731 research outputs found

    Portulaca gr. oleracea L. no NE de Portugal

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    A taxonomia de Portulaca gr. oleracea é baseada nas dimensões e ornamentação das sementes (cf. A. DANIN, I. BAKER & H.J. BAKER, Israel J. Bot. 27: 177-211, 1978). Os distintos taxa desta grex – - tratados ao nível subespecífico na bibliografia taxonómica mais actual – são simpátricos embora se admita que a sua diferenciação tenha ocorrido em condições alopátricas (A. DANIN, In Castroviejo et al. Flora Iberica, vol. II: 465-469, 1990). Na recente revisão do género Portulaca para a Flora Iberica (A. DANIN, 1990, op. cit.) está citada uma única subspécie de P. oleracea em Trás-os- -Montes: P. oleracea L. subsp. granulatostellulata (Poellnitz) Dani

    Climate anxiety: trigger or threat for mental disorders?

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    Nurses’ mental health during the covid-19 outbreak: a cross-sectional study

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    Objective: To describe nurses’ mental health status during the Covid-19 outbreak and to explore the factors that might accentuate the negative consequences on their mental health. Methods: We conducted an online survey to evaluate demographic variables, working conditions, family dynamics, and mental health variables in nurses working in healthcare settings, in Portugal, during the Covid-19 outbreak. Results: Portuguese nurses presented higher depression, anxiety and stress levels, when compared to the Portuguese general population, during the outbreak. Overall, nurses who did not consider the quantity and quality of personal protective equipment as adequate presented significantly higher levels of depression, anxiety, and stress. Conclusions: Our results suggest that nurses’ mental health status seems to be particularly affected by the Covid-19 outbreak and that some modifiable elements might accentuate the impacts on their mental health.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Impact of COVID-19 outbreak on nurses’ mental health: a prospective cohort study

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    Objectives: To evaluate variations in nurses’ sleep quality and symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress during the COVID-19 outbreak, and to evaluate whether the presence of potential risk factors influenced these symptoms over time. Methods: This prospective cohort study surveyed nurses three times – surveying personal factors, working conditions, family dynamics, and attitude towards COVID-19 – between March 31 and May 4, 2020. Nurses’ mental health was assessed through Depression Anxiety Stress Scales – short version (DASS-21); their sleep quality was assessed through a 5-point Likert scale question. Results: Nurses' sleep quality and symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress presented a positive variation over the COVID-19 outbreak. The only factors which are directly related to the COVID-19 outbreak and that were associated with the positive variation in nurses’ symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress were the fear to infect others and the fear to be infected (higher fear of being infected or to infect someone corresponded to increased symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress). Conclusions: Although the COVID-19 outbreak seems to have had an immediate impact on nurses' mental health, a psychological adaptation phenomenon was also observed. Future research should focus on assessing nurses’ symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress, after the COVID-19 pandemic, in order to compare and contrast the findings with the results of our study.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Intervenções psicoterapêuticas de enfermagem NIC na prática clínica em Portugal: Um estudo descritivo

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    CONTEXTO: O Regulamento n.º 129/2011 refere que os enfermeiros especialistas em Enfermagem de Saúde Mental e Psiquiátrica (ESMP) têm a competência para prestar cuidados de âmbito psicoterapêutico. Porém, este não especifica que intervenções psicoterapêuticas podem ser executados pelos mesmos nem analisa a realidade, a nível nacional, neste domínio. OBJETIVO: Identificar a frequência da execução das intervenções psicoterapêuticas NIC na prática clínica, a relação percebida pelos enfermeiros entre a formação e os conhecimentos e competências necessários para a execução das mesmas, a forma habitual da sua execução, e os fatores percebidos pelos enfermeiros como facilitadores e dificultadores da execução das intervenções psicoterapêuticas NIC na prática clínica. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo transversal. Recorreu-se a uma amostragem não probabilística por redes para obter dados juntos de enfermeiros especialistas em ESMP. O número total de participantes foi de 83 enfermeiros. A colheita de dados decorreu entre maio e junho de 2014 e foi realizada por via de um questionário online. RESULTADOS: O aconselhamento foi apontado como a intervenção psicoterapêutica NIC mais realizada pelos enfermeiros na prática clínica, sendo também aquela relativamente à qual estes consideram ter tido mais formação e uma das que realizam de forma mais autónoma. A motivação individual é o fator apontado como principal facilitador para a execução de intervenções psicoterapêuticas na prática clínica. CONCLUSÕES: Tendo em vista o incremento da execução de intervenções psicoterapêuticas na prática clínica parece essencial um maior investimento na abordagem dessas intervenções ao nível formativo, bem como tomar medidas que permitam aumentar a motivação individual dos enfermeiros e garantam a existência de dotações seguras.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Improving analysis of meta-omics data with the MOSCA framework

