36 research outputs found

    Bird assemblages in wooded streets along three coastal cities in southeastern Buenos Aires Province, Argentina

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    Se analizaron los ensambles de aves mediante conteos en sitios con similar estructura del h谩bitat en tres ciudades costeras del sudeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires con diferente grado de desarrollo urbano, basado en el n煤mero de habitantes: Mar del Plata (500000 habitantes), Necochea (80000 habitantes) y Miramar (20000 habitantes). Los muestreos fueron realizados en transectas fijas de 100脳50 m sobre calles arboladas con casas unidas. De las variables medidas para cada transecta en las tres ciudades, el nivel de tr谩nsito (acompa帽ado por el n煤mero de personas) y la distancia m铆nima a 谩reas rurales fueron mayores en Mar del Plata, mientras que la cobertura de c茅sped fue mayor en Miramar. La riqueza total y la abundancia total de aves no variaron entre ciudades, mientras que la riqueza y abundancia de aves no asociadas a la presencia del hombre fueron mayores en Miramar. El 铆ndice de similitud entre ciudades fue mayor entre Miramar y Necochea, intermedio entre Necochea y Mar del Plata y menor entre Miramar y Mar del Plata. De las especies registradas en m谩s del 10% de los muestreos, <i>Columba livia</i> y <i>Zonotrichia capensis</i> tuvieron abundancias similares entre las ciudades, <i>Passer domesticus</i> y <i>Zenaida auriculata</i> fueron m谩s abundantes en Mar del Plata y Necochea, y <i>Furnarius rufus</i> y <i>Mimus saturninus</i> fueron m谩s abundantes en Miramar. Los resultados obtenidos indican que los ensambles analizados en las tres ciudades relevadas fueron influenciados por factores que act煤an a escala local y regional.We analyzed bird assemblages by counts in sites with similar habitat structure in cities with different degree of urban development based on number of inhabitants: Mar del Plata (500000 inhabitants), Necochea (80000 inhabitants), and Miramar (20000 inhabitants). Bird sampling was conducted on 100脳50 m strip-transects along afforested streets surrounded by united houses. Out of the variables measured in each transect at the three cities, traffic level (along with number of people) and minimum distance to rural areas were higher in Mar del Plata, whereas lawn cover was higher in Miramar. Total species richness and bird abundance per transect did not vary among cities, whereas richness and abundance of birds not associated with human presence were higher in Miramar. The similarity index was higher between Miramar and Necochea, intermediate between Necochea and Mar del Plata, and lower between Miramar and Mar del Plata. Out of those bird species recorded in more than 10% of samplings, Columba livia and Zonotrichia capensis had similar abundances among cities, <i>Passer domesticus</i> and <i>Zenaida auriculata</i> were more abundant in Mar del Plata and Necochea, and <i>Furnarius rufus and Mimus saturninus</i> were more abundant in Miramar. Our results show that the bird assemblages analyzed in these three cities were influenced by local and regional factors


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    Abstract聽鈭櫬燯rbanization is expanding continuously over rural and natural areas and it is imperative to analyze its effect on bird communities. Although the impact of urbanization on bird communities in the Neotropical region has been explored by several authors, there is a scarcity of comparative studies with standardized methodologies that allow establishing whether the effects of urbanization are similar in different ecoregions. We analyzed the urbanization impact on bird communities in three Neotropical cities. Cities were located in different biomes: La Paz (Bolivia) surrounded by a highland plateau and inter鈥怉ndean valleys; Mar del Plata (Argentina) surrounded by agroecosystems of the pampas; and Osorno (Chile), surrounded by agroecosystems, timber plantations, and remnants of temperate forests. In general, high levels of urbanization correlated negatively with bird richness in the three cities, but the response of bird richness to urbanization varied among cities, being linearly negative in La Paz and Osorno and declining only towards high levels of urbanization in Mar del Plata. The effect of urbanization was stronger in La Paz, where more bird species were absent toward higher urbanization levels. Bird abundance did not show significant responses to urbanization. Exotic bird abundance showed a positive relationship with urbanization in the three cities. Bird composition differed between cities and urbanization levels. The House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) was the most abundant species in more urbanized sites, the Eared Dove (Zenaida auriculata) in moderate levels of urbanization, whereas the Rufous鈥恈ollared Sparrow (Zonotrichia capensis) was most abundant in the less urbanized sites. The results of our study showed that the impact of urbanization on bird communities in the Neotropical region varied among cities, probably as a result of latitude and the structure of rural areas.Resumen聽鈭櫬燙omunidades de aves en gradientes de urbanizaci贸n: un an谩lisis comparativo entre tres ciudades Neotropicales La urbanizaci贸n se est谩 expandiendo continuamente en 谩reas rurales y naturales, y siendo imprescindible analizar su efecto sobre las comunidades de aves. Aunque el impacto de la urbanizaci贸n en el Neotr贸pico ha sido estudiado por varios autores, existe una escasez de estudios comparativos entre diferentes ecorregiones mediante el uso de metodolog铆as estandarizadas. Por lo tanto, analizamos el impacto de la urbanizaci贸n sobre comunidades de aves en tres ciudades Neotropicales. Las ciudades estuvieron localizadas en diferentes biomas: La Paz (Bolivia) rodeada por un altiplano y valles interandinos; Mar del Plata (Argentina) rodeada por agroecosistemas de las Pampas; y Osorno (Chile), rodeada por agroecosistemas, plantaciones de 谩rboles y remanentes de bosques nativos. En general, altos niveles de urbanizaci贸n se correlacionaron negativamente con la riqueza de aves en las tres ciudades. Sin embargo, la respuesta de la riqueza de aves a la urbanizaci贸n vari贸 entre ciudades, siendo negativamente lineal en La Paz y Osorno, para disminuir solo a partir de altos niveles de urbanizaci贸n en Mar del Plata. El impacto sobre la riqueza fue mayor en La Paz, donde m谩s especies de aves se perdieron hacia los niveles m谩s altos de urbanizaci贸n. Por otro lado, la abundancia de aves no se correlacion贸 con la urbanizaci贸n. La abundancia de especies ex贸ticas mostr贸 una relaci贸n positiva con la urbanizaci贸n en las tres ciudades. La composici贸n de aves cambi贸 entre niveles de urbanizaci贸n; el Gorri贸n com煤n (Passer domesticus) fue la especie m谩s abundante en los niveles m谩s altos de urbanizaci贸n, la Torcaza (Zenaida auriculata) en sitios de urbanizaci贸n moderada, mientras que el Chingolo (Zonotrichia capensis) fue la especie m谩s abundante en los niveles m谩s bajos de urbanizaci贸n. Los resultados de nuestro estudio mostraron que el impacto de la urbanizaci贸n sobre las comunidades de aves en la regi贸n Neotropical vari贸 entre ciudades, probablemente como resultado de la latitud y la estructura de las 谩reas rurales

