30 research outputs found

    El proceso de valorización turística del patrimonio minero. Un análisis de los agentes involucrados y de las políticas implementadas

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    XII Coloquio de Geografía del Turismo, Ocio y Recreación de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles. Colmenarejo (Madrid), del 17 al 19 de junio de 2010.El presente texto se incardina en la investigación doctoral "El patrimonio minero- industrial y ferroviario: nuevos recursos para nuevos turismos" dirigida por el Prof. Dr. Manuel Valenzuela Rubio, Catedrático de Geografía Humana de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Este trabajo se ha desarrollado dentro del equipo TERRITUR, un grupo de investigación de la UAM, coordinado también por el citado profesor, nucleado durante estos años en torno al proyecto "Puesta en valor sostenible de las estructuras territoriales para el turismo y el ocio de las sociedades urbanas. Un nuevo modo de articulación urbana-rural" (TERRITURAL) financiado por el Plan Nacional I+D+i para el periodo 2005-200

    El patrimonio minero-industrial y ferroviario: nuevos recursos para nuevos turismos

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Departamento de Geografía, el 27 de mayo de 201

    ¿Hordas doradas o simplemente bárbaros? Los discursos sobre el turismo, la turistificación y la turismofobia en el barrio de Lavapiés (Madrid)

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    Like much of Madrid, the neighborhood of Lavapiés has in recent years experienced explosive growth in tourism. In this context, critical discourses are beginning to appear in the press, especially in terms of the development model based on new types of accommodation and technologies that directly connect suppliers to consumers. To counter these discourses, we explore other narratives in defense of this model, which are committed to its development. Our investigation considers whether these discursive constructions are competing for hegemony and, consequently, the ability to shape future scenarios, and to influence the neighborhood’s social and geographical aspects. To this end, a mixed-discourse analysis methodology that embraces both quantitative (Corpus Linguistics) and qualitative (Critical Discourse Analysis) tools has been selected. Our conclusions are that a discursive competition for redefining the terms of the debate around tourism is currently at play in Lavapiés, albeit in an incipient state; and that this debate is impacting the perceived image and reality of this area of central MadridEl barrio de Lavapiés, como el conjunto de la ciudad de Madrid, está experimentado en los últimos años un explosivo crecimiento turístico. En este contexto, están empezando a aparecer en la prensa discursos críticos con el proceso, y, sobre todo, con el modelo de desarrollo basado en nuevas formas de alojamiento y en el uso de tecnologías que ponen directamente en contacto a oferentes y consumidores. Frente a estos, encontramos otras narrativas que defienden dicho modelo, y que apuestan por su desarrollo. La investigación se plantea si dichas construcciones discursivas están compitiendo por la hegemonía, y, en consecuencia, por su capacidad para configurar los escenarios de futuro e influir en la configuración social y geográfica del barrio. Con el fin de responder a esta pregunta se ha optado por una metodología de análisis del discurso mixta, que incluye métodos cuantitativos (Lingüística de Corpus) y cualitativos (Análisis Crítico del Discurso). Las conclusiones son que, aun cuando incipiente, la competencia discursiva por redefinir los términos del debate en torno al turismo existe en Lavapiés; y aun cuando limitado, dicho debate está teniendo a su vez un impacto en la imagen percibida y en la realidad de este espacio del centro de Madri

    Medium and small cities, culture and the economy of culture. A review of the approach to the case of Spain in light of international scientific scholarship

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    While most published studies on the economy of culture present a clear bias in favor of large cities, a significant international bibliography has emerged in recent years that privileges the perspective of medium and small cities. Unfortunately, the case of Spain has been largely overlooked by these analyses; this text is intended to remedy that oversight. To that end, a bibliographic compilation has been undertaken of studies on the cultural economy and cultural development in small and medium Spanish cities, providing a review of the specific literature as contrasted with the international literature. The main conclusions indicate that the Spanish case is similar to that of other western countries. Thus, clear confirmation is found that the effects of agglomeration economies and the so-called metropolitan bias also prevail in Spain, together with dispersion patterns that, to a certain extent, favor particular small and medium cities. Furthermore, even though the literature on the use of culture for urban renewal is abundant, the same cannot be said for the economics of culture, where considerable research gaps persist, both in the geographical coverage of case studies and in the social or labor impacts of this economic mode

    A closer approach to the concept of industrial heritage from a touristic point of view

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    La “valorización” o “puesta en valor turística” del patrimonio industrial es un término reciente aunque frecuentemente utilizado en la literatura científi ca actual. No obstante, son escasas las refl exiones existentes sobre su verdadero alcance y signifi cado; hecho que genera confusiones y graves problemas conceptuales. Por ello, se ha creído conveniente revisar este concepto atendiendo a la bibliografía y documentación existente procedente tanto de los organismos internacionales como de los especialistas en la materiaThe “tourist valorization” of industrial heritage sites is a concept that has entered scientifi c debate only recently, and now reaches out for a broader public. However, more profound refl ections on the range and real value of the concept are still scarce and limited, so that very often serious conceptual problems arise. For this reason, a bibliography review has been performed to analyze some aspects related to the increasing tourist value of industrial heritageA valorização turística do patrimônio industrial é um conceito recente, ainda que frequentemente seja utilizado na literatura científi ca atual. Contudo, são escassas as refl exões existentes sobre seu verdadeiro alcance e signifi cado. Este fato gera confusões e graves problemas conceituais. Por isso, acredita-se ser conveniente revisar este conceito, atendendo à bibliografi a e documentação existente procedente tanto de organismos internacionais como dos especialistas no camp

    The industrial heritage in Madrid declared as “Cultural Interest”. Its integration in the cultural and tourist offer of the city

