2,225 research outputs found

    Mapping SERS in CB:Au Plasmonic Nanoaggregates

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    In order to optimize surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) of noble metal nanostructures for enabling chemical identification of analyte molecules, careful design of nanoparticle structures must be considered. We spatially map the local SERS enhancements across individual micro-aggregates comprised of monodisperse nanoparticles separated by rigid monodisperse 0.9 nm gaps and show the influence of depositing these onto different underlying substrates. Experiments and simulations show that the gaps between neighbouring nanoparticles dominate the SERS enhancement far more than the gaps between nanoparticles and substrate

    Symmetry Decomposition of Chaotic Dynamics

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    Discrete symmetries of dynamical flows give rise to relations between periodic orbits, reduce the dynamics to a fundamental domain, and lead to factorizations of zeta functions. These factorizations in turn reduce the labor and improve the convergence of cycle expansions for classical and quantum spectra associated with the flow. In this paper the general formalism is developed, with the NN-disk pinball model used as a concrete example and a series of physically interesting cases worked out in detail.Comment: CYCLER Paper 93mar01

    Functional Movement Screen Task Scores and Joint Range-of-motion: A Construct Validity Study

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    Little is known about the construct validity of the Functional Movement Screen (FMS). We aimed to assess associations between FMS task scores and measures of maximum joint range-of-motion (ROM) among university varsity student-athletes from 4 sports (volleyball, basketball, ice hockey, and soccer). Athletes performed FMS tasks and had their maximum ankle, hip and shoulder ROM measured. Multivariable linear regression was used to estimate associations between FMS task scores and ROM measurements. 101 university student-athletes were recruited (52 W/49 M; mean age 20.4±1.9 years). In general, athletes with higher FMS task scores had greater ROM compared to those with lower task scores. For example, athletes who scored 2 on the FMS squat task had 4° (95% CI, 1° to 7°) more uni-articular ankle dorsiflexion ROM compared with those who scored 1, while those who scored 3 on the FMS squat task had 10° (4° to 17°) more uni-articular ankle dorsiflexion ROM compared with those who scored 1. Large variation in ROM measurements was observed. In sum, substantial overlap in joint ROM between groups of athletes with different FMS task scores weakens the construct validity of the FMS as an indicator of specific joint ROM

    A diagnostic real-time PCR assay for the rapid identification of the tomato-potato psyllid, Bactericera cockerelli (Sulc, 1909) and development of a psyllid barcoding database

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    The accurate and rapid identification of insect pests is an important step in the prevention and control of outbreaks in areas that are otherwise pest free. The potato-tomato psyllid Bactericera cockerelli (Sulc, 1909) is the main vector of 'Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum' on potato and tomato crops in North America and New Zealand; and is considered a threat for introduction in Europe and other pest-free regions. This study describes the design and validation of the first species-specific TaqMan probe-based real-time PCR assay, targeting the ITS2 gene region of B. cockerelli. The assay detected B. cockerelli genomic DNA from adults, immatures, and eggs, with 100% accuracy. This assay also detected DNA from cloned plasmids containing the ITS2 region of B. cockerelli with 100% accuracy. The assay showed 0% false positives when tested on genomic and cloned DNA from 73 other psyllid species collected from across Europe, New Zealand, Mexico and the USA. This included 8 other species in the Bactericera genus and the main vectors of 'Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum' worldwide. The limit of detection for this assay at optimum conditions was 0.000001ng DNA (similar to 200 copies) of ITS2 DNA which equates to around a 1:10000 dilution of DNA from one single adult specimen. This assay is the first real-time PCR based method for accurate, robust, sensitive and specific identification of B. cockerelli from all life stages. It can be used as a surveillance and monitoring tool to further study this important crop pest and to aid the prevention of outbreaks, or to prevent their spread after establishment in new areas

    Single-molecule optomechanics in "picocavities"

