8 research outputs found

    Sistema de alerta temprana de inundaciones para el r铆o Arauca basado en t茅cnicas de inteligencia artificial

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    En este art铆culo se establece el dise帽o de un sistema de alertas tempranas de inundaci贸n en el r铆o Arauca, municipio de Arauca, Colombia. La informaci贸n del estudio se extrae del IDEAM y es procesada obteniendo un modelo a trav茅s de las variables intervinientes, como: precipitaci贸n, nivel y caudal. Este modelo de informaci贸n suministra la data al modelo matem谩tico para el cauce del r铆o, que se obtiene a partir de tres clases de tendencias: lineal, potencia y relaciones potenciales. El modelo del cauce se compara con un observador basado en t茅cnicas inteligentes, redes neuronales y ANFIS en este caso, que al hacer la diferencia de sus salidas genera un residuo encargado de suministrar la informaci贸n que proporciona el estado actual de nivel del r铆o bajo estudio. Esta informaci贸n permite generar las alertas que son atendidas por las entidades del gobierno dedicadas a la gesti贸n del riesgo


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    El presente trabajo consiste en el desarrollo de un modulo rob贸tico para el seguimiento del punto m谩ximo de potencia en un sistema solar fotovoltaico, que a su vez 聽es controlado y supervisado por v铆a Ethernet. B谩sicamente el sistema rob贸tico se orienta autom谩ticamente hacia donde halla mayor cantidad de radiaci贸n solar la cual es la que me permite obtener la mayor potencia en determinado instante de tiempo. El software utilizado para 茅l la supervisi贸n y control del sistema es LabVIEW 2011

    Monitoring of meteorological variables through a wireless data acquisition system

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    1 recurso en l铆nea (p谩ginas 333-341).En este art铆culo se presenta el desarrollo de un sistema para el monitoreo inal谩mbrico de variables clim谩ticas. El dise帽o se realiz贸 a partir de microcontroladores de Microchip, los cuales realizan la adquisici贸n, almacenamiento y transmisi贸n inal谩mbrica de las se帽ales digitales. Igualmente, el microcontrolador emplea un reloj en tiempo real para saber la fecha y hora de adquisici贸n de las muestras. El hardware tambi茅n cuenta con cinco canales para la conexi贸n de sensores y una memoria Micro SD para almacenamiento de informaci贸n, junto con un m贸dulo Wi-Fi para la supervisi贸n inal谩mbrica de las variables. La informaci贸n se sube a un servidor que aloja la p谩gina web, dise帽ada para visualizar los datos desde cualquier ordenador con conexi贸n a internet. Adicionalmente, se desarroll贸 una aplicaci贸n Android que permite visualizar los datos desde dispositivos m贸viles con ese sistema operativo. El rendimiento del sistema fue satisfactorio, luego de comparar los datos adquiridos con los de una estaci贸n meteorol贸gica comercial, que sirvi贸 de patr贸n. Se concluye que los microcontroladores contin煤an siendo dispositivos adecuados para implementar sistemas de adquisici贸n de datos, que al ser combinados con aplicativos desarrollados a la medida, brindan soluciones competitivas y a un costo razonable.In this article we present the development of a system for the wireless monitoring of climatic variables. The design was made from microchip microcontrollers, which perform the acquisition, storage and wireless transmission of digital signals. Likewise, the microcontroller uses a clock in real time to know the date and time of acquisition of the samples. The hardware also has five channels for connecting sensors and a Micro SD memory for storage of data, along with a Wi-Fi module for wireless monitoring of variables. The information is uploaded to a server that hosts the web page, designed to view the data from any computer with an internet connection. Additionally, an Android application was developed that allows data to be viewed from mobile devices with that operating system. The performance of the system was satisfactory, after comparing the data acquired with those of two commercial meteorological stations, which served as a pattern. It is concluded that microcontrollers continue to be adequate devices to implement data acquisition systems, which when combined with customized applications, provide competitive solutions at a reasonable cost.Bibliograf铆a y webgraf铆a: p谩ginas 339-341

