673 research outputs found

    Stress Amplifies Memory for Social Hierarchy

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    Individuals differ in their social status and societies in the extent of social status differences among their members. There is great interest in understanding the key factors that contribute to the establishment of social dominance structures. Given that stress can affect behavior and cognition, we hypothesized that, given equal opportunities to become either dominant or submissive, stress experienced by one of the individuals during their first encounter would determine the long-term establishment of a social hierarchy by acting as a two-stage rocket: (1) by influencing the rank achieved after a social encounter and (2) by facilitating and/or promoting a long-term memory for the specific hierarchy. Using a novel model for the assessment of long-term dominance hierarchies in rats, we present here the first evidence supporting such hypothesis. In control conditions, the social rank established through a first interaction and food competition test between two male rats is not maintained when animals are confronted 1 week later. However, if one of the rats is stressed just before their first encounter, the dominance hierarchy developed on day 1 is still clearly observed 1 week later, with the stressed animal becoming submissive (i.e., looser in competition tests) in both social interactions. Our findings also allow us to propose that stress potentiates a hierarchy-linked recognition memory between “specific” individuals through mechanisms that involve de novo protein synthesis. These results implicate stress among the key mechanisms contributing to create social imbalance and highlight memory mechanisms as key mediators of stress-induced long-term establishment of social rank

    Strategic situation, design and simulation of a biorefinery in Andalusia

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    In a lignocellulosic feedstock based biorefinery, biomass can be transformed in several products, with different chemical and/or agro-industrial applications, and energy (biofuels). The use of biomass waste is strongly advocated under European Union (EU) legislation in order to help achieve the climate and energy targets of the EU for 2020 and beyond. In this context, this study was focussed on the design and simulation of a biorefinery to mainly obtain ethanol and DME. These biofuels were obtained from waste forestry and agricultural waste biomass collected near the area where the biorefinery plant was proposed to be installed, to minimize the transportation costs and to promote the valorization of the biomass waste generated in this region. Moreover, the industrial applications of the possible obtained by-products were evaluated to minimize the environmental impacts and to make the biorefinery more sustainable. The central area of Andalusia was selected as the most adequate area to develop the installation of the biorefinery plant. Two commercial simulation software, such as Aspen HYSYS® and UniSim®, were used to design and size the equipments and to simulate both production lines. One of the most important achievements of this biorefinery is the possibility of obtaining 42,700 T y-1 of ethanol with a purity of 96%, which supposes a 16.5% of the Spanish national production in 2016, and 137,850 T y-1 of DME, with a purity of 99.99%. from these biomass waste Both compounds can be used as alternative fuels or energy sources. A techno-economic analysis was performed, obtaining a minimum selling price of 0.58 /Lforbioethanol,1.15/L for bioethanol, 1.15 /kg for DME and 0.65 $/kg for HMF and LA, respectively. These prices are comparable to those found in the literature. Furthermore, the implementation of the biorefinery in this strategic area promotes its economic and social development, improving the use of the natural resources to obtain competitive products to fossil fuels.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. This work was supported by the Spanish MINECO under CTQ2015-68654-R project. MCGM gratefully acknowledges the assistance of Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through a “Juan de la Cierva – Formación” fellowship (FJCI-2015-25788)

    Mitochondrial dysfunction promoted by Porphyromonas gingivalis lipopolysaccharide as a possible link between cardiovascular disease and periodontitis

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    Oxidative stress is one of the factors that could explain the pathophysiological mechanism of inflammatory conditions that occur in cardiovascular disease (CVD) and periodontitis. Such inflammatory response is often evoked by specific bacteria, as the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of Porphyromonas gingivalis is a key factor in this process. The aim of this research was to study the role of mitochondrial dysfunction in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from periodontitis patients and to evaluate the influence of LPS on fibroblasts to better understand the pathophysiology of periodontitis and its relationship with CVD. PBMCs from patients showed lower CoQ10 levels and citrate synthase activity, together with high levels of ROS production. LPS-treated fibroblasts provoked increased oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction by a decrease in mitochondrial protein expression, mitochondrial mass, and mitochondrial membrane potential. Our study supports the hypothesis that LPS-mediated mitochondrial dysfunction could be at the origin of oxidative stress in periodontal patients. Abnormal PBMC performance may promote oxidative stress and alter cytokine homeostasis. In conclusion, mitochondrial dysfunction could represent a possible link to understanding the interrelationships between two prominent inflammatory diseases: periodontitis and CV

