77 research outputs found

    Lehrerin und Forscherin? Erfahrungen aus der Praxisforschung des Oberstufen-Kollegs Bielefeld

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    Ausgehend von einem Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekt zum Praxissemester im Unterrichtsfach PĂ€dagogik stellen die Autorinnen ihre Erfahrungen als Lehrer-Forscherinnen dar. Dieses Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekt ist hierfĂŒr in besonderer Weise geeignet, da es sowohl die schulpĂ€dago-gischen BemĂŒhungen um die Förderung einer forschenden Grundhaltung bei  SchĂŒler*innen als auch in der Lehrerausbildung sowie in der berufsbegleitenden Professionalisierung von LehrkrĂ€ften thematisch werden lĂ€sst. Ihren Erfahrungsbericht systematisieren die Autorinnen entlang von drei aus der Literatur zu Forschendem Lernen und Lehrerprofessionalisierung extrahierten Dimensionen: der Professionalisierungsstrategie, der Entwicklungsstrategie und der Anregung zu kolle-gialer Lehrerfortbildung. Entlang des Abgleichs dieser Dimensionen mit ihren individuellen berufsbiografischen Erfahrungen zeigen sie auf, wie nachhaltig eine forschende Grundhaltung zur Professionalisierung beitragen und welche positiven Effekte fĂŒr die kollegiale Fort- und Weiterbildung sowie die Unterrichts- und Schulentwicklung diese haben kann. Based on a research and development project on a long-term practical training for students in teacher education for the subject “pedagogy”, the authors present their experiences as teacher researchers. This research and development project is particularly suitable for this purpose, as it focuses on the efforts of schoolteachers to promote a basic research attitude among pupils, on teacher training and on the professionalization of teachers. The authors systematize their experience report along three dimensions extracted from the literature on research-based learning and teacher professionalization: the strategy for professionalization, for development and for stimulating collegial teacher training. By comparing these dimensions with their individual professional biographical experiences, they show how a research-oriented attitude can contribute to professionalization in the long term and what positive effects this can have on collegial continuing training as well as on teaching and school development

    Structure of the mammalian antimicrobial peptide Bac7(1-16) bound within the exit tunnel of a bacterial ribosome

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    Proline-rich antimicrobial peptides (PrAMPs) produced as part of the innate immune response of animals, insects and plants represent a vast, untapped resource for the treatment of multidrug-resistant bacterial infections. PrAMPs such as oncocin or bactenecin-7 (Bac7) interact with the bacterial ribosome to inhibit translation, but their supposed specificity as inhibitors of bacterial rather than mammalian protein synthesis remains unclear, despite being key to developing drugs with low toxicity. Here, we present crystal structures of the Thermus thermophilus 70S ribosome in complex with the first 16 residues of mammalian Bac7, as well as the insect-derived PrAMPs metalnikowin I and pyrrhocoricin. The structures reveal that the mammalian Bac7 interacts with a similar region of the ribosome as insect-derived PrAMPs. Consistently, Bac7 and the oncocin derivative Onc112 compete effectively with antibiotics, such as erythromycin, which target the ribosomal exit tunnel. Moreover, we demonstrate that Bac7 allows initiation complex formation but prevents entry into the elongation phase of translation, and show that it inhibits translation on both mammalian and bacterial ribosomes, explaining why this peptide needs to be stored as an inactive pro-peptide. These findings highlight the need to consider the specificity of PrAMP derivatives for the bacterial ribosome in future drug development efforts

    Sex and age dependencies of aqueductal cerebrospinal fluid dynamics parameters in healthy subjects

