219 research outputs found

    Effects of a creativity training program for teachers on elementary school students

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    Este estudo, com delineamento quase-experimental, objetivou investigar os efeitos, a curto e médio prazo, de um programa de criatividade para professoras. Foram analisados a criatividade, o autoconceito, a motivação para aprender e a percepção de clima para criatividade em sala de aula de alunos do 3º ano do ensino fundamental. Participaram 119 crianças, sendo 71 do grupo de tratamento e 48 do grupo controle, e 5 professoras, dentre as quais 3 foram treinadas. Foram utilizados o Teste Torrance de Pensamento Criativo e as Escalas de Avaliação da Motivação para Aprender de Alunos do Ensino Fundamental, Autoconceito Infanto-Juvenil e Percepção de Clima para Criatividade em Sala de Aula. Os resultados indicaram ganhos nos escores de criativdade e percepção do clima para a criatividade a curto e médio prazo, de autoconceito global e familiar a médio prazo, e de motivação intrínseca a curto prazo a alunos das professoras treinadas. Conclui-se que é viável e eficaz implementar programas de criatividade no contexto escolar.The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to investigate short and medium-term effects of a creative program for teachers. Creative ability, self-concept, motivation to learn, and perception of the classroom climate for creativity were assessed in 3rd grade students. The participants included 119 children, among which 71 composed the treatment group, 48 composed the controle group, and 5 were teachers (among whom, 3 were trained). The following instruments were used: the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking, the Scale for Evaluation of Motivation to Learn for Elementary School Students, the Self-concept Scale for Children and Youth, and the Classroom Environment for Creativity Scale.The results indicated higher ratings of: creative ability and perception of classroom climate for creativity in the short and medium run, global and family self-concept in the medium run; and intrinsic motivation in the short run in the trained teachers' students. It was concluded that the implementation of creativity programs in the school context is viable and effective

    Green Room Circuit at Paulo VI Campus in Maranhao State University, Brazil

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    The implementation of the Environmental Management Advisory at Maranhão State University, in 2015, promoted environmental education actions as a continuous in the institution, and coordinated by the Environmental Management System of the advisory. The approval on the call for the creation of Green Rooms, by the Ministry of Environment, became this university qualified in 2018 to have a Green Room in its space, constituting a space for environmental interactions. Thus, the objective was to discuss the actions developed in 2018. Having a Circuit format, the Green Room of this academy (Green Room Circuit at Paulo VI Campus), in the year in question, four visits were made, with activities scheduled in the Fishery and Aquatic Ecology laboratories, Zoology laboratory, Botanical Collection (Rosa Mochel), Agroecological Trail and seedling workshops. Totalizing 109 participants, 33% were from the capital and 67% from the metropolitan region of Sao Luis and other municipalities of Maranhão state, northeast of Brazil. Therefore, the Green Room Circuit of Paulo VI Campus was faced as a potentializer and dynamizer, for the development of actions that contribute to a sustainable awareness among its participants

    Intervenção em criatividade com professoras e mães : efeitos no rendimento escolar, autoconceito, motivação e criatividade de alunos do 3º ano do ensino fundamental

