3,218 research outputs found

    O mundo (im)perfeito dos modelos de erosão

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    No campo da gestão ambiental, a erosão hídrica do solo, porque provoca a degradação e perda de um recurso natural fundamental para o suporte da vida é, sem dúvida, uma das questões mais relevantes na gestão sustentável deste recurso natural.As pesquisas sobre a perda de solos compreendem metodologias diversas que vão desde as simples constatações, quando um fenómeno se torna demasiado evidente, às avaliações com aplicação de modelos empíricos reconhecidos internacionalmente ou aos desenhos experimentais no terreno com utilização de parcelas experimentais.Em Portugal efectuaram-se e continuam a efectuar-se vários estudos sobre esta temática, onde foram e são adoptadas diversas metodologias aplicadas a várias regiões do país. De modo geral, o propósito de um modelo é simplificar certa realidade para que ela possa ser analisada. Como os modelos são construídos para dar sentido ao mundo, é necessário que sejam validados.Com este trabalho pretende-se apresentar e discutir os vários cenários de resposta dos solos à aplicação de diferentes equações para o cálculo da erosividade da precipitação no modelo EUPS/USLE (Equação Universal de Perdas de solo/Universal Soil Loss Equation), em comparação com os resultados obtidos por medições de campo em parcelas experimentais.Regarding to environmental management, soil erosion causes the degradation and loss of a key natural resource for the support of life the soil, and is undoubtedly one of the most important issues in the sustainable management of this natural resource.Research on soil loss includes different methodologies. These methodologies range from simple findings, when a phenomenon becomes too obvious, to the implementation of recognized assessments with empirical models, or the use of experimental plots in the field.In Portugal are held several studies on this subject in different regions of the country where they are applied different methodologies.The purpose of a model is to simplify reality so that she can be analyzed. As models are constructed to give meaning to the world, they must be validated.This work aims to present and discuss the various response scenarios of soil application of different equations to calculate the erosivity of rainfall in the USLE model (Universal Soil Loss Equation), compared with the results obtained by field measurements in experimental plots

    Systematic review of calcium channels and intracellular calcium signaling: relevance to pesticide neurotoxicity

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    Pesticides of different chemical classes exert their toxic effects on the nervous system by acting on the different regulatory mechanisms of calcium (Ca2+) homeostasis. Pesticides have been shown to alter Ca2+ homeostasis, mainly by increasing its intracellular concentration above physiological levels. The pesticide-induced Ca2+ overload occurs through two main mechanisms: the entry of Ca2+ from the extracellular medium through the different types of Ca2+ channels present in the plasma membrane or its release into the cytoplasm from intracellular stocks, mainly from the endoplasmic reticulum. It has also been observed that intracellular increases in the Ca2+ concentrations are maintained over time, because pesticides inhibit the enzymes involved in reducing its levels. Thus, the alteration of Ca2+ levels can lead to the activation of various signaling pathways that generate oxidative stress, neuroinflammation and, finally, neuronal death. In this review, we also discuss some proposed strategies to counteract the detrimental effects of pesticides on Ca2+ homeostasis.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431B 2019/3

    Analysis of Required Investigations of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders in Spain

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    Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are the most common source of occupational health problems in Western countries. In Spain, musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) can be reported either as accidents or occupational diseases. When reported as an occupational disease, a full diagnosis is performed, as the compensation system needs the approval of the social security authority and a mandatory investigation has to be performed. Although many methods are available for investigating the causes of occupational accidents, occupational diseases have not been analysed with the same depth, and there is a lack of investigation methods. This paper aims to analyse the role of 43 occupational investigations of causes of musculoskeletal diseases in the prevention cycle. This study is based on the occupational investigations performed by workplaces’ occupational health and safety specialists when musculoskeletal diseases are reported. The analysis of the data involves descriptive statistics and the Φ coeffcient. Based on administrative data, 68 workplaces employing 15,260 workers were surveyed and 41 workplaces with 13,201 workers submitted valid questionnaires to be analysed. The most frequent cause of reported musculoskeletal disease, in terms of primary risk, is repetitive movement. The only proposed measure with a significant association to the exposure by repetitive movements is job rotation (alternating workers between tasks within a job or between activities as a means to vary different levels of exposure). The investigation of occupational diseases has been useful in most of the cases for proposing preventive measures. Most of the workplaces surveyed have performed investigations and adopted preventive measures, but the managers of some workplaces were not aware of any disease notification regarding their workers when surveyed. More research is needed to provide tools for this important task

