6,621 research outputs found


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    This paper will try to explain the “annuities puzzle” in greater depth by introducing the bequest motive, both strategic and altruistic. It will try to determine whether this motive really is a relevant feature influencing the demand for lifetime annuities by married couples. With this aim in mind, we develop an optimization model of the utility provided by purchasing a lifetime annuity with contingent survivor benefit or a joint survivor life annuity. This will enable us to calculate equivalent wealth in various contexts: the possibility of access to actuarially fair annuity markets, the inclusion of so-called market imperfections, and the assumption that couples already have part of their wealth in pre-existing lifetime annuities. Results are presented for a model specification calibrated to Spain.Capitalization, Pension Funds, Retirement, Utility.


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    There are two aims to this paper: firstly, to provide an objective technical assessment of the current situation of the contributory pension system in Spain and its prospects for the future, and secondly, to look at the issues surrounding the introduction of a system of notional defined contribution accounts. To this end we explain the basic elements upon which the current system is based and show its main indicators, then set out some of its fundamental problems. Following this we look at the most relevant research work, where forecasts can be found that will give us a clear idea of the system's financial sustainability. Finally we put forward an argument as to why a notional accounts system could be a valid alternative for reforming the current system, and suggest which formula or group of formulas would best fit the profile of contributor-beneficiary risk and what the transition process would beRetirement, Pay-as-you-go, Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Financial sustainability.


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    The main objective of this paper is to go deeper into the “annuity puzzle” by introducing the altruistic and strategic bequest motive and determining whether this really is a relevant factor affecting the theoretical decision to purchase life annuities. With this end in view we develop an optimization model based on that first put forward by Lejárraga et al. [2002], then add to it elements from other models such as Friedman and Warshawsky’s [1990] and Jousten’s [1998 & 2001] which include the bequest motive. We also analyse welfare by calculating the equivalent wealth in different contexts: the possibility of having access to an actuarially fair life annuity or programmed withdrawal market, the incorporation of so-called market imperfections, and the inclusion of the hypothesis that the individuals already have part of their wealth in pre-existing life annuities.Capitalization, Pension Funds, Phased Withdrawal, Retirement, Utility.

    Film, cultures and hopeful realism : new coexistence versus "racism in the distance"

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    La nueva tecnología propicia el acceso democrático a la comunicación de todos los individuos, pueblos y cultural al mismo tiempo que favorece que esa misma tecnología se desarrolle en manos de unos pocos, que pueden mediatizar la información. Esta paradoja se va salvando gracias a la fuerza cultural que nace de los pueblos y culturas marginadas, que en sus productos culturales y mediáticos expresan sus sentimientos y opiniones, transmitiendo al mundo la necesidad de los intercambios culturales y del diálogo entre las civilizaciones. En este interesante trabajo se hace una reflexión sobre la invisibilidad del emigrante desde la perspectiva multicultural, incidiendo en las representaciones mediáticas que ofrecen la comunicación de nuestros días.New Technologies enhances the democratic access to communication of individuals, peoples and cultures. However, it also favours the development of such technology in the hands of a few, who can mediate information. This paradox is somehow solved thanks to the cultural force of marginalised peoples and cultures, who express their feelings and opinions and transmit the need of cultural exchange and dialogue among civilizations to the world through their cultural and media products. This essay explores the immigrant’s invisibility from a multicultural perspective, with a stress on the media representations that communication offers nowadays

    Program Cinema and Health: An initiative of public health to promote the health of the adolescence

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    El Programa Cine y Salud es una herramienta para mejorar la calidad de la educación para la salud que realiza el profesorado de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO). El cine permite profundizar en el área emocional y de desarrollo de habilidades personales, y ayuda además a reflejar situaciones de la vida cotidiana de los jóvenes para facilitar su reflexión sobre las mismas. Cada curso, Cine y Salud llega actualmente hasta casi 50.000 adolescentes aragoneses.The Program Cinema and Health is a tool to improve the quality of the education for the health that makes the teaching staff of the Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO). The cinema allows getting into the emotional area and of development of personal abilities, and helps in addition to reflect situations of the daily life of the young people to facilitate its reflection on the same ones. Each course, Cinema and Health reach more at the moment than 50.000 aragonese adolescents

    Análisis y diseño de prácticas a desarrollarse en un túnel de viento enfocadas a arquitectura bioclimática

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    216 páginas. Maestría en Diseño.The fundamental goal of this work is to provide the type of tests, which characteristics and main conditions are defined to be, at the end, used as an investigation instrument that provides the exact level on projects and technological develops on bioclimatic architecture. On the advanced module there are specific applications of the experimental aerodynamic on the bioclimatic architecture, it is learned how geographic accidents and vegetation influence on the wind characteristics that surround the building. It is also learned how con the wind behavior be modeled by the elements integrating the edification such as cornices, roofs, canopies and tops. And finally there’s experimentation with a model-type case study for the optimization of ventilation.El fin fundamental de este trabajo es proporcionar el tipo de pruebas, cuyas características y condiciones principales estén definidas a fin de que éstas mismas, puedan ser utilizadas como un instrumento para la investigación, que proporcione el grado de exactitud aceptable en proyectos y desarrollos tecnológicos en arquitectura bioclimática. En el módulo avanzado se tienen aplicaciones específicas de la aerodinámica experimental en la arquitectura bioclimática, se aprende como influyen los accidentes geográficos y la vegetación circundante en las características del viento que bañan a la edificación. Se conoce como se puede modelar el comportamiento del viento mediante los elementos que integran a la envolvente de la edificación como cornisas, remates, doseles, tejados etc. Y finalmente se experimenta con un modelo tipo estudio de casos para optimizar su ventilación

    Desarrollo de un servidor web asíncrono con Arduino

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    El objeto de este TFG es la implantación de un servidor web síncrono sobre Arduino, el cual es capaz de controlar sensores y actuadores conectados a la plataforma Arduino. Se describen los distintos protocolos y estándares que han sido tenidos en cuenta a la hora de su realización. Se hace una descripción del hardware Arduino MEGA 2560 que soportan el servidor y los actuadores, también cabe destacar el Ethernet Shield 2 que permitirá las comunicaciones. Para terminar, se describe el funcionamiento de la aplicación servidor.Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de TelecomunicaciónUniversidad Politécnica de Cartagen