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Psicologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Processos de Desenvolvimento Humano e Saúde, 2014.A criatividade tem sido cada vez mais reconhecida como recurso importante para a promoção do bem-estar mental do indivíduo, bem como para o avanço econômico e social de um país. Desde que haja condições favoráveis e uso de estratégias adequadas, essa habilidade pode ser desenvolvida e aprimorada. A escola e a família são contextos críticos de incentivo à criatividade e fontes para a emergência do comportamento criativo. Entretanto, o potencial criador nem sempre é estimulado e compreendido por educadores e pais. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi verificar os efeitos, a curto e médio prazo, de dois programas de criatividade – um para professoras e outro para mães – na habilidade criativa, autoconceito, motivação para aprender, rendimento escolar e percepção do clima para criatividade em sala de aula de alunos do 3º ano do ensino fundamental. Participaram da pesquisa 128 crianças, cinco docentes e nove mães de uma escola pública de Minas Gerais. Cinco instrumentos foram utilizados: Teste Torrance de Pensamento Criativo, Escala de Avaliação da Motivação para Aprender de Alunos do Ensino Fundamental, Escala de Autoconceito Infanto-Juvenil, Escala de Percepção de Clima para Criatividade em Sala de Aula e boletim escolar. Os dados foram examinados por meio de análise univariada e multivariada de variância. O treinamento com as professoras ocorreu em 11 encontros semanais com duração média de 1h30 cada um e com as mães aconteceu em 4 encontros semanais com duração de 2h cada. Os resultados, de maneira geral, indicaram que, a curto prazo, a intervenção com as professoras gerou aumento nos escores dos alunos em três medidas de criatividade – Fluência Verbal, Flexibilidade Figurativa, Originalidade Figurativa –, na Motivação Intrínseca e nos cinco fatores avaliados pela Escala de Percepção de Clima para Criatividade. A médio prazo, a intervenção com as professoras contribuiu para o incremento da Fluência Verbal, Flexibilidade Verbal, Motivação Intrínseca e dos cinco fatores da percepção do clima para criatividade em aula. Quanto ao autoconceito, a médio prazo, o programa envolvendo as professoras parece ter contribuído para que não houvesse diminuição do Autoconceito Escolar e do Autoconceito Global dos alunos. Os achados relativos ao programa com mães evidenciaram efeitos positivos apenas na medida de Originalidade Verbal, a curto prazo, e no Autoconceito Global, a médio prazo. Espera-se que este estudo tenha chamado a atenção para a importância, e demonstrado a viabilidade de se promover um ambiente favorável à criatividade tanto no contexto familiar quanto escolar.Creativity has been increasingly recognized as an important resource for the promotion of the mental well-being of the individual as well as for the social and economic development of a country. Since there are favourable conditions and the use of appropriate strategies, such ability can be developed and improved. The school and the family are critical contexts to encourage creativity and sources for the emergence of creative behaviour. However, the creative potential is not always encouraged and understood by educators and parents. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the short and medium term effects of two creative programs, one for teachers and one for mothers, involving creative ability, self-concept, motivation to learn, school performance and perception of the climate for creativity classroom of 3rd grade students. The participants were 128 children, 5 teachers and 9 mothers from a public school in the State of Minas Gerais. Five instruments were used: The Torrance Test of Creative Thinking, the Scale for Evaluation of Motivation to Learn for Elementary School Student, the Self-concept Scale for Children and Youth, the Classroom Climate for Creativity Scale, and the report card. Data were examined by univariate and multivariate analysis of variance. The training of the teachers occurred in 11 weekly meetings with an average duration of 1.5 hours each and the program with mothers totalled 4 weekly meetings lasting 2 hours each. In general, the results indicated that the intervention with the teachers produced, in the short term, an increase in the scores of the students in three measures of creativity – Verbal Fluency, Figurative Flexibility, and Figurative Originality – in Intrinsic Motivation and in the five factors evaluated by the Classroom Climate for Creativity Scale. In the medium term, the intervention with teachers contributed to the increase of the Verbal Fluency, Verbal Flexibility, Intrinsic Motivation and the five factors of perception of the climate for creativity in the classroom. About the Self-concept, in the medium term, the program involving the teachers seemed to have contributed so that there was no decrease in the School Self-concept and the Global Self-concept of the students. Findings related to the program with mothers showed positive effects only to the extent of Verbal Originality in the short term and the Global Self-concept in the medium term. It is expected that this study has highlighted the importance, as well as demonstrated the feasibility of promoting a favourable environment for creativity both in the family and in the school contexts


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    The objective of this researchwas to describe the types of business networks formed to meet the requirements established by the newbidding law, the Differential Public Procurement Regime, the innovations of this bidding system and the effect on the construction supply chain. This is a descriptive study based on a qualitative–quantitative analysis of a case study of road works on BR-381/MG, in Minas Gerais, Brazil. The units of analysis were the bidding documents, respective contracts, and the construction sites. The results showed that 40 companies took part in the bidding process in 13 cooperative consortia, 8 of which were vertical and horizontal networks, and 5 were vertical networks. An incremental innovation related tothe project delivery method was identified between the government and construction companies in Brazil by means of integrated design and build procurement, which changed relationships within the construction supply chain by moving the design supplier into the contractor consortium and improved supply chain management. Moreover, inversion of stages by the new bidding law has increased agility in procurement of public works, as prices are analyzed prior to the other documents