    Monitoreo de variables meteorol贸gicas a trav茅s de un sistema inal谩mbrico de adquisici贸n de datos

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    In this article we present the development of a system for the wireless monitoring of climatic variables. The design was made from microchip microcontrollers, which perform the acquisition, storage and wireless transmission of digital signals. Likewise, the microcontroller uses a clock in real time to know the date and time of acquisition of the samples. The hardware also has five channels for connecting sensors and a Micro SD memory for storage of data, along with a Wi-Fi module for wireless monitoring of variables. The information is uploaded to a server that hosts the web page, designed to view the data from any computer with an internet connection. Additionally, an Android application was developed that allows data to be viewed from mobile devices with that operating system.聽 The performance of the system was satisfactory, after comparing the data acquired with those of two commercial meteorological stations, which served as a pattern. It is concluded that microcontrollers continue to be adequate devices to implement data acquisition systems, which when combined with customized applications, provide competitive solutions at a reasonable cost.En este art铆culo se presenta el desarrollo de un sistema para el monitoreo inal谩mbrico de variables clim谩ticas. El dise帽o se realiz贸 a partir de microcontroladores de Microchip, los cuales realizan la adquisici贸n, almacenamiento y transmisi贸n inal谩mbrica de las se帽ales digitales. Igualmente, el microcontrolador emplea un reloj en tiempo real para saber la fecha y hora de adquisici贸n de las muestras. El hardware tambi茅n cuenta con cinco canales para la conexi贸n de sensores y una聽 memoria Micro SD para almacenamiento de informaci贸n, junto con un m贸dulo Wi-Fi para la supervisi贸n inal谩mbrica de las variables. La informaci贸n se sube a un servidor que aloja la p谩gina web, dise帽ada para visualizar los datos desde cualquier ordenador con conexi贸n a internet. Adicionalmente, se desarroll贸 una aplicaci贸n Android que permite visualizar los datos desde dispositivos m贸viles con ese sistema operativo. El rendimiento del sistema fue satisfactorio, luego de comparar los datos adquiridos con los de una estaci贸n meteorol贸gica comercial, que sirvi贸 de patr贸n. Se concluye que los microcontroladores contin煤an siendo dispositivos adecuados para implementar sistemas de adquisici贸n de datos, que al ser combinados con aplicativos desarrollados a la medida, brindan soluciones competitivas y a un costo razonable

    Optimization of anaerobic digestion through automatic control with neural networks: a bibliometric analysis

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    The present work was carried out with the objective of presenting the current importance of work related to the optimization of anaerobic digesters using artificial neural networks. A scientometric methodological approach was used for a systematic review of the publications indexed in Scopus until 2023. The H index was used to evaluate the visibility and impact of the journals, authors, countries, and institutions with the highest levels of production and recognition in the field of study. This review also allowed us to analyze the interaction between groups and knowledge networks with the authors and institutions identified in the classification. The results show a significant increase in the number of publications between the years 1973 and 2023, which allow us to characterize on a scale the main dimensions of research, development and innovation related to the study of optimization methods of anaerobic biodigesters for the production of biogas from different waste such as that from the palm oil extraction process. The results show a significant increase in the number of publications between 2016 and 2023, a total of 2847 documents were found, where 95.64% are in English. The country that presents the most publications on the topic is China with a contribution of 19.28%, followed by the United States with 9.8%, India with 7.2% and Spain with 6.2% among others

    Optimizaci贸n de la digesti贸n anaerobia mediante control autom谩tico con redes neuronales: un an谩lisis bibliom茅trico

