305 research outputs found

    A Delta Once More: Restoring Riparian and Wetland Habitat in the Colorado River Delta

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    Outlines the delta's history and current political context, documents recent findings about the delta's partial recovery, and makes recommendations for maintaining existing flows to further benefit and sustain the remnant wetland ecosystems

    The internationalization of family business: a conceptual proposal

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    Internationalization means, for most firms, one of the main challenges that organizations must face in order to assure their survival in a global and complex environment. When looking at the family firms, this challenge presents another added aspect to be taken into account. As for any firm, entering in international markets means facing uncertain environments that require a certain restructuration (manufacturing process, new distribution channels, new financial sources, etc.). Besides, the family firms do not want to loose the control that the family exerts on the firm. Therefore, family firms must deal with two opposite forces: one force that favours their need to grow and enter in new markets, and other that seeks the stability and the development of low-risk projects in their traditional market. It is necessary to seek the underpinnings of the internationalization of these firms. Are they different from the rest of firms? What made them achieve their actual status? Can the existing theoretical models explain the internationalization process of these firms? How can we adapt these models to the family firms’ reality? In this work, we expose some of these questions and we propose a global model oriented to the understanding of the international strategy selection within the family firms. This model is aimed at orienting the internationalization phenomenon for those researchers interested in the international business and in the family firms, but also to the owners worried about their international expansion and the promotion agencies and consulting firms, public and private, related to the internationalization

    Análisis del efecto de la reestructuración en las empresas españolas durante el quinquenio 90-94

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    ln this work, the authors try to analyze how one of the ways that a firm can use for improving its competitiviness, 'reestructuring", can lead to a different result on the firm depending on the interval of time taken into account. So,decisión like capacity reduction can be an adecúate step in the short term, but hardly in a long time. With this aim, it is presented a model which represents productivity components, analyzing them for those firmsthat have been able to stay among the larger ones during a considerable period of time.Dans ce travail, les auteurs essaient d'analyser comment un des chemins employés par les organisations, peut avoir un effet différent sur l'entreprise, selon le déla! de temps que l'on considere. Ainsi, les décisions de réduction de la capacité peuvent étre une mesure valide a court terme, mais elles peuvent difficilement peuvent constituer une vote adéquate á long terme. Dans ce but, nous présentons un modéle qui répresente les composants de la productivité, et nous l'analysons dans le cas des entreprises qui ont été capadles de se maintenir parmi les plus grandes d'Espagne pendan! une période de temps considerable

    El ajuste entre la renovación estratégica y generacional en las empresas familiares

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    En el año 2000, los quince países que formaban la Unión Europea, entendieron la necesidad de impulsar los procesos de innovación para responder a los crecientes cambios experimentados en el nuevo escenario económico mundial. Sin embargo, cuando ha transcurrido la mitad de período fijado para alcanzar el objetivo planteado para el año 2010, los indicadores disponibles no son muy optimistas. Esta deficiente posición de la Unión Europea se debe, en parte, a determinadas deficiencias estructurales de los tejidos productivos, dominados por pequeñas y medianas empresas familiares con un escaso nivel de vinculación con las nuevas bases tecnológicas y poco propensas a la innovación. El presente trabajo analiza los procesos dinámicos que caracterizan a este tipo de empresas, identificando obstáculos y retos a los que han de enfrentarse para incrementar su competitividad y su supervivencia a largo plazo. Se defiende la necesidad de acompasar los procesos de renovación estratégica y de renovación generacional de las empresas familiares.In 2000, the fifteen countries that constituted the European Union, felt the need to improve innovation processes in order to be prepared to increasing changes experienced in the new global economic scenario. Nevertheless, when five years have passed, and when we are in the middle of the period established to accomplish the 2010 objectives, most indicators make difficult to be optimistic. The poor position of European Union derives from several problems of the economic sistems, dominated by small and medium sized family firms with a low level of technological base and low orientation to innovation. The present paper analyze the dynamic processes of these type of companies,identifying constraints and challenges that family business have to deals with in order to improve their competitiveness and long-range survival. In the next sections, we underline the importance of find a good fit between starategic renewal processes and succession processes in family firms

