235 research outputs found

    The role of kisspeptin signalling in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis

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    Kisspeptin is a hypothalamic peptide hormone, which plays a crucial role in puberty and fertility control by stimulating the release of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone, which in turn stimulates the release of luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone. It also interacts with neuropeptides neurokinin B and dynorphin A, and is under negative and positive feedback influences relayed by gonadal sex steroids. Loss of kisspeptin signalling results in hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism and impaired puberty. Kisspeptin expression and secretion is also affected by metabolic status and stress. Several studies have indicated a potential role for kisspeptin in the treatment of disorders causing hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism. This review aims to summarize the importance of kisspeptin and its role in the hypothalamic- pituitary-gonadal axis.peer-reviewe

    Aetiology of thyroid autoimmunity

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    Autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) is characterised by the development of thyroid autoantibodies, mainly anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies, anti-thyroglobulin antibodies (primarily involved in the development of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis [HT]) and thyroid stimulating hormone receptor antibodies (mostly involved in the development of Graves’ disease [GD]). While genetic factors provide 70 to 80% of the risk for the development of thyroid autoimmunity (TAI), environmental factors contribute about 20 to 30% to the immunopathogenesis of AITD. Such environmental factors include smoking (predisposes to GD but protects against HT), alcohol (moderate consumption protects against both HT and GD), stress (predisposes to GD) and iodine (possibly increases risk of AITD). Low selenium and vitamin D levels might increase the risk of TAI, although data remains indeterminate and selenium supplementation did not always improve TAI in clinical studies. Additionally, certain drugs, toxic chemicals, infections, birth in winter and autumn and radiation exposure have also been implicated in the development of TAI. Preventive interventions to decrease the risk of AITD are limited and not always feasible, though personal and public health interventions might help with smoking and iodine exposure.peer-reviewe

    Detection and isolation of exotic Newcastle disease virus from field-collected flies.

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    Flies were collected by sweep net from the vicinity of two small groups of "backyard" poultry (10-20 chickens per group) that had been identified as infected with exotic Newcastle disease virus (family Paramyxoviridae, genus avulavirus, ENDV) in Los Angeles County, CA, during the 2002-2003 END outbreak. Collected flies were subdivided into pools and homogenized in brain-heart infusion broth with antibiotics. The separated supernatant was tested for the presence of ENDV by inoculation into embryonated chicken eggs. Exotic Newcastle disease virus was isolated from pools of Phaenicia cuprina (Wiedemann), Fannia canicularis (L.), and Musca domestica L., and it was identified by hemagglutination inhibition with Newcastle disease virus antiserum. Viral concentration in positive pools was low (<1 egg infectious dose50 per fly). Isolated virus demonstrated identical monoclonal antibody binding profiles as well as 99% sequence homology in the 635-bp fusion gene sequence compared with ENDV recovered from infected commercial egg layer poultry during the 2002 outbreak

    Insulin prescription and administration and blood glucose monitoring at Mater Dei Hospital

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    Background: Incorrect insulin prescription and administration has been associated with substantial medication-related patient harm and mortality. We aimed to assess whether blood glucose was being monitored according to our local hospital protocol and whether insulin was being prescribed accurately by doctors and administered safely by nurses. Moreover, we evaluated whether education to nurses and doctors resulted in less insulin prescription and administration errors. Methods: Inpatients on insulin in Mater Dei hospital’s medical wards were recruited. Data was collected from patients’ files on errors in insulin prescription and on the timing of blood glucose monitoring and insulin administration in relation to meals. The first audit was carried out in 2013. A re-audit was carried out in 2017 following education to doctors and nurses and a change in the treatment chart format. The z-test was used to compare the two audits. Results: On re-auditing, a significant improvement was noted in the timing of blood glucose monitoring and insulin administration in relation to meals, in the legibility of the insulin doses, ‘Units’ were more written in full and supplementary Actrapid® was more frequently prescribed where indicated. However, inappropriate omission of fixed insulin doses occurred more often, while written instructions by doctors on when to administer fixed insulin, including supplementary Actrapid®, were still lacking. Moreover, there was no improvement in adherence to the supplementary Actrapid® algorithm by nurses. Conclusion: Further education and an improved treatment chart including hypo- and hyperglycaemia trouble-shooting guidelines are required to further reduce insulin prescription and administration errors.peer-reviewe

    Análisis de los sistemas transaccionales en Colombia con respecto al sistema financiero de Bolivia, en términos de inclusión financiera

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    El presente trabajo tiene como propósito analizar la evolución de los sistemas transaccionales de pago en Colombia en comparación con Bolivia, como países en desarrollo en América Latina, en términos de inclusión financiera. Para esto se ha revisado su evolución entre los años 2016-2020. También se realiza una breve descripción de la importancia de los medios de pago, un análisis comparativo de la composición de la estructura financiera de ambos países, y una información cuantitativa para medir el crecimiento y la proyección para los años 2020-2024.The purpose of this paper is to analyze the evolution of transactional payment systems in Colombia compared to Bolivia, as developing countries in Latin America, in terms of financial inclusion. For this, its evolution between the years 2016-2020 has been reviewed. There is also a brief description of the importance of the means of payment, a comparative analysis of the composition of the financial structure of both countries, and quantitative information to measure growth and projection for the years 2020-2024

    Diseño del sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo SG-SST para la empresa su Seguro al Instante