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    La desindustrialización del municipio de Madrid, como consecuencia de la crisis del sector y de la búsqueda de ubicaciones más estratégicas para las empresas, ha generado el abandono de numerosos equipamientos, además de un serio problema vinculado con los vacíos industriales y los paisajes degradados resultantes. Este hecho ha despertado un debate sobre el valor de estas instalaciones como patrimonio cultural, al ser herederas de un pasado productivo no muy lejano, así como sobre sus posibles usos, más compatibles con la terciarización económica de la ciudad. Teniendo en cuenta este contexto, es objetivo de esta investigación analizar cómo es el patrimonio industrial, especialmente aquel que ostenta la declaración de Bien de Interés Cultural (BIC), una vez rehabilitado, y cómo se integra en la oferta cultural de la ciudad contribuyendo a su dinamización turística. Para alcanzar estos objetivos se ha considerado esencial combinar metodologías cuantitativas y cualitativas que permitan obtener un diagnóstico lo más veraz posible de la situación actual del patrimonio industrial BIC de la ciudad de Madrid.The desindustrialisation process of the Madrid municipality has generated the abandonment of numerous industrial equipments and problems of industrial gaps. This fact has aroused a debate about the value of the industrial heritage as well as their possible uses, more compatible with economic outsourcing of the city. Taking into account this context, the goal of this research is to study how industrial heritage declared “Cultural Interest” is integrated into the cultural offer of the city and how contributes to its tourist dynamization. To achieve these objectives, it was considered essential to combine quantitative and qualitative methodologies that allow obtaining a diagnosis as accurate as possible about the current situation of the industrial heritage protected

    Urban industrial tourism: Cultural sustainability as a tool for confronting overtourism—cases of Madrid, Brussels, and Copenhagen

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    The chief objective of this research was to analyze how the industrial heritage of three European capitals—Madrid, Brussels, and Copenhagen—has been integrated into the dynamics of their urban tourism, thereby generating new resources and cultural spaces. In regards to the latter point, this study poses the working hypothesis that industrial heritage can function as a tool for cultural sustainability, which allows for deconcentration away from historic city centers subjected to significant overtourism. To verify this hypothesis, a methodology has been designed based on the selection of specific indicators and the creation of maps, taking as reference data from the Tripad-visor travel portal. The results obtained are truly encouraging, and it would be interesting to expand this study by incorporating new case studies to allow us to discern additional patterns of behavior around urban industrial tourism.This research forms part of a competitive project “Culture and Territory in Spain: Processes and Impacts in Small and Medium-Sized Cities” (Ref CSO2017-83603-C2-2-R), financed by the State Research Program “Development and Innovation Oriented to the Challenges of Society” of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, within the framework of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation, 2013–201

    Intensidad turística en ciudades medianas y pequeñas españolas. Investigación de turismo urbano mediante un indicador cuantitativo: Indicador de Intensidad Turística

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    Urban tourism has experienced significant growth in recent decades, generating situations of overtourism and tourismophobia. In Spain, cities such as Barcelona, Sevilla, Valencia, and Madrid face the effects of excess tourism on a daily basis, even in times of the pandemic. The objective of this study is to determine whether an increase in tourism intensity has also occurred in small and medium-sized Spanish cities and, if so, to develop an assessment of the phenomenon. To this end, a Tourism Intensity Index (TII) has been designed and applied to international tourist flows and statistically tested (through cluster analysis and Student’s ‘t’ test), permitting not only a confirmation of the phenomenon but its characterization during the period 2003-2020 and its interpretation from a geographical perspective. This research shows that tourist intensity is a phenomenon that extends also to medium and small Spanish cities.En las últimas décadas el turismo urbano ha experimentado un importante crecimiento generando situaciones de overtourism y turismofobia. En España, ciudades como Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca o Madrid afrontan diariamente los efectos de los excesos turísticos, incluso en tiempos de pandemia. Precisamente, es objetivo de este estudio determinar si también se está produciendo un incremento de la intensidad turística en las ciudades españolas de tamaño medio y pequeño y, en caso positivo, desarrollar una valoración del fenómeno. Para ello, se ha diseñado un Indicador de Intensidad Turística (ITT) cuyos resultados, aplicados a los flujos de turismo internacional y testeados estadísticamente (análisis clúster y prueba “t”-Student), han permitido no solo confirmar el fenómeno sino también caracterizarlo durante el periodo cronológico 2003-2020 e interpretarlo desde una perspectiva geográfica. Esta investigación muestra que la intensidad turística es un fenómeno que también deben afrontar las ciudades españolas pequeñas y medianas que han experimentado en los últimos años un importante crecimiento turístico.This research forms part the competitive project “Culture and territory in Spain: Processes and impacts in small and medium-sized cities” (references CSO2017-83603-C2-1-R and CSO2017-83603-C2-2 -R), financed by the State Research Program “Development and Innovation Oriented to the Challenges of Society” of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, within the framework of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation, 2013-2016

    A local and territorial approach to the operation of the culture economy in medium and small cities: case study of the Spanish cities of Merida and Cuenca

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    The chief objective of this research is to analyze the weight that several factors linked to territory and/or urban society (such as proximity, heritage, image, or infrastructures) exert in the development and operation of cultural clusters in small and medium-sized cities. To this end, a local territorial approach combining quantitative and qualitative methods has been undertaken and applied to the Spanish cities of Merida and Cuenca. The results from this case study show that many parameters observed in the international bibliography that form part of the idiosyncrasy of medium and small cities (''closeness'', possibility of face-to-face contact, quality of life, low production costs) are considered by selected interviewees as essential to understanding the operation of their organizations and the urban cultural economic cluster as a whole. In general, these parameters appear in the international bibliography as contributing to the development of the cultural economy, but their importance in medium and small cities had been tested only rarely