418 research outputs found

    Pyramidal Fisher Motion for Multiview Gait Recognition

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    The goal of this paper is to identify individuals by analyzing their gait. Instead of using binary silhouettes as input data (as done in many previous works) we propose and evaluate the use of motion descriptors based on densely sampled short-term trajectories. We take advantage of state-of-the-art people detectors to define custom spatial configurations of the descriptors around the target person. Thus, obtaining a pyramidal representation of the gait motion. The local motion features (described by the Divergence-Curl-Shear descriptor) extracted on the different spatial areas of the person are combined into a single high-level gait descriptor by using the Fisher Vector encoding. The proposed approach, coined Pyramidal Fisher Motion, is experimentally validated on the recent `AVA Multiview Gait' dataset. The results show that this new approach achieves promising results in the problem of gait recognition.Comment: Submitted to International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR, 201

    Pyramidal Fisher Motion for Multiview Gait Recognition

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    Submitted to International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR, 2014The goal of this paper is to identify individuals by analyzing their gait. Instead of using binary silhouettes as input data (as done in many previous works) we propose and evaluate the use of motion descriptors based on densely sampled short-term trajectories. We take advantage of state-of-the-art people detectors to define custom spatial configurations of the descriptors around the target person. Thus, obtaining a pyramidal representation of the gait motion. The local motion features (described by the Divergence-Curl-Shear descriptor) extracted on the different spatial areas of the person are combined into a single high-level gait descriptor by using the Fisher Vector encoding. The proposed approach, coined Pyramidal Fisher Motion, is experimentally validated on the recent `AVA Multiview Gait' dataset. The results show that this new approach achieves promising results in the problem of gait recognition

    Aqueous suspension processing of multicomponent submicronic Y-TZP/Al2O3/SiC particles for suspension plasma spraying

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    In order to obtain thermal barrier coatings by Suspension Plasma Spraying (SPS) process with potential new self-healing ability multicomponent submicronic Y-TZP/Al2O3/SiC suspensions were prepared. For this purpose, concentrated aqueous suspensions of individual components, as well as the multicomponent mixture were studied and characterised, in terms of colloidal stability and rheological behaviour to determine the best conditions for processing and preparation of the coatings. In the study, different dispersant contents and sonication times were tested. Subsequently, low concentrated suspensions were prepared to obtain preliminary thermal barrier coatings with the optimised feedstock. Thus, ceramic coatings were deposited by SPS and then characterised in order to assess the microstructure and phase distribution, in particular, the degree of preservation of the sealing agent, SiC, in the final coating as a previous indicator of its self-healing ability

    Three hypothesis algorithm with occlusion reasoning for multiple people tracking

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    This work proposes a detection-based tracking algorithm able to locate and keep the identity of multiple people, who may be occluded, in uncontrolled stationary environments. Our algorithm builds a tracking graph that models spatio-temporal relationships among attributes of interacting people to predict and resolve partial and total occlusions. When a total occlusion occurs, the algorithm generates various hypotheses about the location of the occluded person considering three cases: (a) the person keeps the same direction and speed, (b) the person follows the direction and speed of the occluder, and (c) the person remains motionless during occlusion. By analyzing the graph, our algorithm can detect trajectories produced by false alarms and estimate the location of missing or occluded people. Our algorithm performs acceptably under complex conditions, such as partial visibility of individuals getting inside or outside the scene, continuous interactions and occlusions among people, wrong or missing information on the detection of persons, as well as variation of the person’s appearance due to illumination changes and background-clutter distracters. Our algorithm was evaluated on test sequences in the field of intelligent surveillance achieving an overall precision of 93%. Results show that our tracking algorithm outperforms even trajectory-based state-of-the-art algorithms

    Librería para el procesamiento de señales digitales con computadora

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    In this work the basic characteristics of the development and the functionality of a specific software are exposed for the teaching in any matter that includes among their contents the "digital signal processing". The software has allowed that the students of the University of Cordoba that study the studies of Engineer in Automatic ad Electronic Industrial, Technical Engineering in Computer science of Systems and Technical Engineering in Computer science of Administration, they can simulate the theoretical contents corresponding to matters with the thematic one commented previously, without necessity of requiring additional computer of the University. The main advantage of the developed product rests in the limitation of the time doesn't exceed the three hours, keeping in mind that for these ends the software can be used without necessity of having programming knowledge. In the environment of the investigation, it can be used as development platform, beings necessary to have programming knowledge in the language C++.En este trabajo se exponen las características básicas del desarrollo y la funcionalidad de un software específico para la enseñanza en cualquier materia qeu incluya entre sus contenidos el "procesamiento digital de señales". El software ha permitido que los alumnos de la Universidad de Córdoba que cursan los estudios de Ingeniero en Automática y Electrónica Industrial, Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Sistemas e Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Gestión, puedan simular los contenidos teóricos correspondientes a materias con la temática comentada anteriormente, sin necesidad de requerir adicionales medios informáticos de la Universidad.La principal ventaja del producto desarrollado estriba en la limitación del tiempo requerido para su aprendizaje. En el ámbito de la enseñanza práctica, ha sido comprobado que este tiempo no excede las tres horas, teniendo en cuenta que para estos fines el software puede ser utilizado sin necesidad de tener conocimientos de programación. En el ámbito de la investigación, puede ser utilizado como plataforma de desarrollo, siendo necesario tener conocimientos de programación en el lenguaje C++


