144 research outputs found

    Prevención de la violencia de género a través de la educación emocional en Educación Primaria

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    Dentro de la educación integral que debe promoverse en la etapa de Educación Primaria, debe tener un lugar relevante el desarrollo y expresión de las emociones. Esta es la razón por la cual se considera un objetivo primordial la educación emocional como medio de prevención de la violencia de género. Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo una revisión bibliográfica y la elaboración de una propuesta didáctica basada en el diseño de un cuadernillo de actividades titulado “Las emociones”. Como conclusión, alcanzando el autocontrol, se favorecerá y equilibrará el estado emocional así como las relaciones con los demás.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Educación Primari

    Actividades extraescolares y rendimiento académico: diferencias en autoncocepto y género

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    El propósito de este estudio fue examinar la relación entre tipo de autoconcepto (académico y general) y realización de actividades extraescolares en el rendimiento académico en alumnos de Educación Primaria (N = 1708), así como determinar las diferencias de esta relación en cuanto al género. Se utilizó un sistema de muestreo por conglomerados y estratificado en dos etapas, administrando pruebas estandarizadas de rendimiento y un instrumento diseñado ad-hoc para autoconcepto académico, general y actividades extraescolares. Los resultados mostraron que los sujetos que realizaban actividades extraescolares de tipo académico como idiomas e informática obtuvieron mejores resultados en todas las materias de rendimiento académico. Sin embargo, aquellos que realizaban música y deportes también obtuvieron mejores resultados en algunas de las materias de rendimiento. Como conclusión, cabría destacar las diferencias encontradas en cuanto a la relación entre autoconcepto y actividad extraescolar mostrando patrones diferenciados para chicos y chicas que de cara a futuras investigaciones sería necesario profundizar

    The pattern of Comorbidities and Associated Risk Factors among Colorectal Cancer Patients in Spain: CoMCoR study

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    AbstractColorectal cancer is the second most frequently diagnosed cancer in Spain. Cancer treatment and outcomes can be influenced by tumor characteristics, patient general health status and comorbidities. Numerous studies have analyzed the influence of comorbidity on cancer outcomes, but limited information is available regarding the frequency and distribution of comorbidities in colorectal cancer patients, particularly elderly ones, in the Spanish population. We developed a population-based high-resolution cohort study of all incident colorectal cancer cases diagnosed in Spain in 2011 to describe the frequency and distribution of comorbidities, as well as tumor and healthcare factors. We then characterized risk factors associated with the most prevalent comorbidities, as well as dementia and multimorbidity, and developed an interactive web application to visualize our findings. The most common comorbidities were diabetes (23.6%), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (17.2%), and congestive heart failure (14.5%). Dementia was the most common comorbidity among patients aged ≥75 years. Patients with dementia had a 30% higher prevalence of being diagnosed at stage IV and the highest prevalence of emergency hospital admission after colorectal cancer diagnosis (33%). Colorectal cancer patients with dementia were nearly three times more likely to not be offered surgical treatment. Age ≥75 years, obesity, male sex, being a current smoker, having surgery more than 60 days after cancer diagnosis, and not being offered surgical treatment were associated with a higher risk of multimorbidity. Patients with multimorbidity aged ≥75 years showed a higher prevalence of hospital emergency admission followed by surgery the same day of the admission (37%). We found a consistent pattern in the distribution and frequency of comorbidities and multimorbidity among colorectal cancer patients. The high frequency of stage IV diagnosis among patients with dementia and the high proportion of older patients not being offered surgical treatment are significant findings that require policy actions.</jats:p

    Trabajo colaborativo en equipos a través de un entorno virtual para un aprendizaje significativo

