616 research outputs found

    Understanding Production in the Performing Arts: A Production Function for German Public Theatres

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    The production structure for the performing arts is complicated by a number of factors making it difficult to estimate production technologies using a theoretical framework built for standard applications. However, understanding the nature of production and the way in which decisions are made by performing arts firms is particularly important given that many performing arts organisations are funded by government. Public funding of performing arts organisations is justified where socially desirable objectives are fulfilled. The public good component of output makes an important dimension of firms’ production decisions unobservable while the principal-agent problem reduces the incentive for firms to behave as cost minimisers. Both may result in an observed production structure which is uneconomic. In this paper we re-visit these issues using a new and extensive dataset for German public theatre. We aim to explore the extent to which the standard laws of production that apply in other sectors of the economy hold for performing arts institutions.Production technology, Performing Arts, Nonprofit, Germany

    The Sustainability of Adaptive Envelopes: Developments of Kinetic Architecture

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    AbstractThe paper presents an overview of adaptable envelopes and shading systems applied in contemporary architecture; it offers a study of different design approaches and a brief analysis of exemplifying case studies. The aim of the research is the gathering of built examples relevant to outlining a state of the arts of adaptive façade systems and also understanding their environmental performances. Nowadays two different trends emerge in building development. On the one side the new challenge is given by the possibility to reconfigure the new spaces following environmental changes and users needs, while on the other the focus is on the increase of efficiency and the optimisation of materials for reducing energy consumptions in constructions. The building envelope is the primary subsystem through which external conditions and environmental changes can be regulated and therefore acquires great relevance in the development of new approaches to sustainable building solutions. In this review paper several examples are shown and compared, understanding the search for dynamics applied in architecture and the effectiveness from an environmental sustainability point of view

    L'eficàcia del patrocini esportiu en els esports de motor. Estudi de cas del Campionat del Món de Superbikes (WorldSBK)