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    A standalone Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver was utilized in this study to get a measure of the atmospheric water vapor in Davao City, Philippines. It aims to monitor the variability of GNSS precipitable water vapor (PWV) especially during heavy to torrential rain. The results of the study showed a positive correlation between GNSS-PWV and precipitation especially in these severe (heavy to torrential) rain events which implies that the assimilation of atmospheric water vapor measurements can improve forecasts of such events

    Comparing Evolutionary Algorithms and Particle Filters for Markerless Human Motion Capture

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    Markerless Human Motion Capture is the problem of determining the joints’ angles of a three-dimensional articulated body model that best matches current and past observations acquired by video cameras. The problem of Markerless Human Motion Capture is high-dimensional and requires the use of models with a considerable number of degrees of freedom to appropriately adapt to the human anatomy. Particle filters have become the most popular approach for Markerless Human Motion Capture, despite their difficulty to cope with high-dimensional problems. Although several solutions have been proposed to improve their performance, they still suffer from the curse of dimensionality. As a consequence, it is normally required to impose mobility limitations in the body models employed, or to exploit the hierarchical nature of the human skeleton by partitioning the problem into smaller ones. Evolutionary algorithms, though, are powerful methods for solving continuous optimization problems, specially the high-dimensional ones. Yet, few works have tackled Markerless Human Motion Capture using them. This paper evaluates the performance of three of the most competitive algorithms in continuous optimization – Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolutionary Strategy, Differential Evolution and Particle Swarm Optimization – with two of the most relevant particle filters proposed in the literature, namely the Annealed Particle Filter and the Partitioned Sampling Annealed Particle Filter. The algorithms have been experimentally compared in the public dataset HumanEva-I by employing two body models with different complexities. Our work also analyzes the performance of the algorithms in hierarchical and holistic approaches, i.e., with and without partitioning the search space. Non-parametric tests run on the results have shown that: (i) the evolutionary algorithms employed outperform their particle filter counterparts in all the cases tested; (ii) they can deal with high-dimensional models thus leading to better accuracy; and (iii) the hierarchical strategy surpasses the holistic one

    Mixing body-parts model for 2D human pose estimation in stereo videos

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    This study targets 2D articulated human pose estimation (i.e. localisation of body limbs) in stereo videos. Although in recent years depth-based devices (e.g. Microsoft Kinect) have gained popularity, as they perform very well in controlled indoor environments (e.g. living rooms, operating theatres or gyms), they suffer clear problems in outdoor scenarios and, therefore, human pose estimation is still an interesting unsolved problem. The authors propose here a novel approach that is able to localise upper-body keypoints (i.e. shoulders, elbows, and wrists) in temporal sequences of stereo image pairs. The authors' method starts by locating and segmenting people in the image pairs by using disparity and appearance information. Then, a set of candidate body poses is computed for each view independently. Finally, temporal and stereo consistency is applied to estimate a final 2D pose. The authors' validate their model on three challenging datasets: `stereo human pose estimation dataset', `poses in the wild' and `INRIA 3DMovie'. The experimental results show that the authors' model not only establishes new state-of-the-art results on stereo sequences, but also brings improvements in monocular sequences

    Parallelization Strategies for Markerless Human Motion Capture

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    Markerless Motion Capture (MMOCAP) is the problem of determining the pose of a person from images captured by one or several cameras simultaneously without using markers on the subject. Evaluation of the solutions is frequently the most time-consuming task, making most of the proposed methods inapplicable in real-time scenarios. This paper presents an efficient approach to parallelize the evaluation of the solutions in CPUs and GPUs. Our proposal is experimentally compared on six sequences of the HumanEva-I dataset using the CMAES algorithm. Multiple algorithm’s configurations were tested to analyze the best trade-off in regard to the accuracy and computing time. The proposed methods obtain speedups of 8× in multi-core CPUs, 30× in a single GPU and up to 110× using 4 GPU