949 research outputs found

    Omics approaches in fish quality and safety

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    Os procedimentos ômicos são uma nova tecnologia que utiliza a genômica, proteômica e metabolômica para avaliar metabólitos dos alimentos. A demanda mundial de pescado tem aumentado progressivamente devido à elevada qualidade de proteínas, minerais e ácidos graxos poli-insaturados, especialmente ômega-3. Todavia, a cadeia produtiva aquícola apresenta limitações como falta de padronização, ausência de conhecimento e transferência de tecnologia para as indústrias. Além disso, torna-se difícil garantir um monitoramento efetivo do pescado em decorrência das limitações dos parâmetros de qualidade atuais e dos métodos analíticos estabelecidos pela legislação nacional. O presente trabalho analisa os fatores limitantes relacionados aos parâmetros químicos, bem como os avanços recentes nos procedimentos analíticos, para determinação da qualidade do pescado. Levando-se em consideração a melhoria no controle de qualidade dessa matriz, os parâmetros de bases voláteis totais (BVT), trimetilamina (TMA), amônia, pH e aminas biogênicas deveriam ser revisados e estabelecidos por categorias de pescado e/ou por tipo de produto à base de pescado. Em contrapartida, parâmetros relacionados à concentração de carbonilas, ácidos graxos livres (AGLs), índice de peróxidos (IP) e malonaldeído (MDA) poderiam ser inseridos na legislação nacional. Simultaneamente, as autoridades oficiais devem levar em consideração metodologias analíticas que apresentem efetividade, praticidade, baixo custo e rapidez, facilitando e aprimorando o controle de qualidade de produtos de pescado e garantindo a saúde dos consumidores. Além disso, técnicas analíticas  para identificação das espécies de peixes devem ser incluídas na legislação brasileira visando evitar substituições ilegais e impactos negativos aos consumidores.Omics is a new technology that uses genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics to investigate metabolites from foods. The global demand for fish has shown a progressive increase because it is a significant source of high quality protein, polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially omega-3, and essential minerals. However, there are barriers in the fishery production chain such as lack of standardization, knowledge, and technology transfer to industry. Moreover, fish effective monitoring is difficult due to restricted quality parameters and analytical methods determined by current Brazilian legislation. This review details the limiting chemical parameters and recent advances in analytical procedures for fish quality determination. To improve fish quality monitoring, total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N), trimethylamine (TMA), ammonia, pH, and biogenic amines values should be revised and established by fish category and/or type of fish product. On the other hand, protein carbonyl concentration, free fatty acids (FFAs), peroxide values (POV), and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) should be included in the national legislation. Simultaneously, the official authorities should take into account effective, practical, and low cost analytical methodologies, which lead to faster results in order to facilitate and enhance the quality control of the products from the fish production chain, ensuring the consumer’s health. Moreover, analytical techniques for the identification of fish species must be introduced in the Brazilian legislation in order to avoid illegal substitutions and negative impacts to consumers

    Storage stability of L-citrulline in cucumber (Cucumis sativus) and watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) juices / Estabilidade em armazenamento de L-citrulina em sucos de pepino (Cucumis sativus) e melancia (Citrullus lanatus)

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    Since foods rich in L-citrulline are important for vascular health, it is important to determine the amount of this compounds in foods present in the human diet. Therefore, the present study evaluated storage stability of L-citrulline in cucumber rind and pulp juices and to compare them with watermelon rind and pulp juices. The L-citrulline stability was evaluated for 12 days at refrigerated condition (4 ºC). Since L-arginine is an amino acid involved in L-citrulline metabolism, L-arginine content was also evaluated. On the initial day, L-citrulline content in cucumber rind and pulp was lower when compared to watermelon rind and pulp juices, respectively. A significative reduction in L-citrulline content in cucumber rind and pulp and watermelon pulp juices was observed in day 6 and day 12 when compared to the first day. However, L-citrulline content was stable for 12 days in watermelon rind juice. A significative reduction in L-arginine content was also observed in cucumber pulp and watermelon pulp juices, but not in cucumber rind and watermelon rind juices in day 6 and day 12 when compared to the first day. The results suggested that L-citrulline in cucumber rind and pulp and watermelon pulp juices were unstable at refrigerated conditions for 12 days.    

