1,838 research outputs found

    A new protocol for texture mapping process and 2d representation of rupestrian architecture

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    The development of the survey techniques for architecture and archaeology requires a general review in the methods used for the representation of numerical data. The possibilities offered by data processing allow to find new paths for studying issues connected to the drawing discipline. The research project aimed at experimenting different approaches for the representation of the rupestrian architecture and the texture mapping process. The nature of the rupestrian architecture does not allow a traditional representation of sections and projections of edges and outlines. The paper presents a method, the Equidistant Multiple Sections (EMS), inspired by cartography and based on the use of isohipses generated from different geometric plane. A specific paragraph is dedicated to the texture mapping process for unstructured surface models. One of the main difficulty in the image projection consists in the recognition of homologous points between image and point cloud, above all in the areas with most deformations. With the aid of the “virtual scan” tool a different procedure was developed for improving the correspondences of the image. The result show a sensible improvement of the entire process above all for the architectural vaults. A detailed study concerned the unfolding of the straight line surfaces; the barrel vault of the analyzed chapel has been unfolded for observing the paintings in the real shapes out of the morphological context

    Autonomic and brain morphological predictors of stress resilience

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    Stressful life events are an important cause of psychopathology. Humans exposed to aversive or stressful experiences show considerable inter-individual heterogeneity in their responses. However, the majority does not develop stress-related psychiatric disorders. The dynamic processes encompassing positive and functional adaptation in the face of significant adversity have been broadly defined as resilience. Traditionally, the assessment of resilience has been confined to self-report measures, both within the general community and putative high-risk populations. Although this approach has value, it is highly susceptible to subjective bias and may not capture the dynamic nature of resilience, as underlying construct. Recognizing the obvious benefits of more objective measures of resilience, research in the field has just started investigating the predictive value of several potential biological markers. This review provides an overview of theoretical views and empirical evidence suggesting that individual differences in heart rate variability (HRV), a surrogate index of resting cardiac vagal outflow, may underlie different levels of resilience toward the development of stress-related psychiatric disorders. Following this line of thought, recent studies describing associations between regional brain morphometric characteristics and resting state vagally-mediated HRV are summarized. Existing studies suggest that the structural morphology of the anterior cingulated cortex (ACC), particularly its cortical thickness, is implicated in the expression of individual differences in HRV. These findings are discussed in light of emerging structural neuroimaging research, linking morphological characteristics of the ACC to psychological traits ascribed to a high-resilient profile and abnormal structural integrity of the ACC to the psychophysiological expression of stress-related mental health consequences. We conclude that a multidisciplinary approach integrating brain structural imaging with HRV monitoring could offer novel perspectives about brain-body pathways in resilience and adaptation to psychological stres

    Dialogo intorno alle immagini di Bruno Mangiaterra

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    The oeuvre of Bruno Mangiaterra focuses almost entirely on the problem of the signification of abstract objects. By privileging words, the artist manages to attribute new values to the work of art. Research on the visual texts of the artist brings out a certain interest on the part of the painter for linguistic culture, although he never worked out a real methodical approach to the art of writing. Since his production of paintings and installation art has been enhanced over time by verbal statements, his works have become visual texts

    Inmigracion ilegal : analisis juridico penal del delito de trafico ilegal de migrantes en Chile

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    62 p.La globalización genera consecuencias de diversa índole, uno de estos efectos es el aumento en las tasas de inmigración. La inmigración como fenómeno social no es una amenaza, es más, puede contribuir al desarrollo de una Nación, sin embargo también posee resultados negativos como es el tráfico de migrantes ilegales. Éste delito es desarrollado por inescrupulosos que lucran aprovechándose de los deseos de superación de estas personas y de las políticas de inmigración de determinados países. Es labor de los Estados armonizar sus ordenamientos jurídico-penales con la normativa internacional para lograr un eficaz control de dichas conductas atentatorias de los Derechos Humanos. Chile siguiendo esta tendencia actualmente tramita un proyecto de ley que busca introducir al Código Penal el delito de tráfico ilícito de migrantes en términos muy parecidos al Código Penal español

    Beneficial bacteria affect Danio rerio development by the modulation of maternal factors involved in autophagic, apoptotic and dorsalizing processes.