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    El EEES se propuso mejorar la interacción de la universidad con la realidad socio-económica introduciendo la formación competencial. Diversos estudios encontrados hasta la fecha consideran que la importancia de adquirir unas competencias u otras es determinante para la empleabilidad, siendo el trabajo en equipo una de las competencias más valoradas por las empresas. En base a esta expectativa, desarrollamos nuestra experiencia con estudiantes que cursan la asignatura de Contabilidad Financiera II fijándonos como objetivos: (a) mejorar la comprensión de la aplicación de la normativa contable, (b) apostar por el trabajo colaborativo en equipo utilizando como plataforma exclusivamente el aula virtual Moodle45 y (c) aplicar un sistema de evaluación formativo. En los resultados que hemos obtenido los estudiantes han valorado positivamente el acercamiento a la realidad empresarial al aplicar los conocimientos teóricos a casos cuasi-reales. Por otra parte, esta actividad ha supuesto una mejora sustancial de la participación de los estudiantes así como un aumento del interés hacia el trabajo del resto de grupos según quedó plasmado en los foros. Como aspectos negativos o limitaciones de esta experiencia podemos destacar en primer lugar, la problemática que siempre surge con la formación de los equipos de trabajo y el reparto de tareas debido al desigual grado de compromiso de los miembros integrantes de los equipos

    Relationship between the endothelial dysfunction and the expression of the β1-subunit of BK channels in a non-hypertensive sleep apnea group

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    Study objectives Vascular damage must be diagnosed early in patients with hypertension. In this regard, endothelial dysfunction (ED) is an early sign of vascular disease and a predictor of cardiovascular diseases. In obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), intermittent hypoxia triggers ED, but mechanisms are not clear. In this context, it has been described that BK channels regulates arterial tone and that chronic and intermittent hypoxia downregulates the expression of the BK channel β1-subunit facilitating vasoconstriction. Thus, we investigated the relationship among hypoxemia, ED, and mRNA expression of the β1-subunit in patients with severe OSA. We aimed to assess (1) ED in non-hypertensive patients with OSA using laser-Doppler flowmetry, (2) BK β1-subunit mRNA expression, and (3) the impact of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment on ED and β1-subunit regulation. Methods OSA patients underwent 24-hour blood pressure monitoring to exclude hypertension. Laser-Doppler flowmetry was performed to assess ED, and β1-subunit mRNA expression was evaluated using a blood test of peripheral blood leukocytes at baseline and after 3 months of CPAP treatment. Results In normotensive patients with OSA, endothelial function correlated with the severity of OSA. CPAP improved endothelial function in normotensive OSA patients and the speed of the arterial response was significantly correlated with β1-subunit mRNA expression. β1-subunit mRNA expression at baseline correlated inversely with its change after CPAP. Conclusions Sleep apnea is related to ED in normotensive patients with OSA. CPAP therapy improves endothelial function and regulates β1-subunit mRNA expression

    Addressing educational needs of teachers in the EU for inclusive education in a context of diversity (Inno4Div): Volume 2 - Literature review on key enabling components of teachers' intercultural and democratic competence development and their associated barriers

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    In spite of policy impetus, research shows that teachers struggle to address the increasing diversity in classrooms, among others, due to the lack of competences to deal with it. The acquisition of Intercultural Competence (IC), which could be defined as “the ability to mobilise and deploy relevant attitudes, skills, knowledge and values in order to interact effectively and appropriately in different intercultural situations”, is a crucial need for teachers to deal with diversity and to be successful in their teaching. In this context, in 2019 the JRC launched the INNO4DIV project with the aim to support polices in the field of IC of teachers, through the analysis of literature and innovative good practices which have successfully addressed the existing barriers for teacher´s IC development. Within this context, the main purpose of this deliverable is to provide an updated list of key enabling components (KECs) for the development of teachers’ intercultural and democratic competence and the barriers that hinder such development. The Literature review confirms prior research, which served as a departure point for the present study, and identified the following 8 KECs: 1. a common understanding of the knowledge skills and attitudes related to IC; 2. supporting policies; 3. effective initial teacher education curricula, including mandatory IC and related assessment methods, naming specific learning objectives and competences, and how to foster them with respective tools, methods and teaching approaches in classroom education as well as in extracurricular activities; 4. availability of high-quality professional IC courses for teachers’ continuous professional development; 5. integrated IC across the school curriculum; 6. the application of effective teaching methods, based on adapted pedagogical approaches such as: Peer-learning, IC networks, IC working groups in school, IC connections within and beyond teacher training, Experiential Learning Collaboration, Challenging assumptions, and Communities of Practice; 7. the availability of supporting tools; and, 8. a whole school approach to intercultural learning, framing, accompanying and supporting teachers IC learning and teaching activities, which needs to be promoted by policy makers and has to be put into practice by the respective educators and school administrators. In addition, the review detected a new essential KEC: Teacher educators with experiential knowledge about interculturality and diversity.JRC.B.4-Human Capital and Employmen