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    Objectives: To assess the influence of age and sex on 10 cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow dynamics parameters measured with an MR phase contrast (PC) sequence within the cerebral aqueduct at the level of the intercollicular sulcus.Materials and Methods: 128 healthy subjects (66 female subjects with a mean age of 52.9 years and 62 male subjects with a mean age of 51.8 years) with a normal Evans index, normal medial temporal atrophy (MTA) score, and without known disorders of the CSF circulation were included in the study. A PC MR sequence on a 3T MR scanner was used. Ten different flow parameters were analyzed using postprocessing software. Ordinal and linear regression models were calculated.Results: The parameters stroke volume (sex: p < 0.001, age: p = 0.003), forward flow volume (sex: p < 0.001, age: p = 0.002), backward flow volume (sex: p < 0.001, age: p = 0.018), absolute stroke volume (sex: p < 0.001, age: p = 0.005), mean flux (sex: p < 0.001, age: p = 0.001), peak velocity (sex: p = 0.009, age: p = 0.0016), and peak pressure gradient (sex: p = 0.029, age: p = 0.028) are significantly influenced by sex and age. The parameters regurgitant fraction, stroke distance, and mean velocity are not significantly influenced by sex and age.Conclusion: CSF flow dynamics parameters measured in the cerebral aqueduct are partly age and sex dependent. For establishment of reliable reference values for clinical use in future studies, the impact of sex and age should be considered and incorporated

    Natural Glycoforms of Human Interleukin 6 show atypical plasma clearance

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    A library of glycoforms of human interleukin 6 (IL‐6) comprising complex and mannosidic N‐glycans was generated by semisynthesis. The three segments were connected by sequential native chemical ligation followed by two‐step refolding. The central glycopeptide segments were assembled by pseudoproline‐assisted Lansbury aspartylation and subsequent enzymatic elongation of complex N‐glycans. Nine IL‐6 glycoforms were synthesized, seven of which were evaluated for in vivo plasma clearance in rats and compared to non‐glycosylated recombinant IL‐6 from E. coli. Each IL‐6 glycoform was tested in three animals and reproducibly showed individual serum clearances depending on the structure of the N‐glycan. The clearance rates were atypical, since the 2,6‐sialylated glycoforms of IL‐6 cleared faster than the corresponding asialo IL‐6 with terminal galactoses. Compared to non‐glycosylated IL‐6 the plasma clearance of IL‐6 glycoforms was delayed in the presence of larger and multibranched N‐glycans in most case

    ETMR-05: Single-cell transcriptomics of ETMR reveals developmental cellular programs and tumor-pericyte communications in the microenvironment [Abstract]

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    BACKGROUND: Embryonal tumors with multilayered rosettes (ETMR) are pediatric brain tumors bearing a grim prognosis, despite intensive multimodal therapeutic approaches. Insights into cellular heterogeneity and cellular communication of tumor cells with cells of the tumor microenvironment (TME), by applying single-cell (sc) techniques, potentially identify mechanisms of therapy resistance and target-directed treatment approaches. MATERIAL AND METHODS: To explore ETMR cell diversity, we used single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) in human (n=2) and murine ETMR (transgenic mode; n=4) samples, spatial transcriptomics, 2D and 3D cultures (including co-cultures with TME cells), multiplex immunohistochemistry and drug screens. RESULTS: ETMR microenvironment is composed of tumor and non-tumor cell types. The ETMR malignant compartment harbour cells representing distinct transcriptional metaprograms, (NSC-like, NProg-like and Neuroblast-like), mirroring embryonic neurogenic cell states and fuelled by neurogenic pathways (WNT, SHH, Hippo). The ETMR TME is composed of oligodendrocyte and neuronal progenitor cells, neuroblasts, microglia, and pericytes. Tumor-specific ligand-receptor interaction analysis showed enrichment of intercellular communication between NProg-like ETMR cells and pericytes (PC). Functional network analyses reveal ETMR-PC interactions related to stem-cell signalling and extracellular matrix (ECM) organization, involving factors of the WNT, BMP, and CxCl12 networks. Results from ETMR-PC co-culture and spatial transcriptomics pointed to a pivotal role of pericytes in keeping ETMR in a germinal neurogenic state, enriched in stem-cell signalling. Drug screening considering cellular heterogeneity and cellular communication suggested novel therapeutic approaches. CONCLUSION: ETMR demonstrated diversity in the microenvironment, with enrichment of cell-cell communications with pericytes, supporting stem-cell signalling and interfering in the organization of the tumor extracellular matrix. Targeting ETMR-PC interactions might bring new opportunities for target-directed therapy

