346 research outputs found

    Cuestionario SCOFF para tamizaje de trastornos de la conducta alimentaria: consistencia interna en estudiantes de un colegio de Cartagena, Colombia

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    Background: The SCOFF questionnaire for screening eating disorders is criterion validated among female adolescent students from Bucaramanga, Colombia. However, the psychometric properties of a scale vary according to the population, and internal consistency of the SCOFF questionnaire is not known in Colombian Caribbean students. Objective: To know the internal consistency of the SCOFF questionnaire for gender among school attending adolescents of a school settled in low-income area at the city of Cartagena, Colombia. Method: A total of 416 students aged 13-17 years old filled-out the SCOFF questionnaire in the classroom, mean age 14.6 years for girls and 14.8 years, for boys. The SCOFF questionnaire is a five-item scale that inquires about make yourself sick, lost control, lost more than one stone in three months, believe yourself fat, food dominates the life. Kuder-Richardson’s formula 20 was computed to know the internal consistency. Results: For girls, the internal consistency of the SCOFF questionnaire was 0.343, and for boys, 0.209. Girls pointed higher than boys in make yourself sick, lost control and believe yourself fat; and boys higher than girls in food dominates the life (p<0.05). Conclusions: The internal consistency of the SCOFF questionnaire is poor among adolescent students dwelling in a lowincome area of this city. It is necessary to rely on a tool with better psychometric properties for this population.Antecedentes: El cuestionario SCOFF para tamizaje de trastornos de conducta alimentaria cuenta con una validación criterio en mujeres adolescentes de Bucaramanga, Colombia. Sin embargo, las propiedades psicométricas cambian de acuerdo con la población y no se conoce la consistencia interna del cuestionario en estudiantes de la Costa Atlántica colombiana. Objetivo: Conocer la consistencia interna del cuestionario SCOFF en adolescentes estudiantes, discriminada por género, de un colegio ubicado en un sector de estrato bajo de Cartagena, Colombia. Método: Un total de 416 adolescentes entre 13 y 17 años, 208 estudiantes mujeres (edad promedio 14.6 años) y 208 varones (edad promedio 14.8 años), completaron el cuestionario SCOFF. Esta escala consta de cinco ítemes que abordan inducción de vómito, pérdida de control, pérdida de peso, sentirse gorda/gordo y si la comida domina la vida. Se determinó la consistencia interna mediante la fórmula 20 de Kuder-Richardson. Resultados: La consistencia interna del cuestionario fue 0.343 (Kuder-Richardson) entre las mujeres y 0.209 en varones. Las mujeres puntuaron más alto que los varones en inducción de vómito, pérdida de control y sentirse gorda/gordo y los varones más alto que las mujeres en la comida domina la vida (p<0.05). Conclusiones: La consistencia interna del SCOFF es baja en adolescentes, mujeres y varones, de estrato bajo de esta ciudad. Es necesario contar con un instrumento de mejores propiedades psicométricas en esta población. (Duazary 2007; 1: 14 - 18

    Longitudinal study of cytokine expression, lipid profile and neuronal growth factors in human breast milk from term and preterm deliveries

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    Breast milk (BM) is considered as a reference for infant nutrition. The role of bioactive components, such as cytokines, hormones, growth factors (GFs) and fatty acids (FAs) is poorly known, but they might be implicated in immune response development. The aim of this study was to identify the lipid profile and the spectrum of cytokines and neuronal GF in BM samples and analyse the influence of gestational age and lactation time on these components. This study used a longitudinal prospective method for the characterization of cytokines, FAs and GFs global profiles in 120 BM samples from 40 healthy mothers (20 preterm and 20 term) collected as colostrum, transitional and mature milk. The cytokines were analysed by protein array (Ray Bio® Human Cytokine Array G6. Ray Biotech, Inc. Norcross, GA, USA) and the FAs were analysed by gas chromatography. The FA profile was similar between the term and the preterm BM samples. Omega-3-α-linoleic and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and omega-6-linoleic acid were the most abundant in the term and preterm samples during lactation. Omega-3 ETA and omega-3 EPA we observed exclusively in the preterm samples. The cytokine profile showed a different trend based on gestational age. A significantly higher expression of neurotrophic factors was found in the mature preterm milk samples as compared to the mature term samples. Our study is the first to identify the influence and interactions of perinatal factors on cytokine, GFs and FAs in human milk. © 2015 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.We acknowledge support by the CSIC Open Access Publication Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI).Peer reviewe

