139 research outputs found

    El Proyecto Alzheimer MuBAM. Accesibilidad a través del Arte

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    SIAM. Series Iberoamericanas de Museología. Año 3, Vol.

    Coordinación sectorial y urbanística. Luces y sombras

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    El artículo aborda la problemática entre las determinaciones sectoriales con incidencia territorial y el marco urbanístico municipal. La prevalencia de lo sectorial sobre lo urbanístico se pone de manifiesto en el caso concreto de las infraestructuras públicas de comunicación y, en general, en la ordenación de las obras públicas de interés general o de interés autonómico.The article addresses the problem between sectoral determinations with territorial incidence and the municipal urban framework. The prevalence of the sectoral over the urban is evident in the specific case of public communication infrastructures and, in general, in the management of public works of general interest or of regional interest

    The most common handball injuries: A Systematic Review

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    Handball is a team sport involving a great physical demand from its practitioners in which a high number of injuries occur, affecting individual and collective performance. Knowledge of the injuries is of great importance for their prevention. The objective of the present study was to identify, locate and compare the most frequent injuries and injury mechanisms in handball practice. It was carried out following the Preferred Informed Item for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis (PRISMA) guidelines. The source of data collection was direct consultation of the PubMed and Medline databases. Several keywords were used for the documentary retrieval, and the quality of the studies that were selected was evaluated. Of the 707 studies retrieved, only 27 were considered appropriate for the review, and quality scores were obtained that ranged from 10 to 26 points, out of a maximum of 28. The most frequent injuries in handball players are located in the lower limbs (thigh, knee and ankle), and in the shoulder in the upper limbs. Regarding the playing position, the players who play over the 6-m line are the most affected by injuries, while the women players have a higher probability of injury. Most injuries occur during competition

    The most common handball injuries: a systematic review

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    Handball is a team sport involving a great physical demand from its practitioners in which a high number of injuries occur, affecting individual and collective performance. Knowledge of the injuries is of great importance for their prevention. The objective of the present study was to identify, locate and compare the most frequent injuries and injury mechanisms in handball practice. It was carried out following the Preferred Informed Item for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis (PRISMA) guidelines. The source of data collection was direct consultation of the PubMed and Medline databases. Several keywords were used for the documentary retrieval, and the quality of the studies that were selected was evaluated. Of the 707 studies retrieved, only 27 were considered appropriate for the review, and quality scores were obtained that ranged from 10 to 26 points, out of a maximum of 28. The most frequent injuries in handball players are located in the lower limbs (thigh, knee and ankle), and in the shoulder in the upper limbs. Regarding the playing position, the players who play over the 6-m line are the most affected by injuries, while the women players have a higher probability of injury. Most injuries occur during competition.Gobierno regional de Extremadura | Ref. GR 2114

    Informe de monitoreo ambiental de la Unidad Minera Planta de Filtrado Huarmey de la Compañía Minera Antamina S.A., provincia Huarmey - región Áncash, realizada del 18 al 22 de marzo 2013

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    Presenta el informe de monitoreo ambiental a la Unidad Minera Planta de Filtrado Huarmey de la Compañía Minera Antamina S.A. localizada en la provincia Huarmey, departamento de Áncash, realizada del 18 al 22 de marzo 2013. La temperatura del efluente minero AF-A registró un promedio de 24.62 °C; el potencial de hidrógeno un promedio de 7.59, valor ligeramente alcalino, con relación al año 2012 que fue ligeramente ácido. La conductividad eléctrica presentó un promedio de 3 136.7 uS/cm, valor menor en relación a la medición registrada en el año 2012 que fue de 3 599 uS/cm. Los metales pesados como el cobre, plomo, zinc y hierro, así como arsénico no superaron la norma (LMP minero -1 996) que indica como máximo 1 .0 mg/L para cobre, 0.4 mg/L para plomo, 3.0 mg/L para zinc, 2.0 mg/L para hierro y 1.0 para arsénico. Otros elementos como cadmio, cromo, manganeso, níquel y mercurio registraron concentraciones inferiores al límite de cuantificación. En cuanto a las aguas subterráneas, entre otras conclusiones menciona que el mercurio (Hg), en marzo 2013 en los pozos GA-89 y M-1 del acuífero Cascajal superaron la LGA (0.01 mg/L); y en marzo 2012, en el mismo acuífero en los pozos GA-89 y D superaron la misma norma de referencia; sumándose los pozos GA-83, GA-86, A-1 y M-1 que superaron los ECA-Agua (0.001 mg/L). En el acuífero Huarmey en marzo 2012, en los pozos 0-1 11 y S-1 11 superaron los ECA para Agua