    Neurotoxic effects of exposure to glyphosate in rat striatum: effects and mechanisms of action on dopaminergic neurotransmission

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    The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effects and possible mechanisms of action of glyphosate and a glyphosate-based herbicide (GBH) on dopaminergic neurotransmission in the rat striatum. Acute exposure to glyphosate or GBH, administered by systemic (75 or 150 mg/kg, i.p.) or intrastriatal (1, 5, or 10 mM for 1 h) routes, produced significant concentration-dependent increases in dopamine release measured in vivo by cerebral microdialysis coupled to HPLC with electrochemical detection. Systemic administration of glyphosate also significantly impaired motor control and decreased striatal acetylcholinesterase activity and antioxidant capacity. At least two mechanisms can be proposed to explain the glyphosate-induced increases in extracellular dopamine levels: increased exocytotic dopamine release from synaptic vesicles or inhibition of dopamine transporter (DAT). Thus, we investigated the effects of intrastriatal administration of glyphosate (5 mM) in animals pretreated with tetrodotoxin (TTX) or reserpine. It was observed that TTX (10 or 20 μM) had no significant effect on glyphosate-induced dopamine release, while reserpine (10 mg/kg i.p) partially but significantly reduced the dopamine release. When glyphosate was coinfused with nomifensine (50 μM), the increase in dopamine levels was significantly higher than that observed with glyphosate or nomifensine alone. So, two possible hypotheses could explain this additive effect: both glyphosate and nomifensine act through different mechanisms at the dopaminergic terminals to increase dopamine levels; or both nomifensine and glyphosate act on DAT, with glyphosate simultaneously inhibiting reuptake and stimulating dopamine release by reversing the DAT function. Future research is needed to determine the effects of this pesticide at environmentally relevant doses.Xunta de GaliciaUniversidade de Vigo/CISU

    Caracterização do uso e ocupação das terras de áreas com risco à inundação em Cardoso Moreira e Italva, Rio de Janeiro

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    O objetivo é verificar a eficácia do uso de sensores remotos distintos nomapeamento do uso e ocupação das terras relativamente à área total dosmunicípios de Cardoso Moreira e Italva e para as áreas sujeitas a inundações de ambas as localidades, situadas no baixo curso da bacia hidrográfica do rio Muriaé, no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Foi utilizado o sensor Deimos para o mapeamento dos municípios em sua totalidade e o sensor RapidEye para a delimitação das áreas urbanas e as áreas sujeitas a inundação. O uso de ambos os sensores possibilita distinguir com exatidão as diferentes classes de uso e ocupação das terras. Os documentos cartográficos são fundamentais para os órgãos públicos e Defesa Civilna prevenção e mitigação dos efeitos decorrentes das inundações, tanto nas áreas urbanas como rurais das áreas em estudo.The aim is to verify the efficacy of the use of different remote sensors in the mapping of use and occupation of lands to the total area of the municipalities of Cardoso Moreira and Italva and to the areas prone to flooding in both localities located on the lower course of the Muriaé river Basin, in the Rio de Janeiro State. It was used the Deimos sensor to the mapping of the total area of the municipalities and the RapidEye to the delimitation of the urban areas and those prone to flooding. The use of both sensors enables to distinguish with accuracy the different classes of use andoccupation of lands. The cartographic documents are fundamental to the public bodies and Civil Defense in prevention and mitigation of the effects resulting from flooding, both in urban and rural areas in study

    Gamificación y competitividad en el sistema de evaluación para impulsar la motivación del alumnado mediante el uso de TICs