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    Introduction: Meta-omics is an emergent field of research with many resources available in the form of databases and software. The information stored in databases is not always easily accessible, and software tools for meta-omics are often difficult to utilize. In this work, we present Meta-Omics Software for Community Analysis (MOSCA), a software framework that implements pipelines for the integrated analysis of metagenomics (MG), metatranscriptomics (MT) and metaproteomics (MP) data. This framework integrates tools allowing access to databases, handling of data and a complete workflow for meta-omics data analysis. Methodology and results: MOSCA was developed in Python 3, takes as input raw files obtained from Next-generation sequencing (in FastQ format), and from mass spectrometry (mass spectra in vendor or peak-picked formats), and integrates several tools for MG, MT and MP analysis. These tools are connected through their inputs/outputs by snakemake, in a fully automated workflow. MG analysis starts with preprocessing of sequencing reads, which automatically configures Trimmomatic to remove adapters and low-quality reads based on FastQC quality reports, and SortMeRNA for rRNA reads removal. Assembly can be performed with MetaSPAdes or Megahit and is followed by binning with MaxBin2 and CheckM for quality check. Genes are identified with FragGeneScan and are annotated with both UPIMAPI (homology-based annotation) and reCOGnizer (domain-based annotation), with reference to UniProt KB and eight databases included in the Conserved Domains Database, respectively. Bowtie2 is used to align reads to metagenomes. Protein identification and quantification can be performed with either SearchCLI coupled to PeptideShaker (performing peptide-to-spectrum matching and spectra count) or using MaxQuant (with quantification at the MS1 level). Differential gene expression analysis is performed with DESeq2, and heatmaps, volcano plots and PCA plots are generated. The expressed enzymes are plotted into hundreds of KEGG metabolic maps with the tool KEGGCharter, showing the metabolic functions that are differentially expressed and the taxonomic assignment. Tables, heatmaps and other representations obtained with MOSCA provide an interactive, accessible and comprehensive representation of the information obtained from MG, MT and MP analyses. Conclusions: MOSCA performs automatic analyses of MG, MT and MP datasets, integrating over 20 tools to obtain a comprehensive and easy to understand representation of microbial activity in different processes and conditions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Psychometric Properties of the Psychological Vulnerability Scale in Higher Education Students

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    BACKGROUND: Psychological vulnerability is related to cognitive beliefs that reflect dependence on one’s sense of self-worth and to maladaptive functioning. It is a disadvantage that renders people less protected to face negative life experiences. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to adapt and test the psychometric properties of the Psychological Vulnerability Scale in a sample of 267 Portuguese higher education students. DESIGN: A psychometric study of the Psychological Vulnerability Scale, after translation into Portuguese, was performed with a convenience sample of higher education students. Participants were asked to fill in the sociodemographic questionnaire, the Psychological Vulnerability Scale, the Brief Symptom Inventory, and a one-item question about the Perception of Vulnerability. RESULTS: The mean age of the participants was 20.5 years (SD = 3.3). A factor analysis confirmed the original onefactor structure, explaining 42.9% of the total variance. The Psychological Vulnerability Scale showed adequate internal consistency and excellent test–retest stability. Convergent validity was confirmed by positive correlations with the Brief Symptom Inventory and Perception of Vulnerability. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, the Psychological Vulnerability Scale showed good validity, reliability, and stability over time. The Psychological Vulnerability Scale is now ready to be used by practitioners and researchers to measure the psychological vulnerability among Portuguese higher education students. These data add to the body of knowledge of psychiatric and mental health nursing and provides support for the use of the Psychological Vulnerability Scale in higher education students.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    ‘Living together with dementia’ – Conceptual validation of training programme for family caregivers: Innovative practice

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    This article presents results from a conceptual validation of the programme ‘Living Together with Dementia’, through an e-Delphi study carried out during April/May, 2015 with 26 Portuguese and Spanish experts. The programme consists of seven individual weekly sessions and two group sessions over a seven-week period. It covers dementia, communication and behaviour; demands and expectations of the caregiver role; basic activities of daily living; coping and problem solving strategies; physical and mental health of the caregiver and community support. The programme methods mainly consist of discussion sessions, practical examples/simulations and skill training.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A scoping review

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    Structured intervention programs are an important resource for supporting people with substance addiction. Although evi dence suggests that they improve health outcomes, such as specifc symptoms, less is known about their impact on patients’ ability to self-manage the consequences of substance addiction. The aim of this review is to scope outpatient intervention programs focused on the self-management of substance addiction consequences. Approach. This review followed the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) methodology for scoping reviews. MEDLINE and CINAHL (through Ebsco), Psychology & Behav ioral Sciences Collection (including PsycINFO) and Web of Science were screened to identify articles published in the last 10 years. Only primary research was included. Out of 891 records, 19 were eligible for this review—12 randomized con trolled trials (RCT), 6 quasi-experimental study and 1 observational study. Those studies reported group interventions (10), individual interventions (8) and 1 mixed approach. The most common interventions were based on motivational strategies, relapse prevention and defnition of active plans for risky situations. 10 studies reported positive efects. The identifcation of structured programs may support the development of new approaches focused on empowerment and quality of life of people with substance addiction. Programs to empower patients for self-management of substance addiction consequences are often complex and rely on health professionals’ commitment. Nevertheless, they are a feasible approach that seems to beneft patients managing chronic conditions associated with substance addiction.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ideação Suicida   em Estudantes do Ensino Superior Politécnico: Influência de Algumas Variáveis Sociodemográficas, Académicas e Comportamentais