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    75 p.1.Titulo 8 2. Planteamiento del Problema 9 2.1. Pregunta de Investigación. 10 2.2. Sistematización 10 3. Objetivos. 11 3.1. Objetivo general 11 3.2. Objetivos específicos 11 4. Justificación 12 4.1. Delimitaciones 13 4.2. Limitaciones 13 5. Marco de referencia 14 5.1. Estado del arte 14 5.2. Marco teórico 21 5.3. Marco legal 30 6. Marco de metodología 33 6.1. Paradigma 33 6.2. Tipo y diseño de investigación 34 6.3. Población 34 6.4. Muestra 35 6.5. Instrumentos 36 6.6. Técnicas de análisis de datos 36 6.7. Fases de la investigación 38 6.8. Cronograma y presupuestos 39 7. Resultados 41 8. Análisis de resultado 45 9. Conclusiones 47 10. Recomendaciones 48 Bibliografía 49 Anexos 58A través del tiempo las organizaciones han evolucionado en el desarrollo, implementación y evaluación de sus procedimientos, inclinados en obtener excelentes resultados que incrementen el buen servicio, desarrollo y tranquilidad de sus empleados, de esta manera la empresa que será objeto de estudio para la propuesta del proyecto, busca una herramienta para cumplir con los parámetros de ley ser reconocida en el campo de los seguros, cumpliendo con toda la normatividad colombiana. En la actualidad la tendencia de la economía en Colombia, es poder atender y mejorar las oportunidades de mercado a través del desarrollo y la promoción de las Pymes; con el propósito de alcanzar mayores niveles de crecimiento y así estar preparados para enfrentar la globalización de la economía. El diseño del plan de Seguridad y salud en el trabajo que se propone para la empresa “Su Seguro al Instante S.A.S”, se basa en un diagnóstico interno y en la aplicación de la norma, que le permita el desarrollo sostenible, productivo y responsable de la organización. Salud y Seguridad en el trabajo son los ejes fundamentales para el desarrollo de cualquier actividad económica donde se beber tener en cuenta la prevención de enfermedades y accidentes laborales que perjudiquen a la sociedad y al país, de tal manera es de suma importancia controlar todos aquellos riesgos que estén presentes en el medio y el individuo. Para el buen desempeño del trabajo se busca el bienestar integral de las personas, pues es un lineamiento que se debe mantener pues al fallar uno de ellos se desequilibra el comportamiento por lo tanto es necesario mantener un ambiente sano y seguro

    Espacio público efectivo de Pereira 2014-2015 : Zona suroriente comunas Universidad, Boston, El Poblado y El Rocío

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    CD-T 711.4 C178;163 p.¿Qué piensa la comunidad representada por las Juntas de Acción Comunal sobre la cantidad, calidad y manejo del espacio público efectivo de Pereira? Para dar respuesta a la pregunta anterior, surgió la necesidad de describir y analizar desde el punto de vista académico, la situación real del espacio público efectivo que define el Decreto 1504 de 1998, como el de carácter permanente conformado por las zonas verdes, parques, plazas y plazoletas.Universidad Libre Seccional Pereir

    Implementing poultry vaccination and biosecurity at the village level in Tanzania: a social strategy to promote health in free-range poultry populations

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    A social strategy was tested for implementing Newcastle disease (ND) vaccination and biosecurity improvements among free-ranging chicken at village level in Tanzania. In addition to training the local poultry vaccinators, data recorders and poultry-keepers, the strategy involved training and empowering leaders at the district, ward and village level. The trainings covered poultry health, management, and marketing of village chickens, with an emphasis on ND vaccination and improving biosecurity against avian influenza (AI), The study sites included villages in one ward in each of three each three districts (Iringa, Mtwara-Mikindani, and Mvomero) of mainland Tanzania. Ninety-six local leaders at district level and 101 leaders at ward levels were trained. In addition, 196 farmers (households) were trained, as well as 86 vaccinators and 26 data recorders. Data recorders were also trained as poultry first aid workers. ND vaccination was conducted by the vaccinators, supervised by their local leaders with technical assistance from veterinarians. A total of 158,343 village chickens were vaccinated in three rounds of vaccination three months apart. The training and empowerment of local leaders and local implementers was the key element for success as it fostered the feeling of local ownership of the program and prevented conflicts with other development activities within the villages. We conclude that most animal health programs will increase their odds of success by involving local leaders and by addressing the current challenges facing the farmers. Further assessment on the usefulness of this approach is needed

    Risk for Avian Influenza Virus Exposure at Human–Wildlife Interface

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    To assess risk for human exposure to avian influenza viruses (AIV), we sampled California wild birds and marine mammals during October 2005–August 2007and estimated human–wildlife contact. Waterfowl hunters were 8 times more likely to have contact with AIV-infected wildlife than were persons with casual or occupational exposures (p<0.0001)

    Esponja estéril de gelatina comprimida (GELFOAMMR) simulando tejido tiroideo en ecografía de paciente con tiroidectomía. Reporte de un caso

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    El cáncer de tiroides es la neoplasia endocrina más usual, el carcinoma papilar de tiroides el subtipo más prevalente representando el 75 al 80% de los casos. Se presenta por lo general como nódulo tiroideo único, el uso de la ecografía ha aumentado su detección. El tratamiento recomendado es la tiroidectomía total evidenciando menor número de recurrencias y complicaciones. Se presenta el caso de una paciente femenina de 54 años de edad, quien en el control postquirúrgico por tiroidectomia refiere aparición de nódulos en hemicuello izquierdo. Se realiza biopsia sugestiva de respuesta inflamatoria. La evaluación postiroidectomía tiene como objetivo la identificación temprana de las recurrencias, existen diferentes situaciones clínicas que pueden simular una recurrencia, como se evidencia en el caso presentado, donde las imágenes simulantes de tejido tiroideo correspondían al material hemostático GelfoamMR, el cual es ampliamente empleado en el campo quirúrgico, la respuesta nodular corresponde a una hiperplasia linfoide atípica