1,286 research outputs found

    DASI Three-Year Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization Results

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    We present the analysis of the complete 3-year data set obtained with the Degree Angular Scale Interferometer (DASI) polarization experiment, operating from the Amundsen-Scott South Pole research station. Additional data obtained at the end of the 2002 Austral winter and throughout the 2003 season were added to the data from which the first detection of polarization of the cosmic microwave background radiation was reported. The analysis of the combined data supports, with increased statistical power, all of the conclusions drawn from the initial data set. In particular, the detection of E-mode polarization is increased to 6.3 sigma confidence level, TE cross-polarization is detected at 2.9 sigma, and B-mode polarization is consistent with zero, with an upper limit well below the level of the detected E-mode polarization. The results are in excellent agreement with the predictions of the cosmological model that has emerged from CMB temperature measurements. The analysis also demonstrates that contamination of the data by known sources of foreground emission is insignificant.Comment: 13 pages Latex, 10 figures, submitted to Ap

    Cosmological Parameter Extraction from the First Season of Observations with DASI

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    The Degree Angular Scale Interferometer (\dasi) has measured the power spectrum of the Cosmic Microwave Background anisotropy over the range of spherical harmonic multipoles 100<l<900. We compare this data, in combination with the COBE-DMR results, to a seven dimensional grid of adiabatic CDM models. Adopting the priors h>0.45 and 0.0<=tau_c<=0.4, we find that the total density of the Universe Omega_tot=1.04+/-0.06, and the spectral index of the initial scalar fluctuations n_s=1.01+0.08-0.06, in accordance with the predictions of inflationary theory. In addition we find that the physical density of baryons Omega_b.h^2=0.022+0.004-0.003, and the physical density of cold dark matter Omega_cdm.h^2=0.14+/-0.04. This value of Omega_b.h^2 is consistent with that derived from measurements of the primordial abundance ratios of the light elements combined with big bang nucleosynthesis theory. Using the result of the HST Key Project h=0.72+/-0.08 we find that Omega_t=1.00+/-0.04, the matter density Omega_m=0.40+/-0.15, and the vacuum energy density Omega_lambda=0.60+/-0.15. (All 68% confidence limits.)Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, minor changes in response to referee comment

    The Cosmic Background Imager

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    Design and performance details are given for the Cosmic Background Imager (CBI), an interferometer array that is measuring the power spectrum of fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) for multipoles in the range 400 < l < 3500. The CBI is located at an altitude of 5000 m in the Atacama Desert in northern Chile. It is a planar synthesis array with 13 0.9-m diameter antennas on a 6-m diameter tracking platform. Each antenna has a cooled, low-noise receiver operating in the 26-36 GHz band. Signals are cross-correlated in an analog filterbank correlator with ten 1 GHz bands. This allows spectral index measurements which can be used to distinguish CMBR signals from diffuse galactic foregrounds. A 1.2 kHz 180-deg phase switching scheme is used to reject cross-talk and low-frequency pick-up in the signal processing system. The CBI has a 3-axis mount which allows the tracking platform to be rotated about the optical axis, providing improved (u,v) coverage and a powerful discriminant against false signals generated in the receiving electronics. Rotating the tracking platform also permits polarization measurements when some of the antennas are configured for the orthogonal polarization.Comment: 14 pages. Accepted for publication in PASP. See also http://www.astro.caltech.edu/~tjp/CBI

    A Multi-Wavelength Mass Analysis of RCS2 J232727.6-020437, a ~3x1015^{15}M_{\odot} Galaxy Cluster at z=0.7

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    We present an initial study of the mass and evolutionary state of a massive and distant cluster, RCS2 J232727.6-020437. This cluster, at z=0.6986, is the richest cluster discovered in the RCS2 project. The mass measurements presented in this paper are derived from all possible mass proxies: X-ray measurements, weak-lensing shear, strong lensing, Sunyaev Zel'dovich effect decrement, the velocity distribution of cluster member galaxies, and galaxy richness. While each of these observables probe the mass of the cluster at a different radius, they all indicate that RCS2 J232727.6-020437 is among the most massive clusters at this redshift, with an estimated mass of M_200 ~3 x10^15 h^-1 Msun. In this paper, we demonstrate that the various observables are all reasonably consistent with each other to within their uncertainties. RCS2 J232727.6-020437 appears to be well relaxed -- with circular and concentric X-ray isophotes, with a cool core, and no indication of significant substructure in extensive galaxy velocity data.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, submitted to ApJ on March 5, 2015; in press. Manuscript revised following the referee revie

    Radio Sources in Galaxy Clusters at 28.5 GHz

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    We present serendipitous detections of radio sources at 28.5 GHz (1 cm), which resulted from our program to image thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect in 56 galaxy clusters. We find 64 radio sources with fluxes down to 0.4 mJy, and within 250 arcseconds from the pointing centers. The spectral indices (S ~ \nu^-\alpha) of 54 sources with published low frequency flux densities range from -0.6 to 2 with a mean of 0.77, and a median of 0.84. Extending low frequency surveys of radio sources towards galaxy clusters CL 0016+16, Abell 665, and Abell 2218 to 28.5 GHz, and selecting sources with 1.4 GHz flux density greater than 7 mJy to form an unbiased sample, we find a mean spectral index of 0.71 and a median of 0.71. We find 4 to 7 times more sources predicted from a low frequency survey in areas without galaxy clusters. This excess cannot be accounted for by gravitational lensing of a background radio population by cluster potentials, indicating most of the detected sources are associated with galaxy clusters. For the cluster Abell 2218, the presence of unsubtracted radio sources with 28.5 GHz flux densities less than 0.5 mJy, can only contribute to temperature fluctuations at a level of 10 to 25 \muK. The corresponding error due to radio point source contamination in the Hubble constant derived through a combined analysis of 28.5 GHz SZ images and X-ray emission observations ranges from 1% to 6%.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, to appear in April 1998 issue of A

