376 research outputs found

    Participatory research and participation in research: a look between times and spaces from Latin America

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    "We acknowledge that participatory research existed in the past, and exists today within different traditions. We acknowledge the gestation of a “Latin American tradition” based on the pioneering experience of Orlando Fals Borda and Paulo Freire. This tradition of participatory research can only be understood in its origins and its currentness, referenced to the social and political contexts of the time when it was instituted in Latin America, between the 1970s and 1980s. It made much use of the European and North American traditions, but possesses specific characteristics, beginning with its historical connection to the popular social movements and their emancipatory social transformation projects. A few principles of convergence between different styles are presented and discussed." (author's abstract

    Fronteira da fé: alguns sistemas de sentido, crenças e religiões no Brasil de hoje

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    A educação popular antes e agora Lembranças de ontem, perguntas para agora

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    Este texto fue elaborado a cincuenta años de experiencias pioneras y eventos significativos en Educación Popular, celebrados en Brasil. El escrito moviliza la reflexión a través de una secuencia de diez memorias de aquella época y sus correspondientes preguntas desde la actualidad. En cada memoria, se recuerda una serie de ideas rectoras, fundamentos y prácticas propias de los “tiempos pioneros” del surgimiento de los movimientos de cultura popular; y a partir de allí se abre una correspondiente serie de preguntas, para repensar los desafíos de los tiempos actuales.Nuevas interacciones, integraciones y participaciones, nuevas transdisciplinariedades y transculturalidades... generan interrogantes y cuestionamientos, sugieren y tensionan alternativas y variantes para la continuidad y la renovación de las prácticas de Educación Popular.AbstractThis text was written fifty years from pioneering experiences and significant events in Popular Education, held in Brazil. The text fosters reflection through a sequence of ten memories of that time and their questions from the present. In each memory, a series of guiding principles, fundamentals and practices of the “pioneer days” the emergence of movements of popular culture; and from there, a corresponding series of open questions, to rethink the challenges of our times.New interactions, integration and participation, and new trans-disciplinaritys and transculturation... raise questions and questionings, and suggest alternatives and variants to continuity and renewal of practices regarding Popular Education

    Travessias do grande sertão

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    MANUELZÃO, a real person from the hinterlands of Minas Gerais who was later rendered a literary character by João Guimarães Rosa and, later still, became kind of an emblematic figure of Rosa's backcountry general mines, is here brought to life through his own words, in interviews made at his home and the environs of his world, the village of Andrequicé, and through the notes of his field diary. Other characters from the same region speak complementarily of their past and present life in the area.MANUELZÃO, uma pessoa real dos sertões de Minas Gerais, depois transformada em um personagem de João Guimarães Rosa e, depois ainda, em uma espécie de sujeito emblemático dos sertões roseanos das Minas Gerais, é trazido aqui por meio de sua própria fala, em entrevistas feitas em sua casa e em entornos de seu mundo, no povoado do Andrequicé, e por meio de anotações de meu caderno de campo. Outros personagens da mesma região falam sobre a vida passada e presente nela, de forma complementar.294

    Travessias do grande sertão

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    MANUELZÃO, uma pessoa real dos sertões de Minas Gerais, depois transformada em um personagem de João Guimarães Rosa e, depois ainda, em uma espécie de sujeito emblemático dos sertões roseanos "das Minas Gerais", é trazido aqui por meio de sua própria fala, em entrevistas feitas em sua casa e em entornos de seu mundo, no povoado do Andrequicé, e por meio de anotações de meu caderno de campo. Outros personagens da mesma região falam sobre a vida passada e presente nela, de forma complementar.MANUELZÃO, a real person from the hinterlands of Minas Gerais who was later rendered a literary character by João Guimarães Rosa and, later still, became kind of an emblematic figure of Rosa's backcountry "general mines", is here brought to life through his own words, in interviews made at his home and the environs of his world, the village of Andrequicé, and through the notes of his field diary. Other characters from the same region speak complementarily of their past and present life in the area