    Focus group: systematic review of methodological principles for assessing the health of the elderly person / Grupo focal: revisão sistemática de princípios metodológicos para avaliação da saúde da pessoa idosa

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    Abstract: The objective of this study is to investigate, through a systematic review, the main works carried out in the Focal Group with the elderly, developed in the Unified Health System, identifying the main methodological procedures and research limitations. The CAPES portal was searched in the ScienceDirect, SciELO, Scopus Web of Science and PubMed/MedLine databases, with the keywords “Focal Group”, “Elderly” and “Health”, using Methodi Ordinatio for ranking and selection of articles. After analyzing and establishing inclusion and exclusion criteria, eight articles were selected. Results and conclusion: The focus group method, used in groups of elderly people, is very relevant if applied with due rigor and care that the method and subject/object of study demand. Its limitations mainly refer to the reduced sample and the absence of some criteria in its application. Descriptors: Focus Group. Elderly. Health.Resumen: El objetivo de este estudio es investigar, a través de una revisión sistemática, los principales trabajos realizados por un Grupo Focal con ancianos, desarrollado en el Sistema Único de Salud, identificando los principales procedimientos metodológicos y las limitaciones de la investigación. Se buscó en el portal de la CAPES en las bases de datos ScienceDirect, SciELO, Scopus Web of Science y PubMed/MedLine, con las palabras clave “Focal Group”, “Elderly” y “Health”, utilizando Methodi Ordinatio para la clasificación y selección de artículos. Después de analizar y establecer los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, se seleccionaron ocho artículos. Resultados y conclusión: El método de grupos focales, utilizado en grupos de personas mayores, es muy relevante si se aplica con el debido rigor y cuidado que exige el método y sujeto/objeto de estudio. Sus limitaciones se refieren principalmente a la reducida muestra ya la ausencia de algunos criterios en su aplicación. Descriptores: Grupo Focal. Anciano. Salud.Objetivo: investigar principais trabalhos científicos utilizando método Grupo Focal com população de idosos usuários do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), identificando seus principais procedimentos metodológicos e limitações de pesquisa. Método: buscou-se no portal CAPES nas bases ScienceDirect, SciELO, Scopus Web of Science e PubMed/MedLine, com as palavras-chave “Grupo Focal”, “Idoso” e “Saúde”, utilizando Methodi Ordinatio para ranqueamento e seleção dos artigos. Resultados: oito artigos, selecionados na última etapa. Realizou-se fichamento dos artigos, classificando-os quanto autores, ano, título, periódico, objetivos, problema, metodologia, sugestões e resultados. Conclusão: o método Grupo focal, utilizado em grupos de idosos, tem muita relevância se aplicado com devido rigor e cuidado que o método e o sujeito/objeto de estudo demandam. As limitações do mesmo se referem principalmente a amostra reduzida e a ausência de alguns critérios em sua aplicação.

    Potencial de mercado de la hamburguesa de la corvina de plata sudamericana con harina de plátano verde.

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    Las hamburguesas fueron preparadas a partir de corvina plateada sudamericana picada, suplementadas con harina de plátano verde (HPV), buscando el enriquecimiento nutricional y la ampliación del consumo. El mercado potencial se estimó a través de pruebas sensoriales de los atributos (color, olor, sabor y textura) y la intención de compra. Se prepararon tres formulaciones de prueba con diferentes porcentajes de HPV (2.5, 10 y 20%) y un control (usando almidón de maíz como espesante). Las formulaciones fritas fueron probadas por 60 jueces no capacitados, cuyas respuestas se basaron en una escala hedónica de cinco puntos. Para los atributos de color, olor y textura, la inserción de hasta 10% de HPV no modificó la percepción de los consumidores. Para el sabor, los consumidores percibieron la suplementación (excepto el 2,5%) en comparación con el control. La intención de compra disminuyó a medida que se agregaba más HPV, siendo 10 y 20% diferente del control. Por lo tanto, se comprobó el potencial de mercado de la hamburguesa de pescado de corvina plateada sudamericana suplementada con HPV, con predilección del consumidor por el índice de GBF más bajo y una sugerencia de 10% de contenido como límite máximo aceptable

