81 research outputs found

    A case of mosquito heavily parasitized by water Mite larvae

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    One female of Culex fatigans Wied., 1828, was collected in a light trap at CENA-ESA«LQ»-USP, Piracicaba, at about 500 meters off the Piracicaba River banks. This mosquito exhibited 15 partially engorged pionid larvae of water mites (Prostigmata, Hydrachnellae) of the genus Arrenurus, attached to the articular membranes of the abdominal segments; no mites were found on the thorax or coxae. The larva is drawn, dorsad and ventrad. Since species cannot be identified from larvae, no specific name is given

    Nota sobre ácaros (Acari) atacando fruteira-do-conde (Rollinia sp.)

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    The flowers of this orchard tree presents six fleshy petals, fused two by two, and disposed propeller like. In the center is a cavity which harbors the cone shaped reproductive organs. An eriophyid mite, described by H. H. Keifer as Aculops flechtmann Keifer, 1972, causes considerable bronzing to the petals (Fig. 1-A). Large numbers of this mite attacking the basis of the reproductive organs causes them to dry and drop. On the young fruits, which are squamous, this mite causes some rusting and small necrotic areas (Fig. 1-B). As the fruit grows these small areas remain dark and barky. Very often the necrotic areas are invaded by the false spider mite Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes, 1939), which enlarges the damage. The false spider mite also attacks leaves and green stems; the epidermis of the latter then assumes a barky appearance

    Ácaros fitófagos associados a plantas forrageiras

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    A mite survey on forage crops was carried out in some localities of the State of São Paulo. The following genera and species were identified: 1. Monocychus planki McGregor, 1950 (Tuttle & Baker 1966), on Glycine javanica, Stylosanthes gracilis, Desmodium intortum, Desmodium uncinatum, Teramnus uncinatus, Calopogonium mucunoides, and Dolichos lab-lab. 2. Oligonychus sp., on Pangola grass, Digitaria sp. 3. Schizotetranychus sp., on Paspalum notatum. 4. Tetranychus neocaledonicus André, 1933, on alfafa, Medicago sativa. 5. Steneotarsonemus hyaleos Beer, 1954 on Pangola grass, Digitoria sp.Foi feito um levantamento das espécies de ácaros fitófagos que atacam as plantas forrageiras no Estado de São Paulo. Foram encontrados os seguintes gêneros e espécies: 1. Monunychus planki McGregor, 1950 (Tuttle & Baker, 1966). Acarina, Tetranychidae, atacando Glycine javanica, Stylosanthes gracilis, Desmodium intortum, Desmodium uncinatum, Teramnus uncinatus, Calopogonium mucunoides e Dolichos lab-lab. 2. Oligonychus sp: Acarina, Tetranychidae, atacando capim Pangola, Digitaria sp. 3. Schizotetranycus sp.: Acarina, Tetranychidae, atacando grama batatais, Paspalum notatum. 4. Tetranychus neocaledonicus André, 1933: Acarina, Tetranychidae, atacando alfafa, Medicago sativa. 5. Steneotarsonemus hyaleos Beer, 1954: Acarina, Tarsonemidae, atacando capim Pangola, Digitaria sp

    On some insects and mites associated with dried and salted fish in Brazil

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    Two insect and two mite species are reported from dried and salted fish pirarucu", Arapaima gigas Cuvier) in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, namelyLiposcelis bostrychophilus Badonnel (Insecta, Psocidae) and the parasite of its eggs, Alaptus globosicornis Girault (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Mymaridae); and, Suidasia pontofica Oudemans (Acari, Astigmata, Saproglyphidae) and Blattisocius keegani Fox (Acari, Mesostigmata, Ascidae)

    A new species of Ameroseius (Acari: Mesostigmata, Ameroseiidae) from Brasil

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    A new species in the genus Ameroseius, viz. dendrovagans, is described and figured. It was collected in bark beetle (Scolytidae, Coleoptera) galleries in Pinus sp. in Minas Gerais, Brasil

    Eustigmaeus bryonemus, sp. n., a moss-feeding mite from Brasil (Acari, Prostigmata: Stigmaeidae)

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    Eustigmaeus bryonemus, sp. n., is described and figured. It was found in Campinas, SP, feeding on mosses. The karyotype, determined on embryonic tissue of squashed eggs, is 2n = 8 (n = 4)


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    TETRANYCHIDAEPublished as part of <i>Flechtmann, Carlos H. W. & Etienne, Jean, 2002, New records of plant mites (Acari, Acaridae, Tetranychidae) from Guadeloupe and Marie Galante with descriptions of five new eriophyid species, pp. 1-16 in Zootaxa 47</i> on page 2, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/155892">10.5281/zenodo.155892</a&gt

    Ectomerus triquetrus Flechtmann & Etienne

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    Ectomerus triquetrus Flechtmann & Etienne Ectomerus triquetrus Flechtmann & Etienne, 2002: 7. Specimens examined: females and males from Bucida buceras L. (Combretaceae), Petit Canal, Guadeloupe, 26 Aug. 2003. The mites were collected from finger galls measuring 1 mm in diameter and up to 3 mm in length, slightly wider apically. This species was described from Buchenavia capitata (Vahl.) Eichl., also a Combretaceae, in Les Abymes, Guadeloupe.Published as part of Flechtmann, Carlos H. W. & Etienne, Jean, 2005, On plant mites from Guadeloupe, with descriptions of four new species of Eriophyidae, pp. 55-68 in Zootaxa 1046 on page 63, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.16989