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    Promover iniciativas que provoquen innovación en la dinámica docente universitaria, promoviendo la motivación y participación del alumnado, es un aspecto fundamental para favorecer procesos de desarrollo y de mejora de la calidad. Por ello, en la Universidad de Málaga se está llevando a cabo un proyecto centrado en el empleo de herramientas basadas en la gamificación como es el KAHOOT (Making Learning Awesome). Así, se plantea un juego donde los alumnos participan de manera individual o grupal en un concurso de preguntas estableciéndose una competición en conocimientos y habilidades.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Creative attributes of branded content: analysis of awarded pieces in “El Sol” (2015-2021)

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    El branded content se ha impuesto como una de las estrategias creativas de las marcas más eficaces para lograr un contacto cómplice con sus públicos. Las exigencias del panorama comunicativo actual han obligado a los anunciantes a apostar por la creatividad para ofrecer contenidos de valor que involucren al target en la construcción misma de la marca. El propósito de esta investigación es identificar y explicar los atributos creativos del branded content mediante una metodología cualitativa. Para ello, se ha diseñado un modelo de registro analítico, fundamentado en teorías previas, que se ha aplicado a una muestra constituida por las 23 piezas galardonadas con un gran premio y/o un oro en el Festival “El Sol” durante sus últimas seis ediciones. Los resultados permiten delinear un patrón creativo de éxito en las estrategias de branded content, que ha permanecido estable en los últimos años, y responde a contenidos con objetivos afectivos, a menudo apoyados en matices comportamentales y/o cognitivos; insights que combinan, principalmente, aspectos emocionales y culturales, y que articulan promesas en forma de beneficios para el consumidor; argumentaciones emocionales; tonos cercanos y empáticos que utilizan formatos como el storytelling o la analogía; y conceptos indirectos para transmitir las promesas.Branded content has become one of the most effective creative strategies for brands to achieve a complicit contact with their audiences. The demands of the current communication landscape have forced advertisers to bet on creativity to offer valuable content that involves the target in the construction of the brand itself. The purpose of this research is to identify and explain the creative attributes of branded content using a qualitative methodology. To this end, an analytical recording model was designed, based on previous theories; this was applied to a sample of the 23 pieces that have won a grand prize and/or a gold award at the “El Sol” Festival during its last six editions. The results allow us to delineate a creative pattern of success in branded content strategies, which has remained stable in recent years, and responds to content with affective objectives, often supported by behavioural and/or cognitive nuances; insights that combine, mainly, emotional and cultural aspects, and that articulate promises in the form of benefits for the consumer; emotional arguments; close and empathetic tones that use formats such as storytelling or analogy; and indirect concepts to convey the promises

