733 research outputs found

    SOFIA: A Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy

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    SOFIA is described as it was originally (May 1988) for the Space and Earth Sciences Advisory Committee (SESAC). The format and questions were provided by SESAC as a standard for judging the merit of potential U.S. space science projects. This version deletes Section IIF, which addressed development costs of the SOFIA facility. SOFIA's unique astronomical potential is described and it is shown how it complements and supports existing and planned facilities

    Correlation-induced conductance suppression at level degeneracy in a quantum dot

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    The large, level-dependent g-factors in an InSb nanowire quantum dot allow for the occurrence of a variety of level crossings in the dot. While we observe the standard conductance enhancement in the Coulomb blockade region for aligned levels with different spins due to the Kondo effect, a vanishing of the conductance is found at the alignment of levels with equal spins. This conductance suppression appears as a canyon cutting through the web of direct tunneling lines and an enclosed Coulomb blockade region. In the center of the Coulomb blockade region, we observe the predicted correlation-induced resonance, which now turns out to be part of a larger scenario. Our findings are supported by numerical and analytical calculations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Exozodiacal Dust Workshop

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    The purpose of the workshop was to understand what effect circumstellar dust clouds will have on NASA's proposed Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF) mission's ability to search for terrestrial-sized planets orbiting stars in the solar neighborhood. The workshop participants reviewed the properties of TPF, summarized what is known about the local zodiacal cloud and about exozodiacal clouds, and determined what additional knowledge must be obtained to help design TPF for maximum effectiveness within its cost constraint. Recommendations were made for ways to obtain that additional knowledge, at minimum cost. The workshop brought together approximately 70 scientists, from four different countries. The active participants included astronomers involved in the study of the local zodiacal cloud, in the formation of stars and planetary systems, and in the technologies and techniques of ground- and space-based infrared interferometry. During the course of the meeting, 15 invited talks and 20 contributed poster papers were presented, and there were four working sessions. This is a collection of the invited talks, contributed poster papers, and summaries of the working sessions

    Applications of phase-contrast velocimetry sequences in cardiovascular imaging.

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    AIMS: To describe and illustrate the main applications of phase-contrast flow quantification in cardiovascular imaging. CONCLUSION: Phase-contrast velocimetry sequences provide an accurate, reliable, reproducible and non-invasive study of blood flow, information which is sometimes not available from other investigation methods. The haemodynamic information obtained from these complement MRI angiography images. They appear to have a range of clinical applications, firstly improving pathophysiological understanding but also contributing to the treatment and follow-up strategy after surgical or endovascular treatment

    Band offsets at zincblende-wurtzite GaAs nanowire sidewall surfaces

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    The band structure and the Fermi level pinning at clean and well-ordered sidewall surfaces of zincblende (ZB)-wurtzite (WZ) GaAs nanowires are investigated by scanning tunneling spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations. The WZ-ZB phase transition in GaAs nanowires introduces p-i junctions at the sidewall surfaces. This is caused by the presence of numerous steps, which induce a Fermi level pinning at different energies on the non-polar WZ and ZB sidewall facets.This study was financially supported by the EQUIPEX program Excelsior, the European Community’s Seventh Framework Program (Grant No. PITN-GA-2012- 316751, “Nanoembrace” Project) and the Impuls- und Vernetzungsfonds of the Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren under Grant No. HIRG-0014. T. Xu acknowledges the support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61204014)

    Non-Abelian toplogical superconductors from topological semimetals and related systems under superconducting proximity effect

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    Non-Abelian toplogical superconductors are characterized by the existence of {zero-energy} Majorana fermions bound in the quantized vortices. This is a consequence of the nontrivial bulk topology characterized by an {\em odd} Chern number. It is found that in topological semimetals with a single two-bands crossing point all the gapped superconductors are non-Abelian ones. Such a property is generalized to related but more generic systems which will be useful in the search of non-Abelian superconductors and Majorana fermions

