33,809 research outputs found

    Reflexions al voltant d’unes notes de Bosch i Cardellach sobre la ramaderia i l'alimentació a Sabadell a finals del segle XVIII

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    En aquest article es comenta un fragment del “Ensayo para formar la topografia de la villa y termino de Sabadell”, en què Bosch i Cardellach explica el consum de carn a la vila i com aquest conformava la dieta de la població del moment. La riquesa de les dades aportades pel metge il·lustrat (població, caps sacrificats, pes en carn) permet calcular un consum per càpita aproximat. Tant les referències del nostre autor com els càlculs realitzats amb les seves dades indiquen que la població de Sabadell de finals del segle XVIII feia un consum de carn relativament alt pels nivells normals a l’època. La conjuntura d’alt consum de carn coincideix, i potser és explicat, pel cicle d’expansió del cotó que va viure Sabadell a finals del segle XVIII

    Determinants of muscle carnosine content

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    The main determinant of muscle carnosine (M-Carn) content is undoubtedly species, with, for example, aerobically trained female vegetarian athletes [with circa 13 mmol/kg dry muscle (dm)] having just 1/10th of that found in trained thoroughbred horses. Muscle fibre type is another key determinant, as type II fibres have a higher M-Carn or muscle histidine containing dipeptide (M-HCD) content than type I fibres. In vegetarians, M-Carn is limited by hepatic synthesis of β-alanine, whereas in omnivores this is augmented by the hydrolysis of dietary supplied HCD’s resulting in muscle levels two or more times higher. β-alanine supplementation will increase M-Carn. The same increase in M-Carn occurs with administration of an equal molar quantity of carnosine as an alternative source of β-alanine. Following the cessation of supplementation, M-Carn returns to pre-supplementation levels, with an estimated t1/2 of 5–9 weeks. Higher than normal M-Carn contents have been noted in some chronically weight-trained subjects, but it is unclear if this is due to the training per se, or secondary to changes in muscle fibre composition, an increase in β-alanine intake or even anabolic steroid use. There is no measureable loss of M-Carn with acute exercise, although exercise-induced muscle damage may result in raised plasma concentrations in equines. Animal studies indicate effects of gender and age, but human studies lack sufficient control of the effects of diet and changes in muscle fibre composition

    Ciència i tecnologia de la carn i dels productes carnis: passat i present

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    La carn ha estat, des de sempre, un aliment clau en la dieta dels éssers humans per les seves propietats nutritives i les seves característiques sensorials. Els productes carnis han estat una forma de conservar la carn, que tradicionalment es feia per l'experiència acumulada i que actualment es basa en coneixements científics. En el decurs del segle xx es va produir un avanç extraordinari en la ciència de la carn, en la gestió de la seguretat i qualitat de la carn i productes carnis, en la disseminació dels coneixements generats i en la innovació en la indústria càrnia. En un futur proper es preveu que la carn seguirà essent un element clau en la dieta humana i que l'aplicació de les noves tecnologies tindran un impacte important en els processos de transformació. No obstant això, caldrà esmerçar esforços per minimitzar l'impacte en el medi ambient pel que fa a la cria i sacrifici dels animals i la transformació de la carn en productes carnis per aconseguir que tot el procés sigui més sostenible.La carne ha sido, desde siempre, un alimento clave en la dieta de los seres humanos por sus propiedades nutritivas y sus características sensoriales. Los productos cárnicos han sido una forma de conservar la carne, que tradicionalmente se hacía por la experiencia acumulada y que actualmente se basa en conocimientos científicos. En el transcurso del siglo xx se produjo un avance extraordinario en la ciencia de la carne, en la gestión de la seguridad y calidad de la carne y productos cárnicos, en la diseminación de los conocimientos generados y en la innovación en la industria cárnica. En un futuro próximo se prevé que la carne seguirá siendo un elemento clave en la dieta humana y que la aplicación de las nuevas tecnologías tendrá un impacto importante en los procesos de transformación. Sin embargo, habrá que invertir esfuerzos para minimizar el impacto en el medio ambiente en relación con la cría y sacrificio de los animales y la transformación de la carne en productos cárnicos para conseguir que todo el proceso sea más sostenible

    El proveïment de carn a la Barcelona del Set-Cents : comerç i sanitat

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    Amb les ratlles que seguiexen no pretenem fer un estudi globalitzador ni del comerp ni de la sanitat barcelonines del setcents. Només els analitzarem en la mesura que incidien en el servei públic de l'abastament de carn, donat que l'objectiu de la nostra investigació era l'anàlisi dels "aspectes bàsics del proveïment, distribució i posterior consum de carn a la Barcelona del segle XVIII

    Survey of Obstetrician-Gynecologists in the United States About Toxoplasmosis

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    Background: Although the incidence of toxoplasmosis is low in the United States, up to 6000 congenital cases occur annually. In September 1998, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention held a conference about toxoplasmosis; participants recommended a survey of the toxoplasmosis-related knowledge and practices of obstetrician-gynecologists and the development of professional educational materials for them. Methods: In the fall of 1999, surveys were mailed to a 2% random sample of American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) members and to a demographically representative group of ACOGmembers known as the Collaborative Ambulatory Research Network (CARN). Responses were not significantly different for the random and CARN groups for most questions (p value shown when different). Results: Among 768 US practicing ACOG members surveyed, 364 (47%) responded. Seven per cent (CARN 10%, random 5%) had diagnosed one or more case(s) of acute toxoplasmosis in the past year. Respondents were well-informed about how to prevent toxoplasmosis. However, only 12% (CARN 11%, random 12%) indicated that a positive Toxoplasma IgM test might be a false–positive result, and only 11% (CARN 14%, random 9%) were aware that the Food and Drug Administration sent an advisory to all ACOG members in 1997 stating that some Toxoplasma IgM test kits have high false–positive rates. Most of those surveyed (CARN 70%, random 59%; X(2) p < 0.05) were opposed to universal screening of pregnant women. Conclusions: Many US obstetrician-gynecologists will encounter acute toxoplasmosis during their careers, but they are frequently uncertain about interpretation of the laboratory tests for the disease. Most would not recommend universal screening of pregnant women

    Rethinking the Pipeline of Demosaicing, Denoising and Super-Resolution

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    Incomplete color sampling, noise degradation, and limited resolution are the three key problems that are unavoidable in modern camera systems. Demosaicing (DM), denoising (DN), and super-resolution (SR) are core components in a digital image processing pipeline to overcome the three problems above, respectively. Although each of these problems has been studied actively, the mixture problem of DM, DN, and SR, which is a higher practical value, lacks enough attention. Such a mixture problem is usually solved by a sequential solution (applying each method independently in a fixed order: DM \to DN \to SR), or is simply tackled by an end-to-end network without enough analysis into interactions among tasks, resulting in an undesired performance drop in the final image quality. In this paper, we rethink the mixture problem from a holistic perspective and propose a new image processing pipeline: DN \to SR \to DM. Extensive experiments show that simply modifying the usual sequential solution by leveraging our proposed pipeline could enhance the image quality by a large margin. We further adopt the proposed pipeline into an end-to-end network, and present Trinity Enhancement Network (TENet). Quantitative and qualitative experiments demonstrate the superiority of our TENet to the state-of-the-art. Besides, we notice the literature lacks a full color sampled dataset. To this end, we contribute a new high-quality full color sampled real-world dataset, namely PixelShift200. Our experiments show the benefit of the proposed PixelShift200 dataset for raw image processing.Comment: Code is available at: https://github.com/guochengqian/TENe