    Clinical Characteristics and Prognosis of COPD Patients Hospitalized with SARS-CoV-2

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    Objective To describe the characteristics and prognosis of patients with COPD admitted to the hospital due to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Methods The SEMI-COVID registry is an ongoing retrospective cohort comprising consecutive COVID-19 patients hospitalized in Spain since the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020. Data on demographics, clinical characteristics, comorbidities, laboratory tests, radiology, treatment, and progress are collected. Patients with COPD were selected and compared to patients without COPD. Factors associated with a poor prognosis were analyzed. Results Of the 10,420 patients included in the SEMI-COVID registry as of May 21, 2020, 746 (7.16%) had a diagnosis of COPD. Patients with COPD are older than those without COPD (77 years vs 68 years) and more frequently male. They have more comorbidities (hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, atrial fibrillation, heart failure, ischemic heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, kidney failure) and a higher Charlson Comorbidity Index (2 vs 1, p<0.001). The mortality rate in COPD patients was 38.3% compared to 19.2% in patients without COPD (p<0.001). Male sex, a history of hypertension, heart failure, moderate–severe chronic kidney disease, presence of cerebrovascular disease with sequelae, degenerative neurological disease, dementia, functional dependence, and a higher Charlson Comorbidity Index have been associated with increased mortality due to COVID-19 in COPD patients. Survival was higher among patients with COPD who were treated with hydroxychloroquine (87.1% vs 74.9%, p<0.001) and with macrolides (57.9% vs 50%, p<0.037). Neither prone positioning nor non-invasive mechanical ventilation, high-flow nasal cannula, or invasive mechanical ventilation were associated with a better prognosis. Conclusion COPD patients admitted to the hospital with SARS-CoV-2 infection have more severe disease and a worse prognosis than non-COPD patients

    Environmental impacts of an imidacloprid-containing formulation: from soils to waters

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    El pesticida neonicotinoide imidacloprid se encuentra entre los agroquímicos más vendidos en todo el mundo. Debido a su amplio uso en mezclas con diferentes disolventes y co-adyuvantes, estudiar el impacto ambiental de las formulaciones comerciales derivadas se ha convertido en obligatorio. En este estudio se utilizaron ensayos ecotoxicológicos de laboratorio para cuantificar el impacto del ConfidorR 20SL (formulación que contiene imidacloprid) en los compartimentos terrestre y acuático. Los efectos letales y subletales de las dosis recomendadas de aplicación del producto fueron evaluadas en los invertebrados terrestres Eisenia foetida y Folsomia candida mientras que la toxicidad de los lixiviados de los suelos contaminados se evaluó en los organismos acuáticos modelo Daphnia magna y Raphidocelis subcapitata (anteriormente Selenastrum capricornutum). La exposición a concentraciones ambientalmente relevantes de imidacloprid no causo mortalidad en las lombrices de tierra (CL50 de 4.23 mg de imidacloprid por kg de suelo seco) pero altero los patrones de comportamiento y reproducción (valores de CE50 de 0.43 y 1.40 mg de imidacloprid por kg de suelo seco en los ensayos de alejamiento y reproducción respectivamente). Los efectos en los colembolos F. candida fueron despreciables. El imidacloprid presento una lixiviabilidad moderada, con tasas de recuperación en los extractos acuosos que fueron del 25.4 al 50.4% de la cantidad presente en los suelos y concentraciones de 13.05 a 71.8 µg por litro. Las pruebas estándar de ecotoxicidad acuática no fueron capaces de detectar toxicidad aguda o crónica en los organismos de ensayo. Sin embargo, las concentraciones de insecticida en los extractos fueron lo suficientemente grandes como para representar una amenaza letal para otros organismos acuáticos no estándarThe neonicotinoid pesticide imidacloprid is among the top sold agrochemicals worldwide. Due to its widespread use in mixtures with different solvents and co-adjuvants, studying the environmental impact of its derived commercial formulations has become mandatory. In this study we used laboratory ecotoxicological tests to quantify the impact of the imidacloprid-containing formulation Confidor R20SL on the terrestrial and aquatic compartments. Lethal and sublethal effects of recommended application doses of the product were assessed on standard terrestrial invertebrates Eisenia fetida and Folsomia candida whereas the toxicity of leachates from contaminated soils was evaluated in the aquatic model organisms Daphnia magna and Raphidocelis subcapitata. The exposure to environmentally relevant concentrations of imidacloprid caused no mortality to earthworms (LC50 of 4.23 mg imidacloprid kg-1 dry soil) but altered their behavior and reproduction patterns (EC50 values for avoidance and reproduction tests of 0.43 and 1.40 mg imidacloprid kg-1 dry soil, respectively). Effects on collembolans F. candida were negligible. Imidacloprid presented moderate leachability, with recovery rates that ranged from 25.4 to 50.4% of the amount present in soils and concentrations in water extracts from 13.05 to 71.8 µg L-1. Standard aquatic ecotoxicity tests were not able detect chronic or acute toxicity in standard test organisms. Nonetheless, concentrations of the insecticide in water extracts were high enough to pose a lethal threat to several other non-standard aquatic organismsPostprint (published version