    Met signaling in cardiomyocytes is required for normal cardiac function in adult mice.

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    Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and its receptor, Met, are key determinants of distinct developmental processes. Although HGF exerts cardio-protective effects in a number of cardiac pathologies, it remains unknown whether HGF/Met signaling is essential for myocardial development and/or physiological function in adulthood. We therefore investigated the requirement of HGF/Met signaling in cardiomyocyte for embryonic and postnatal heart development and function by conditional inactivation of the Met receptor in cardiomyocytes using the Cre-α-MHC mouse line (referred to as α-MHCMet-KO). Although α-MHCMet-KO mice showed normal heart development and were viable and fertile, by 6 months of age, males developed cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, associated with interstitial fibrosis. A significant upregulation in markers of myocardial damage, such as β-MHC and ANF, was also observed. By the age of 9 months, α-MHCMet-KO males displayed systolic cardiac dysfunction. Mechanistically, we provide evidence of a severe imbalance in the antioxidant defenses in α-MHCMet-KO hearts involving a reduced expression and activity of catalase and superoxide dismutase, with consequent reactive oxygen species accumulation. Similar anomalies were observed in females, although with a slower kinetics. We also found that Met signaling down-regulation leads to an increase in TGF-β production and a decrease in p38MAPK activation, which may contribute to phenotypic alterations displayed in α-MHCMet-KO mice. Consistently, we show that HGF acts through p38α to upregulate antioxidant enzymes in cardiomyocytes. Our results highlight that HGF/Met signaling in cardiomyocytes plays a physiological cardio-protective role in adult mice by acting as an endogenous regulator of heart function through oxidative stress control.Comunidad de Madrid/Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Association Française contre les Myopathies; Seventh Framework Programme; Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale; Instituto de Salud Carlos III; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; Fondation Bettencourt Schueller; European Regional Development Fund; Junta de Andalucía; Junta de Castilla y Leó

    Successful development and clinical translation of a novel anterior lamellar artificial cornea

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    We thank the Andalusian Public Foundation Progress and Health, through the Andalusian Initiative for Advanced Therapies, for assuming the roles and responsibilities of sponsoring this clinical trial. We thank Dr. Manuel de la Rosa and Dr. Salvador Arias Santiago for providing insight and expertise that assisted the research.The datasets generated and/or analyzed during the current study are available in the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) public repository, ref. GSE86584 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE86584Blindness due to corneal diseases is a common pathology affecting up to 23 million individuals worldwide. The tissue‐engineered anterior human cornea, which is currently being tested in a Phase I/II clinical trial to treat severe corneal trophic ulcers with preliminary good feasibility and safety results. This bioartificial cornea is based on a nanostructured fibrin–agarose biomaterial containing human allogeneic stromal keratocytes and cornea epithelial cells, mimicking the human native anterior cornea in terms of optical, mechanical, and biological behavior. This product is manufactured as a clinical‐grade tissue engineering product, fulfilling European requirements and regulations. The clinical translation process included several phases: an initial in vitro and in vivo preclinical research plan, including preclinical advice from the Spanish Medicines Agency followed by additional preclinical development, the adaptation of the biofabrication protocols to a good manufacturing practice manufacturing process, including all quality controls required, and the design of an advanced therapy clinical trial. The experimental development and successful translation of advanced therapy medicinal products for clinical application has to overcome many obstacles, especially when undertaken by academia or SMEs. We expect that our experience and research strategy may help future researchers to efficiently transfer their preclinical results into the clinical settings.This study was supported by the Spanish National Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation (I + D + I) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Carlos III Institute of Health), grants FIS PI14/0955 and FIS PI17/0391 (both cofinanced by ERDF‐FEDER, European Union); by the Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Policy and Equity, grant EC10‐285; and by preclinical research funds from the Regional Ministry of Health through the Andalusian Initiative for Advanced Therapies