    Detection of nutritional risk on hospital admission

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    Objetivo: Identificar a los pacientes de mayor edad que ingresan en situación de riesgo nutricional. Método: Estudio descriptivo transversal realizado con 30 pacientes de 65 y más años que ingresaron durante el mes de octubre de 2019 en las unidades de medicina interna, cirugía general y traumatología de un hospital de tercer nivel del Servicio Madrileño de Salud. Las variables del estudio se estratificaron según el perfil sociodemográfico de la población y el ingreso en medicina interna, cirugía general y/o traumatología. Resultados: Han participado 30 pacientes, que ingresaron en cirugía general, medicina interna y traumatología. Tras la aplicación de una herramienta de cribado, se observó riesgo nutricional en todos ellos. Tras la realización del test de Kruskal-Wallis para la comparación de las edades de las personas incluidas en cada grupo no se pudieron determinar diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Igualmente, tampoco se pudo relacionar el riesgo de desnutrición con la unidad de ingreso tras la realización de la prueba de Chi-cuadrado. Conclusiones: Las enfermeras pueden incorporar en sus actividades de valoración una herramienta de cribado nutricional para identificar a los pacientes en situación de riesgoObjective: To identify older patients at nutritional risk admitted to the hospital. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study carried out with 30 patients aged 65 and over, who were admitted in October 2019 to internal medicine, general surgery and traumatology units at a third-level hospital belonging to the Madrid Health Service. The study variables were stratified according to the socio-demographic profile of the population and the hospital admission to the internal medicine, general surgery or traumatology units. Results: A total of 30 patients who were admitted to internal medicine, general surgery and traumatology units participated. After the application of a screening tool, nutritional risk was observed in all of them. After the age comparison of the people included in each group performed using the Kruskal-Wallis test, no statistically significant differences were detected. In the same way, the Chi-Square test showed that nutritional risk is not associated with the admission unit Conclusion: Nurses can integrate a nutrition screening tool in the nursing assessment with the aim of identifying the patients at risk before the interrelation between other factors due to hospitalization and the reason for admission. Consequently, preventing the increase of morbidity during hospitalization and the readmission rates after hospital discharge, as well as improving life quality, reducing the hospital stay, the health spending and the mortality index

    CA15.3 Serum Concentrations in Older Women with Infiltrating Ductal Carcinomas of the Breast

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    Breast cancer is currently becoming a disease of the elderly. We have studied the relation between CA 15.3 serum concentrations and clinical-pathological parameters in 69 women with IDC aged over 70 years (76.3 ± 4.2; range: 71–88; median 76). A group of 205 women with the same tumor but aged <70 years (62.8 ± 4.0; range: 55–70; median 63) was also considered for comparison. Tumor size, axillary lymph node involvement, distant metastasis and histological grade were taken account. Serum CA 15.3 was determined by luminescence assay. CA 15.3 serum concentrations ranged between 6 and 85 U/mL (median 22.9 U/mL), and were higher only in patients with greater (qualitative and quantitative; p: 0.041) tumor size. Our results show that in women with IDCs, and aged over 70 years, serum CA 15.3 serum concentrations are associated exclusively with a greater tumor size, being these findings different to those described in women with the same subtype of tumor considered as a whole or with lower age.This work was supported by grant PI11/01806 from ISCIII (Spain)S

    Impact of Functional Polymorphisms on Drug Survival of Biological Therapies in Patients with Moderate-to-Severe Psoriasis

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    Biological therapies (BTs) indicated for psoriasis are highly effective; however, not all patients obtain good results, and loss of effectiveness is the main reason for switching. Genetic factors may be involved. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on the drug survival of tumor necrosis factor inhibitors (anti-TNF) medications and ustekinumab (UTK) in patients diagnosed with moderate-to-severe psoriasis. We conducted an ambispective observational cohort study that included 379 lines of treatment with anti-TNF (n = 247) and UTK (132) in 206 white patients from southern Spain and Italy. The genotyping of the 29 functional SNPs was carried out using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with TaqMan probes. Drug survival was evaluated with Cox regression and Kaplan-Meier curves. The multivariate analysis showed that the HLA-C rs12191877-T (hazard ratio [HR] = 0.560; 95% CI = 0.40-0.78; p = 0.0006) and TNF-1031 (rs1799964-C) (HR = 0.707; 95% CI = 0.50-0.99; p = 0.048) polymorphisms are associated with anti-TNF drug survival, while TLR5 rs5744174-G (HR = 0.589; 95% CI = 0.37-0.92; p = 0.02), CD84 rs6427528-GG (HR = 0.557; 95% CI = 0.35-0.88; p = 0.013) and PDE3A rs11045392-T together with SLCO1C1 rs3794271-T (HR = 0.508; 95% CI = 0.32-0.79; p = 0.002) are related to UTK survival. The limitations are the sample size and the clustering of anti-TNF drugs; we used a homogeneous cohort of patients from 2 hospitals only. In conclusion, SNPs in the HLA-C, TNF, TLR5, CD84, PDE3A, and SLCO1C1 genes may be useful as biomarkers of drug survival of BTs indicated for psoriasis, making it possible to implement personalized medicine that will reduce financial healthcare costs, facilitate medical decision-making and improve patient quality of life. However, further pharmacogenetic studies need to be conducted to confirm these associations.University of Granada and the Fundación de Investigación Biosanitaria de Andalucía Oriental (FIBAO)Virgen de las Nieves University Hospital Biobank was supported by grants co-funded by ERDF funds (EU) from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PT13/0010/0039)