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    Aquesta recerca es planteja analitzar l’eficàcia del patrocini esportiu en el Campionat del Món de Superbikes (WorldSBK), tenint en compte les investigacions que s’han dut a terme des de la disciplina del màrqueting esportiu. Els objectius formulats se centren a conèixer les variables que repercuteixen en l’eficàcia del patrocini esportiu, a través d’un disseny basat en un mètode mixt d’estudi de cas. Els instruments utilitzats han estat el qüestionari (N = 242 al WorldSBK de Jerez 2017 i N = 188 a Vive la Moto 2018) i l’entrevista individual semiestructurada (una a l’empresa propietària i organitzadora de l’esdeveniment i deu a responsables de màrqueting o càrrecs específics de marques patrocinadores del WorldSBK 2017-2018). L’anàlisi es va realitzar amb l’ajuda dels programaris R versió 3.3.3 i Atlas.ti versió 8. Les conclusions més rellevants a les quals s’ha arribat indiquen que els factors d’èxit del patrocini esportiu en els esports de motor són el grau d’afició, la notorietat de marca, l’actitud favorable respecte a l’esdeveniment, l’actitud favorable respecte al patrocinador i la intenció de compra. Així mateix, s’ha identificat que l’eficàcia recau en la intenció de compra, ja que s’ha confirmat que els assistents o aficionats al WorldSBK que tenen una actitud favorable respecte al patrocinador mostren una major intenció de compra. A més, s’ha detectat que una part dels patrocinadors —i, en concret, els especialitzats en components de motocicleta— realitzen el patrocini per a obtenir un volum de vendes més gran. Finalment, es planteja la possibilitat de noves línies d’investigació, com ara continuar desenvolupant o millorant el model d’anàlisi de l’eficàcia del patrocini esportiu sobre la base del que s’ha proposat en la present recerca, o seguir indagant si la intenció de compra és la variable més adequada per a determinar l’eficàcia del patrocini esportiu.Aquesta recerca es planteja analitzar l’eficàcia del patrocini esportiu en el Campionat del Món de Superbikes (WorldSBK), tenint en compte les investigacions que s’han dut a terme des de la disciplina del màrqueting esportiu. Els objectius formulats se centren a conèixer les variables que repercuteixen en l’eficàcia del patrocini esportiu, a través d’un disseny basat en un mètode mixt d’estudi de cas. Els instruments utilitzats han estat el qüestionari (N = 242 al WorldSBK de Jerez 2017 i N = 188 a Vive la Moto 2018) i l’entrevista individual semiestructurada (una a l’empresa propietària i organitzadora de l’esdeveniment i deu a responsables de màrqueting o càrrecs específics de marques patrocinadores del WorldSBK 2017-2018). L’anàlisi es va realitzar amb l’ajuda dels programaris R versió 3.3.3 i Atlas.ti versió 8. Les conclusions més rellevants a les quals s’ha arribat indiquen que els factors d’èxit del patrocini esportiu en els esports de motor són el grau d’afició, la notorietat de marca, l’actitud favorable respecte a l’esdeveniment, l’actitud favorable respecte al patrocinador i la intenció de compra. Així mateix, s’ha identificat que l’eficàcia recau en la intenció de compra, ja que s’ha confirmat que els assistents o aficionats al WorldSBK que tenen una actitud favorable respecte al patrocinador mostren una major intenció de compra. A més, s’ha detectat que una part dels patrocinadors —i, en concret, els especialitzats en components de motocicleta— realitzen el patrocini per a obtenir un volum de vendes més gran. Finalment, es planteja la possibilitat de noves línies d’investigació, com ara continuar desenvolupant o millorant el model d’anàlisi de l’eficàcia del patrocini esportiu sobre la base del que s’ha proposat en la present recerca, o seguir indagant si la intenció de compra és la variable més adequada per a determinar l’eficàcia del patrocini esportiu.This research aims to analyse the effectiveness of sports sponsorship at the World Superbike Championship (WorldSBK), taking into account research that has been carried out relating to the field of sports marketing. The objectives set revolve around understanding the different variables that affect the effectiveness of sports sponsorship, which are investigated via a design based on a mixed-case study method. The instruments used were a questionnaire (N = 242 at WorldSBK in Jerez 2017 and N = 188 at Vive la Moto 2018) and a series of semi-structured individual interviews (one with the company that owns and organizes the event and 10 with those responsible for marketing and/or occupying specific positions with WorldSBK sponsors in 2017-2018). The analysis was performed with the R version 3.3.3 and Atlas.ti version 8 software. The most relevant conclusions were that the factors behind the success of motor sport sponsorship were fan involvement, awareness, a favourable attitude towards the event, a favourable attitude towards the sponsor, and the intention to purchase promotional material. It was also highlighted that effectiveness lies in the intention to purchase. It was confirmed that WorldSBK attendees, or fans, who had a more favourable attitude towards the sponsor had a greater intention to purchase from them. It has also been detected that some of the sponsors − and, in particular, those specializing in motorcycle components − are sponsoring these events in order to obtain a higher volume of sales. Finally, we examine the possibility of establishing new lines of research, such as continuing to develop, or improve, the model for analysing the effectiveness of sports sponsorship based on what has been proposed in the present research. We also continue to investigate whether the intention to purchase is the most appropriate variable for determining the effectiveness of sports sponsorship

    A Qualitative Study of Providers\u27 Perception of Adherence of Women Living with HIV/AIDS in Puerto Rico

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    This study examines healthcare providers\u27 perceptions regarding experiences and factors that contribute to adherent and non-adherent behaviors to HIV treatment among women living with HIV infection in Puerto Rico and describes strategies implemented to improve adherence. Providers\u27 accounts revealed that women with HIV infection are living beyond their strengths attempting to reconcile the burden of the illness and keep adherent. Factors putting women beyond their strengths and influencing non-adherence behavior were: gender-related demands, fear of disclosure, and treatment complexity. Strategies to improve adherence included: ongoing assessment, education, collaborative work, support groups, networking, disguising pills, readiness, and seeking medications outside their towns. Provider-patient interactions are critical for women\u27s success and must assess all these factors in developing and providing health services

    Nursing Care For Patients With Cirrhosis

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    Liver cirrhosis represents a major cause of morbidity and mortality, causes a marked impairment of quality of life of patients and their caregivers, and causes a major burden for health systems. Currently, nurses still play in most countries a limited role in the care of patients with cirrhosis which is mainly restricted to the care of patients hospitalized for acute complications of the disease. The current manuscript reviews the established and potential new and innovative roles that nurses can play in the care of patients with liver cirrhosis. In the hospital setting, specialized nurses become an integral part of interprofessional teams to improve the quality of care and outcomes of patients with cirrhosis. In the primary care setting, nurses should play an important role in the care of patients with compensated cirrhosis and also facilitate early diagnosis of cirrhosis in subjects at risk of liver diseases. This review calls for an improved global liver diseases education program for nurses and increased awareness among all healthcare providers and policy makers of the positive impacts of advanced or specialist nursing practice in this domain