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    Background/Aims: Probiotic strains have been recognized to exert important roles in many biological systems, including immune response, growth, development and reproduction. However, to date, no studies have focused either on the relation among probiotics and maternal factors or on probiotics' ability to qualitatively and/or quantitatively modulate maternal transcripts. Methods: In this study, the effects of Lactobacillusrhamnosus administered to parental fish on the control of maternal factors involved in autophagic, apoptotic and dorsalizing processes during zebrafish embryo development were assessed through q-PCRs, WMISH and TUNEL assay. Results: The results we obtained show that probiotic induced significant changes in both maternal and zygotic mRNA levels involved in embryo development. The maternal autophagy-regulating genes herein investigated -ambra1a, ambra1b, beclin, lc3-, as well as those involved in the apoptotic process -caspase3, bcl2, bax- were modulated in disfavor and favor of the treated group, respectively. Also, the key transcripts ruling the dorsalizing process -goosecoid and chordin- were subject to a significant regulation of their gene expression. Conclusion: The results we acquired demonstrated that parentally administered Lactobacillusrhamnosus is able to modulate important physiological processes involved in zebrafish embryo development

    I colori della grotta. San Pietro in Vincoli a Sant’Angelo in Grotte

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    San Pietro in Vincoli a Sant’Angelo in Grotte Le vicende storiche Il rilevamento La rappresentazione Le superfi ci dipinte Il ciclo pittorico Bibliografi

    Rilievo e rappresentazione dell’architettura rupestre

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    Rilievo e rappresentazione dell’architettura rupestre Alle origini del metodo Metodi di acquisizione per le proiezioni quotate Le curve di livello oggi: elaborazione e rappresentazione digitale Le Equidistant Multiple Sections (EMS) La rappresentazione delle superfi ci dipinte (Painted surface Undistorted Projections - PUP) Bibliografi

    Efficacy of an enterovaccine in recurrent episodes of diarrhea in the dog – a pilot study

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    Recurrent episodes of self-limiting diarrhea in the dog, due to sudden dietary changes and to stressful or exciting situations, are conditions sometimes difficult to treat. Colifagina®, a commercially available bacterial enterovaccine, showed, in previous studies performed on experimentally induced colitis in mice, to be able to improve both disease activity index and histological appearance, increase colonic secretion of IgA, and reduce inflammatory chemokine secretion. In the present study Colifagina® was administered to five dogs presenting recurrent episodes of self-limiting diarrhea and to one dog presenting chronic diarrhea. During the follow-up period, almost all patients decreased the number of episodes of abnormal defecation and the fecal score of such episodes improved in five out of six dogs. Even if further studies are needed to understand the exact potential of the compound, in dogs presenting recurrent episodes of self-limiting diarrhea due to sudden dietary changes and/or stressing or exciting situations, Colifagina® seems to be helpful in managing most of these patients

    Efficacy of an enterovaccine in recurrent episodes of diarrhea in the dog: a pilot study

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    Recurrent episodes of self-limiting diarrhea in the dog, due to sudden dietary changes and to stressful or exciting situations, are conditions sometimes difficult to treat. Colifagina ® , a commercially available bacterial enterovaccine, showed, in previous studies performed on experimentally induced colitis in mice, to be able to improve both disease activity index and histological appearance, increase colonic secretion of IgA, and reduce inflammatory chemokine secretion. In the present study Colifagina ® was administered to five dogs presenting recurrent episodes of self-limiting diarrhea and to one dog presenting chronic diarrhea. During the follow-up period, almost all patients decreased the number of episodes of abnormal defecation and the fecal score of such episodes improved in five out of six dogs. Even if further studies are needed to understand the exact potential of the compound, in dogs presenting recurrent episodes of self-limiting diarrhea due to sudden dietary changes and/or stressing or exciting situations, Colifagina ® seems to be helpful in managing most of these patients

    Mediterranean swordfish (Xiphias gladius Linnaeus, 1758) population structure revealed by microsatellite DNA: genetic diversity masked by population mixing in shared areas

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    Background The Mediterranean swordfish stock is overfished and considered not correctly managed. Elucidating the patterns of the Mediterranean swordfish population structure constitutes an essential prerequisite for effective management of this fishery resource. To date, few studies have investigated intra-Mediterranean swordfish population structure, and their conclusions are controversial. Methods A panel of 20 microsatellites DNA was used to investigate fine-scale population structuring of swordfish from six main fishing areas of the Mediterranean Sea. Results This study provides evidence to reject the hypothesis of a single swordfish population within the Mediterranean Sea. DAPC analysis revealed the presence of three genetic clusters and a high level of admixture within the Mediterranean Sea. Genetic structure was supported by significant FST values while mixing was endorsed by the heterozygosity deficit observed in sampling localities indicative of a possible Wahlund effect, by sampling admixture individuals. Overall, our tests reject the hypothesis of a single swordfish population within the Mediterranean Sea. Homing towards the Mediterranean breeding areas may have generated a weak degree of genetic differentiation between populations even at the intra-basin scale