    Iridoids as DNA topoisomerase I poisons

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    The discovery of new topoisomerase I inhibitors is necessary since most of the antitumor drugs are targeted against type II and only a very few can specifically affect type I. Topoisomerase poisons generate toxic DNA damage by stabilization of the covalent DNA-topoisomerase cleavage complex and some have therapeutic efficacy in human cancer. Two iridoids, aucubin and geniposide, have shown antitumoral activities, but their activity against topoisomerase enzymes has not been tested. Here it was found that both compounds are able to stabilize covalent attachments of the topoisomerase I subunits to DNA at sites of DNA strand breaks, generating cleavage complexes intermediates so being active as poisons of topoisomerase I, but not topoisomerase II. This result points to DNA damage induced by topoisomerase I poisoning as one of the possible mechanisms by which these two iridoids have shown antitumoral activity, increasing interest in their possible use in cancer chemoprevention and therapy.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología de España. SAF 2000-016

    Plan de intervención de enfermería sobre medidas preventivas en la reducción de la parasitosis intestinal en madres de niños menores de 5 años puesto de salud Colca – Apurimac

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    La Organización Mundial de Salud (OMS), señala que a nivel mundial se tiene más del 20 % de niños menores de 5 años padecen de parasitosis habiendo mayor incidencia en los niños entre 6 y 24 meses de vida recomendando que en aquellas regiones o áreas donde la prevalencia del geo helmintiasis sea igual o superior al 20% se debe hacer una desparasitación masiva y con una periodicidad acorde con la gravedad de esta prevalencia. Asimismo, a nivel nacional este problema no es ajeno a nuestra realidad ya que el 33.3% de los niños entre 6 a 59 meses de edad tiene parasitosis incrementándose a 41.4% en el área rural, por encima del 30.1% registrado en el área urbana. En Apurímac esta problemática se incrementa en niños menores de 5 años de comunidades y distritos con deficiencia de saneamiento básico y la deficiencia del consumo de alimentos ricos en hierro hay poca adherencia, como consecuencia de factores externos, preponderando en el distrito de Colca la parasitosis es un es una afección que afecta en gran parte a los preescolares menores de 3 años. Esta parasitosis es generada con mayor frecuencia por áscaris Lumbricoides, Giardiasis y Oxiuros en este sentido es importante realizar una intervención de enfermería para reducir estos porcentajes, con medidas preventivas promocionales como el saneamiento básico, programas de desparasitación infantil, cumplimiento de la buena alimentación rico en hierro que permita el desarrollo saludable de los niños men0res de 5 años de edad, para poder tener un futuro próspero. Este trabajo académico se realizará en la comunidad de Colca con la intervención del personal de salud del Puesto de Salud de Colca, que políticamente se ubicada en el Perú, departamento de Apurímac y provincia de Aymaraes y para lograr dicho objetivo se elaborará un Plan de intervención cuya base de datos se tomará de las historias clínicas y los anotes del personal de salud que labora en el Consultorio de control de crecimiento y desarrollo que cuenta con 3 profesionales de la salud y atiende a una población de 100 niños y niñas

    MICE tourism in Cantabria

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    RESUMEN: De los diferentes tipos de turismo que existen, el “Turismo MICE (Meeting Incentives Conferencies and Events)” o “Turismo de negocios y reuniones”, representa uno de los segmentos más interesantes, dado su efecto desestacionalizador y el impacto económico que genera. La falta de visibilidad respecto a otros tipos de turismo (vacacional), la diversidad de ámbitos desde donde se origina, unido a la amplia variedad de agentes que intervienen en este sector, hace que se trate de una actividad relativamente desconocida. A través de este trabajo se define y contextualiza este tipo de turismo; también se analiza el tipo de destino y posicionamiento que, tanto España como Cantabria, representan en este sector. Esta información concluye con una propuesta para que la planificación turística en Cantabria considere el producto MICE como estratégico y que se fomente a través de una serie de propuestas que sirvan de base para un plan específico.ABSTRACT: Within the tourism industry, “MICE Tourism (Meeting Incentives Conferences and Events)” represents one of the most interesting segments and one of the most lucrative areas of the tourism industry, due to its “off season tourism” effect and also due to the economic development that it generates. A relatively lack of visibility compared to other types of Tourism, the variety of areas from which it comes from, together with the variety of agents involved in this sector, make its importance relatively unknown. The aim of this project is to define and contextualize the MICE industry; also to analyse the type of destination that both, Spain and Cantabria, represent within the MICE sector. All this information submits into a proposal for Cantabria to become a MICE destination, to consider this aim as a strategic policy and the bases on which to achieve it.Grado en Turism