    La mentoría en la Escuela Universitaria Politécnica de la Universidad de Sevilla

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    XVIII Congreso Universitario de Innovación Educativa en las Enseñanzas Técnicas. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales y de Telecomunicación. Universidad de Cantabria : Santander, 6 a 9 de julio de 2010Con el fin de integrar a los alumnos de nuevo ingreso, la Escuela Universitaria Politécnica de la Universidad de Sevilla ha puesto en marcha en el curso 2008-09 un Plan de Acción Tutorial (EUPAT) basado en una red en la que participan el profesorado tutor, alumnado mentor y alumnado tutorizado. En el presente trabajo se resumirá el proceso de formación del alumnado mentor y el trabajo desarrollado por el mismo dentro del Plan de Acción Tutorial. Así mismo, se analizarán las dificultades encontradas durante el transcurso de su formación y realización de la labor de mentoría y el nivel de satisfacción alcanzado. Finalmente, se hará una reflexión sobre las debilidades y los puntos de mejora que se pueden deducir del desarrollo hasta el momento de esta acción tutorialIn order to integrate new students, the Polytechnic School of the University of Seville has launched in the year 2008-09 an Tutorial Action Plan (EUPAT) based on a network involving teachers, mentor students and tutored students. In this paper we resume the formation of mentor students and work developed by the same within the Tutorial Action Plan. Also, analyzing the difficulties encountered during the course of their training and carrying out the work of mentoring and the satisfaction level achieved. Finally, we will reflect on the weaknesses and areas for improvement that can be deducted from the development until the time of this action tutorial

    Multimorbidity by Patient and Tumor Factors and Time-to-Surgery Among Colorectal Cancer Patients in Spain: A Population-Based Study.

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    BACKGROUND: Cancer treatment and outcomes can be influenced by tumor characteristics, patient overall health status, and comorbidities. While previous studies have analyzed the influence of comorbidity on cancer outcomes, limited information is available regarding factors associated with the increased prevalence of comorbidities and multimorbidity among patients with colorectal cancer in Spain. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This cross-sectional study obtained data from all colorectal cancer cases diagnosed in two Spanish provinces in 2011 from two population-based cancer registries and electronic health records. We calculated the prevalence of comorbidities according to patient and tumor factors, identified factors associated with an increased prevalence of comorbidity and multimorbidity, analyzed the association between comorbidities and time-to-surgery, and developed an interactive web application (https://comcor.netlify.com/). RESULTS: The most common comorbidities were diabetes (23.6%), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (17.2%), and congestive heart failure (14.5%). Among all comorbidities, 52% of patients were diagnosed at more advanced stages (stage III/IV). Patients with advanced age, restricted performance status or who were disabled, obese, and smokers had a higher prevalence of multimorbidity. Patients with multimorbidity had a longer time-to-surgery than those without comorbidity (17 days, 95% confidence interval: 3-29 days). CONCLUSION: We identified a consistent pattern of factors associated with a higher prevalence of comorbidities and multimorbidity at diagnosis and an increased time-to-surgery among patients with colorectal cancer with multimorbidity in Spain. This pattern may provide insights for further etiological and preventive research and help to identify patients at a higher risk for poorer cancer outcomes and suboptimal treatment