1,476 research outputs found

    Tough immigration enforcement likely hinders public cooperation with the police, and may undermine crime reporting

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    The 2016 presidential election campaign has brought the role of immigrants in US society into sharp focus, with some Republican candidates claiming that they fuel crime. Carmen Gutierrez and David Kirk write that this anti-immigration rhetoric may actually be undermining public safety by eroding trust in the law. Examining the relationship between a city’s immigrant population and victimizations reported to police, they find that increased immigration is associated with lower reporting of violent crimes. They argue that these results may be due to concerns about detection and deportation experienced by undocumented immigrants who wish to avoid contact with the police

    Photometric scaling relations of antitruncated stellar discs in S0-Scd galaxies

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    It has been recently found that the characteristic photometric parameters of antitruncated discs in S0 galaxies follow tight scaling relations. We investigate if similar scaling relations are satisfied by galaxies of other morphological types. We have analysed the trends in several photometric planes relating the characteristic surface brightness and scalelengths of the breaks and the inner and outer discs of local antitruncated S0-Scd galaxies, using published data and fits performed to the surface brightness profiles of two samples of Type-III galaxies in the R and Spitzer 3.6 microns bands. We have performed linear fits to the correlations followed by different galaxy types in each plane, as well as several statistical tests to determine their significance. We have found that: 1) the antitruncated discs of all galaxy types from Sa to Scd obey tight scaling relations both in R and 3.6 microns, as observed in S0s; 2) the majority of these correlations are significant accounting for the numbers of the available data samples; 3) the trends are clearly linear when the characteristic scalelengths are plotted on a logarithmic scale; and 4) the correlations relating the characteristic surface brightnesses of the inner and outer discs and the breaks with the various characteristic scalelengths significantly improve when the latter are normalized to the optical radius of the galaxy. The results suggest that the scaling relations of Type-III discs are independent of the morphological type and the presence (or absence) of bars within the observational uncertainties of the available datasets, although larger and deeper samples are required to confirm this. The tight structural coupling implied by these scaling relations impose strong constraints on the mechanisms proposed for explaining the formation of antitruncated stellar discs in the galaxies across the whole Hubble Sequence (Abridged).Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 18 pages, 12 figures, 7 table

    Matching system for Animal-assisted therapy based on the Levenshtein and Gale-Shapley algorithms

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    This current research is based on the implementation of an algorithm that assigns pets, cats, or dogs to persons with depressive disorders such as low self-esteem. We found that even though different institutions have made the assignments of pets to patients, we were not able to found one that uses an IT tool for this task. Because of this situation, we decided to adapt to the well-known Gale-Shapley algorithm that has been used successfully in different situations in which it needs a perfect match between two parties. The results obtained have been validated by experts in the field of animal and person psychology. Because the Gale-Shapley algorithm needs a preference array between the parts involved and due that an animal cannot establish this set of preferences, we aimed to use a string similarity-based algorithm for obtaining preferences arrays based on the behavioral traits of an animal or person

    Préstamos con cláusula multidivisa referenciados en cesta sintética de divisas

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    La decisión de solicitar un préstamo en divisas suele obedecer a situaciones de fortaleza de algunas divisas o a altos tipos de interés. La principal ventaja de éstos préstamos estará representada por la elección de monedas con tipos de interés bajos en términos relativos. Aunque si bien es cierto que, cuanto más bajos sean los tipos de interés, mayor -en buena lógica- será el riesgo de cambio asumido por el prestatario. Como en toda operación que implique un endeudamiento en divisas, el riesgo de cambio es un importantísimo extremo a tener en cuenta. En la presente comunicación exponemos una técnica reductora del riesgo de cambio en los préstamos con cláusula de divisas consistente en la elección de combinaciones óptimas de divisas (cestas sintéticas) en las que se referencie el préstamo, realizando la oportuna constatación empírica de que la diversificación de la cartera de divisas es el primer paso para la reducción del riesgo de cambio. La metodología propuesta para la determinación de la cesta sintética de divisas, el desarrollo del cuadro amortizativo para un préstamo tipo y las conclusiones más relevantes a las que llegamos, constituirán el contenido fundamental de este trabajo. La técnica de reducción del riesgo de cambio por cesta sintética de divisas será utilizable por la mediana y gran empresa española en los préstamos solicitados en monedas diferentes del euro. Resulta una técnica sencilla y a la vez eficaz en la reducción del riesgo de cambio, que puede contribuir a la mejora en la eficiencia de la gestión empresarial ante un mejor aprovechamiento de oportunidades de financiación que pudieran surgir
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