721 research outputs found

    A methodology for user-oriented scalability analysis

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    Scalability analysis provides information about the effectiveness of increasing the number of resources of a parallel system. Several methods have been proposed which use different approaches to provide this information. This paper presents a family of analysis methods oriented to the user. The methods in this family should assist the user in estimating the benefits when increasing the system size. The key issue in the proposal is the appropriate combination of a scaling model, which reflects the way the users utilize an increasing number of resources, and a figure of merit that the user wants to improve with the larger system. Another important element in the proposal is the approach to characterize the scalability, which enables quick visual analyses and comparisons. Finally, three concrete examples of methods belonging to the proposed family are introduced in this paper.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    EduRom: Promoting the access of Roma to LLP, VET and employment through family education in Primary schools

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    Over the last two decades, it is apparent that the socio-economic situation of many Roma people has stagnated or even deteriorated in a number of EU Member States. Many Roma people experience unemployment, low income, reduced life expectancy and poor quality of life (Background document of the Final conference on the Adult Learning Action plan - 2011

    Effectiveness of a new one-hour blood pressure monitoring method to diagnose hypertension: a diagnostic accuracy clinical trial protocol

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    Introduction 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) is the gold standard diagnostic method for hypertension, but has some shortcomings in clinical practice while clinical settings often lack sufficient devices to accommodate all patients with suspected hypertension. Home blood pressure monitoring (HBPM) and office blood pressure monitoring (OBPM) also have shortcomings, such as the white coat effect or a lack of accuracy. This study aims to study the validity of a new method of diagnosing hypertension consisting of monitoring blood pressure (BP) for 1 hour and comparing it with OBPM and HBPM and examining the sensitivity and specificity of this method compared with 24-hour ABPM. The patient experience will be examined in each method. Methods and analysis A minimum sample of 214 patients requiring a diagnostic test for hypertension from three urban primary healthcare centres will be included. Participants will undergo 24-hour ABPM, 1-hour BP measurement (1-BPM), OBPM for three consecutive weeks and HBPM. Patients will follow a random sequence to first receive 24-hour ABPM or 1-hour ABPM. Daytime 24-hour ABPM records will be compared with the other monitoring methods using the correlation coefficient and Bland Altman plots. The kappa concordance index and the sensitivity and specificity of the methods will be calculated. The patient’s experience will be studied, with selected indicators of efficiency and satisfaction calculated using parametric tests. Ethics and dissemination The protocol has been authorised by the research ethics committee of the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona (Ref. HCB/2014/0615): protocol details and amendments will be recorded and reported to ClinicalTrials.com. The results will be disseminated in peer-reviewed literature, and to policy makers and healthcare partners.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Reflexions sobre el paper de l'immigrant en l'agricultura

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    Reflexions sobre el fenomen immigratori a Catalunya i les seves característiques


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    This paper deals with the analysis of one of the key components of the Learning Ecologies of education inspectors: motivation. The general objective is aimed at identifying and understanding the reasons behind their involvement in improving their performance and boosting their professional development. To this end, a quantitative study has been implemented through the application of a questionnaire in the Galician autonomous community. Data analysis was performed with the support of SPSS software. The results show that the study participants are involved in the processes of professional improvement and updating, essentially, for reasons of an intrinsic nature. The conclusions drawn have important implications for the design of training plans more adjusted to the needs and interests of this group.Este trabajo aborda el análisis de uno de los componentes clave de las Ecologías del Aprendizaje de los inspectores/as de educación: la motivación. El objetivo general se dirige a la identificación y comprensión de las razones que están detrás de su implicación en la mejora de su desempeño y el impulso a su desarrollo profesional. Con este fin se ha implementado un estudio de corte cuantitativo a través de la aplicación de un cuestionario en la comunidad autónoma gallega. El análisis de los datos se realizó con el apoyo del software SPSS. Los resultados muestran que los participantes del estudio se involucran en los procesos de mejora y actualización profesional, esencialmente, por razones de carácter intrínseco. Las conclusiones emanadas tienen importantes implicaciones para el diseño de planes de formación más ajustados a las necesidades e intereses de este colectivo.Данная работа посвящена анализу одного из ключевых компонентов «Экологии обучения» инспекторов образования - мотивации. Общая задача состоит в том, чтобы выявить и понять причины их участия в повышении эффективности своей работы и профессиональном развитии. Для этого было проведено количественное исследование с использованием анкетирования в автономном сообществе Галисия. Анализ данных проводился с помощью программы SPSS. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о том, что участники исследования вовлечены в процессы профессионального совершенствования и обновления в основном по внутренним причинам. Сделанные выводы имеют важное значение для разработки учебных планов, в большей степени отвечающих потребностям и интересам этой группы.本研究致力于分析教育督察专业学习生态的关键组成部分之一:动机。总体目标旨在识别和理解他们参与提高绩效和促进专业发展背后的原因。为此,我们通过在加利西亚自治区进行问卷调查的方式进行了定量研究,在SPSS软件的支持下进行数据分析。结果表明,研究参与者参与专业改进和更新的过程,本质上是出于内在的原因。研究得出的结论对于设计更适合该群体的需求和兴趣的培训计划具有重要意义

