112 research outputs found

    Primer registro fotográfico de Tremarctos ornatus (Carnivora: Ursidae) y de Puma concolor (Carnivora: Felidae) en el Parque Nacional Natural Tamá, Norte de Santander, Colombia

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    The Andean bear (Tremarctos ornatus) and the puma (Puma concolor) are representative mammals of the Colombian Andean ecosystems. The bear is distributed in much of the Andes, from Venezuela and Colombia to Bolivia and Argentina, occupying various ecosystems from coastal deserts to moorsEl oso andino (Tremarctos ornatus) y el puma (Puma concolor) son mamíferos representativos de los ecosistemas andinos colombianos. El oso se  distribuye en gran parte de los Andes, desde Venezuela y Colombia hasta Bolivia y Argentina, ocupando variados ecosistemas desde desiertos costeros hasta páramo

    Reportes de felinos silvestres (Carnívora: Felidae) en el área urbana de Cúcuta, Nororiente de Colombia

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    Wild cats are vulnerable species to biodiversity loss engines. Of the 41 species in the world, seven are found in the country (17% of the species), which unfortunately share serious threats such as habitat loss and transformation, retaliatory hunting for attacks on domestic animals and fragmentation of their populations by roads and populated centers. Between 2012 and 2015, five cases of occurrences of wild cats in the urban area, corresponding to four species, were known. This information was obtained from local and regional journalistic notes.Los felinos silvestres son especies vulnerables a los motores de pérdida de biodiversidad. De las 41 especies existentes en el mundo, siete se encuentran en el país (17% de las especies), que desafortunadamente comparten serias amenazas como la pérdida y transformación del hábitat, la cacería retaliativa por ataques a animales domésticos y la fragmentación de sus poblaciones por carreteras y centros poblados. Entre 2012 y 2015 se conocieron cinco casos de apariciones de felinos silvestres en el área urbana, correspondiente a cuatro especies. Esta información se obtuvo de notas periodísticas locales y regionales

    Does native Trypanosoma cruzi calreticulin mediate growth inhibition of a mammary tumor during infection?

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    Indexación: Web of Science.Background: For several decades now an antagonism between Trypanosoma cruzi infection and tumor development has been detected. The molecular basis of this phenomenon remained basically unknown until our proposal that T. cruzi Calreticulin (TcCRT), an endoplasmic reticulum-resident chaperone, translocated-externalized by the parasite, may mediate at least an important part of this effect. Thus, recombinant TcCRT (rTcCRT) has important in vivo antiangiogenic and antitumor activities. However, the relevant question whether the in vivo antitumor effect of T. cruzi infection is indeed mediated by the native chaperone (nTcCRT), remains open. Herein, by using specific modified anti-rTcCRT antibodies (Abs), we have neutralized the antitumor activity of T. cruzi infection and extracts thereof, thus identifying nTcCRT as a valid mediator of this effect. Methods: Polyclonal anti-rTcCRT F(ab')(2) Ab fragments were used to reverse the capacity of rTcCRT to inhibit EAhy926 endothelial cell (EC) proliferation, as detected by BrdU uptake. Using these F(ab')(2) fragments, we also challenged the capacity of nTcCRT, during T. cruzi infection, to inhibit the growth of an aggressive mammary adenocarcinoma cell line (TA3-MTXR) in mice. Moreover, we determined the capacity of anti-rTcCRT Abs to reverse the antitumor effect of an epimastigote extract (EE). Finally, the effects of these treatments on tumor histology were evaluated. Results: The rTcCRT capacity to inhibit ECs proliferation was reversed by anti-rTcCRT F(ab')(2) Ab fragments, thus defining them as valid probes to interfere in vivo with this important TcCRT function. Consequently, during infection, these Ab fragments also reversed the in vivo experimental mammary tumor growth. Moreover, anti-rTcCRT Abs also neutralized the antitumor effect of an EE, again identifying the chaperone protein as an important mediator of this anti mammary tumor effect. Finally, as determined by conventional histological parameters, in infected animals and in those treated with EE, less invasive tumors were observed while, as expected, treatment with F(ab')(2) Ab fragments increased malignancy. Conclusion: We have identified translocated/externalized nTcCRT as responsible for at least an important part of the anti mammary tumor effect of the chaperone observed during experimental infections with T. cruzi.http://bmccancer.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12885-016-2764-