    Determinación de residuos de antibióticos veterinarios en productos de origen animal mediante cromatografía líquida

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    TITLE: Determination of veterinary antibiotic residues in foods of animal origin by liquid chromatographyIntroduction: The presence of certain infectious agents makes necessary the use of antibiotics to ensure the welfare of animals destined for human consumption; however, the withdrawal time must be considered and respected since there is the possibility of finding residues above the permitted levels, which could constitute a risk to public health. Objective: Present a collection of information based on how is performed the detection and quantification of antibiotic residues in various products of animal origin using chromatography methods. Method: Review of databases in Elsevier, SciELO, Springer, Hindawi, FAO, EFSA, Senasa and Sanipes, using keywords such as “liquid chromatography”, “mass spectrometry”, “antibiotic residues” and “products of animal origin” in Spanish and English. Results: They were selected 71 references among articles, book chapters, norms and regulations published between 2000 and 2017, which it is emphasized that chromatographic methodologies for antibiotic residues monitoring must be sensitive, reproducible, reliable and identify volumes in mg/kg; likewise, they must follow the requirements of international standards for the maximum residue limits detecction. Conclusions: Liquid chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometer is the most used technique to allow the separation of complex matrices based on the molecular weight of the compound (antibiotic) or its fragments; however, It is complex, expensive and requires highly trained personnel.Introducción: La presencia de ciertos agentes infecciosos hace necesario el uso de antibióticos para asegurar el bienestar de los animales destinados a consumo humano; sin embargo, hay que considerar y respetar el tiempo de retiro ya que existe la posibilidad de encontrar residuos por encima de los niveles permitidos, hecho que podría constituir un riesgo para la salud pública. Objetivo: Presentar una recopilación de información basada en cómo se realiza la detección y cuantificación de residuos de antibióticos en diversos productos de origen animal mediante métodos cromatográficos. Método: Revisión de bases de datos en Elsevier, SciELO, Springer, Hindawi, FAO, EFSA, Senasa y Sanipes, utilizando palabras clave como “cromatografía líquida”, “espectrometría de masas”, “residuos de antibióticos” y “productos de origen animal” en idioma español e inglés. Resultados: Se seleccionaron 71 referencias entre artículos, capítulos de libros, normas y reglamentos publicados entre el 2000 al 2017, de las cuales se destaca que las metodologías cromatográficas para el monitoreo de residuos de antibióticos deben ser sensibles, reproducibles, confiables e identificar volúmenes en mg/kg; asimismo, deben cumplir con las exigencias de las normas internacionales para la detección de límites máximos de residuos. Conclusiones: La cromatografía líquida acoplada a espectrómetro de masas es la técnica más utilizada ya permite la separación de matrices complejas en base del peso molecular del compuesto (antibiótico) o sus fragmentos; sin embargo, es compleja, costosa y requiere personal altamente entrenado


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    The aim of this study was to evaluate lactose hydrolysis between two different initial temperatures of enzymatic and fermentation action to improve the fermentation period by checking the components formed and hydrolysis levels of lactose by HPLC. pH and titratable acidity analysis between treatments - higher initial temperature (HIT), 42 ?C, and lower initial temperature (LIT), 30 ?C - were different (P0,05), respectively. Glucose and galactose remained buoyant during the fermentation period, which indicates its production and consumption at the same time by the lactic acid bacteria involved. The lactic acid concentration in LIT was higher (P<0.05) (18.64±0.62 mg.mL-1) than in HIT (17.56±0.53 mg.mL-1) although citric and acetic acids content decreased throughout the process. In conclusion, the lactase enzyme contributed to reduce the lactose content without affecting the fermentation process. In addition, both treatments obtained lower values of lactose, which is sufficient for the consumption by those who have lactose malabsorption. Keywords: ?-galactosidase; fermented milk; functional food; HPLC

    Feasibility of utilising ricotta cheese whey in chocolate ice cream / Viabilidade de utilização do soro de queijo ricota em sorvete de chocolate

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of the application of Ricotta Cheese Whey (RCW) in ice creams by assessing the impact of this addition on different quality factors. Five samples of chocolate ice cream were developed with a difference between the formulations only regarding the proportion of RCW (25, 50, 75, and 100% (w/w)) in the ice cream mix. The sample developed only with whole milk (WM) was also analysed. The ice creams were subjected to several proximate composition, physico-chemical properties, microbiological quality, and sensory analysis. The results showed that the increase in the level of RCW caused a decrease in the nutrient content and that their application in ice cream significantly reduced the fat content. A small change in the texture and instrumental colour of the ice cream, which indicated more hardness and greater colour intensity, did not negatively affect the sensory tests. In addition, the experimental ice creams showed greater resistance to melting (no desorption signals) when incorporating RCW in the ice cream. In the acceptance test, samples developed with RCW obtained averages 7.06 (out of max. 9.00) for general taste and most consumers said they would buy the products. The importance of consuming low-fat products and preserving the environment is not a recent concern, and the use of RCW in ice cream proved to be a suitable alternative with a positive contribution to the economy, industry, consumers, and the environment.

