquela que ocorre no campo artístico. As propostas publicadas neste número 11 da Revista Matéria-Prima trazem essa diversidade de abordagens, com novidades conceptuais que estabelecem as devidas relações entre educação e cidadania, participação, sustentabilidade, cultura visual, e também com alguma atenção sobre os debates pós-coloniais e as questões de género. Os 16 artigos reunidos neste 11º número da Revista Matéria-Prima trazem a realidade operativa quer na formação de professores e quer na formulação dos discursos pedagógicos, suas justificações e suas propostas alternativas.As propostas apresentadas devolvem o debate ao terreno, e alargam-no. Provocam as periferias, convocam abordagens diferenciadas sobre o tema da arte e da educação. Em todas elas a proposta de crescimento através da arte, que hoje implica cada vez mais cidadania, crítica, criatividade, interligação, comprometimento, participação.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Integrative review of managed entry agreements : chances and limitations

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    Introduction: Managed Entry Agreements (MEAs) consist of a set of instruments to reduce the uncertainty and the budget impact of new high priced medicines; however, there are concerns. There is a need to critically appraise MEAs with their planned introduction in Brazil. Accordingly, the objective is to identify and appraise key attributes and concerns with MEAs among payers and their advisers, with the findings providing critical considerations for Brazil and other high- and middle-income countries. Methods: An integrative review approach was adopted. This involved a review of MEAs across countries. The review question was ‘What are the health technology MEAs that have been applied around the world?’ This review was supplemented with studies not retrieved in the search known to the senior level co-authors including key South American markets. Afterall, involved senior level decision makers and advisers providing guidance on potential advantages and disadvantages of MEAs and ways forward. Results: 25 studies were included in the review. Most MEAs included medicines (96.8%), focused on financial arrangements (43%), and included mostly antineoplastic medicines. Most countries kept key information confidential including discounts or had not published such data. Few details were found in the literature regarding South America. Our findings and inputs resulted in both advantages including reimbursement and disadvantages including concerns with data collection for outcome-based schemes. Conclusion: We are likely to see a growth in MEAs with the continual launch of new high priced and often complex treatments, coupled with increasing demands on resources. Whilst outcome based MEAs could be an important tool to improve access to new innovative medicines there are critical issues to address. Comparing knowledge, experiences and practices across countries is crucial to guide high- and middle-income countries when designing their future MEAs