    Cadaveric and three-dimensional computed tomography study of the morphology of the scapula with reference to reversed shoulder prosthesis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Purpose</p> <p>The purpose of this study is to analyze the morphology of the scapula with reference to the glenoid component implantation in reversed shoulder prosthesis, in order to improve primary fixation of the component.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Seventy-three 3-dimensional computed tomography of the scapula and 108 scapular dry specimens were analyzed to determine the anterior and posterior length of the glenoid neck, the angle between the glenoid surface and the upper posterior column of the scapula and the angle between the major craneo-caudal glenoid axis and the base of the coracoid process and the upper posterior column.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The anterior and posterior length of glenoid neck was classified into two groups named "short-neck" and "long-neck" with significant differences between them. The angle between the glenoid surface and the upper posterior column of the scapula was also classified into two different types: type I (mean 50°–52°) and type II (mean 62,50°–64°), with significant differences between them (p < 0,001). The angle between the major craneo-caudal glenoid axis and the base of the coracoid process averaged 18,25° while the angle with the upper posterior column of the scapula averaged 8°.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Scapular morphological variability advices for individual adjustments of glenoid component implantation in reversed total shoulder prosthesis. Three-dimensional computed tomography of the scapula constitutes an important tool when planning reversed prostheses implantation.</p

    Microbiome variation in corals with distinct depth distribution ranges across a shallow-mesophotic gradient (15-85 m)

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    Mesophotic coral ecosystems (MCEs) are generally poorly studied, and our knowledge of lower MCEs (below 60 m depth) is largely limited to visual surveys. Here, we provide a first detailed assessment of the prokaryotic community associated with scleractinian corals over a depth gradient to the lower mesophotic realm (15-85 m). Specimens of three Caribbean coral species exhibiting differences in their depth distribution ranges (Agaricia grahamae, Madracis pharensis and Stephanocoenia intersepta) were collected with a manned submersible on the island of Cura double dagger ao, and their prokaryotic communities assessed using 16S rRNA gene sequencing analysis. Corals with narrower depth distribution ranges (depth-specialists) were associated with a stable prokaryotic community, whereas corals with a broader niche range (depth-generalists) revealed a higher variability in their prokaryotic community. The observed depth effects match previously described patterns in Symbiodinium depth zonation. This highlights the contribution of structured microbial communities over depth to the coral's ability to colonize a broader depth range.Austrian Science Fund (FWF); Catlin Group Limited; Global Change Institute; Eddie Bauer Grant for Expeditions by The Explorers Club; Marie Curie Fellowship [FP7-299320]; Lise Meitner Program of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) [M1363-B20]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Construyendo ambientes de paz: análisis de las dinámicas emergentes después de la firma del Acuerdo Final de Paz

