3,064 research outputs found

    Políticas para relaciones contractuales en las cadenas de biocombustibles: construyendo puentes entre instituciones

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    El objetivo principal de este ensayo reflexivo es analizar los problemas contractuales existentes en lascadenas de biocombustibles en América Latina y el mundo. Se utiliza la estructura organizacional comouna unidad de análisis del tema institucional y se asume como algo endógeno, es decir, como algo sobreel cual los agentes influyen para validar sus intereses y estrategias. Las evidencias encontradas permitenplantear algunas directrices de política que pueden contribuir a mejorar las relaciones contractuales enlas cadenas de biocombustibles

    Floristic survey of ferns and lycophytes from the Municipal Park Rudolfo Arno Goldhardt, Panambi, Rio Grande do Sul.

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    Foi realizado um inventário florístico acerca das samambaias e licófitas ocorrentes no Parque Municipal Rudolfo Arno Goldhardt (PMRAG), localizado na zona urbana do município de Panambi, RS, Brasil. Entre março de 2017 e março de 2018, foram realizadas coletas mensais para registro das espécies e análise da forma de vida e forma de crescimento, juntamente com o substrato de ocorrência. Foram registradas 32 espécies, distribuídas em 20 gêneros e dez famílias, sendo Selaginella muscosa Spring a única representante entre as licófitas. Polypodiaceae (9 spp.), Pteridaceae (7 spp.) juntamente com os gêneros Campyloneurum (3 spp.) e Blechnum (3 spp) apresentaram as maiores riquezas. Caracteristicamente, predominam na área de estudo as espécies hemicriptófitas, com crescimento rosulado e que preferencialmente ocorrem no substrato terrícola. O PMRAG reúne cerca de 30% do total de espécies de samambaias e licófitas associadas aos ambientes florestais da região, o que reforça o papel dos parques urbanos para a manutenção da biodiversidade destes grupos.A floristic survey of ferns and lycophytes was carried out in the Municipal Park Rudolfo Arno Goldhardt (PMRAG), located in the urban area of the municipality of Panambi, RS, Brazil. Monthly field trips between march 2017 and march 2018 were made for species registration and analysis of the life and growth forms, together with the substrate of occurrence. Thirty-two species were recorded, distributed in 20 genera and ten families, with Selaginella muscosa Spring being the only representative among the lycophytes. Polypodiaceae (9 spp.), Pteridaceae (7 spp.) together with the genera Campyloneurum (3 spp.) and Blechnum (3 spp.) presented the highest richness. Characteristically, the hemicryptophyte species, which have a rosulate growth and preferentially occur in the terrestrial substrate predominate in the study area. PMRAG accounts for about 30% of the total fern and lycophyte species associated with the regional forest environments, which reinforces the role of urban parks in maintaining the biodiversity of these groups

    Impact of Natural Blind Spot Location on Perimetry.

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    We study the spatial distribution of natural blind spot location (NBSL) and its impact on perimetry. Pattern deviation (PD) values of 11,449 reliable visual fields (VFs) that are defined as clinically unaffected based on summary indices were extracted from 11,449 glaucoma patients. We modeled NBSL distribution using a two-dimensional non-linear regression approach and correlated NBSL with spherical equivalent (SE). Additionally, we compared PD values of groups with longer and shorter distances than median, and larger and smaller angles than median between NBSL and fixation. Mean and standard deviation of horizontal and vertical NBSL were 14.33° ± 1.37° and -2.06° ± 1.27°, respectively. SE decreased with increasing NBSL (correlation: r = -0.14, p \u3c 0.001). For NBSL distances longer than median distance (14.32°), average PD values decreased in the upper central (average difference for significant points (ADSP): -0.18 dB) and increased in the lower nasal VF region (ADSP: 0.14 dB). For angles in the direction of upper hemifield relative to the median angle (-8.13°), PD values decreased in lower nasal (ADSP: -0.11 dB) and increased in upper temporal VF areas (ADSP: 0.19 dB). In conclusion, we demonstrate that NBSL has a systematic effect on the spatial distribution of VF sensitivity


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    Lançando olhos ao desastre ambiental ocorrido em novembro de 2015 no distrito de Bento Rodrigues/MG, o artigo se propõe a debater o licenciamento ambiental das empresas de atividade mineradora, especialmente no que tange ao controle social e participação popular no processo de outorga da licença para exploração mineral. Para tanto, será feita uma análise do licenciamento da SAMARCO, pontuando a participação popular em tal procedimento, perpassando pelas dificuldades no encontro da documentação, em especial devido à grande publicidade do caso e aos possíveis erros que tentaram ser abafados pelas autoridades. Ao final, são sugeridas medidas que podem dar efetividade àparticipação popular nos processos de licenciamento ambiental

    Adam Smith, Brasil e a América Latina – uma visão institucional?