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    Trapping light with noble metal nanostructures overcomes the diffraction limit and can confine light to volumes typically on the order of 30 cubic nanometers. We found that individual atomic features inside the gap of a plasmonic nanoassembly can localize light to volumes well below 1 cubic nanometer ("picocavities"), enabling optical experiments on the atomic scale. These atomic features are dynamically formed and disassembled by laser irradiation. Although unstable at room temperature, picocavities can be stabilized at cryogenic temperatures, allowing single atomic cavities to be probed for many minutes. Unlike traditional optomechanical resonators, such extreme optical confinement yields a factor of 106^{6} enhancement of optomechanical coupling between the picocavity field and vibrations of individual molecular bonds. This work sets the basis for developing nanoscale nonlinear quantum optics on the single-molecule level.Supported by Project FIS2013-41184-P from MINECO (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad) and IT756-13 from the Basque government consolidated groups (M.K.S., Y.Z., A. Demetriadou, R.E., and J.A.); the Winton Programme for the Physics of Sustainability (F.B.); the Dr. Manmohan Singh scholarship from St. John’s College (R.C.); the UK National Physical Laboratory (C.C.); the Fellows Gipuzkoa Program of the Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia via FEDER funds of the European Union “Una manera de hacer Europa” (R.E.); UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council grants EP/G060649/1 and EP/L027151/1; and European Research Council grant LINASS 320503


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    The temperature dependence of the domain-wall coercive field of epitaxial magnetic garnets films has been investigated in the entire temperature range of the ferrimagnetic phase, and has been found to be described by a set of parametric exponents. In subsequent temperature regions different slopes were observed, with breaking points whose position was found to be sample dependent. A survey ba.ed on literature Data as well as on a large number of our own samples shows the general existence of this piecewise exponential dependence and the presence of the breaking points. This type of domain-wall coercive field temperature dependence was found in all samples in the large family of the epitaxial garnets (about 30 specimens of more than ten chemical compositionsj and also in another strongly anisotropic material (TbFeCo)

    Healthy hardwoods. A field guide to pests, diseases and nutritional disorders in subtropical hardwoods.

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    Healthy hardwoods: A field guide to pests, diseases and nutritional disorders in subtropical hardwoods can be used to help identify the common damaging insects, fungi and nutritional disorders in young eucalypt (Eucalyptus and Corymbia species) plantations in subtropical eastern Australia. This guide includes photographs of each insect, fungus and nutritional disorder and the damage they cause, along with a brief description to aid identification. A brief host list for insects and fungi, including susceptibility and occurrence, is provided as a guide only. A hand lens will be useful, especially to identify fungi. Although it is possible to identify insects and fungi from these photographs, laboratory examination will sometimes be necessary. For example, microscopes and culturing media might be used to identify fungi. Information about four exotic pests and diseases has also been included in the Biosecurity threats chapter. Potentially, these would have a severe impact on plantation and natural forests if introduced into Australia. To prevent establishment of these pests, early detection and identification is crucial. If an exotic insect or disease is suspected, then an immediate response is required. Usually, the first response will be to contact the nearest Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service office or forestry agency to seek advice

    Kepler constraints on planets near hot Jupiters

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    We present the results of a search for planetary companions orbiting near hot Jupiter planet candidates (Jupiter-size candidates with orbital periods near 3 d) identified in the Kepler data through its sixth quarter of science operations. Special emphasis is given to companions between the 2∶1 interior and exterior mean-motion resonances. A photometric transit search excludes companions with sizes ranging from roughly two-thirds to five times the size of the Earth, depending upon the noise properties of the target star. A search for dynamically induced deviations from a constant period (transit timing variations) also shows no significant signals. In contrast, comparison studies of warm Jupiters (with slightly larger orbits) and hot Neptune-size candidates do exhibit signatures of additional companions with these same tests. These differences between hot Jupiters and other planetary systems denote a distinctly different formation or dynamical history