    Características hidrogeomorfológicas del humedal costero de Atalaya (Argentina)

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    Fil: Melo, Marisol. Cátedra de Hidrología General. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Carol, Eleonora Silvina. Cátedra de Hidrología General. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Laurencena, Patricia Claudia. Cátedra de Hidrología General. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Deluchi, Marta Haydée. Cátedra de Hidrología. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentin

    Bloom-forming macroalgae (\u3cem\u3eUlva\u3c/em\u3e spp.) inhibit the growth of co-occurring macroalgae and decrease eastern oyster larval survival

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    Macroalgal blooms have increased in frequency worldwide due to anthropogenic activities. Algal blooms can disrupt recreational activities, interfere with fisheries, and deplete oxygen during decomposition. Narragansett Bay has experienced macroalgal blooms dominated by blade-forming macroalgae of the genus Ulva for over a century. Evidence from other systems has suggested that Ulva can negatively impact other organisms. The first objective of this study was to determine whether bloom-forming U. compressa and U. rigida inhibit the growth of co-occurring macroalgae—Gracilaria vermiculophylla, Cystoclonium purpureum, and Chondrus crispus—during co-culture via laboratory based assays. We found that U. compressa and U. rigida significantly inhibited the growth of all 3 macroalgae. We were able to verify the negative effect of U. compressa, but not U. rigida, on the growth of G. vermiculophylla in flow-through seawater tanks. Our second objective was to determine if Ulva exudate decreased the survival of eastern oyster larvae in laboratory challenge experiments. We documented a significant negative effect of Ulva exudate on oyster survival, which depended on both the Ulva species and the nutrient condition. The strongest effect on oyster larval survival was seen in larvae exposed to nutrient-replete U. compressa exudate, which hadUlva has the potential to inhibit co-occurring macroalgae and cause oyster larval mortality

    Mejoramiento del proceso técnico para la preparación y adecuación de la lana de oveja, esquilado, lavado, hilado, tinturado.

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    24 hojas : ilustraciones.Material didáctico para la implementación de los procesos técnicos para la adecuación de la lana de oveja desde el momento y condiciones a tener en cuenta en la compra, la selección en términos de control de calidad, las técnicas de los distintos aspectos del lavado, enjuague y secado, el escarmenado, cardado, hilado. Igualmente se describe todo el proceso de tinturado indicando cada una de sus fases y procedimientos específicos además de los ingredientes complementarios. También se enumeran y describen las herramientas que se recomiendan. Además se indican aspectos relativos a la seguridad industrial y cierra con la inclusión del flujograma del proceso general.HilanderíaHiladoTintes y teñidoEscarmenadoLavad

    Variaciones de niveles freáticos en la cuenca del arroyo El Pescado (provincia de Buenos Aires)

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    Fil: Laurencena, Patricia Claudia. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, UNLPFil: Kruse, Eduardo Emilio. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, UNLPFil: Rojo, Adolfo. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, UNLPFil: Deluchi, Marta Haydée. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, UNLPFil: Carol, Eleonora Silvina. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, UNL

    Respuesta hidrológica del Bañado de Maldonado en la planicie costera del Río de la Plata: eventos extremos de abril de 2013

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    On April 2, 2013 unprecedented flash floods due to extreme rainfalls (approximately 400 mm in a few hours) occurred in La Plata and its surroundings causing loss of human live and great socioeconomic harm. The southeastern part of La Plata was an important flooded area. The lack of hydrological data at regional scale represents a significant constraint to the water management planning. This work aims to evaluate the hydrological response to the extreme precipitation events. Herein, we analyzed the satellite images acquired on April 5 (ASTER), April 9 (SPOT5), April 13 (Landsat7) and May 21, 2013 (SPOT5) and the topographical setting of the coastal plain. We suggest that the quantification of the evolution of the stored water in the low flooded areas of coastal plain is an indirect way to know the response of the coastal plain to the extreme precipitation events