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    Adam Smith’s books discuss several matters related to the perceptions of economic process in XVIIIth century. In special, Smith wrote about his overview concerning lifestyle and economics in numerous regions around the world, including Brazil. The main objective of this article is discuss his perception, proposing that Smith’s articles considered the weight of the deterministic aspects in its structure which influenced economic development, even in Brazil and Latin America. It is important to note that the institutionalism interpretation in Smith´s books was not considered by afterward classical authors.A obra de Adam Smith aborda a percepção do autor sobre funcionamento da economia inglesa durante o século XVIII, assim como a percepção que o mesmo possuía em relação a diversas regiões do mundo, inclusive o Brasil. Neste artigo procura-se resgatar esta percepção, argumentando-se que a obra de Smith, nesse particular, indica a importância de fatores pré-determinados em sua conformação que determinariam o desenvolvimento do Brasil e da América Latina. Em especial, é possível notar que há uma interpretação institucionalista salientada na obra, negligenciada por autores clássicos posteriores.&nbsp

    Intraocular pressure profile during the modified diurnal tension curve using Goldman applanation tonometry and dynamic contour tonometry

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    The aim of this study was to compare the intraocular pressure (IOP) profile during the modified diurnal tension curve (mDTC) using Goldman applanation tonometry (GAT) and dynamic contour tonometry (DCT) in treated glaucomatous eyes. Eligible subjects were submitted to the mDTC using GAT and DCT in this sequence. IOP measurements were performed at 8 a.m., 10 a.m., 2 p.m., and 4 p.m.. Central corneal thickness was measured using ultrasound pachymetry in the morning. Statistical analysis was performed using paired Student’s t test and Bland–Altman plot. The mean difference between DCT and GAT measurements was 0.9 mmHg. The mean ± SD IOP measurements during the mDTC were 19.68 ± 4.68, 17.63 ± 4.44, 17.25 ± 5.41, and 17.32 ± 4.25 mmHg using GAT and 19.97 ± 4.75, 18.79 ± 4.61, 19.53 ± 5.30, and 19.43 ± 5.45 mmHg using DCT. IOP measurements were higher in the morning (8 a.m.) and decreased throughout the day using both tonometers. The difference between IOP measurements using GAT and DCT was smaller in the morning and increased throughout the day. The IOP variability using GAT was higher than using DCT. Corneal biomechanical properties might help explain our findings

    Uma caracterização das transformações econômicas e sociais na agroindústria canavieira da Argentina, Brasil e México

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    The paper analyzes the socioeconomic changes in the development of the sugar cane industries in three Latin America countries, viz. Argentina, Brazil and Mexico, after the second part of the 19th century. It focuses on the role played by institutions in shaping the production models prevalent in the sugar cane industries of those countries

    Uma caracterização das transformações econômicas e sociais na agroindústria canavieira da Argentina, Brasil e México

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    The paper analyzes the socioeconomic changes in the development of the sugar cane industries in three Latin America countries, viz. Argentina, Brazil and Mexico, after the second part of the 19th century. It focuses on the role played by institutions in shaping the production models prevalent in the sugar cane industries of those countries.Key words: institutions, sugar cane industry, state regulation.O artigo objetivou analisar as transformações econômicas e sociais que acompanharam o desenvolvimento, a partir principalmente da segunda metade do século XIX, da agroindústria canavieira na Argentina, Brasil e México, dedicando especial atenção ao papel das instituições na soldagem dos modelos produtivos predominantes nas agroindústrias canavieiras desses países.Palavras-chave: instituições, agroindústria canavieira, regulação estatal

    Síndrome HELLP com descolamento placentário e óbito fetal: relato de caso

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    The HELLP syndrome – defined as haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and thrombocytopenia – consists of an advanced stage of preeclampsia (PE), which can affect 0.6% of pregnancies and 4-12% of patients with severe PE. Being responsible for elevated maternal and perinatal mortality rates, it can present with general malaise, epigastralgia, right hypochondrium pain, nausea and vomits, headache, scotomas, associated with hypertension and proteinuria. Woman, 19 years old, primigest, admitted with 29 weeks of gestational age presenting with arterial hypertension (160/120 mmHg), headache, scotomas, nausea and vomits. She showed regular health status, pallid, closed, anterior and soft cervix, with no fluid losses, and inaudible fetal heart rate on the sonar. She was stabilized with intravenous hydration and antihypertensive drugs, the ultrasonography showed placental abruption and fetal death. An uneventfully caesarean operation was performed under general anaesthesia. Due to the low haemoglobin, haematocrit and platelet levels, she received blood transfusion, progressing with clinical and laboratory improvement. The pressure control was met by the use of methyldopa, nifedipine and pindolol, and she was discharged with a good health status at the 10th day of hospitalization, with scheduled return for reassessment.   Keywords: HELLP syndrome, severe preeclampsia, fetal death, placental abruption. A síndrome HELLP – definida por hemólise, enzimas hepáticas elevadas e plaquetopenia – consiste em estágio avançado de pré-eclâmpsia (PE), podendo afetar 0,6% das gestações e 4-12% das pacientes com PE grave. Responsável por elevados índices de mortalidade materna e perinatal, pode se apresentar com mal estar geral, epigastralgia, dor em hipocôndrio direito, náuseas ou vômitos, cefaleia, escotomas, assoaciado a quadro hipertensivo e proteinúria. Mulher de 19 anos, primigesta, admitida com 29 semanas de idade gestacional com quadro de hipertensão arterial (160/120 mmHg), cefaleia, escotomas, náuseas e vômitos. Apresentava regular estado geral, hipocorada, colo uterino fechado, anterior, amolecido e sem perdas e batimento cardiofetal inaudível ao sonar. Estabilizada com hidratação venosa e anti-hipertensivos, foi realizada ultrassonografia que evidenciou descolamento prematuro de placenta e óbito fetal. Realizada cesariana sob anestesia geral sem intercorrências. Devido a baixos níveis de hemoglobina, hematócrito e plaquetas, foi hemotransfundida, apresentando melhora clínica e laboratorial. O controle pressórico foi atingido com uso de metildopa, nifedipina e pindolol, recebendo alta em bom estado geral no 10º dia de internação hospitalar com programação de retorno para reavaliação. Palavras-chave: Síndrome HELLP, Pré-eclâmpsia grave, óbito fetal, descolamento placentário