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    El conflicto armado colombiano ha dejado y sigue dejando impla - cables hechos violentos que violan la dignidad de las personas y transgreden normas de carácter internacional y nacional como lo son, entre otras: la Convención Americana sobre Derechos Humanos y la Constitución Política. El artículo que a continuación se presenta quiere revisar cómo desde 1991 hasta la actualidad, se registraron patrones de violencia que constituyeron el trabajo forzoso en el marco del conflicto armado colombiano. En este trabajo se analiza el problema de la educación en una sociedad democrática. Esto quiere decir, una sociedad en la que el ejercicio de la crítica, la autonomía y la participación se organizan como elementos básicos de la convivencia y del respeto entre iguales. Por lo mismo, se asume que la educación en una sociedad democrática es un principio rector del desarrollo, la instrucción y la formación de todos los individuos, grupos y clases sociales. Este contexto histórico y cultural está organizado a partir de las características propias de la sociedad capitalista. En Colombia, recientemente se han adoptado normas de rango especial, donde se reafirma el carácter fundamental del derecho al territorio, así como un conjunto de medidas de atención, protección y reparación integral y restitución de derechos territoriales, cuando estas han sido víctimas del conflicto armado. El texto reflexiona sobre las dimensiones normativas y prácticas de estos mecanismos especiales, a partir del análisis de los fallos judiciales emblemáticos proferidos por la jurisdicción especializada de tierras, dando cuenta de los retos y desafíos respecto del reconocimiento de derechos, incorporando metodologías de análisis del discurso, y la hermenéutica jurídica. En el presente documento se abordan inicialmente los elementos sustanciales del feminicidio, para posteriormente explicar los compromisos supranacionales asumidos por el Estado colombiano con anterioridad a la implementación de la Ley 1761 de 2015, y de esta manera plantear cuál ha sido la sustantividad del feminicidio en el marco del conflicto armado colombiano, con su doble connotación de fenómeno social y de delito autónomo e independiente. A través de la presente investigación de enfoque exploratorio y relacional, y de naturaleza socio jurídica, se confrontó la realidad social, política, económica, con los factores existenciales del conocimiento del objeto: Los Acuerdos de Paz en Colombia. De esta manera, se parte del análisis de los propósitos de la Constitución Política, al defender el fortalecimiento de la unidad de la nación bajo la óptica de la Carta de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU), para finalmente establecer la coherencia de los acuerdos de paz en aras de alcanzar el desarrollo humano sostenible. Se aplicó el método analítico, buscando segmentar el problema para generar un nuevo conocimiento. Específicamente, se analizó la implementación de los acuerdos de paz frente al cumplimiento de los fines esenciales del Estado colombiano, desde la mirada de la cooperación Internacional. Los resultados arrojados muestran que, una vez iniciado el Fast Track, desde el 1 de diciembre del 2016 hasta el 1 de octubre del 2017, después de la firma de los Acuerdo de Paz, el balance de este ha sido deficiente. Los índices de violencia han aumentado un 100% en zonas como la Costa Pacífica y el municipio de Cartagena del Chairá, debido a la permanencia en estos territorios de las disidencias de las FARC y grupos armados como el ELN. El caso Fazenda Brasil Verde Vs Brasil, constituye un hito que fija estándares internacionales orientados a la protección y reparación integral frente a la explotación laboral. Este parámetro es muy importante para dar cumplimiento a las metas del Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), especialmente el referido al trabajo decente y el crecimiento económico, el cual, en un escenario de posconflicto, necesariamente debe contextualizarse con el objetivo de la paz. Este artículo como avance de investigación pretende analizar cómo la lucha contra la explotación laboral debe ser una estrategia clave para la construcción de una paz estable y duradera. Colombia se ha debatido entre el uso de una justicia ordinaria y una justicia transicional para confrontar el fenómeno de la violencia. Finalmente se decidió por la última opción, es decir la justicia transicional, la que es integrada a estas realidades para, con su favor, evitar la impunidad y hacer posible una justicia material, sobre todo en relación con las víctimas. En este proyecto la pedagogía de la paz tiene un papel destacado, sobre todo porque, desde este campo cultural, se buscará mayor legitimidad social frente a los acuerdos y su implementación. En resumen, la pedagogía de la paz será, en este escenario, la vía para transitar el camino de la reconciliación nacional. Las nuevas exigencias que emergen en Colombia conllevan a diseñar y restablecer nuevas relaciones entre los ciudadanos, que han estado fracturadas por un largo periodo de conflicto armado, y que nos invitan a pensar en la compleja relación que existe entre el Estado y la educación moral, desde la universidad, para la construcción de una noción de ciudadanía que genere en la comunidad valores como la tolerancia, el respeto, y el diálogo para la solución de los problemas. Esta nueva exigencia ha develado una fuerte crisis en el marco de la educación moral desde la universidad. Por este motivo, el presente trabajo de investigación tiene como propósito principal determinar cuáles son los elementos teóricos, desde, É. Durkheim, H. Arendt y Martha C. Nussbaum, que nos permitan pensar cómo se manifiesta la crisis de la educación moral desde la universidad en Colombia y cuáles son los retos que enfrenta en la actualidad

    Prevalence of Same-Sex Sexual Behavior and Associated Characteristics among Low-Income Urban Males in Peru

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    Peru has a concentrated HIV epidemic in which men who have sex with men are particularly vulnerable. We describe the lifetime prevalence of same-sex sexual contact and associated risk behaviors of men in Peru's general population, regardless of their sexual identity.A probability sample of males from low-income households in three Peruvian cities completed an epidemiologic survey addressing their sexual risk behavior, including sex with other men. Serum was tested for HSV-2, HIV, and syphilis. Urine was tested for chlamydia and gonorrhea. A total of 2,271 18-30 year old men and women were contacted, of whom 1,645 (72.4%) agreed to participate in the study. Among the sexually experienced men surveyed, 15.2% (85/558, 95% CI: 12.2%-18.2%) reported a history of sex with other men. Men ever reporting sex with men (MESM) had a lower educational level, had greater numbers of sex partners, and were more likely to engage in risk behaviors including unprotected sex with casual partners, paying for or providing compensated sex, and using illegal drugs. MESM were also more likely to have had previous STI symptoms or a prior STI diagnosis, and had a greater prevalence of HSV-2 seropositivity.Many low-income Peruvian men have engaged in same-sex sexual contact and maintain greater behavioral and biological risk factors for HIV/STI transmission than non-MESM. Improved surveillance strategies for HIV and STIs among MESM are necessary to better understand the epidemiology of HIV in Latin America and to prevent its further spread