    El Circuito de Educación Precaria en México: una imagen del 2010

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    ResumenSe presentan los resultados encontrados a partir de una propuesta de sistematización de diversos indicadores que permiten hacer visibles las condiciones en las que operan las Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES) en México, lo cual nos permite dibujar un panorama nacional. Enmarcamos este panorama de la educación superior bajo el concepto de Circuito de Educación Precaria.Intentamos hacer evidente la doble lógica del crecimiento en la oferta de educación superior sin calidad: por un lado, el sector público ofrece educación como parte de una lógica de intercambio político demagógico, y por el otro, el privado ha incrementado su oferta educativa como negocio.AbstractThrough the systematization of various indicators, we reveal the conditions under which higher education institutions in Mexico operate, while creating an overall picture of the quality of these institutions on a national scale. In framing the country's higher education landscape, we employ the concept of Circuit of Precarious Education.We seek to reveal the double logic behind the current model of higher education growth without quality: on the one hand, the public sector provides education as part of a logic of demagogic political exchange; on the other, the private sector has increased its educational offerings in search of new sources of business revenue

    Integrating Disciplines with PBL at the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon (UANL)

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    Problem-based learning is one of the most useful resources in education with the potential to effect real world change. The evident benefits of PBL in the face of the challenges that Latin America presently encounters have led many institutions to consider the adoption of PBL curricula. However, PBL implementation has its own set of difficulties. “I liked to work in a multidisciplinary team because our skills were complemented. Sometimes, it was difficult to understand our different ways of working, because we were focused on different things”, said one of the students of our institution. This paper describes how different academic programs from the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon (UANL) in Mexico, were integrated in a Learning Unit (LU) using the Problem Based Learning (PBL) methodology. First, we present some PBL definitions to delineate its main characteristics, like the students facing real problems. Afterwards, we describe the PBL implementation process at our university, its precedents, the administrative process, and the adaptation into an existing LU. Additionally, we describe how we adapted the PBL methodology to the Sustainable Ecological Environments course while also integrating the United Nations’ (UN) Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11, dedicated to cities and sustainable communities. Finally, we mention some findings from the Sustainable Ecological Environments LU. Most notably, the students favour working in multidisciplinary teams and the amount of student investment was higher than in traditionally taught courses. Nevertheless, multidisciplinary work means a constructive challenge for teachers, because it involves a closer monitoring of the student's learning process and a different time distribution than traditional courses, with a higher time investment during planning stages

    A component library to improve the reusability in the development of converged services

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    The evolution of communications networks to Next Generation Networks (NGN) has encouraged the development of new services. Nowadays, several technologies are being integrated into telecommunications services in order to provide new functionalities, resulting in what are known as converged services. The objective is to adapt the behavior of the services to the necessities of different users, generating customized services. Some of the main technologies involved in their development are those related to the Web. But due to this type of services implies the combination of different technologies, their development is a very complex process that has to be improved to reduce the time and cost required, with the aim of promoting the success of such services. This paper proposes to apply software reuse through the utilization of a component library and presents one focused on ECharts for SIP Servlets (E4SS). It is a framework, based on the SIP Servlet specification, which uses finite state machines for the definition of converged communications services. Also, to promote the use of the library, a methodology is proposed in order to facilitate the integration between the library operations and the software development cycle

    La Investigación en Empresa Familiar en la Última Década. Una Revisión Bibliométrica

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    This paper presents a bibliometric analysis of in family firms research, focusing on aspects that prior literature review studies did not fully understand or evaluate. It is based on the bibliometric evaluation of 3.368 scientific articles published from 2010 to 2020 in family firms (FF) as the title of the subject, keywords, and abstract. The authors discuss the results from the perspective of performance indicators and co-authorship visualization, giving a holistic bibliometric overview of the research topic. The field has attracted researchers and has led to the development of a wide body of literature. This study provides a synthesis and organization of existing knowledge on FF research.Este artículo intenta ofrecer una mejor comprensión de la literatura existente sobre investigación en empresas familiares, ampliando aspectos que estudios previos de revisión de la literatura no han comprendido o evaluado completamente. Proporciona una perspectiva actualizada y holística basada en la compilación, organización y sistematización de 3.368 artículos de investigación de empresas familiares publicados entre 2011 y 2020. Al realizar un análisis bibliométrico descriptivo, el estudio revela patrones en revistas, artículos y autores que ayudarán a la futura investigación en este ámbito