    An experimental model to study the effects of a senna extract on the blood constituent labeling and biodistribution of a radiopharmaceutical in rats

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    ABSTRACT Cassia angustifolia Vahl (senna) is a natural product that contains sennosides, which are active components that affect the intestinal tract and induce diarrhea. Authors have shown that senna produces DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) lesions in Escherichia coli cultures and can act as an antifungal agent. Natural drugs can alter the labeling of blood constituents with technetium-99m (99mTc) and can affect the biodistribution of radiopharmaceuticals. In this work, we have evaluated the influence of a senna extract on the radiolabeling of blood constituents and on the biodistribution of the radiopharmaceutical sodium pertechnetate (Na99mTcO4) in Wistar rats. Twelve animals were treated with senna extract for 7 days. Blood samples were withdrawn from the animals and the radiolabeling procedure was carried out. The senna extract did not modify the radiolabeling of the blood constituents. A biodistributional assay was performed by administering Na99mTcO4 and determining its activity in different organs and in blood. The senna extract altered the biodistribution of Na99mTcO4 in the thyroid, liver, pancreas, lungs and blood. These results are associated with properties of the chemical substances present in the aqueous senna extract. Although these assays were performed in animals, our findings suggest that caution should be exercised when nuclear medicine examinations using Na99mTcO4 are conducted in patients who are using senna extract

    Self-reported frequency of alcohol consumption in a representative sample of the Portuguese adult population: associations with obesity and waist circumference

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    Factors contributing to obesity are multiple and poorly understood. In Portugal, there is simultaneously high prevalence of obesity and high consumption of alcoholic beverages. The association between alcohol consumption and obesity is not clear. This paper analyses the associations between self-reported alcoholic beverages (wine, beer and spirits) frequency consumption with pre-obesity and obesity prevalence in the adult Portuguese population. The study followed an observational and crosssectional design, and it is representative for the Portuguese mainland adult population. Overall, the study included 8116 subjects. All beverage consumption frequencies are strongly and positively correlated with each other. Alcohol self-reported consumption frequencies are significantly associated with overweight, obesity and waist circumference measurements. Reported consumption frequency for all beverages increases with body mass index classes. Waist circumferences with increased risk for cardiovascular disease are associated with higher self-reported frequency of consumption for all alcoholic beverages, with the exception of spirits. Although the association between alcohol and obesity remains contentious, several studies revealed a positive association between total alcohol consumption and obesity. This finding gets some additional support from data collected for Portugal, since they suggest a synergic effect of self-reported wine and beer consumption, on both BMI and waist circumference values. Findings suggest an important link between reported frequency of alcohol consumption and excessive weight and abdominal obesity in the adult Portuguese population

    Investigação de Erros Inatos do Metabolismos na Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais de Itabira – Minas Gerais