    Introduction to topological superconductivity and Majorana fermions

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    This short review article provides a pedagogical introduction to the rapidly growing research field of Majorana fermions in topological superconductors. We first discuss in some details the simplest "toy model" in which Majoranas appear, namely a one-dimensional tight-binding representation of a p-wave superconductor, introduced more than ten years ago by Kitaev. We then give a general introduction to the remarkable properties of Majorana fermions in condensed matter systems, such as their intrinsically non-local nature and exotic exchange statistics, and explain why these quasiparticles are suspected to be especially well suited for low-decoherence quantum information processing. We also discuss the experimentally promising (and perhaps already successfully realized) possibility of creating topological superconductors using semiconductors with strong spin-orbit coupling, proximity-coupled to standard s-wave superconductors and exposed to a magnetic field. The goal is to provide an introduction to the subject for experimentalists or theorists who are new to the field, focusing on the aspects which are most important for understanding the basic physics. The text should be accessible for readers with a basic understanding of quantum mechanics and second quantization, and does not require knowledge of quantum field theory or topological states of matter.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    Zero-voltage conductance peak from weak antilocalization in a Majorana nanowire

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    We show that weak antilocalization by disorder competes with resonant Andreev reflection from a Majorana zero-mode to produce a zero-voltage conductance peak of order e^2/h in a superconducting nanowire. The phase conjugation needed for quantum interference to survive a disorder average is provided by particle-hole symmetry - in the absence of time-reversal symmetry and without requiring a topologically nontrivial phase. We identify methods to distinguish the Majorana resonance from the weak antilocalization effect.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures. Addendum, February 2014: Appendix B shows results for weak antilocalization in the circular ensemble. (This appendix is not in the published version.

    Analysis of strain and stacking faults in single nanowires using Bragg coherent diffraction imaging

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    Coherent diffraction imaging (CDI) on Bragg reflections is a promising technique for the study of three-dimensional (3D) composition and strain fields in nanostructures, which can be recovered directly from the coherent diffraction data recorded on single objects. In this article we report results obtained for single homogeneous and heterogeneous nanowires with a diameter smaller than 100 nm, for which we used CDI to retrieve information about deformation and faults existing in these wires. The article also discusses the influence of stacking faults, which can create artefacts during the reconstruction of the nanowire shape and deformation.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures Submitted to New Journal of Physic

    3-D radiative transfer in clumped hot star winds I. Influence of clumping on the resonance line formation

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    The true mass-loss rates from massive stars are important for many branches of astrophysics. For the correct modeling of the resonance lines, which are among the key diagnostics of stellar mass-loss, the stellar wind clumping turned out to be very important. In order to incorporate clumping into radiative transfer calculation, 3-D models are required. Various properties of the clumps may have strong impact on the resonance line formation and, therefore, on the determination of empirical mass-loss rates. We incorporate the 3-D nature of the stellar wind clumping into radiative transfer calculations and investigate how different model parameters influence the resonance line formation. We develop a full 3-D Monte Carlo radiative transfer code for inhomogeneous expanding stellar winds. The number density of clumps follows the mass conservation. For the first time, realistic 3-D models that describe the dense as well as the tenuous wind components are used to model the formation of resonance lines in a clumped stellar wind. At the same time, non-monotonic velocity fields are accounted for. The 3-D density and velocity wind inhomogeneities show very strong impact on the resonance line formation. The different parameters describing the clumping and the velocity field results in different line strengths and profiles. We present a set of representative models for various sets of model parameters and investigate how the resonance lines are affected. Our 3-D models show that the line opacity is reduced for larger clump separation and for more shallow velocity gradients within the clumps. Our new model demonstrates that to obtain empirically correct mass-loss rates from the UV resonance lines, the wind clumping and its 3-D nature must be taken into account.Comment: Astronomy and Astrophysics, accepted for publicatio