    Single-cell transcriptomics identifies potential cells of origin of MYC rhabdoid tumors

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    Rhabdoid tumors (RT) are rare and highly aggressive pediatric neoplasms. Their epigenetically-driven intertumoral heterogeneity is well described; however, the cellular origin of RT remains an enigma. Here, we establish and characterize different genetically engineered mouse models driven under the control of distinct promoters and being active in early progenitor cell types with diverse embryonic onsets. From all models only Sox2-positive progenitor cells give rise to murine RT. Using single-cell analyses, we identify distinct cells of origin for the SHH and MYC subgroups of RT, rooting in early stages of embryogenesis. Intra- and extracranial MYC tumors harbor common genetic programs and potentially originate from fetal primordial germ cells (PGCs). Using PGC specific Smarcb1 knockout mouse models we validate that MYC RT originate from these progenitor cells. We uncover an epigenetic imbalance in MYC tumors compared to PGCs being sustained by epigenetically-driven subpopulations. Importantly, treatments with the DNA demethylating agent decitabine successfully impair tumor growth in vitro and in vivo. In summary, our work sheds light on the origin of RT and supports the clinical relevance of DNA methyltransferase inhibitors against this disease

    A TNFR2-Specific TNF Fusion Protein With Improved In Vivo Activity

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    Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor-2 (TNFR2) has attracted considerable interest as a target for immunotherapy. Indeed, using oligomeric fusion proteins of single chain-encoded TNFR2-specific TNF mutants (scTNF80), expansion of regulatory T cells and therapeutic activity could be demonstrated in various autoinflammatory diseases, including graft-versus-host disease (GvHD), experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) and collagen-induced arthritis (CIA). With the aim to improve the in vivo availability of TNFR2-specific TNF fusion proteins, we used here the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn)-interacting IgG1 molecule as an oligomerizing building block and generated a new TNFR2 agonist with improved serum retention and superior in vivo activity.MethodsSingle-chain encoded murine TNF80 trimers (sc(mu)TNF80) were fused to the C-terminus of an in mice irrelevant IgG1 molecule carrying the N297A mutation which avoids/minimizes interaction with FcÎł-receptors (FcÎłRs). The fusion protein obtained (irrIgG1(N297A)-sc(mu)TNF80), termed NewSTAR2 (New selective TNF-based agonist of TNF receptor 2), was analyzed with respect to activity, productivity, serum retention and in vitro and in vivo activity. STAR2 (TNC-sc(mu)TNF80 or selective TNF-based agonist of TNF receptor 2), a well-established highly active nonameric TNFR2-specific variant, served as benchmark. NewSTAR2 was assessed in various in vitro and in vivo systems.ResultsSTAR2 (TNC-sc(mu)TNF80) and NewSTAR2 (irrIgG1(N297A)-sc(mu)TNF80) revealed comparable in vitro activity. The novel domain architecture of NewSTAR2 significantly improved serum retention compared to STAR2, which correlated with efficient binding to FcRn. A single injection of NewSTAR2 enhanced regulatory T cell (Treg) suppressive activity and increased Treg numbers by &gt; 300% in vivo 5 days after treatment. Treg numbers remained as high as 200% for about 10 days. Furthermore, a single in vivo treatment with NewSTAR2 upregulated the adenosine-regulating ectoenzyme CD39 and other activation markers on Tregs. TNFR2-stimulated Tregs proved to be more suppressive than unstimulated Tregs, reducing conventional T cell (Tcon) proliferation and expression of activation markers in vitro. Finally, singular preemptive NewSTAR2 administration five days before allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (allo-HCT) protected mice from acute GvHD.ConclusionsNewSTAR2 represents a next generation ligand-based TNFR2 agonist, which is efficiently produced, exhibits improved pharmacokinetic properties and high serum retention with superior in vivo activity exerting powerful protective effects against acute GvHD