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    The present study aims to present the results of urinary screening performed in the Association of Parents and Friends of Exceptional (APAE) of Itabira in an attempt to identify some Metabolism Inborn Errors. Urine samples were collected from students enrolled in APAE / Itabira without a closed diagnosis in medical records. Eight qualitative urine tests were performed to screen for Metabolism Inborn Errors. Those responsible for the students were informed about the research objectives and only the samples of patients who had signed a Free and Informed Consent Form were collected. Samples of 38 students were analyzed, being 29 male and 9 female. In urine screening, 5 positive results were found for Benedict, 4 doubtful and 1 positive for cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTMA), 8 doubtful and 4 positive for Ferric Chloride, 2 doubtful for Dinitrophenylhydrazine, and 3 doubtful for Nitrosonaftol. In order to have a reliable definitive diagnosis, it is necessary to correlate the symptomatology presented by the student and the results obtained, sending the analyzed sample to laboratories that perform specific tests to confirm or cancel the diagnostic hypothesis. The frequency of altered samples demonstrates that urinary screening is a method of easy achievement, low cost and high reliability.El presente estudio tiene como objetivo presentar los resultados del tamizaje urinario realizado en la Asociación de Padres y Amigos de los Excepcionales (APAE) de Itabira en el intento de identificar algunos Errores Innatos del Metabolismo. Se recogieron muestras de orina de alumnos matriculados en la APAE / Itabira sin diagnóstico cerrado en prontuario. Se realizaron 8 pruebas cualitativas en la orina para la clasificación de Errores Innatos del Metabolismo. Los responsables de los alumnos fueron informados sobre los objetivos de la investigación y solamente fueron recolectadas las muestras de pacientes que presentaron Término de Consentimiento Libre y Esclarecido firmado. Se analizaron muestras de 38 alumnos, siendo 29 sexo masculino y 9 sexo femenino. En el tamizaje urinario se encontraron: 5 resultados positivos para Benedict, 4 dudosos y 1 positivo para Bromuro de ceftalmetona (CTMA), 8 dudosos y 4 positivos para Cloruro Férrico, 2 dudosos para Dinitrofenilhidrazina, y 3 dudosos para Nitrosonaftol. Para que se tenga un diagnóstico definitivo confiable, es necesario hacer la correlación entre la sintomatología presentada por el alumno y los resultados obtenidos, haciendo el encaminamiento de la muestra analizada para laboratorios que realizan pruebas específicas para la confirmación o la anulación de la hipótesis diagnóstica. La frecuencia de muestras alteradas demuestra que la selección de orina es un método de fácil realización, bajo costo y alta confiabilidad.O presente estudo tem como objetivo apresentar os resultados da triagem urinária realizada na Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais (APAE) de Itabira na tentativa de identificar alguns Erros Inatos do Metabolismo. Foram coletadas amostras de urina de alunos matriculados na APAE/Itabira sem diagnóstico fechado em prontuário. Foram realizados 8 testes qualitativos na urina para triagem de Erros Inatos do Metabolismo. Os responsáveis pelos alunos foram informados sobre os objetivos da pesquisa e somente foram coletadas as amostras de pacientes que apresentaram Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido assinado. Foram analisadas amostras de 38 alunos, sendo 29 sexo masculino e 9 sexo feminino. Na triagem urinária foram encontrados: 5 resultados positivos para Benedict, 4 duvidosos e 1 positivo para Brometo de de cetiltrimetilamônio (CTMA), 8 duvidosos e 4 positivos para Cloreto Férrico, 2 duvidosos para Dinitrofenilhidrazina, e 3 duvidosos para Nitrosonaftol. Para que se tenha um diagnóstico definitivo confiável, é necessário fazer a correlação entre a sintomatologia apresentada pelo aluno e os resultados obtidos, fazendo o encaminhamento da amostra analisada para laboratórios que realizam testes específicos para a confirmação ou a anulação da hipótese diagnóstica. A frequência de amostras alteradas demonstra que a triagem urinária é um método de fácil realização, baixo custo e alta confiabilidade

    Analysis of realistic simulation as an educational tool in the academic and professional contexts of nursing

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    Nursing education and training based on content and technicality has undergone a process over the years mainly with the proposal of national curriculum guidelines to implement changes in the curriculum and the insertion of new teaching methodologies by educational institutions. Thus, realistic simulation is born with the proposal to actively teach students and promote the development of numerous skills and competences. Objective: to analyze evidence of the use and effectiveness of realistic simulation as an active method of teaching and learning in nursing in the academic and professional context. Methodology: Integrative review, carried out on the databases: Cochrane, ERIC, Medline, Science Direct and PubMed. The descriptors were selected based on the list of Health Sciences Descriptors - DeCS / MeSH were: Nursing, Active learning, simulation training, matching the search terms, using the Boolean operator AND. Results: The final sample resulted in 37 articles. It was possible to observe that the simulation helps in critical thinking, reasoning, clinical judgment, leadership, autonomy and decision-making favoring patient care and that it can be performed in different formats, such as virtual simulation, clinical case simulators, simulation with games and room simulation with simulated scenario. The introduction of this methodology in educational institutions ended up being a limitation found, in addition to the need for technologies and training for teachers. Conclusion: From the results of this study, it is concluded that realistic simulation is a method capable of preparing students and professionals to meet health needs