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    Resumo Introdução: Este artigo procede à divulgação de alguns resultados obtidos, a partir de um estudo mais alargado, desenvolvido no âmbito do doutoramento em Ciências de Enfermagem, e nele se pretende avaliar a prevalência da ideação suicida em estudantes do ensino superior politécnico e conhecer quais os fatores, eventualmente associados, com o intuito de definir o perfil de risco para a presença de elevada ideação suicida/risco suicida. Durante a frequência do ensino superior ocorrem múltiplas mudanças na vida dos estudantes, pois trata-se de um período marcado por um conjunto de transições desenvolvimentais e académicas que podem originar algumas crises situacionais e problemas de saúde mental, tornando estes estudantes potencialmente mais vulneráveis e com risco aumentado para os comportamentos suicidários. Os comportamentos suicidários constituem, atualmente, um problema de saúde pública, sendo o suicídio a segunda causa de morte na população jovem na maioria dos países europeus. Objetivos: Determinar a prevalência da ideação suicida nos estudantes do ensino superior politécnico e analisar a sua relação com algumas variáveis sociodemográficas, académicas e comportamentais. Métodos: Estudo quantitativo, descritivo e correlacional, realizado numa amostra do tipo não probabilístico intencional, constituída por 1074 estudantes de uma instituição de ensino superior da região centro de Portugal. A colheita de dados foi efetuada através de uma plataforma online e teve por base um questionário com questões relativas à caracterização sociodemográfica e académica dos estudantes e um Questionário de Ideação Suicida (QIS) de (Ferreira & Castela, 1999). Resultados: A idade dos estudantes da amostra oscila entre os 17 e os 49 ( = 23,9 anos ± 6,107 dp), a grande maioria (64.7%) é do sexo feminino. Os resultados mostram que a presença/gravidade de pensamentos suicidas é de ( = 13.84; ± 20.29 Dp) numa escala de 0 a 180 e ponto de corte > 41 para valores sugestivos de potencial risco suicida, com base no qual foram identificados 84 estudantes (7,8%). As variáveis que produziram significância estatística com a ideação/risco de suicídio nos estudantes foram: Sexo (feminino); Estado civil (solteiro); Coabitação em tempo de aulas (viver sozinho); Desempenho académico (reprovações); Comportamentos aditivos (consumo de drogas e psicofármacos). Conclusões: Embora a prevalência de ideação suicida nos estudantes não seja elevada, encontramos na nossa amostra 84 estudantes (7,8%) com potencial risco de suicídio. Não poderemos ficar indiferentes a esta problemática pelas suas repercussões individuais, familiares e sociais. Todas as instituições de ensino superior deveriam possuir gabinetes de apoio aos estudantes e desenvolver programas de promoção da saúde mental e prevenção do suicídio em meio académico.Abstract Introduction: This article aims to give away some of the results obtained from a larger study developed under a PhD in Nursing Sciences, whose main purpose was to assess suicidal ideation prevalence on higher education students, as well as any associated factors. While attending to higher education, multiple changes occur in the lives of young students. It is a period characterized by a set of developmental and academic changes that might lead to some crisis and mental health problems. These changes make higher education students particularly more exposed and vulnerable and more likely to present suicidal behaviours. Currently, suicidal behaviours constitute a public health issue, being suicide the second cause of death in the majority of the European countries. Objectives: To determine suicidal ideation prevalence on students of higher education and to assess its relation with some sociodemographic, academic and behavioural variables. Methods: Exploratory, quantitative and descriptive study, with a sample of 1074 students of a higher education institution in Portugal. The data collection was made through an online platform, which included a survey with questions related to the sociodemographic and academic profile of students and the Suicide Ideation Questionnaire - SIQ (Ferreira & Castela, 1999). Results: the sampled students' age oscillates between 17 and 49 years old ( = 23,9 anos ± 6,107 sd) and the majority are females (64.7%). The results obtained on SIQ show that the presence/gravity of suicidal thoughts is low ( = 13.84; ± 20.29 sd), on a scale from 0 to 180 and cut-off point > 41, however we found 84 students (7,8% of the whole sample) with suggestive values of potential suicidal risk. The variables that present statistical significance regarding suicidal ideation/suicide risk on students were: Gender (female); Marital status (single); Cohabitation during classes (living alone); Academic failure, Addictive behaviours (drugs and/or psychopharmacs abuse) Conclusions: Although the prevalence of suicidal ideation among our students sample was not high, we identified 84 students (7.8%) with potential suicide risk. Considering the individual, familiar, social and clinic repercussions of suicidal behaviours, we believe that every higher education institution must develop mental health promotion programs as well as suicide prevention in academic environments
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