    Single-reaction multi-antigen serological test for comprehensive evaluation of SARS-CoV-2 patients by flow cytometry

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    Here, we describe a new, simple, highly multiplexed serological test that generates a more complete picture of seroconversion than single antigen-based assays. Flow cytometry is used to detect multiple Ig isotypes binding to four SARS-CoV-2 antigens: the Spike glycoprotein, its RBD fragment (the main target for neutralizing antibodies), the nucleocapsid protein, and the main cysteine-like protease in a single reaction. Until now, most diagnostic serological tests measured antibodies to only one antigen and in some laboratory-confirmed patients no SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies could be detected. Our data reveal that while most patients respond against all the viral antigens tested, others show a marked bias to make antibodies against either proteins exposed on the viral particle or those released after cellular infection. With this assay, it was possible to discriminate between patients and healthy controls with 100% confidence. Analysing the response of multiple Ig isotypes to the four antigens in combination may also help to establish a correlation with the severity degree of disease. A more detailed description of the immune responses of different patients to SARS-CoV-2 virus might provide insight into the wide array of clinical presentations of COVID-19.This work was supported by: Spanish National Research Council (CSIC-202020E079, CSIC-COVID19-028); Madrid Regional Government “IMMUNOTHERCAN” [S2017/BMD-3733-2 (MVG)]; Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation [(MCIU/AEI/FEDER, EU, RTI2018-093569-B-I00 (MVG), SAF2017-82940-R (JMRF), SAF2017-83265-R (HTR); SAF2017-82886-R (FSM)]; Health Institute Carlos III (ISCIII) [RETICS Program RD16/0012/0006; RIER (EMGC); PI19/00549 (AA)]; “La Caixa Bank Foundation” (HR17-00016), Fondo Supera COVID (CRUE-Banco de Santander), both to FSM.Peer reviewe

    Bead-assisted SARS-CoV-2 multi-antigen serological test allows effective identification of patients

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    Many new aspects of COVID-19 disease, including different clinical manifestations, have been identified during the pandemic. The wide array of symptoms and variation in disease severity after SARS-CoV-2 infection might be related to heterogeneity in the immune responses of different patients. Here we describe a new method for a simple multi-antigen serological test that generates a full picture of seroconversion in a single reaction. The assay is based on the detection by flow cytometry of multiple immunoglobulin classes (isotypes) specific for four SARS-CoV-2 antigens: the Spike glycoprotein (one of the highly immunogenic proteins), its RBD fragment (the major target for neutralising antibodies), the nucleocapsid protein and the main cysteine-like protease. Until now, most diagnostic serological tests measured antibodies to only one antigen and some patients seemed to not make any antibody response. Our data reveal that while most patients respond against all the viral antigens tested, others show a marked bias to make antibodies against either proteins exposed on the viral particle or those released after cellular infection. Combining all the four antigens and using machine learning techniques, it was possible to clearly discriminate between patients and healthy controls with 100% confidence. Further, combination of antigens and different immunoglobulin isotypes in this multi-antigen assay improved the classification of patients with mild and severe disease. Introduction of this method will facilitate massive screenings of patients to evaluate their immune response. It could also support vaccination campaigns both to select non-immune individuals and to distinguish infected patients from vaccine responders.This work was supported by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC, project numbers 202020E079 and CSIC-COVID19-028) and grants from Madrid Regional Government “IMMUNOTHERCAN” [S2017/BMD-3733-2 (MVG)]; the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation [(MCIU/AEI/FEDER, EU): RTI2018-093569-B-I00 (MVG), SAF2017-82940-R (JMRF), SAF2017-83265-R (HTR); SAF2017-82886-R (FSM)]; Health Institute Carlos III (ISCIII) [RETICS Program RD16/0012/0006; RIER (JMRF); PI19/00549 (AA)]. The study was also funded by “La Caixa Banking Foundation” (HR17-00016 to FSM) and Fondo Supera COVID (CRUE-Banco de Santander) to FSM.N