    Physical manipulation and reading: Cintia Martíns’s artisan books

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    [Resumen] El libro-objeto aproxima el lenguaje literario y artístico a la infancia de una forma experimental, concediendo importancia a la materialidad a la hora de construir la narrativa. También promueve un lector que debe interactuar y manipular la obra para avanzar en el argumento o buscar el sentido. Así se propicia una lectura más sugestiva y enriquecedora, que cuestiona la forma tradicional de leer y que tiene en cuenta la dimensión física, interactiva, lúdica y laboratorial. Se comenta a nivel de diseño, ilustraciones y texto narrativo la peculiar producción de la ilustradora Cintia Martín, concretamente los libros flexágonos Tres cuentos infinitos, Tres historias cortas y El beso, además del libro acordeón Veo bichos y El secreto de las vocales, dentro del proyecto de Ediciones Tralarí. Se concluye que son productos artesanales hechos a mano que requieren una manipulación real del libro para la construcción de la narrativa y el avance en la lectura, con una clara conjunción entre la dimensión material física, el lenguaje verbal y el visual para la interpretación total de la historia.[Resumo] O libro-obxecto aproxima a linguaxe literaria e artística á infancia dunha forma experimental, concedendo importancia á materialidade á hora de construír a narrativa. Tamén promove un lector que debe interactuar e manipular a obra manipulalo para avanzar no argumento ou buscar o sentido. Así, propíciase unha lectura máis suxestiva e enriquecedora, que cuestiona a forma tradicional de ler e que ten en conta a dimensión física, interactiva, lúdica e laboratorial. Analízase a nivel de deseño, ilustracións e texto narrativo a peculiar produción da ilustradora Cintia Martín, concretamente os libros flexágonos Tres cuentos infinitos, Tres historias cortas e El beso, ademais do libro acordeón Veo bichos e El secreto de las vocales, dentro do proxecto de Ediciones Tralarí. Conclúese que son produtos artesanais feitos a man que requiren unha manipulación real do libro para a construción da narrativa e o avance na lectura, cunha clara conxunción entre a dimensión material ísica, a linguaxe verbal e visual para a interpretación total da historia.[Abstract] The book-object brings literary and artistic language closer to children in an experimental way, giving importance to materiality when constructing the narrative. It also promotes a reader who must interact and manipulate the work in order to advance the plot or search for meaning. In this way, a more suggestive and enriching reading is encouraged, which questions the traditional way of reading and takes into account the physical, interactive, playful and laboratorial dimension. The peculiar production of the illustrator Cintia Martín is discussed in terms of design, illustrations and narrative text, specifically the flexagon books Tres cuentos infinitos, Tres historias cortas and El beso, as well as the accordion book Veo bichos and El secreto de las vocales, as part of the Ediciones Tralarí project. The conclusion is that these are handmade artisanal products that require real manipulation of the book for the construction of the narrative and progress in reading, with a clear conjunction between the physical material dimension, verbal and visual language for the total interpretation of the story

    A política ambiental e a defesa nacional

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    As atividades desenvolvidas no âmbito da Defesa Nacional são suscetíveis de apresentar consequências adversas para o meio ambiente, decorrentes da atuação dos três ramos das Forças Armadas: Exército, Marinha e Força Aérea. A componente da proteção ambiental deverá ser articulada e harmonizada com o cumprimento da missão, ou seja, com os objetivos de qualquer um dos ramos das Forças Armadas, mas em conformidade com a política de ambiente do governo, contribuindo para a efetiva preservação do ambiente e para o desenvolvimento sustentável da sociedade. Consciente da importância da defesa do ambiente, o Ministério da Defesa Nacional promulgou a Diretiva Ambiental para a Defesa Nacional, correspondente ao Despacho do Ministério da Defesa Nacional nº 6484/2011, que apresenta como princípios a atingir, no próximo decénio: a sustentabilidade; a prevenção e precaução; o aproveitamento racional dos recursos naturais e a transversalidade, considerando que a política de ambiente da Defesa Nacional deve ser assumida em todas as atividades e organismos no âmbito do Ministério da Defesa Nacional. Neste trabalho, faremos uma breve referência a cada uma destas determinações da Diretiva Ambiental para a Defesa Nacional bem como a referência ao Prémio Defesa Nacional e Ambiente. Abordaremos, ainda, como exemplo de caso de boas práticas ambientais, o Campo Militar de Santa Margarida que já recebeu, por três vezes, o Prémio Defesa Nacional e Ambiente e possui Certificação Ambiental.The activities developed in the area of National Defence are likely to present adverse consequences to the environment, resulting from the activity of the three branches of the Armed Forces: Army, Navy and Air Force. The environmental protection component should, therefore, be coordinated and harmonised with the fulfilling of their mission, in other words, with the objectives of any branches of the Armed Forces, but in line with the government's environmental policy, contributing to the effective preservation of the environment and to the sustainable development of society. Aware of the importance of environmental protection, the Ministry of National Defence promulgated the Environmental Directive for National Defence, corresponding to the Order of the Ministry of National Defence nº 6484/2011, which describes the principles to achieve in the coming decade: sustainability; prevention and precaution, the transversal and the rational use of natural resources, knowing that the environmental policy of National Defence must be upheld in all activities and bodies under the Ministry of National Defence. In this paper, we will briefly refer to each of these guidelines of Environmental Directive for National Defence as well as the reference to the National Defence Environmental Award. We will also look at an example of good environmental practices, in this case the Army Camp at Santa Margarida, which has already received the National Defence Environmental Award and has an environmental certificate