1,854 research outputs found

    Los fuegos del Etna

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    This work aims to analize the Latin texts that authors let us about the Aetna’s volcanic activity. Our research stars with some lucretian verses (VI 639-702), follows with other texts of the problematic poem Aetna and ends with two famous passages by Virgilio (Aen. III 570-587) and Ovid (Met. XV 340-355), all in order to know the literary treatment of a scientific matter

    The Growth-Interest Rate Cycle in the United States and its Consequences for Emerging Markets

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    At the time of writing there were widespread concerns about the health of the U.S. economy. There is conclusive evidence that the pace of growth has slowed, which has prompted the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates on two occasions (a total of 100 basis points thus far). As usual, when faced with this kind of turning point, analysts and policy makers alike wonder whether the United States will achieve a “soft landing” or whether the downturn is more serious and protracted—in the worst scenario, the new weakness could signal the end of the new economy. Furthermore, recent inflation surprises have not been encouraging, as higher-thanexpected inflation numbers may curtail the Federal Reserve’s desire and ability to act countercyclically. In this paper, we do not attempt to provide any insights into what lies ahead for the U.S. economy. Our focus is on gaining a better understanding of how the U.S. business cycle, its associated monetary policy cycle, and their interaction affect developing countries. The question of North-South linkages is hardly a new one; the role of trade and primary commodity markets in linking developed and developing countries has a long history (see, for instance, Prebisch, 1950 and Singer, 1950). The links between debtor and creditor nations are also not new (see Diaz- Alejandro, 1984, Dornbusch, 1985, and Calvo, Leiderman, and Reinhart, 1993). Indeed, what is “new” is that some links that had been thought to be extinct have revived in recent years while some “old” links have weakened. As Bordo and Eichengreen (1998) observe, the decade of the 1990s shares some of the features of an earlier age of globalization and high capital mobility prior to World War I; namely, portfolio capital flows to emerging markets have re-emerged as an important link between northern lenders and southern borrowers. This revival is particularly pronounced in the larger Latin American countries. Some of the traditional links, however, may have weakened, as many countries in Asia and Latin America have successfully diversified their exports away from primary commodities. Hence, terms-of-trade shocks may (in some cases) play a smaller role today than in the past. Both of these observations would suggest that, in general, trade/commodity price links may have weakened while financial links may have become stronger. However, one must be cautious in interpretation owing to the large variation across countries in the degree of trade and capital market integration. While the share of primarycommodities in Mexico’s exports has declined dramatically in the past 30 years, the importance of U.S. markets, owing to NAFTA, has soared, which suggests that the trade channel is quantitatively important in the Mexican case.2 These are the questions we analyze. Our focus is on how developments in the United States affect capital flows and growth in emerging market countries across various regions and country groups.

    El ciclo de crecimiento de la tasa de interés en Estados Unidos y sus consecuencias para los mercados emergentes

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    (Disponible en idioma inglés únicamente) Para el momento en que se realizó este trabajo existía una inquietud generalizada sobre el buen estado de la economía estadounidense. Hay elementos de juicio concluyentes que indican que el ritmo del crecimiento se ha desacelerado, lo que ha llevado a la Reserva Federal a recortar las tasas de interés en dos oportunidades (para un total de 100 puntos base hasta ahora). Como ya es habitual, ante esta clase de viraje, analistas y diseñadores de políticas por igual se preguntan si Estados Unidos conseguirá un aterrizaje suave o si el desmejoramiento de la coyuntura será más grave y prolongado; en el peor escenario, la nueva debilidad puede anunciar el fin de la nueva economía. Además, las recientes sorpresas inflacionarias no han sido nada alentadoras, ya que cifras inflacionarias superiores a lo anticipado pueden entorpecer el deseo y la capacidad de la Reserva Federal de actuar de manera anticíclica.

    Pliensbachian–Toarcian ostracod biogeography in NW Europe: Evidence for water mass structure evolution

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    This paper examines the role played by palaeoceanographic and climatic conditions on the palaeobiogeography of the Pliensbachian–Toarcian ostracods (Early Jurassic) in the European Epicontinental Sea (EES). The influence of the palaeogeography, ocean currents and sea level, temperature and salinity variations on ostracod abundance, diversity and migration patterns is reconstructed. Ostracod migration follows an anticlockwise circulation in the eastern side of the EES, with a leading northeast–southwest movement, and the frequent arrival of Tethyan faunas into the central and western parts of the EES during the Pliensbachian. A three-fold classification of water masses based on salinity, temperature, lithological and fossil data is proposed. The repeated inflow of Tethyan ostracods into the EES ended by the earliest Toarcian. This ostracod event is related to the opening of the Hispanic Corridor and to the reorganization of the surface and deep circulations that may have generated a cold episode at the beginning of the Toarcian

    Palaeoceanography and biogeography in the Early Jurassic Panthalassa and Tethys Oceans

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    A first conceptual palaeoceanographic model for the Early Jurassic Panthalassa and Tethys Oceans is outlined in the present paper. The new palaeoceanographic model uses fundamental physic–oceanographic principles known from the modern world and a global palaeogeographic reconstruction for the Early Jurassic to examine the long-term response of the Panthalassic and Tethyan fossil invertebrate faunas to the proposed surface ocean circulation. Analysis of palaeobiogeographical data (ostracods, ammonites, brachiopods and bivalves) has enabled circulation changes to be reconstructed over the studied period in some detail. Panthalassic circulation pattern shows an almost hemispherical symmetric pattern, with the development of the two large subtropical gyres that rotates clockwise in the northern hemisphere and anti-clockwise in the southern hemisphere. Surface circulation in the Tethyan Ocean is dominated by monsoonal westerly-directed equatorial surface currents that reached its western corner and droved them off to the north, along the northern side of the Tethys Ocean, during summer and in opposite direction during the winter

    Crecimiento y financiamiento externo en América Latina

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    (Disponible en idioma inglés únicamente) En este trabajo se trata el desempeño económico de América Latina durante la última década, y se le presta atención especial al crecimiento y al sector financiero. En particular, se muestra que factores externos tales como las tasas de interés en EE. UU. y el ciclo económico desempeñan un papel clave en los ingresos de capitales, la inversión y el crecimiento. Como consecuencia de ello, el crecimiento económico de la región tiende a ser frágil y exhibe un elevado grado de movimiento conjunto, es decir, una elevada correlación de la producción entre los países. Esta última característica exacerba la fragilidad, porque hay poco espacio para el aseguramiento mutuo dentro de América Latina, en caso de que un país sufra una sacudida grave, y el financiamiento durante los cambios desfavorables de la coyuntura debe provenir principalmente de fuera de la región.

    Prevención de la violencia de género a través de la educación emocional en Educación Primaria

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    Dentro de la educación integral que debe promoverse en la etapa de Educación Primaria, debe tener un lugar relevante el desarrollo y expresión de las emociones. Esta es la razón por la cual se considera un objetivo primordial la educación emocional como medio de prevención de la violencia de género. Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo una revisión bibliográfica y la elaboración de una propuesta didáctica basada en el diseño de un cuadernillo de actividades titulado “Las emociones”. Como conclusión, alcanzando el autocontrol, se favorecerá y equilibrará el estado emocional así como las relaciones con los demás.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Educación Primari