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    The present work was carried out with the objective of presenting the current importance of work related to the optimization of anaerobic digesters using artificial neural networks. A scientometric methodological approach was used for a systematic review of the publications indexed in Scopus until 2023. The H index was used to evaluate the visibility and impact of the journals, authors, countries, and institutions with the highest levels of production and recognition in the field of study. This review also allowed us to analyze the interaction between groups and knowledge networks with the authors and institutions identified in the classification. The results show a significant increase in the number of publications between the years 1973 and 2023, which allow us to characterize on a scale the main dimensions of research, development and innovation related to the study of optimization methods of anaerobic biodigesters for the production of biogas from different waste such as that from the palm oil extraction process. The results show a significant increase in the number of publications between 2016 and 2023, a total of 2847 documents were found, where 95.64% are in English. The country that presents the most publications on the topic is China with a contribution of 19.28%, followed by the United States with 9.8%, India with 7.2% and Spain with 6.2% among others.El presente trabajo se realiz贸 con el objetivo de presentar la importancia actual de los trabajos relacionados con la optimizaci贸n de digestores anaerobios utilizando redes neuronales artificiales. Se utiliz贸 un enfoque metodol贸gico cienciom茅trico para una revisi贸n sistem谩tica de las publicaciones indexadas en Scopus hasta 2023. Se utiliz贸 el 铆ndice H para evaluar la visibilidad e impacto de las revistas, autores, pa铆ses e instituciones con mayores niveles de producci贸n y reconocimiento en el campo de estudio. Esta revisi贸n tambi茅n permiti贸 analizar la interacci贸n entre grupos y redes de conocimiento con los autores e instituciones identificados en la clasificaci贸n. Los resultados muestran un incremento significativo en el n煤mero de publicaciones entre los a帽os 1973 y 2023, que nos permiten caracterizar a escala las principales dimensiones de la investigaci贸n, desarrollo e innovaci贸n relacionadas con el estudio de m茅todos de optimizaci贸n de biodigestores anaerobios para la producci贸n de biog谩s a partir de diferentes residuos como el procedente del proceso de extracci贸n del aceite de palma. Los resultados muestran un aumento significativo en el n煤mero de publicaciones entre 2016 y 2023, se han encontrado un total de 2847 documentos, donde el 95,64% est谩n en ingl茅s. El pa铆s que m谩s publicaciones presenta sobre el tema es China con una contribuci贸n del 19,28%, seguido de Estados Unidos con un 9,8%, India con un 7,2% y Espa帽a con un 6,2% entre otros

    Rationale, design, and baseline characteristics in Evaluation of LIXisenatide in Acute Coronary Syndrome, a long-term cardiovascular end point trial of lixisenatide versus placebo

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    BACKGROUND: Cardiovascular (CV) disease is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Furthermore, patients with T2DM and acute coronary syndrome (ACS) have a particularly high risk of CV events. The glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonist, lixisenatide, improves glycemia, but its effects on CV events have not been thoroughly evaluated. METHODS: ELIXA (www.clinicaltrials.gov no. NCT01147250) is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, multicenter study of lixisenatide in patients with T2DM and a recent ACS event. The primary aim is to evaluate the effects of lixisenatide on CV morbidity and mortality in a population at high CV risk. The primary efficacy end point is a composite of time to CV death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke, or hospitalization for unstable angina. Data are systematically collected for safety outcomes, including hypoglycemia, pancreatitis, and malignancy. RESULTS: Enrollment began in July 2010 and ended in August 2013; 6,068 patients from 49 countries were randomized. Of these, 69% are men and 75% are white; at baseline, the mean 卤 SD age was 60.3 卤 9.7 years, body mass index was 30.2 卤 5.7 kg/m(2), and duration of T2DM was 9.3 卤 8.2 years. The qualifying ACS was a myocardial infarction in 83% and unstable angina in 17%. The study will continue until the positive adjudication of the protocol-specified number of primary CV events. CONCLUSION: ELIXA will be the first trial to report the safety and efficacy of a glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonist in people with T2DM and high CV event risk