    Prensa sensacionalista británica : la estructura narrativa en la historia de la familia real (1990 - 1997)

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    En la historia del periodismo europeo contemporáneo resulta de un enorme interés, por sus peculiares características, el estudio de la prensa sensacionalista británica. En efecto, los periódicos tabloides dominan el mercado británico por encima de los diarios de información general. El interés que estos títulos muestran por los asuntos escandalosos,en los que la familia real ocupa un lugar destacado, hacen que cuenten con un importante número de lectores. En el siguiente artículo se realiza un análisis de la estructura narrativa que sobre la monarquía británica han presentado dichos tabloides desde 1990 a 1997, añio en que fallece la princesa Diana de Gales. Este análisis se completa además con el estudio del origen y la repercusión que estos periódicos han tenido en la sociedad de aquel país.The study of the british yellow joumalism, due to its special characteristics, it is an attractive subject in the contemporary european press history. In fact, tabloids dominate the market in Britain with a larger circulation than broadsheets. In this way, tabloids have an important number of readers thanks to its interest in scandals and sensations, most of the time focus on the royal family. This article sets out to study the british yellow press and the history of the royal family in tabloids from 1990 until Lady-Di death in 1997, with an special attention to its structure aspects. This approach is taken here by studying the beginnings and the social influence of this kind of press in Britain

    La imagen como fuente informativa

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    En los dos últimos siglos se ha producido una explosión sin precedentes en la difusión de todo tipo de imágenes. Esta omnipresencia de las representaciones visuales las convierte en importante fuente de información para todos los seres humanos como receptores de las mismas y también pueden ser, y son,utilizadas como documento histórico de gran relevancia. Se hace necesaria una reflexión sobre la imagen como soporte informativo, especialmente sobre su grado de subjetividad y fiabilidad en la representacibn de la realida

    Alfonso Braojos, fundador de la Academia del Periodismo

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    Alfonso Braojos fue miembro fundador de la Academia del Periodismo con sede en Sevilla, junto a otros 31 profesionales del orbe periodistico bien con ejercicio en el campo docente o en los Medios de Comunicación Social. En las siguientes páginas se ofrece la relacion del profesor Braojos con la naciente Academia del Periodismo dejádose constancia de como él consideró la misma como una vía para la dignificación y cualificacion de los mass media.Alfonso Braojos was a founder member of the Journalism Academy, seated in Seville, joined with another 31 journalistic world professional, working in the journalism training way or in the mass media. The following pages show the teacher affiliation with the nascent Journalism Academy, leaving constancy about how he considers it like a qualification and dignifying way of the mass media

    Análisis desde la farmacovigilancia para IPS pública de baja complejidad

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    Este trabajo se realizó con el fin de generar una propuesta la cual brindara un apoyo realmente importante para la realización de un programa de farmacovigilancia a nivel hospitalario de baja complejidad, pero que a su vez dará apoyo para la realización de futuros proyectos de programas de farmacovigilancia de diferentes entidades prestadoras de salud. Por lo que, se tomaron en cuenta diferentes aspectos legales y sociodemográficos para poder cumplir con la idea de pluralidad y la cantidad de comunidad que se vería beneficiada con la implementación de programas de farmacovigilancia. La normativa legal en la que se apoyó fue el Decreto 677 de 1995, Resolución 9455 del 2004, Decreto 2200 de 2005, Resolución 1043 de 2006 y la Resolución 1403 del 2007. Lo cierto es que, se resalta el papel de la farmacovigilancia en el reporte que realizan los funcionarios de la salud, en el cual se establece todo lo relacionado con la actividad del programa de farmacovigilancia. En ellos se registra toda la información acerca de las reacciones adversas que pueden resultar del uso de los medicamentos, o sea que informa de los posibles riesgos, efectos y contraindicaciones que puede provocar el uso de los medicamentos en la actividad médica. Esta información brindada desde la farmacovigilancia permite el desarrollo y educación sobre las medidas de promoción y prevención que sean más adecuadas ante las reacciones a los diferentes fármacos.This work is carried out in order to generate a proposal which will provide really important support for the realization of a pharmacovigilance program at the hospital level of low complexity, but which in turn will give support for the realization of future pharmacovigilance program projects. Of different health providers. Therefore, different legal and sociodemographic aspects were taken into account in order to comply with the idea of plurality and the amount of the community that would benefit from the implementation of pharmacovigilance programs. The legal regulations on which it was based were Decree 677 of 1995, Resolution 9455 of 2004, Decree 2200 of 2005, Resolution 1043 of 2006 and Resolution 1403 of 2007. The truth is that the role of pharmacovigilance in the report made by health officials, in which everything related to the activity of the pharmacovigilance program is established. They record all the information about the adverse reactions that can result from the use of medicines, that is, they report the possible risks, effects and contraindications that the use of medicines in medical activity can cause. This information provided from pharmacovigilance allows the development and education on the most appropriate promotion and prevention measures in the face of reactions to different drugs