    COVID-19 y adultos mayores: comparaci贸n espaciotemporal entre mortalidad y vacunaci贸n en la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las variaciones espaciotemporales de la mortalidad por COVID-19 en adultos mayores y de la vacunaci贸n contra la COVID-19 en esta poblaci贸n. Se utilizaron datos de defunciones por COVID-19 y de personas de 70 a m谩s a帽os inmunizadas con la primera dosis de vacunas contra esta enfermedad, en partidos de la provincia de Buenos Aires, desde el 29 de diciembre del 2020 al 30 de junio de 2021. Se emplearon t茅cnicas de escaneo espaciotemporal para detectar conglomerados. Los partidos del Gran Buenos Aires que tuvieron mayor vacunaci贸n con la primera dosis de la vacuna Sputnik V en poblaci贸n de 70 a m谩s a帽os, entre mediados de marzo y principios de abril de 2021, coincidieron mayormente en registrar una disminuci贸n de la mortalidad en esta poblaci贸n, entre finales de abril y finales de junio de 2021. Este estudio mostr贸 algunos indicios del impacto positivo de la aplicaci贸n de la primera dosis de la vacuna Sputnik V en el Gran Buenos Aires


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    The aim of this paper was to analyze the spatiotemporal variations of cases of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 in Argentina. A space-time permutation scan statistic was performed to test the non-randomness in the interaction between space and time in reported influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 cases. In 2009, two clusters were recorded in the east of Buenos Aires Province (May and June) and in the central and northern part of Argentina (July and August). Between 2011 and 2012, clusters near areas bordering other countries were registered. Within the clusters, in 2009, the high notification rates were first observed in the school-age population and then extended to the older population (15-59 years). From 2011 onwards, higher rates of reported cases of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 occurred in children under five years in center of the country. Two stages of transmission of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 can be characterized. The first stage had high rates of notification and a possible interaction with individuals from other countries in the major cities of Argentina (pattern of hierarchy), and the second stage had an increased interaction in some border areas without a clear pattern of hierarchy. These results suggest the need for greater coordination in the Southern Cone countries, in order to implement joint prevention and vaccination policies

    Scaling of mortality in 742 metropolitan areas of the Americas.

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    We explored how mortality scales with city population size using vital registration and population data from 742 cities in 10 Latin American countries and the United States. We found that more populated cities had lower mortality (sublinear scaling), driven by a sublinear pattern in U.S. cities, while Latin American cities had similar mortality across city sizes. Sexually transmitted infections and homicides showed higher rates in larger cities (superlinear scaling). Tuberculosis mortality behaved sublinearly in U.S. and Mexican cities and superlinearly in other Latin American cities. Other communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional deaths, and deaths due to noncommunicable diseases were generally sublinear in the United States and linear or superlinear in Latin America. Our findings reveal distinct patterns across the Americas, suggesting no universal relation between city size and mortality, pointing to the importance of understanding the processes that explain heterogeneity in scaling behavior or mortality to further advance urban health policies

    Revis茫o e atualiza莽茫o da lista das aves do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

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    Avian Community Response to Urbanization in the Pampean Region, Argentina

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