    First Intrinsic Anisotropy Observations with the Cosmic Background Imager

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    We present the first results of observations of the intrinsic anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation with the Cosmic Background Imager from a site at 5080 m altitude in northern Chile. Our observations show a sharp decrease in C_l in the range l=400 - 1500. The broadband amplitudes we have measured are deltaT(band) = 58.7 (-6.3, +7.7) microK for l = 603 (-166, +180) and 29.7 (-4.2, +4.8) microK for l = 1190 (-224, +261), where these are half-power widths in l. Such a decrease in power at high l is one of the fundamental predictions of the standard cosmological model, and these are the first observations which cover a broad enough l range to show this decrease in a single experiment. The C_l we have measured enable us to place limits on the density parameter, Omega(tot) = 0.7 (90% confidence).Comment: 5 pages including 2 figures. Corrected an error in the comparison with Boomerang and Maxim

    Sub-kiloparsec Imaging of Cool Molecular Gas in Two Strongly Lensed Dusty, Star-Forming Galaxies

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    We present spatially-resolved imaging obtained with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) of three CO lines in two high-redshift gravitationally lensed dusty star-forming galaxies, discovered by the South Pole Telescope. Strong lensing allows us to probe the structure and dynamics of the molecular gas in these two objects, at z=2.78 and z=5.66, with effective source-plane resolution of less than 1kpc. We model the lensed emission from multiple CO transitions and the dust continuum in a consistent manner, finding that the cold molecular gas as traced by low-J CO always has a larger half-light radius than the 870um dust continuum emission. This size difference leads to up to 50% differences in the magnification factor for the cold gas compared to dust. In the z=2.78 galaxy, these CO observations confirm that the background source is undergoing a major merger, while the velocity field of the other source is more complex. We use the ATCA CO observations and comparable resolution Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array dust continuum imaging of the same objects to constrain the CO-H_2 conversion factor with three different procedures, finding good agreement between the methods and values consistent with those found for rapidly star-forming systems. We discuss these galaxies in the context of the star formation - gas mass surface density relation, noting that the change in emitting area with observed CO transition must be accounted for when comparing high-redshift galaxies to their lower redshift counterparts.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    Turbulence regulation and stabilization by equilibrium and Time-varying sheared turbulence flows

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    Turbulence flows are directly measured in a tokamak plasma by applying time-delay-estimation (TDE) analysis to localized 2-D density fluctuation measurements obtained with Beam Emission Spectroscopy on DIII-D. The equilibrium radial flow shear near the plasma edge (0.8 < r/a < 1) varies strongly with magnetic geometry. With the ion grad-B drift directed towards the X-point in a single null plasma, a large radial shear in the poloidal flow is measured, while little shear is observed in the reverse condition. This large shear appears to facilitate the L-to H-mode transition, consistent with the significantly lower LH transition power threshold in this configuration. In addition, time varying, radially localized (k . ρI < 1) flows with a semi-coherent structure peaked near 15 KHz and a very long poloidal wavelength, possibly m=0, are observed. These characteristics are very similar to theoretically predicted zonal flows that are self-generated by and in turn regulate the turbulence

    The Evolution of the Intracluster Medium Metallicity in Sunyaev-Zel'dovich-Selected Galaxy Clusters at 0 < z < 1.5

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    We present the results of an X-ray spectral analysis of 153 galaxy clusters observed with the Chandra, XMM-Newton, and Suzaku space telescopes. These clusters, which span 0 < z < 1.5, were drawn from a larger, mass-selected sample of galaxy clusters discovered in the 2500 square degree South Pole Telescope Sunyaev Zel'dovich (SPT-SZ) survey. With a total combined exposure time of 9.1 Ms, these data yield the strongest constraints to date on the evolution of the metal content of the intracluster medium (ICM). We find no evidence for strong evolution in the global (r<R500) ICM metallicity (dZ/dz = -0.06 +/- 0.04 Zsun), with a mean value at z=0.6 of = 0.23 +/- 0.01 Zsun and a scatter of 0.08 +/- 0.01 Zsun. These results imply that >60% of the metals in the ICM were already in place at z=1 (at 95% confidence), consistent with the picture of an early (z>1) enrichment. We find, in agreement with previous works, a significantly higher mean value for the metallicity in the centers of cool core clusters versus non-cool core clusters. We find weak evidence for evolution in the central metallicity of cool core clusters (dZ/dz = -0.21 +/- 0.11 Zsun), which is sufficient to account for this enhanced central metallicity over the past ~10 Gyr. We find no evidence for metallicity evolution outside of the core (dZ/dz = -0.03 +/- 0.06 Zsun), and no significant difference in the core-excised metallicity between cool core and non-cool core clusters. This suggests that strong radio-mode AGN feedback does not significantly alter the distribution of metals at r>0.15R500. Given the limitations of current-generation X-ray telescopes in constraining the ICM metallicity at z>1, significant improvements on this work will likely require next-generation X-ray missions.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables. Submitted to ApJ. Comments welcome