1,327 research outputs found

    Elevation modelling and palaeo-environmental interpretation in the Siwa area (Egypt): Application of SAR interferometry and radargrammetry to COSMO-SkyMed imagery

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    PublishedJournal Article© 2015 Elsevier B.V. Digital elevation models produced from COSMO-SkyMed imagery were used to delineate palaeo-drainage in a wide area surrounding the Siwa and Al-Jaghbub oases of the western Sahara Desert (Egypt and Libya).This new generation of synthetic aperture radar imagery is suitable for this purpose because of its high spatial resolution and capacity to penetrate dry surface sediments. Different techniques such as radar interferometry and radargrammetry were used to produce digital elevation models. These were assessed for accuracy and then combined to produce a single elevation model of the area. The resulting elevation model was used to support the geological study and palaeo-environmental interpretation of the area. It revealed buried features of the landscape, including inactive palaeo-drainage systems. Drainage features were extracted from the elevation model using geographical information systems; results were combined and assessed with respect to geological field data, as well as data from the literature. Previous studies in the area suggest that a wide river, probably the old Nile River, flowed into the Libyan palaeo-Sirte before the Late Messinian drawdown of the Mediterranean Sea. During the Late Messinian lowering of the sea the fluvial system changed shape and carved deep canyons throughout north-eastern Africa. The reported findings on the key Siwa area were used to precisely delineate the physiography of the modern drainage network and to confirm findings from our previous geological research in the area.We gratefully acknowledge Ruggero Matteucci and Johannes Pignatti (La Sapienza, University of Rome), Francesco Checchi (ENI S.p.A., IOEC), Filippo Bonciani and Debora Graziosi (University of Siena) for their collaboration. Research was supported by the ASI (Id 2262) in the framework of the COSMO-SkyMed Announcement of Opportunity project “Application of COSMO-SkyMed data for geological researches in Egypt and Libya”

    Blade and bladelet reduction systems in the Italian Middle Paleolithic: the case of Grotta del Cavallo, (Nardò – Lecce)

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    Evidence of the presence of blade tool technology has been confirmed in northern Europe from at least the latter part of the Middle Pleistocene (MIS 7-6). During MIS 5 these productions cover a larger area, which includes northwestern Germany, central France, and occasionally the south of France. It is only during MIS 4-3 that the blade production strategy begins to appear in southern Europe, including the Italian peninsula. Based on the present state of research, these three phases appear as on-and-off events without clear evolutionary continuity. The FIIIe and FIIId levels of Grotta del Cavallo in Lecce (Italy) have yielded abundant lithic material predominated by two main reduction systems: the first originating from a Levallois concept by centripetal, unidirectional, and bidirectional methods, and the second stemming from a blade volumetric reduction system. The presence of separate reduction systems aimed at obtaining bladelets highlights the technological variabilityHuman Origin

    Effect of body mass and physical activity at younger age on the risk of prostatic enlargement and erectile dysfunction : Results from the 2018 #Controllati survey

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    Objective: Overweight and low physical activity (PA) increase the risk of prostatic enlargement and erectile dysfunction (ED). Less clear is the role of these factors at young age on the lifelong risk. Materials and methods: During June 2018 the Italian Society of Urologists organized the month of Male Urologic Prevention "#Controllati". Men aged 18 years or more were invited to attend urologic centers for a visit and counselling about urologic/andrologic conditions. Each participating man underwent a physical examination and was asked about urologic symptoms, sexual activity and possible related problems. Results: We analyzed data from 2786 men, aged 55.1 years (SD 10.9, range 19-97). A total of 710 (25.5%) subjects had a diagnosis of prostatic enlargement and 632 (22.7%) of DE. Overweight/obese men were at increased risk of prostatic enlargement and ED with corresponding odds ratio (0R) in comparison with normal or underweight men, being respectively 1.18 (95% Confidence Interval (CI) 1.00-1.44) and 1.69 (95% CI 1.39-2.05). The OR of prostatic enlargement in comparison with men reporting at age 25 a BMI < 25.0 was 1.22 (95% CI 1.01-1.51) for men with a BMI at 25 years of age 65 25; the corresponding OR value for ED was 1.17 (0.92- 1.48). Considering total PA at diagnosis, the OR of prostatic enlargement in comparison with no or low PA, was 0.69 (95%CI 0.55-0.86) for men reporting moderate PA and 0.75 (95%CI 0.58-0.98) for those reporting intense PA. When we considered PA at 25 years of age, the OR of subsequent diagnosis of prostatic enlargement, in comparison with men reporting no/low PA at 25 years of age was 0.81 (95%CI 0.63-1.04) for men reporting moderate PA and 0.70 (95%CI 0.52-0.99) for those reporting intense PA. Conclusions: These findings underline the utility of encouraging healthy lifestyle habits among young men in order to reduce the subsequent risk of prostatic enlargement and ED

    The impact of ventral oral graft bulbar urethroplasty on sexual life

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    Objective: To evaluate the pre- and postoperative aspects of sexual life (SL) in patients with bulbar urethral stricture who underwent ventral oral graft urethroplasty. Methods: Between 2009 and 2010, 52 men (mean age 36 years) were enrolled in our prospective study to ascertain sexual disorders before and after surgery. The validated Male Sexual Health Questionnaire-Long Form (MSHQ-LF) was completed pre- and postoperatively; the unvalidated but adapted Post-Urethroplasty Sexual Questionnaire (PUSQ) was completed postoperatively. Data were compared using the non parametric Wilcoxon test. Results: Before urethroplasty, most of the patients reported sexual disorders, in particular reduced ejaculatory stream (85%); many of them (35%) feared the risk of a postoperative worsening in the quality of SL. After urethroplasty, nobody reported a worsened erection, while most of the patients noticed a significant improvement in erection, ejaculation, relationship with their partner, sexual activity, and desire. Modifications in the scrotoperineal sensitivity were reported by 42% and 15% noticed esthetic changes without impact on SL. All patients reported an improvement in quality of life (QOL) and were satisfied with the outcome of urethroplasty. Conclusion: Urethral stricture disease may be responsible for sexual disorders that have a significant impact upon SL. Patients confessed a marked anxiety tackling urethroplasty and declared that one of their deepest fears regarded a potential further deterioration in the quality of SL. At short-term follow-up, the minimally invasive ventral graft urethroplasty does not cause sexual complications, apart from the post-ejaculation dribbling. On the contrary, this technique showed to restore SL in all its aspects
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