    Dietary fat and carbohydrate modulate the effect of the ATP-binding cassette A1 (ABCA1) R230C variant on metabolic risk parameters in premenopausal women from the Genetics of Atherosclerotic Disease (GEA) Study

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    Table S1. Demographic characteristics of the population. Table S2. Comparison of biochemical parameters stratified by gender and menopausal status. Table 3. Correlation between metabolic parameters and dietary macronutrients according to ABCA1/R230C genotypes in premenopausal women. Table S4. Comparison of biochemical parameters stratified by ABCA1/R230C genotypes in the study population and premenopausal women. Table 5. Comparison of biochemical parameters stratified by ABCA1/R230C genotypes and carbohydrate percentage tertiles in premenopausal women. Table 6. Comparison of biochemical parameters stratified by ABCA1/R230C genotypes and fat percentage tertiles in premenopausal women. (DOCX 162 kb

    Genetic study of neurexin and neuroligin genes in Alzheimer's disease

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    The interaction between neurexins and neuroligins promotes the formation of functional synaptic structures. Recently, it has been reported that neurexins and neuroligins are proteolytically processed by presenilins at synapses. Based on this interaction and the role of presenilins in familial Alzheimer's disease (AD), we hypothesized that dysfunction of the neuroligin-neurexin pathway might be associated with AD. To explore this hypothesis, we carried out a meta-analysis of five genome-wide association studies (GWAS) comprising 1, 256 SNPs in the NRXN1, NRXN2, NRXN3, and NLGN1 genes (3,009 cases and 3,006 control individuals). We identified a marker in the NRXN3 gene (rs17757879) that showed a consistent protective effect in all GWAS, however, the statistical significance obtained did not resist multiple testing corrections (OR = 0.851, p = 0.002). Nonetheless, gender analysis revealed that this effect was restricted to males. A combined meta-analysis of the former five GWAS together with a replication Spanish sample consisting of 1,785 cases and 1,634 controls confirmed this observation (rs17757879, OR = 0.742, 95% CI = 0.632-0.872, p = 0.00028, final meta-analysis). We conclude that NRXN3 might have a role in susceptibility to AD in males.Peer Reviewe

    Neurexin and neuroligin genes in Alzheimer's disease

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    Póster presentado en la 11th International Conference on Alzheimer's & Parkinson's Diseases, celebrada en Florencia del 6 al 10 de marzo de 2013.-- Alzheimers Disease Neuroimaging Inititive[Objectives] The interaction between neurexins and neuroligins promotes the formation of functional synaptic structures. Recently, it has been reported that neurexins and neuroligins are proteolytically processed by presenilins at synapses. Based on this interaction and the role of presenilins in familial Alzheimer's disease (AD), we hypothesized that dysfunction of the neuroligin-neurexin pathway might be associated with AD.[Methods] To explore this hypothesis we carried out a meta-analysis of five genome-wide association studies (GWAS) comprising 1256 SNPs in the NRXN1, NRXN2, NRXN3 and NLGN1 genes (3009 cases and 3006 control individuals) using PLINK software.[Results] We identified a marker in the NRXN3 gene (rs17757879) that showed a consistent protective effect in all GWAS, however the statistical significance obtained did not resist multiple testing corrections (OR=0.851, p=0.002). Nonetheless, gender analysis revealed that this effect was restricted to males. A replication study with SNP rs17757879 in a Spanish population (1785 cases and 1634 controls) confirmed this observation (OR=0.752, C.I.=0.570-0.991, p=0.042).[Conclusions] We conclude that NRXN3 might have a role in susceptibility to AD in males (rs17757879, OR=0.742, 95% C.I.=0.632-0.872, p=0.00028, final meta-analysis).Peer Reviewe