    A novel lncRNA as a positive regulator of carotenoid biosynthesis in Fusarium

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    The fungi Fusarium oxysporum and Fusarium fujikuroi produce carotenoids, lipophilic terpenoid pigments of biotechnological interest, with xanthophyll neurosporaxanthin as the main end product. Their carotenoid biosynthesis is activated by light and negatively regulated by the RING-finger protein CarS. Global transcriptomic analysis identified in both species a putative 1-kb lncRNA that we call carP, referred to as Fo-carP and Ff-carP in each species, upstream to the gene carS and transcribed from the same DNA strand. Fo-carP and Ff-carP are poorly transcribed, but their RNA levels increase in carS mutants. The deletion of Fo-carP or Ff-carP in the respective species results in albino phenotypes, with strong reductions in mRNA levels of structural genes for carotenoid biosynthesis and higher mRNA content of the carS gene, which could explain the low accumulation of carotenoids. Upon alignment, Fo-carP and Ff-carP show 75-80% identity, with short insertions or deletions resulting in a lack of coincident ORFs. Moreover, none of the ORFs found in their sequences have indications of possible coding functions. We conclude that Fo-carP and Ff-carP are regulatory lncRNAs necessary for the active expression of the carotenoid genes in Fusarium through an unknown molecular mechanism, probably related to the control of carS function or expressio

    Fungal Secondary Metabolism

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    Definition: Fungal secondary metabolites (SMs) comprise a vast collection of compounds expendable for these organisms under laboratory conditions. They exhibit enormous chemical diversity, and usu- ally belong to four major families: terpenoids, polyketides, non-ribosomal peptides, or a combination of the last two. Their functions are very diverse and are normally associated with a greater fitness of the producing fungi in their environment, which often compete with other microorganisms or interact with host plants. Many SMs have beneficial applications, e.g., as antibiotics or medical drugs, but others, known as mycotoxins, are harmful to health

    Elastic and dielectric measurements of the structural transformations in the ferroelectric perovskite (Na1/2Bi1/2)1-xBaxTiO3

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    NBT is a perovskite undergoing a series of structural and polar transitions starting from the high temperature paraelectric phase: tetragonal antiferroelectric, rhombohedral and finally ferroelectric. In solid solution with BaTiO3 the ferroelectric phase changes from rhombohedral to tetragonal, at the so-called morphotropic phase boundary, and the phases at higher temperature become ill-defined, also because of the large lattice disorder induced by the coexistence of differently charged cations in the same sublattice. Combined dielectric and anelastic spectroscopy measurements are presented, which clarify some issues related to the phase transitions in NBT-BT. The influence of Ba substitution on the tetragonal antiferroelectric phase is determined for the first time, and the possibility that a monoclinic phase, although with very short coherence length, exists near the morphotropic phase boundary is discussed in view of a large maximum of the elastic complianc

    Campaña Publicitaria de Reclutamiento para la Organización Enseña Ecuador

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    At a time were education is key for the professional and human development it is determinant to guarantee the quality for every child. That is why this final project proposes an advertising campaign to recluse the best talents to collaborate with the non-governmental organization Enseña Ecuador. It focuses in the quality of education from children in vulnerable areas of the country. The campaign is based in the testimonials of people that already have been part of the program to encourage others to join. Facebook is the platform of this campaign because it allows a wider reach and is the more used social network by the target.En una época donde la educación es fundamental para el desarrollo profesional y humano de la persona es determinante garantizar enseñanza de calidad para todos los menores de edad. Es por ello que se planteó una campaña publicitaria para reclutar a los mejores talentos para colaborar con la organización no gubernamental Enseña Ecuador. Está se enfoca en la calidad educativa de los niños que se encuentran en zonas vulnerables. La campaña se basa en testimonios de personas que ya fueron parte del programa para incentivar a otros a unirse. El canal de difusión es la red social Facebook, ya que permite un mayor alcance y porque es el medio más empleado por el público objetivo