    La formació competencial dels llicenciats en economia i empresa: una visió des del seu entorn professional

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    La recerca que es presenta té com a objectiu enfocar una de les arrels de la manca de rendiment laboral dels treballadors: la formació que han rebut, en particular aquells que han seguit una trajectòria universitària. Per dur-ho a terme s"ha valorat l"encaix entre el marc didàctic i les competències que s"exigeixen als alumnes a l"hora d"incorporar-se al mercat de treball. S"ha partit d"una enquesta a persones acabades de llicenciar de la Facultat d"Economia de la Universitat de Barcelona, a docents d"aquesta mateixa Facultat i a empresaris. A partir dels resultats obtinguts s"ha fet una anàlisi de la situació dels joves treballadors en termes de competències instrumentals, interpersonals i professionals, centrada exclusivament en la percepció dels empresaris. Segons les conclusions, una planificació de la docència més centrada en l"estudiant, des del punt de vista de la seva formació integral, pot contribuir de forma essencial a incrementar la seva futura productivitat laboral

    Formació universitària i mercat laboral: dues realitats prou confluents?

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    This paper sets out the research undertaken in the project REDICE1001-01, funded by the ICE at the Universitat de Barcelona. It shows the frame work, the goals and methodology used, as well as some preliminary results. This research is intended to analyze what we think it could be one of the roots causing the poor performance of workers. In order to do so we go back to one of its likely origins: training and acquisition of working abilities during university education. Following our approach a better teacher planning focused on the student and paying special attention to comprehensive training, may essentially contribute to the increase of the future labor productivity level of current students

    El servicio de cartografía de la Confederación Hidrográfica del Ebro durante la guerra civil española

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    La guerra civil española movilizó, entre 1936 y 1939, todos los recursos del país. Nada o casi nada quedó al margen de su desarrollo y la cartografía no fue una excepción. La dirección de los servicios cartográficos estuvo a cargo de los estados mayores, pero la producción cartográfica recayó en dos instituciones civiles: el Instituto Geográfico en el caso del ejército republicano y la Confederación Sindical Hidrográfica del Ebro para el franquista. En este artículo se explican la organización y las actividades cartográficas del servicio de cartografía de la Confederación Sindical Hidrográfica del Ebro durant

    Perfil de memoria en el trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad.

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    The objective of this study is to contribute to the establishment of a memory profile in subjects with attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity (ADHD). We examined fifty-one adolescents: 16 ADHD and 35 controls, aged between 14 and 16. Neuropsychological exploration included tests of short-term memory and of declarative and implicit (incidental and procedural) memory. Subjects with ADHD presented deficits in their mnesic abilities. These deficits do not involve all type of memory, but are selective. Declarative memory and, especially, short-term memory show higher deficits than implicit or non-declarative memory: incidental learning is preserved and procedural learning is similar to that obtained by control subjects, although this forn of learning presents more diflculties for ADHD subjects learning with a higher difficulty