    Detection of sorbate potassium in Brazilian commercial fermented milks

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    This study aimed to determine the sorbic acid and its salts presence in fermented milk marketed in Brazil, as well as to quantify it when the sample was positive. Twenty-six commercial samples were analyzed (n = 3), totaling 78 samples. The samples were divided into two groups:  natural (5 samples) and with non-dairy ingredients (21 samples). A total of 61.53% were positive for the sorbic acid and its salts. In these, 3.85% were natural fermented milk, which is fraud, according to Codex Alimentarius and Brazilian legislation. In addition, all samples were outside the Brazilian legislation (0.3 g.kg-1) but not for Codex Alimentarius (1.0 g.kg-1). It can be concluded that the sorbic acid and its salts were detected in fermented milk both natural and with non-dairy ingredients

    Evaluation of total polyphenols content and antioxidant capacity of different commercial cocoa (theobroma cacao) powders) / Avaliação do teor de polifenóis totais e capacidade antioxidante de diferentes pós comerciais de cacau (theobroma cacao)

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    Polyphenols from cocoa have been demonstrated to reduce blood pressure and improve endothelial function in hypertensive individuals. However, polyphenols content in commercial cocoa products may be lost during fermentation, alkalinization, and/or roasting process, impairing its bioactivity. Therefore, the current study sought to investigate whether total polyphenols content and antioxidant capacity are preserved among commercial cocoa powders. Four best-selling 100% cocoa powder products in Brazil (Garoto®, Nestle®, Mãe Terra®, and Hershey®) and one alkalinized 100% cocoa powder product (Hershey®) were examined. The total polyphenols content was determined by using the Folin-Ciocalteu’s phenol reagent and antioxidant capacity by using 22,2’-azino-bis (3- ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) (ABTS) method. No significant difference in total polyphenols and antioxidant capacity among the brand of natural powder products (Garoto®, Nestle®, Mãe Terra®, and Hershey®) was observed. However, Alkalinized cocoa powder (Hershey®) exhibited significantly lower total polyphenols content and antioxidant capacity compared to other brands of natural cocoa powder products. The current study showed that total polyphenols content and antioxidant capacity are consistent between natural cocoa powder products. However, total polyphenols content and antioxidant capacity of cocoa are reduced during the alkalinization process.  

    Mucormycosis in the COVID-19 Environment: A Multifaceted Complication

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    The second wave of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused severe infections with high mortality. An increase in the cases of COVID-19-associated mucormycosis (CAM) was reported predominantly in India. Commonly present in immunocompromised individuals, mucormycosis is often a life-threatening condition. Confounding factors and molecular mechanisms associated with CAM are still not well understood, and there is a need for careful research in this direction. In this review, a brief account of the diagnosis, management, and advancement in drug discovery for mucormycosis has been provided. Here, we summarize major factors that dictate the occurrence of mucormycosis in COVID-19 patients through the analysis of published literature and case reports. Major predisposing factors to mucormycosis appear to be uncontrolled diabetes, steroid therapy, and certain cancers. At the molecular level, increased levels of iron in COVID-19 might contribute to mucormycosis. We have also discussed the potential role and regulation of iron metabolism in COVID-19 patients in establishing fungal growth. Other factors including diabetes prevalence and fungal spore burden in India as contributing factors have also been discussed

    Physicochemical and protein profile of goat whey powder

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    ABSTRACT: The cheese after processing, generates whey, which is a residue that has potential benefit to human health. However, there are still few studies that seek to evaluate the composition and potential benefits of goat milk whey, even though it is a promising dairy source. Despite this, the large-scale generation of this waste can favor the environmental impact when improperly disposed of. Given this, the use of all content of dairy production can reverse this impact and increase the income of the dairy industry. Thus, this research prepared a powdered product based on goat’s milk whey from the spray drying technique and evaluate its physicochemical composition by chemical analytical methods and protein profile through polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The elaborated product had a higher carbohydrate content than protein, and the identification of protein fractions showed that the most expressive bands represented beta-lactoglobulin and alpha-lactoalbumin. Therefore, the elaborated product has the potential to generate novel products for human consumption and with potential health benefits